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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"What's the debate about? He clearly wants to die and he wants to fight us if we break him free. He's right, killing him is the best option," said Reika, ignoring Tessa's lecture on life and the spirit.

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"You can use him as a hostage, Reika." Helios knelt down by the man. "Who are you working for? Are you with the people who attacked us earlier?"

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The Comet

"Real professional," Alex said, annoyed, as one of the pegasus knight began to fiddle with the helmshe was wearing. Then, as the healer finished up, she knocked the helm clean off, revealing the face of a very annoyed woman, with long, dark blue hair, and brown eyes that were glaring at the pegasus knight at the moment.

"Great. You knocked off my helm. So now you know what's under it. Maybe you should be HELPING your friends, instead of trying to harass enemy prisoners," Alex said, clearly enough so that the pegasus knight realized that yes, he was a girl, in fact. "I mean, the Haltonian rider just fell over there, your cleric looks like she's about to collapse, and Captain Munktan over there is critically injured, yet carrying Kleine over to a healer. Then there's that mage," she said, looking over to the wind mage, who was staring in disbelief. "I think I might've hit him too hard."

OOC: Wham. Also, guys, look at the sign up sheet, and highlight the gender.

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"We would have a much better chance had you not ambush us." Helios said aware of her gender. "Isnt it in a knights code to fight with honor? Now let me ask you again..... Are you with the group that attacked earlier?"

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"... So you're a girl? That's surprising... Most female soldiers are pegasus knights or swordfighters, at least in Eliyisma. Huh, the more you know," Chase muttered, after recollecting his thoughts on the battle.

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The Comet

"We didn't 'ambush' you, considering we let you heal up, AND let your group take the first strike," Alex said, annoyed. "And, I really must have hit you hard, kid. You never asked me that. Regardless, those mercenaries were not my work." Turning to Chase, she said, "Doubt there are many other female soldiers that fight like me, anyways. But, really, shouldn't you be helping your comrades?"

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"If your not with them, then why did you attack? And why are you so worried about us in the first place?" He was a bit discouraged now. He was hoping she was with them so that he could trade her over for Morgan. "Reika put those away. Need i remind you that you were in the same state a couple of hours ago?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Reika's being herself, and unfortunately nothing's going to change that," Chase muttered at Helios' statement, then turning to Alex, he replied, "I'd help everyone if I could... but I'm an archer, and I can't. So I won't try doing something I'm not good at. It'll probably end up hurting more than helping."

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"Yeah, well if she knows nothing, she's useless and an enemy. She deserves to die. But do what you want, I don't care," said Reika walking away. As she moved, she saw Aiya lying on the ground bleeding. She shook her a bit, finally managing to wake her up.

"You're dying you know."


"You have nothing to live for. Damian has his own woman and you have nothing to do and no place to go. You really think he's going to take you back after this?"



"That's a...lie."

"Sure it is. But really, you have nothing after this. Just be his mindless slave. You have nowhere to go and nothing to do. You're dying anyway and the healers are too tired. Left untreated, you could die."

"So help....damn you..."

"For what? So you can get into my hair again? My vulneraries won't be enough till the staff users come, and they're too busy with the commander to notice you. They've forgotten about you," said Reika, pulling out a knife.

"So...since you're going to die anyway, I might as well put you out of your misery. And I do mean misery. Staying with that man is an STD all by itself. You never know if he didn't poison you. So...give my regards to the goddess," said Reika twirling her knife.

"Why...aren't you gonna...kill me?"

"That's right...you wouldn't.....you're too scared of us...too scared of what Damian would do to you..."

"Shut it," said Reika, still playing with her knife, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

OOC: Sorry for taking control like that, but I thought I did ok. Wasn't sure if you'd be on. Anyway, you can take over the rest if I'm not around.

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"I already told your healer, I attacked because I thought you people had the princess. Considering that Captain Munktan's here, I would've attacked anyways," Alex said, jerking her head in Derek's direction. "And, uh, Chase, the outlaw, right? Have you even tried checking the bodies of my comrades, for vulneraries, or something? This scene is just sad, to answer your question, mage. Half of you are doing absolutely nothing while your friends bleed out, and the half that are helping are INJURED. It's sickening."

