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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"20, 25 maybe. I only got a brief glance at them really. They apparently have a Jerdonian with them who didn't follow the princess, so he probably won't trust you either." Xenia replied to Daneka.

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Daneka and Nyx

Daneka: A Jerdonian? Hmm. Never mind. Being nice alone won't cut it. We'll have to come up with another plan for them. Most irritating ...

The Battle

Iso quickly launched another attack using his normal fire tome! The attack burned the mercenary to death! Iso quickly fell to the ground trying to keep the pain from overwhelming him! He sat down and tried to stay calm, hoping someone would eventually help him! Meanwhile, Irina twirled her lance in preparation for a critical strike! She landed her attack and the pegasus rider died before she even hit the ground! Viveka swooped down to try to distract the mercs from the downed party members! She was parried, but her quick follow up nailed him! His shoulder was badly damaged, and as a result, his counter missed!

Iso rolls 2,1,3


HIT 4 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 6 vs RES 0 = -6 hp (Iso switched to Proxima or he'd be ko'd by this)

Iso HP 1/9

Merc HP 0/12

Iso Exp: +10 LEVEL UP!

Irina rolls 1,1,1



HIT 5 vs Evade 4 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 6(12) vs DEF 2 = -10 hp OHKO

Irina HP 15/15

PegKnight ??? HP 0/9

Irina Exp: +10

Viveka rolls 1,1,5


HIT 3 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 3 vs DEF 3 = -0 hp


Viveka rolls 1,4,5


HIT 3 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 3 = -4 hp

Merc rolls 3,3,1 (bonus roll is 4)


HIT 7 vs Evade 8 = Miss

Viveka HP 12/12

Merc ??? HP 8/12

Viveka Exp: +5

OOC: Added Battle posts

Edited by Phoenix
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The ride had started out well enough, but of course, there had to be attackers. Two broke off, heading straight for Kelas. "Oh no you don't!" She took aim.

(6,3,4) Hit! Kelas does 3 damage!

The mercenary wobbled a bit, but closed the distance and took a swing at Kelas' legs, trying to dislodge her from the saddle.

(2,3,4,5) Miss!

The man reeled and swung wide. Kelas took the opportunity to shoot again.

(6,1,5) Hit! Kelas does 1 damage!

The shot hit the man's helm, but he was so drunk that the impact barely did damage. Kelas wheeled around for a better shot.


As the mercenaries closed in, Arrin attacked one of the pair that had gone after Kelas.

(2,3,5) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Mercenary falls! Arrin loses 1 HP!

"Thanks," Kelas panted, turning to face the other that seemed dead set on pulling her down.

Kelas 12/12 Arrin 8/9 Mercenary Type A dead

Kelas 5EXP Arrin 10EXP

edit: fixed EXP

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Seeing Morgan get impaled brutally by a lance and start to bleed heavily from all over her body, even places she should have been wounded, was quite the shock for Tessa. Riding over she grabbed the woman, who looked unsteady and about to fall.

"Hold on Sis, you can pull through this!" Quickly incanting to The Lady, she healed some of the more grievious wounds, but the mysterious bleeding continued.

(Morgan 1/9->7/9)

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Esphyr did not hesitate once the man had fallen back over. Springing to her feet, she raised her sword overhead before bringing it down on the mans belly in a mighty cleave! A second later, she wiped the blood splatter from her eyes before turning to the rest of the mercenaries, her sword freed of the man's belly. "Who's next?" she asked, dropping into a ready position.

Roll: 4, 4, 4... Mercenary 8 dead. Yea.

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"Again!" said Reika anger in her voice. "You're healing me again? I...You're a fool, helping an enemy like that. It's gonna get you killed. As for you wind mage, you shut the hell up. Calamity." called Reika, sheathing her knife in her pocket. She'd deal with Tessa later. For now, survival was key, she thought as she tumbled under another merc, stabbing him in the ribs. Unfortunately her wound caused her to pause a bit in pain. The merc, seeing that, sunk his blade into her.

"We got one of 'em! *hic*" he shouted!

I'm...too careless. I'm gonna tear that mage a new one if I see him again. right after I pull myself together. thought Reika, Helios's taunting face in her head as she fell unconscious.

Reika (3,6,3) Hit! 6+3-2= 7 damage. Merc A #6 5/12

Merc A (5,6,5) Hit! 6+4-2= 8 damage. Saving throw: 6. Reika 0/9

Reika falls.


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After dispatching the swordfighter,Damian saw another one, whom he immediately attacked!Damian swung his silver lance downward,cutting the man across his stomach!The man was still up,however,and wildly countered Damian's attack.The sword was wide off,and Damian killed the man with his second strike!

Aiya saw the man leading the group,and having dispatched the man in between him and her,she charged at him!Dealing a decent blow,she was struck with a vicious counterattack!

