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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"I guess I'd be a rare case, then, considering I used to steal," Eric said, looking away. "Before I got arrested, and my father found me."

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"You stole too?" said Alf, "I guess I'm safe telling you then that I used to steal as well. I never wanted to though."

I guess I'm not fully the exception. Damn these drugs making me talk like a fool.

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"I think... I don't know. I remember hitting something soft in my sleep a few nights ago and assumed it was one of you guys. Now that I think about it, it might have been her; but that would make her awefully spiteful. Like, making Rekia look like a saint in comparison."

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Evil Dani and Evil Amari (C what I did this time?)

Nyx kept her eyes on Svetlana's tail. It was sharp enough to pierce stone so the only way to avoid being severely injured would be to counter with her own weapon. The archer slowly approached hoping to grab Nyx's reins and move her away from the angry wyvern. Just as he came to her side, her left wing fanned out and knocked him away! the rest of her body didn't move an inch during the mean push! She lowered her head slightly aiming her spiraling black horn at the wyvern, and immediately started scraping the ground!

Myrmidon: Idiot.

Archer: If Nyx and that wyvern get into it. Who's going to get punished? Us!

Myrmidon: Let the two animals sort it out. They'll just maul us if we get in the way.

Daneka: Oh! Monsieur Levski you say? Oh how is he doing?

Perhaps she had an alternate destination. If I were a little princess with a lost Kingdom, I would look for assistance in restoring said kingdom. As for who would help a princess against Septimus. I'm not certain.

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"Well, stealing is wrong." Charlotte said, biting her lip. "But I guess if you have to...I don't know." she said, shrugging.

"As idiotic as ever." Xenia narrowed her eyes. "Acting as if watching over Ivanko's whelp is an actual mercenary job."

Xenia put her hand on her chin. "Well, last time I saw the group they were in Halton. Maybe she went to get help from the emperor? That would take her in the complete opposite direction of Levski's group."

Svetlana saw Nyx about to charge. She brought her tail down, attempting to rake the creature's flank.

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"I always thought it was wrong, but if you gotta do it ta survive, you gonna have to," sadi Alf.

"It's really complicated and I don' think I can get into it right now. I'm not hungry by the way, I don't think I can eat right now anyway. Took too much of that spiritleaf. Had to take a bit to avoid suspicion, but I think I added a little too much."


"This has got to be a trap," said Reika. "Think about it. You don't know why Jace would listen to you,he and that thief woman seem to be close. You really didn't think of it," said Reika, fingering her dagger.

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"No **** Reika." said Esphyr, turning to the thief. "It's a obvious trap. So obvious I wouldn't even call it one. It's punishment for something I don't remember. It's not like we're going to arrive there and he's going to give up milk and cookies. The only reason we're going is because that bitch is going to keep stealing from us until we do."

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"Yeah duh. But you really think she'd stop stealing even after we "talk" with Jace? She's klepto. Of course she'll keep doing it if we survive. You know why she'd want us dead genius? Besides the fact she's a basket case?"

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The Evilz

Myrmidon: ... <.< >.> ...

The two fliers seemed to be about ready to use force against each other! One of the other soldiers helped the archer up.

Archer: We've got to do something!

Myrmidon: Hmmm ... (What does Alphonse do when Nyx gets like this?)

Archer: "Hmmm"? Don't just stand there! Do something before they-

The myrmidon quickly snapped his fingers!

Myrmidon: Ahah! I remember now. Ohhhh Nyyyyyx.

Nyx: >_>

The myrmidon held up a small stick like object of some kind, and Nyx immediately recognized it.

Archer: Pocky?

The black pegasus quickly calmed down and came over to the myrmidon. She snatched the treat from his hand and went back to the corner with it. She didn't let her eyes off of Svetlana though. Her and that tail of hers.

Daneka: Zhe Emperor of Halton. Well I hope she had to pay a price for the cooperation. Sympathy has no place in a country like zhat.

So why do you zhink that group of people are heading for Septimus anyway? Do zhey have some important mission?(I must be sure to give Monsieur Levski a present the next time I see him.)

