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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Oh well, almost anyone can use a sword if they take long enough to practice and have enough focus. Let's go eat."

(Smaller group could TS I suppose....)

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Morgan woke up bound to a chair in an unfamiliar room with a man who seemed vaguely familiar. Tessa's staff use had at the very least stopped her from bleeding to death, though she was still covered in a fair amount of blood.

"So, by the targets your group selected I assume you're after the Crimson Weapon wielders." Morgan said. "Their drunkeness means that they weren't demons certainly, so I'm curious who you are working for." She noticed she had been disarmed, though in her current physical state it hardly mattered.

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Hearing Tessa cry out again, Viveka looked over to see her handling the captured soldier alone.

Viveka: What's she doing?

Jasmine: A man's job, teehee!

Viveka: Not funny. Go get some rope from the cases, I'll help her keep that guy in line.

Jasmine: I'm glad we remembered.

Viveka: Me too, now go.

Viveka never dismounted from Susann. She switched her lance over to her left hand, and then rode over to Tessa and Alex while Jasmine ran over and began trying to untie the case. Once Viveka arrived, she hopped down from Susann and stood close by.

Viveka: Are you sure you want to do this? He clearly wants to die here.

While Jasmine pulled the case down, Irina and Levski watched in shock.

Lev: What are you doing?

Jasmine: I need some rope!

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The Comet

"...Ah, an Elysimian soldier," Alex said, as Viveka and Sunny approached where she was kneeling. "Maybe you can kill me. For your General, perhaps?"

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Synt met the shaman's eyes briefly before focussing on the wall behind her. "You could say that," he replied. "All of the mercenaries were killed, which I thank your group for," going back to ignoring the shaman again. Not worried at all it seems.

The cloaked man kept a tight grip on his axe, ready to throw it the second Morgan tried the summon her tome, mildly surprised she hadn't done so already.

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"A lot of them are idiots, but they were better than your group at least." said Morgan, half shrugging. 'Not to mention your information gathering resources are rather shoddy. If you knew anything, you would have learned that my tome was severed from me. If you really want Midnight, you can hunt down a shapeshifting ice demon for it." she said curtly.

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Iso looked around hoping to see if anyone else was up and about.

Iso: Okay we've got two of our wyvern riders, and Arrin's conscious. Viveka's with Tessa. Urgh. She can't handle all of this alone. Why did Charlotte have to leave at such a bad time? Well we still have ... Pary? Oh, no don't tell me he's out too!

Iso ran around searching for the priest until he found him! He quickly hauled the man into a sitting position and started lightly slapping his face repeatedly!

Iso: Pary!! Wake up! Don't shirk on us now, old man! We could really use your help right about now!

Jasmine soon loosed the case and opened it up! She quickly retrieved some rope and dashed off in Viveka's direction. Meanwhile, Viveka herself was thinking about what the soldier had said.

Viveka: For the General? After how you people humiliated him in combat today? Of course I'd like to kill you, but it's not up to me. There are more important things than getting a promotion right now. Until we get a decent ruling, you're getting tied up.

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Pain. In his face. The annoying fire mage. He felt his staff still in his hand, and swung it around, aimming into the man's gut. Pary opened his eyes."I was trying to rest without people bothering me. Tessa had Kelas and Heinz, and everyone else is fine."

He stood up, and went over to Helios. He gave him a round of healing, looing for another target.

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"We're-- not all fine--" Arrin managed. His wound was still bleeding sluggishly: pressure, he realized, and pressed his arm against it as best he could.

It was all Amari could do not to grab the stick-man's shoulder in her teeth and drag him over to Kelas: was it not obvious that Kelas was still barely breathing? Amari whinnied once more for attention.

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The Comet

"Waste of resources," Alex said, seeing that another pegasus rider was approaching with rope. "Your healer gets worn out, and, if I break free, some of you might die. It's better to kill me, than to let me live, ruling or not."


Dismounting, Derek made his way over to the battlefield, and retrieved Damian's unconscious form from it. Struggling to carry him over to a healer, he staggered back a bit, but kept on moving.

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The cloaked man ignored the jab, merely smiling faintly. "You consider your allies to be idiots? I would've been disappointed if any of those men had lived myself," barely stiffening when he heard her next words. "Interesting excuse. You can tell them to him when he comes, I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it," keeping the slight tinge of worry he felt from creeping into his voice.

"He's made all due haste to meet you, I'm sure you'll be glad to know," his smile faintly visible in the partial darkness.

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"Well, I had gotten you during the fight, and you weren't in critical condition. You're still standing too Arrin, you'll end up fine." Pary walked over to Kelas. His staff glowed, mending her lungs, readusting her ribs, and stopping the bloodflow.

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After barely managing to block Pary's staff with his free hand, Iso sighed and stood up. He headed over to Amari and tried to calm her down.

Iso: Don't worry, I'll look after Kelas until Pary gets here ... though it would be nice if he hurried >_>'

Arrin, is your arm hurt too?! Ah hell.

Once Pary finally came over, Iso was relieved.

Iso: I don't want you to exhaust yourself, but Arrin needs some help too ... a lot >_>'

EDIT: Added healing portion.

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"Are you sure you want to do this? He clearly wants to die here," Viveka had asked Tessa.