Aiya reeled as the silver axe cut through her flesh, her blood spilling out onto the ground.



Damian(5,4,5) 9 hit - 2 Evd,hit! 10 mt - 4 def = 6 Damage!

Merc(1,1,1,4...lol) 4 hit - 7 evd,miss!

Damian(6,6,5...so close...) 10 hit - 2 evd,hit! 12 mt - 4 def = 8 Damage!

Aiya(4,1,3) 8 hit - 6 Evd,hit! 8 mt - 5 def = 3 damage!

Synt(5,6,6 FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!) 10 hit - 5 evd,hit! 12 mt - 6 def = 6 damage,Critical = 12 Damage!




Dead Merc A!Roll

EDIT:Added dialogue.

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"Reika! Dammit you go and fall right after i told you not to!" The Mercenary gave him a blank stare. "Die already!" Helios said letting out another blast of Elwind

Helios vs Mercenary


3 + 5 + 1(Overcast)= 9. 9 - 9 = 0 = dead Merc

The mercenary fell

OOC: Can Helios rescue Reika?

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Seeing Reika fall, Derek rode over to her assailant, smiting him down while taking a blow.


[1,4,6] = Hit. 8-4 = 4 points of damage.

[6,5,3] = Hit. 9-4 = 5 points of damage.

[2,3,5] = Hit. 7-4 = 3 points of Damage. Merc X is down. Derek 7/12

Derek gains 10 EXP.



OOC: Killed Reika's merc.

Edit: Added Drunk roll.

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Arrin aimed for the other mercenary after Kelas.

(3,5,6) Hit! Arrin does 12 damage! Arrin fells bandit! Arrin takes 1 damage!

"You should be clear now!" he yelled to Kelas, turning to see who else needed help.

"Thanks!" Looking over the battlefield, Kelas saw several people in worse trouble than she'd been in. Nearest was Isotov. "You all right?" she yelled, riding over to lend a hand. "Don't answer that, I know you're not." She took aim at the pegasus knight attacking him.

(3,2,2) Hit! Kelas does 10 damage! Merc type B falls!

"Right, let's get you out of here!" she yelled over the din as the pegasus fell.

Arrin 7/9 Arrin 10EXP; Kelas 12/12 Kelas 10EXP

ooc: fixed Arrin's math (yey support)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"Damn." Helios said struggling to pick up Reika and put her on his horse. When he finally succeeded he went up to Tessa. "Tessa can you heal her?"

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Her recent kill behind her, Esphyr wasted no time in targeting the next mercenary. Rather, as soon as she had finished her buisniness, one of the riders swooped down, trying to grab her. Esphyr barely managed to spot the mercs shadow before it fell upon her, but the narrow window was just enough. She swiftly rolled to the side, her sword thrusting up at the rider. A second later, she heard a whinny as the rider was either dismounted our outright killed by her attack. Esphyr didn't care. She had another fight to be involved in.

Esphyr attacks Peg Merc #5, Arcanium active: Roll 4, 6, 1 Hit! Esphyr deals 9 damage to Peg merc#5 Peg merc 5 is down! ... The dice favor me today. Esphyr EXP gain +10.

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Isotov had been badly wounded during one of the engagements or others. Thankfully he was nearby and Tessa was able to heal him. However, just after she finished that, she heard a cry out from Aiya to help, and Helios arrived, pleaing with her to take care of Reika. The troubadour was starting to rapidly get overwhelmed.

If only Charlotte was still around...

(Isotov 1/9->7/9)

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Synt glared at the female soldier irritably, cutting her down with one blow of his axe. On closer inspection however, the woman was still barely alive, and he took the opportunity to strike another blow at her. Roll (5 Damage)

Looking over, he could see the thief girl being dragged over to one of the wyverns, and Synt stood up, ignoring the woman. "20 gold for the shaman and thief girl!" he ordered, his voice carrying over the battle. Two mercenariess abandoned their fights, running over and grabbing the shaman from the healer. Another started dragging the thief girl away, calling for one of the knights to help.

OOC: Give me a second to calculate Aiya damage. 1 Pegasus Knight and 3 Mercenary Type A's remaining. Two of each type are currently dragging each CW away.

Edit: Fixed the numbers. 2 Mercenary Type A's dragging away Morgan, 1 of each type dragging away Reika.

Aiya is 0/15 HP

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The Battle

Irina made a quick attack against the final pegasus knight and nearly killed her!

Irina: Darn it!

Viveka: Bull's eye!

Irina: Huh?

Viveka brutally took down the last pegasus knight with a precise impaling through the knight's head!

Irina: :o

Viveka: ^_^

Iso: Guys! They're making off with Morgan and Reika!