EDIT: More accent :3

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"Because she's a serious basket case." replied Esphyr. "Reika. Let me explain it. If we don't go, she steals us nude, and possibly then some. If we go, there's at least a chance she'll steal from someone else. Now it's your choice. Either we go and walk into the blatant trap, or you can start praying that the goddess will grant you food after she's stolen all your money."

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"Yeah I know, but I doubt she'd stop targeting us even after we go there," said Reika, irritation in her voice. "Do you really think she'd stop targeting us even if we go there? She chose us for a reason and I doubt she'd stop even if we do talk to him. Because if you think there's probably a slight chance that she would, you're even dumber than I thought." Who does that bitch think she is, talking down to me like that?

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Reaching the guardpost at the Septimian border, the cloaked man paused, waiting impatiently for the rest of the mercenaries to catch up. "So what's your business here?" one of the guards questioned casually. "Take off your hood, are those men coming with you?" The man lowered his hood. "I hired those mercenaries to help me find an old friend of mine," sliding a couple of gold coins over to the guards. "If you need further proof, just ask around in Anglenar for anyone who knows Synt."

The two guards looked at each other, then shrugged. They had seen stranger people pass the border before, and who was to deny a couple of extra pieces of gold? "Very well then, go on," giving the man his papers and waving the group through.

Synt squinted at the road up ahead. "Looks like the right group." Riding another mile past the guardpost, Synt waited for the mercenaries to catch up, putting up his hood again. "That group up ahead is whom we're looking for," ignoring the various grumblings coming from the men. "Get the female shaman, the male Halton officer, a female mercenary, a fire mage with red hair, wind mage with green hair, thunder mage that looks like a nomad, the male archer, the Elyisimian axe wielder, and a dagger-wielding thief girl," reciting the various descriptions of the Crimson Weapon wielders.

"Wha-what?" The mercenaries blinked, having only halfway paid attention to what the man was saying. Synt smiled faintly. "30 gold each if you attack the group right now, another 20 if you can bring back any of the people I just named alive. Go!" Running over each other in an attempt to reach the group first, and claim the gold, the mercenaries rushed over to the group!

Mercenaries Type A x 11

Class: Mercenary

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 2 LUK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 0

Skills: Gather, Drunk

Simplified stats: HP: 12 Damage: 4 Hit: 4 Evasion: 2 Defense: 3 Resistance: 0

Weapon: Iron Sword

Mercenaries Type B x8

Class: Pegasus Knight

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 2 RES: 3

Skills: Gather, Drunk

Simplified stats: HP: 9 Damage 2 Hit: 4 Evasion: 4 Defense: 2 Resistance: 3

Weapon: Iron Lance


Class: Hero

HP: 5 Str: 6 Spd: 5 Lck:2 Def:4 Res: 3

Skills: Avoid, Vanish (Flee)

Simp HP: 15 Atk: 6 Spd: 5 Hit: 6 Evd: 6 Def: 5 Res: 4

Weapon: Silver Axe

Skill Explanation

Gather: If a Crimson Weapon character is KO'ed, another mercenary/peg knight will come to help take the character away. If the other mercenary/peg knight happens to have run away from a fight, the character currently fighting them will be stunned and must wait three battle posts before coming to help. Alternately they can go help any other character fight, with no wait time.

A character whose attacker has not deserted or a character who is not fighting however, can help out instantaneously (keeping in mind the every 5 posts rule), and the attacker will not follow and go fight another character instead. If the KO'ed CW char is not helped by any character within four posts, the KO'ed character will be taken away by Synt and cannot be rescued.

Drunk: Roll an extra number every time the mercenaries counterattack. If the number matches 3, your opponent will automatically miss.

Avoid: All characters must attack and defeat a mercenary or pegasus knight first before reaching Synt.

Vanish: If a character criticals Synt or his HP goes below 1/2, he will automatically vanish and leave all mercenaries to their deaths.

Swarming the group, a few of mercenaries vaguely recollected their orders, attacking a female shaman, Halton soldier, female archer, and the fire mage.

OOC: 2 of Mercenary Type A has attacked Damian and Kelas (they mistook her for Chase). 2 of Mercenary Type B attacked Morgan and Isotov. You may run from the particular mercenary type who has attacked you if you wish, but they will get a free counterattack on you. All other characters can attack whichever mercenary type they want freely.

