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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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All of a sudden, a gauntlet slammed into Reika's stomach, sending the thief hurdling a short distance, before she landed. At the same time, another one nailed Chase, dazing him, and keeping them out of.

"What. In. Hell. Are. You. Doing?" Derek said, ripping off his helm and glaring at the two. "We just finished fighting, for the Goddess' sake! Bicker when people AREN'T bleeding out! The last thing we need is ANOTHER injury or death." Furious, the cavalier threw his helm to the ground, and picked Conrad up, carrying him over to Pary.

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"Finally, someone who's competent.

Anyway, you want to keep going, be my guest," said Reika, staring down at Aiya, "But just remember, you're going to spend all your time slaving under that man, a man who may have made you ill. If you like that, then go ahead, but in case it gets too much, I'd be fine with doing the job for you.

She got up and kicked Chase in the stomach.

"And never do that again, OK? I don't like you and you don't like me, but for now, we'll have to put up with each other, god help me."

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Having brought Conrad over to Pary, Derek turned back to the two bickerers just in time to see Reika kick Chase. She was greeted by a swift kick, herself, as the cavalier approached.

"I said enough was enough. Am I going to have to knock you out, as well?" he asked, looking around for anyone else unconscious. "Alright, walking wounded, come help me find some vulneraries. The mercs probably had a few, and the soldiers most definitely did." As he said this, he found one off the ground, and completely downed it, healing him greatly.

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"Dammit, I know we just stopped fighting, but she doesn't have to act like a bitch to everyone all the time!" Chase shouted, indignant, and winced slightly at the kick. "What the hell are you angry at me for? As fare as I'm concerned I think it's about time we stop putting up with her act of 'You look hurt, let me kill you instead of being reasonable' act!"

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Helios sighed. "Aiya can you wait for a second?" Helios muttered taking two of the handcuffs from her belt. Reika got up ready to punch Derek in the face when Helios appeared behind her and Chase and slapped the Cuff's on both of their arms. "Thats enough you two. Your lucky i didnt tie you up." He said going back to tending Aiya's wound. "Pary, Tessa. A little help here! Derek, strip them of their weapons please?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"That's funny, I didn't remember you being the leader," she said, glaring at Helios.

"As for you, remember? You kill me you lose? You don't have a suitable replacement for the daggers. And anyway, I know something you don't about the other thief," said Reika looking down at him.

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"Get off of me!" Chase shouted, elbowing Helios and making him drop the handcuffs. "I'm not going to sit here and be chained up by anyone, especially not you!" he bellowed.

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"Thats right. Our leader was kidnapped. Shame, i should have saved her instead of you. I never said that i would kill you, like i said before, i do that, i lose a punching bag." Helios dug through her pockets. "Dagger, Crimson Dagger, knife. Thats about it." He said picking them up. "I wouldnt have to do so if you werent such a rowdy one. Just sit tight and relax, 'kay."

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"What are you doing?" Derek asked Helios, seeing Reika and Chase cuffed. "You're just slowing the healing effort. Uncuff them. Now. But, keep them handy, in the case that they go at it again." Picking up another vulnerary, he gulped a third of it, and, feeling perfectly alright, said, "I've got two thirds of a vuln here, for whoever needs it."


"At least someone here is thinking," Alex said, sighing. "Of course, it has to be the good captain."

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"I'm going to kill you if you don't stop being a conceited jackass!" Chase spat, and drew his bow, this time aiming at Helios. "Maybe Reika was right more than once: we're probably better off without you, too!"

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"Hm. How did you get out of your handcuff? Regardless you should put that bow down, you can hurt someone." Helios tossed Derek the keys. "Their your responsibility now."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"C-Chase...calm down." Aiya croaked out weakly as the hunter drew his bow again. Trying to push herself up,she abruptly failed,and her back hit the ground again.

"No one is gonna want anything to do with you if you keep this up...not me,not Morgan,not anyone..."

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"What, you think I'm an idiot? I know how to get out of handcuffs! This isn't the first time someone's tried that, and I don't expect it to be the last," he roared.

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"They sure as hell are not going to kill each other while I'm around," Derek said, turning to Arrin. "Here you go, kid," he said, passing the vulnerary to the mage. Taking the keys, he Reika's cuffs, and brought the cuffs back to Aiya, still ignoring the prisoner. "You fight again, I knock both of you out. Are we clear on that?"

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"See? Now you know what I'm talking about.

Contary to your belief, I kill when I believe there's a reason. I offered to your leader that I can end her life if it gets to be too much for her. It wasn't like she said no either. In fact, I'm doing her a favor since we're not sure whether or not we'll get the weapon back.

OOC: Bye!

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Seeing Derek come over and return the cuffs,she grabbed at his arm before he left again.

"D-derek...t-thank you for...helping D-damian out..." She said,before abruptly beginning to cough again,sending a small splatter of blood onto Derek's armour.

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Pary had finished his healing on Heinz, and walked over to Aiya. He carefully turned her over, and healed the gash in her abdomen.

(There Snike)

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"Thanks," Arrin told Derek, applying part of the vulnerary to his wounds. The world came back into proper focus again, and he stood up. "Kelas, do you need this?"

"Been healed... patch someone else up."

Arrin hated to do it, but there was still steel in Kelas' voice. Instead, he headed over to Heinz and tipped the remainder of the vulnerary into the man's mouth. "Heinz? Wake up," he said quietly.

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"... I don't even want to talk to you," Chase said venemously, and walked away from the mage. What an idiot... never can do anything without him trying to find a problem with it. Ugh.

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"You're welcome," Derek said, gently pulling Aiya's arm off of his. Heading over to the rest of the corpses, the cavalier soon found five unused vulneraries. "This should be enough for now," he said, carrying the bottles with both hands. "Who needs one?"

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After Irina ran out of things to yell at Levski, she sighed and turned to Kiev. The wyvern was uninjured and ready to help in whatever capacity he could, so she took him by the reins and led him over to the others while Levski closed the case and tied it back to Krinkov's back. Seeing that even Aiya went down, Irina's mood soured even more. She ran the short distance to her friend and though Derek was already helping out, she tried to lend a hand as well, though she wasn't sure what to add verbally to the exchange.

Meanwhile Viveka flashed back to her constant "he" references. She'd made a generic assumption, something she loathed doing. It was inconsequential, but little mistakes lead to bigger ones and she dreaded the thought. Once the arguing over whether or not to kill Alex came up yet again, Viveka shot down each opinion as it came up.

Viveka: And since when does the thief girl have a say in anything that goes on around here?

Look, this isn't up to us. Wait til the General and Mr. Kleine are back on their feet. Until then, back off and do something useful.

Jasmine was too shocked by Alex turning out to be a woman to really come back at Tessa with anything. She'd forgotten about being bumped as soon as Alex started talking again.

Jasmine: (Man that is so weird. Girls, guys ... the lines are getting so thin! Kyaaaah!)

Over by Kelas and Arrin, Iso checked himself over. His jacket wasn't scathed. Luckily he always fought with it open so any direct hit to his torso wouldn't damage the jacket. Normally he'd want to use it for extra padding, but staffs couldn't mend clothing, and he wouldn't likely find a replacement for his coat if it ever got torn to shreds, so he settled for relying on his thick undercoat. A lousy defense, but he needed to get better at dodging altogether anyway.

Iso: Yeah, it looks like I'm alright. It also looks like I avoided a scar too thanks to Tessa. Not everyone gets lucky like that.

EDIT: Irina's bit was changed at the end.

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