She didn't even have to think about it. "I'm sure," the troubadour replied firmly. "Nobody truly wishes to die. While some can go so far as being prepared for it, and even become able to accept it, the soul yearns for life so long as the body is able. And who is to say what things lie in store for any of us? Cutting short a life is sometimes, perhaps even often, necessary, but should be taken as a last resort, and not frivolously."

As Jasmine returned with the rope, the soldier kept up his strong facade. For what reason? Is it truly just blind devotion to his country, like Esphyr said? Doesn't he realize that one can always move forward?

Sighing in exasperation, she almost snapped the man, patience wearing thin, "No more of that!" Turning to the pegasus riders, she asked, "Which of you are better with knots? I don't trust my skill with them at all, and besides, I need to prepare for the healing." At that, Tessa sheathed the sword that she'd been keeping trained on the soldier, and then collected her staff.

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Morgan sighed as the man left. No more information from him I suppose. Wonder if the others will come for me. I'll rest my eyes...just for a moment

Travis walked away from the battle after it started to look ugly. Gotta think about myself, he thought. No need to risk my life when the target's not even there.

He walked to where he knew the local mercenary encampment was and ran into a cloaked man. "Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked the cloaked man, a puzzled look on his face.

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"It'll be-- all right until-- everyone's out of-- danger," Arrin replied dizzily.

The extra healing allowed Kelas to breathe properly again. She coughed a few times and blinked. "Dammit, not again," she tried to say, but couldn't manage to make any sound come out.

Seeing the healing, Amari quieted down and continued to stand guard.

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Folks and their animals

Iso: Kelas. Thanks for backing us up back there.

He quickly flinched when he realized that he was too caught up in the violence and the intoxicating thrill of casting fire magic to keep watch over all of his allies. He shook his head in clear view and backed down from his train of thought.

Iso: Uh ... are you alright, now?

Viveka: You just worry about the healing part. Jasmine, let's go.

The two girls quickly took the rope and began wrapping Alex up like noose. From the waist up to the mid chest area, Alex was tied up. The knot was tied near the top of the backside. Impossible to reach with one's hands.

Viveka: Like a victory present for the garrison ^_^

Okay, Tessa, do your thing.

Jasmine was getting curious and decided to try to peek under Alex's helmet. She started slowly lifting up the visor while Viveka gave her an annoyed and curious look.

EDIT: Changed birthday to victory and added Unveiling.

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The enemy soldier securely bound, Tessa proceeded to heal any of his life threatening wounds, but didn't go so far as to bring him to full health. She knew she needed to conserve what strength she had left. The man had taken a few direct blasts from various magic, if she recalled correctly, and she focused on repairing the brunt of that, while ignoring the periphery. After praying, and channeling the healing light through her staff, she staggered a bit, bumping into Jasmine, who was fiddling around, lifting the man's helmet slightly. The jolt knocked it clean off, revealing the soldier's face for all to see!

"Sorry about that," Tessa apologized to Jasmine, her vision blurring slightly. "Got a bit dizzy there for a second. ...Right, now that this whole business has been taken care of, I need... to finish... taking care of our own too, don't I?"

Swaying a bit on her feet, she took a couple deep breaths and managed to steady herself.

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"As long as they don't know we're here, we could still set a trap." Xenia said to Daneka. "They'll just think it's some random Septimian group come to help them. Then we butcher most of them, torture the information we need out of the rest, and grab the princess."

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The cloaked man disappeared into the shadows, ordering two men to go watch the shaman before stepping out into the main room of the building. Sighing, he heard another person address him. "Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked. Synt frowned, looking at the man more closely.

"Uh, I don't remember meeting you before, but you look sorta familiar," unsure what to do about the man with the oddly familiar face. "Name's Synt, yours?" extending his hand.

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OOC: Waiting for Snike input on Alex scene


Daneka: Hmm, not bad. My sniper teams could use some practice. Now, do you know exactly where zhey're going, or will we have to find zhat out soon? Best to figure out exactly where my men should be placed.

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"So what do we do now?" asked Esphyr. "I think it obvious. Morgan has been kidnapped by bandits. Are we badass enough to save her?"

Yes. scribbled Katie onto a page before holding it up for everyone to see.

"Good. Damian... Still under your employ. Can we please go save her?" asked Esphyr, turning about to look at him. What she saw was not the man upright and strong, but downed by several wounds.

"Oh my goddess! Damian!" screamed Esphyr, rushing to his side. "Tessa... Can you heal him?"

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Aiya grimaced.The wound from that hero was not completely healed. Tessa had done a quick job to stabilize her condition,but with the immediate need for transport of the unconscious, Aiya's wound didn't take long to reopen.

She saw Esphyr, who seemed to be doing okay, and Derek, who was bringing Damian towards the healers, as he to had been wounded.

Aiya tried to call out to thank the man,but little more than a slight gurgle left her mouth,aside from the blood. She coughed rather violently,clutching her stomach as the blood continued to block her speech. The force of the silver axe seemed to have broken several ribs, and Aiya's vision began to haze up.

'I just need to keep moving forward...'

With a thud,her strength failed her,and she collapsed at Katie's feet.

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"Thank you, Pary." Helios said getting up. Looking back at the group they seem to be doing fine. Then Helios saw Tessa negotiating with the soldier. He was walking up to the soldier when Tessa lifted up his helmet. Then what Helios saw surprised him.

OOC: Alex better be a female or else my post is wasted.

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