Mercenaries would've encountered the bigger group before they crossed the border had we not timeskipped, so starting it now.

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"Your choice Reika. Slight one-in-a-million chance she stops, or living life like a squirrel; praying you can hide enough of your nuts away so they don't get stolen and you can survive the winter. I personally prefer not having to dart around and wash carts while begging for coin for a living."

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Svetlana took Nyx's treat acceptance as a sign of defeat...maybe. She didn't know quite what to make of this strange creature. She would keep an eye on the dark one until the Mistress returned.

Xenia shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. I'd like to pay them back for misleading me, though I should go to Halton and get the princess. Money or revenge, the ultimate dilemma..."

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Isotov Irina Viveka Levski and Jasmine

The group had been pressing on, but some sounds in the distance quickly caught Viveka's attention! She peeked over her shoulder to see a bunch of drunken mercenaries charging at them.

Viveka: ... it's like the world is making up for our good behavior or something >_>'

Lev: What?

Viveka: Behind us. At least fifteen.

Lev: *sigh* ... I've got too much to carry. You guys have fun.

Viveka: Sunny! Yah!

The pegasus neighed and took off into the sky! Irina quickly looked up in shock! After Levski pointed out the incoming mercs, Irina gestured for Isotov and Katie to get off. That was unusual since they both generally rode with her during battle!

Irina: Iso, this is getting too dangerous. You stay on foot and keep Katie safe, okay?

Iso: ... yeah, sure.

Irina then flew off after Viveka! Iso turned to face Katie.

Iso: I've got to help Irina out, so I'm leaving you here with Lev, okay? I'll be back as soon as we're finished dealing with ... them. After her reply he dashed off barely managing to keep up with the two fliers!

Daneka and the Pocky Lover

Myrmidon: Well that wasn't so bad.

Archer: Whew! I thought these two were going to kill each other, and then the Colonel and her friend would kill us.

Myrmidon: Try not to think about it.

Daneka: Zhe princess might not be in Halton for long. Are you certain you know where to find her?

The Battle

As the drunken pegasus knights charged them from the air, Irina immediately skewered one! The rider fell to her death and her pegasus flew around wildly in a panic! Viveka launched her own attack and sliced a pegasus rider during a pass! Frustrated by the fact that the woman was still flying after such a devastating hit, she waited for the woman to come back around! As soon as she was close enough, Viveka leaped to a standing position on the saddle, grabbed Sunny tightly by her neck and swung herself around! During her swing, she kicked the rider from her pegasus! Their altitude was too low for her to be rescued, and she broke her neck on the landing! As her swing around finished, she was conveniently and properly straddling her pegasus yet again!

Iso launched a spell from Proxima that nearly burned one of the mercs to death! The severe pain sobered him quickly and he charged Iso! As Iso tried to move out of the way, the mercenary slashed him from the side, leaving a terrible wound! Normally Iso would have bled out quickly, but he wasted no time in cauterizing the wound to buy himself time! If Tessa was nearby, hopefully she could get him back up to speed.

Irina rolls 3,5,6 (forgot to link the roll, sorry >_>' )

HIT 6 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 11 vs DEF 2 = -9 hp OHKO!!!

Irina HP 15/15

PegKnight 1 HP 0/9

Irina Exp: +10

Viveka rolls 5,6,1

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2623587/ (Irina's roll is right before this one)

HIT 7 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 2 = -6 hp


Viveka rolls 5,6,3


HIT 7 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 2 = -6 hp

Viveka HP 9/9

PegKnight 2 HP 0/9

Viveka Exp: +10 +5 existing points

Isotov rolls 6,5,3


HIT 9 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 11 vs RES 0 = -11 hp (Iso -1 hp)

Merc rolls 6,5,6


(Drunk roll--->4)

HIT 10 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 1 = -8 hp


Iso HP 1/9

Merc HP 1/12

Iso Exp: +5 +5 existing points

EDIT: Added all battle posts.

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"Bah. You can pardon me if I don't share your optimism."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I got things to kill," said Reika, drawing her knife and running towards a mercenary. She tried to stab under his ribs, but in her haste, the dagger bounced off his armor. The merc whirled, slashing her chest with a strong blow. She tried again, but in her weakness, merely cut his pants.