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"Heh, Chase go babysit Reika for a while." Helios said noticing Reika taunting Aiya. "Tessa you can stop now, you look like your about to collapse." Helios heard Alex's response. He looked into her eyes to see if he she was sincere or not. Then he gave in. "Stop yelling, i'll go help them." He whined. "I'll deal with you later, get comfortable." He headed in Damian's direction and started tending to his wounds.

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"... This is going too far," Chase exclaimed, and drew the Zephyrtwine, aiming it at Reika. "Make one move to hurt anyone and you're dead," he shouted, narrowing his eyes and focusing on her and her alone.

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"What...you wouldn't kill me. You don't have the guts.

"Anyway," said Reika holding Aiya's face, "We were discussing the pros and cons of staying alive and since you're all too occupied to help her and staying with that man is poison, I decided that it would be cruel to let her keep going. Right?" she asked, lowering her dagger a bit.

"See, life itself isn't worth much on it's own, but you need to look for the good you have, and since she has none and no prospects, it would be worse for her to let her stay alive, especially if what I suspect is true. Your morals, your code, it's worthless in the real world. Nobody will follow it, and if they do, they end up a mess like the bandit who was with us," said Reika, staring at Chase.

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"I would. I'm not afraid to shoot you. You're such a terrible person we might be better off without you," Chase replied, his voice filled with rage, and he drew back the arrow further.

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"...Quite," said Reika, unimpressed at the bow.

"See I used to be a little like you, didn't believe in killing. Until I found out that's exactly how the world works. You let people live and they'll trample the life out of you. If you have nothing, the only way to raise yourself up is to become just like them. See, I'm not a monster. I didn't like killing, feels uncomfortable knowing you have someone's life in your hands. But you need a reason, and if the reason isn't sufficient or you have none, you feel dirty afterward. Now I, I always have reasons. People I had to kill, they were better off dead really. Sometimes, you have to get your hands dirty to live you know.

Now with her, she's most likely poisoned by that...man. Now if you were as well, would you keep going, knowing that he's not just going to find another when you die, but already has? Tell me this, would you keep her alive if you knew that?"

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Helios finished up clotting the wound. He got up pleased with his work and kicked the side of Damian's stomach. "Wake up! Aiya and Esphyr picked Pary and Cess over you and now they are going to leave!"

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"Well. You have a point... by that rule, my reason now is that you'll end up killing us all. And that's why you'll feel just how much pain you've brought others. I'm not afraid of you!" Chase shouted, and released the arrow.

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"At least wait until I bring him over to a healer," Derek said, almost to Pary as Helios tried to heal the soldier on his back. Once near the priest, the cavalier set Damian down, and headed towards Conrad, stopping when he saw the conflict between Chase and Reika.


"... How did you people manage to survive in Elysimia, again?" Alex asked, as she saw the outlaw, and a potential serial killer go at it. "Seriously, at this rate, everyone is going to bleed out."

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At the corner of his eye, Helios saw Chase let go of the arrow. A blast of Elwind cut through the arrow and shattered it. Following it up was Helios who was not in the mood. "Chase, when i said babysit i didnt mean kill. And Reika, save it for when we spar. Do you really want me following you around everywhere we go?" He looked down and saw Aiya injured. "I'll help her, for now, Damian look after Reika."

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"Very bad idea," said Reika dodging the arrow while moving Aiya aside to prevent her from getting hit. She had business with her. The arrow brushed across her arm, cutting a bit of flesh.

Drawing her knife, she tumbled towards Chase and placed her knife at his throat.

"Don't try that again," said Reika. "I have my own reasons for letting you all live, but if you insist on me doing this, then don't say I didn't warn you," said Reika.

OOC: Gonna leave in very soon, so someone handle this once I leave for today.

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"You're not the only one with a knife," he replied fiercely, and drew his own and held it behind her neck.

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"I'll help--" Arrin said, trying to bend down to help Kelas sit up.

"No... you won't. You'll sit... and rest. I'm not going... anywhere," Kelas replied, trying to sit up on her own again. "You all right... at least?" she asked Isotov.

"Everyone stop--" Arrin pleaded, looking over to the others as they began to fight, but he couldn't raise his voice enough to be heard.

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"Dammit she's bleeding too much." Helios said taking off his scarf and tying it on her arm. "That should clot the bleeding. Just need Pary to get his lazy ass over here and heal."

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