Iso didn't bother waiting for them to help and began recklessly chasing down the mercs! Not wanting to drain himself any further, he launched a regular fire spell and blasted away one of the mercs holding Morgan before bum-rushing the other and tackling him to the ground! Somehow the drunken man won the struggle and forced Iso off of him! As the fire mage stumbled back, Synt simply grabbed Morgan rode like the wind while the mercenary held Iso off at blade point!

Irina rolls 4,4,6


HIT 7 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 2 = -8 hp

Peg rolls 1,4,5

HIT 5 vs Evade 5 = Miss (Holy wyvern she dodged something :o )

Viveka rolls 5,6,6


HIT 7 vs Evade 4 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 8(16) vs DEF 2 = -14 hp

Irina HP 15/15

Viveka HP 12/12

PegKnight ??? HP 0/9

Irina Exp: +5

Viveka Exp: +10

OOC: Posted Battle

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Aiya went down from the second blow. She fell the short height from atop Ulfhrahn onto the ground.

"Aiya!" Damian yelled,instantly drawing Gae-Borg.

"Graah!Die!" Damian yelled,swinging the Gae-Borg. The man retaliated with his Silver axe,both strikes digging into their target!

"Nngh...die you bastard." Damian spat at the man.


Damian(5,3,2) 9 hit - 6 evd,hit! 9 mt - 5 def,4 damage!

Synt(5,5,3) 11 hit - 7 evd,hit! 11 mt - 6 def,5 damage!



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Soon after he left Reika with Tessa, one of the mercenary's caught her. "You dont know when to stay down do you?"

Helios roll: Rolls

Helios attacks first: 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 damage

The mercenary countered: (Drunk roll: 4) )

4 + 3 - 2 = 5. The Mercenary brought his blade down Helios' shoulder. Blood started gushing out of the wound. "Damn"

Helios counters: 3 + 4 = 7 = dead merc.

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Esphyr roll: 6, 2, 4 Arcanium and CW active for attacking the peg carrying Reika. Deals 6 damage to it.

Edit: Forgot counter. >.> 6, 3, 3. Critical! Esphyr takes 10 damage. Esphyr down.

Edit Edit: Fluff inserted.

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Synt didn't bother replying to the other Halton soldier who attacked him, swinging his axe again and then urging his horse forwards towards the downed shaman, grabbing the woman quickly and rushing away from the fire mage's attacks. "Get the thief girl and then leave, you know where to go," Synt yelled at the men trying to drag away Reika.

OOC: Morgan is unretrivable. Kai, how much HP does Helios have? Will add other mercenary attack at Helios.

Edit: Didn't notice Phoenix's attack. However, by the time Tessa healed Morgan it was already past 4 posts. I'm just lagging behind with the Gather skill.

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Rescue became a moot point as Tessa managed to heal Isotov's injuries, and Kelas turned back into the fight.

"They're making off with Morgan and Reika!"

"Like we really want them anyway," Kelas muttered, but took aim at the remaining mercenaries.

(5,2,5) Hit! Kelas does 2 damage!

The mercenary turned and stared, bewildered, at the source of the arrow. Kelas took another shot.

(2,3,6) Hit! Kelas does 3 damage!

Arrin directed his attack to the same man.

(2,2,2) hit! Arrin does 24 damage! Mercenary falls! Arrin loses 1 HP!

Kelas 12/12 Arrin 6/9 Kelas 5 EXP Arrin 10 EXP

OOCedit-note-thing: Reika's free now btw

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Seeing that Crimson Weapon wielders were being dragged away,Damian backed away from the hero,who had seemingly retreated,atleast for now.

Seeing Esphyr go down,Damian realized she would be a target for the kidnappers,and quickly rushed to guard her,despite his wounds.

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Seeing that the mercenaries had been beat down, and their leader was on the retreat, Tessa quickly set about to stabilizing Aiya. Finishing that, she called out, "Who else is badly wounded? I tried to keep track, but things just got so hectic!"

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Seeing the attack was over he went over to Reika who was still unconscious. He remembered that they were supposed to have their spar now. "If you can fall this easy then there is no point of sparring with you huh?" Helios hoisted Reika onto his horse and dismounted. He lead his horse on foot over to Tessa who was bombarded with work. Then he had a thought. "Would you like some help, Tessa? I cant use a stave but i can tend to wounds."

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"Hmm, that might be a good idea," Tessa replied to the wind mage. "It might be even better if you just help to coordinate, and take care of minor things, but the more people we have working on this the better."

With Helios's aid in coordinating and directing the healing efforts, as well as his occasional tending of light wounds, soon enough, everyone was healed up back to more or less proper working order.

Finally having a chance to take a break from the activity, Tessa looked around for Morgan again. "Where's Sis? I don't see her anymore. I know she was hurt kind of bad, but I healed her up and she should have been doing okay?" An edge of panic had crept into her voice.

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