"Dammit," she grimaced, cursing herself a fool for wildly rushing in. She'll never hear the end of it from the others.

Reika (4,1,6) Hit! 1+3-1-4= 0 damage. Merc A #3 12/12

Merc A #3 ((5,5,3) Hit! Drunk activates. Reika rolls a five. Fails. 5+4-2= 7 damage. Reika 2/9

Reika (1,2,3) Hit (I think. She has 4 skill I believe.) 2+3-1-4= 0 damage. Merc A #3 12/12

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"... Great, we're under attack again," Derek said, charging ahead. Severely wounding one of the mercs on his first pass, he easily blocked the drunken mans' blade and nearly struck him down.

[2,6,4] = Hit! 10-4 = 6 points of damage.

[6,4,4] = Critical! [3] = Miss.

[3,4,1] = Hit! 8-4 = 4 points of damage!

Derek gains 15 Exp (5 for offensive engagement, 5 for existing)


Merc 6: 2/12 HP.

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"I suppose she could have gone anywhere. If we interrogate the group coming into Septimus, perhaps they'll give us a more accurate location." Xenia said. "Any plans for dealing with them? They're a bunch of morons, but there are quite a few of them."

Morgan saw a pegasus knight coming towards her, though the rider seemed somewhat...off, and attacked it with her Flux tome.

(1,5,2). Miss.

Morgan's globe of energy went wide. How could this be? I've never missed before... Her head was spinning.

PK counter (5,6,6) Hit. Crit for 14 damage. Miracle activated.

The pegasus knight somehow stabbed Morgan directly in the chest. What's happening to me? she thought to herself. In addtion to bleeding from her chest where she was stabbed, Morgan began to spontaneously bleed from her nose and left ankle as well.

Note: For all intensive purposes Morgan is unconscious. Fire away.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"What in the hell?" Damian exclaimed,as a drunken mercenary ran at him with his blade drawn. However,Damian was faster,and struck at the man with his silver lance!The man knicked Damian's armour,sending a small jolt of pain,but was quickly punched in the jaw,followed by a thrust of Damian's silver lance into his heart!

Seeing the men appear,Aiya divebombed a sword wielding mercenary,ready to take the man's head off! The man swung at her with a drunken gait that was easily evaded,and Aiya swung her zweihander, bifurcating the man!

Damian(3,1,4) 7 hit - 2 evd,hit! 7 Mt - 3 def = 4 Damage!

Merc(6,1,1,6) 9 hit - 7 Evd = hit! 5 Mt - 6 def = 0 damage!Critical = 1 Damage!

Damian(3,6,2) 7 hit - 2 evd,hit! 12 Mt - 3 def - 9 damage!

Merc A(1) is down!RollCounter


Aiya(6,4,6)(Heavy strike active,+2. I forgot to put it in the notes,but as you can see,a +2 would have still guaranteed a hit with a 1,I could have put more,with this roll,if i intended to cheat) 8 hit - 2 Evd,hit! 12 mt - 3 Def = 9 Damage!

MercA(3,3,1,3) Drunk skill activate!Automatic miss!

Aiya(5,4,6)(Same as above with HS,also,this set of rolls is lol) 7 hit - 2 Evd,hit! 12 Mt - 3 def = 9 Damage!

merc A(2) is down!RollCounter


Two MercA's dead!

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It turns out that there hadn't been time to resupply after all, as shortly after the confrontation with Esphyr, Morgan, and Damian, and agreement had been reached, and they'd quickly left the town. Tessa didn't mind particularly, she could manage a few days without, easily. The trip to the border was mostly uneventful, with the rocks, trees, and road passing seamlessly by the group as they continued on their way. There was a small delay at the checkpoint, some business about 'passports', but compared to other crossings, the ordeal went exceptionally smoothly. It seemed that on the whole, everything was going to go just splendidly today.

That was, up until a band of drunk mercenaries suddenly assaulted the group! A few of them had peeled off and targetted certain individuals, but the vast majority were just embroiled in general chaos and unordered mayhem.

The small roguish woman with the sharp wit had taken quite a nasty knock, and it was still early on. Despite the fact that last time Tessa healed the woman, Reika blew up in her face, she felt compelled to action, and would just suffer the consequences of another tongue lashing. After all, no-one else was wounded yet, and swift action would hopefully keep casualties of any sort to a minimum. She smoothly rode up to the girl, quickly touched her with the healing staff, then returned back to be alongside Arrin and Kelas, in one clean motion. "Deal with it, and yell at me later if you must, but I'm not letting anyone go down if I can help it" she'd told the woman as she passed her by.

(Reika 2/9->8/9)

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"What in the-" exclaimed Esphyr, drawing her sword with speed. She had no clue where the strangers had come from, but she knew one thing. They were enemies. Bandits, mercenaries, soldiers, it didn't matter. Not right now. Not to a girl reacting on instinct. In a flash, she had her sword in her hand as she barreled towards one of the wielders, a mercenary whom wielded a blade, putting her on even footing against him. As she dashed forwards, the familiar crackle of magic which she had so often used before filled the air around her as she surged forwards and right into the stench of rum!

"Oh my... Unggg!" she gagged as it hit her full force, forcing her to come to a halt as the scent of sweat and booze pierced through her like a lance. She dropped to her knees, the world starting to become a bit uneven around her.

"Heshhe! I gosh un!" exclaimed the mercenary warrior, raising his sword high overhead to hit Esphyr. "No you *ungh* no you don't!" she bellowed out, springing upright to deliver a pommel strike to the mans gullet.

"Whoa whoa WHOA!" with a might crash, the man toppled over backwards, his sword slicing the air uselessly as his booze-addled brain tried to process what was happening.

Esphyr attacks Mercenary A #8 Arcanium active!

Esphyr roll: 5, 5, 2. Hit! Esphyr deals 10 damage (attacking RES) to Mercenary A #8

Mercenary roll: 6, 2, 5 (bonus roll: 3): Hi-ck!* Burp!* Miss!

Esphyr HP: 9/9

Merc A #8: 2/12

EXP gained : 5

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Hearing voices yelling behind him, Heinz narrowed his eyes and slowed down his horse, turning around just in time to see the swarm of mercenaries. Is this the group that grey-eyed man sent out to fight? "Looks like they're still drunk," Heinz muttered, amusedly watching the mercenary he had talked to earlier block his attacker and cut him down. Unfortunately, Morgan's attack missed, and the pegasus knight's counterattack knocked the woman unconscious, sending spurts of blood all over the ground.

Heinz frowned. I didn't get a chance to tell them her weapon was severed.. Shrugging, Heinz dismounted from his horse, pushing Ralf away as he rushed into combat. Taking out a knife with his left hand, Heinz threw one at the closest pegasus knight, who appeared to be barely holding on to the horse, hitting the mercenary for 3 damage (Roll). The pegasus knight threw his lance at Heinz, and he sidestepped the blow, dodging easily. (Roll First number missed, ignored Drunk)

OOC: Will calculate and attack counterattack in a second.

Edit: 6/9 HP for Mercenary Type B

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Daneka and Nyx

Daneka: Well ... Monsieur Levski will likely tell zhem that I'm a bad bad woman, but zhey won't necessarily take he's word for it. Perhaps I can come to them in peace? Offer protection and pleasure while we set up a proper booby trap. Exactly how large is zhese group?


Current battle stats(on last page)

Irina HP 15/15

Exp: +10 (for the kill)

Viveka HP 12/12

Exp: +10 (for the kill)

Iso HP 1/9 (on Miracle but not out)

Exp: +5 (for the hit)

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"Crap there is too many!" Helios yelled. Then he saw Reika getting hit.

Helios vs Merc A#3

Helios attacked: (Rolls)

3+1(Overcast)+5(Roll) = dead Merc

Helios rode over to Reika. "Try your best not to die. If i lose you, i lose a punching a bag."

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"Well, that's one down," Derek said, riding out of the way of the pegasus knights, as he lopped the head of the merc he was fighting off. Having finished that, he rode back to the group, and prepared for another run.

[spoiler=roll.][1,4,5] = Hit. 8-6 = decapitation. Merc A 6 is down.

Derek gains 10 EXP.


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