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So what are the new endings and are the old endings the same

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Michalis got an ending and people hate it because they think it's not fair that Michalis can get away with the events from FE1 but Hardin can't. They seem to believe that it's only because Michalis is pretty while Hardin isn't. I think they have a point, though Hardin always looked like a badass to me.

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Michalis got an ending and people hate it because they think it's not fair that Michalis can get away with the events from FE1 but Hardin can't. They seem to believe that it's only because Michalis is pretty while Hardin isn't. I think they have a point, though Hardin always looked like a badass to me.

Well....We'd have to find out the Script between

Michalis and Minerva

before we figure out anything on how he survived.

Edited by Michalis
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Well, it may be because

he helped in the more recent war and Hardin helped earlier and became evil. Michalis's good deeds are more present in people's minds than Hardin's, and Hardin's evil deeds are more present in people's minds than Michalis's.

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Hardin was a good man who was corrupted by the Dark Orb, he was tricked by Gharnef. Michalis deliberately commited evil acts and he was only present for the last couple of chapters with a few sparodic appearances. No wonder everyone is pissed at his ending.

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Did Michalis do bad stuff to as many people as Hardin? If he didn't (don't remember) and began to help those people he hadn't hurt, it would be a lot easier for them to forgive him than Hardin, even if he hadn't intentionally done it. If someone accidentally ran over your dog, you'd be really upset, even though it was accidental. If someone deliberately ran over someone else's dog but then saved your dog, you wouldn't be upset at them.

Just a potential explanation.

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Well, it may be because

he helped in the more recent war and Hardin helped earlier and became evil. Michalis's good deeds are more present in people's minds than Hardin's, and Hardin's evil deeds are more present in people's minds than Michalis's.

Michalis killed his own men as told by Machis, killed his own father and allied with Doluna. Hardin freed the plains people from slavery, helped Minerva fight her oppressor and save Aurelian women from rape. Then he protected Nyna, even Camus thought well of him and was the only resistance against Medeus other then Marth. Hardin even still had a good rapport with the plains people in the War of Heroes and there's no indication that they ever let go of these memories.

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Think about it.

Hardin died from the exposure to the Dark orb and you beating on his ass.

Michalis "Died" From stealing the Starlight tome from Gharnef. Gharnef can only beat his ass so much with Imhullu.

Hardin looked fine in his portrait and Marth could've gone easy on him

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Yeah, but imagine you getting hit by a Rapier/Master Sword/Miracle Sword/etc

Would YOU survive?

With those stats, yeah. If Camus, Michalis in the first game can, why not Hardin? Marth's dialogue gives the impression he might've been holding back.

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With those stats, yeah. If Camus, Michalis in the first game can, why not Hardin? Marth's dialogue gives the impression he might've been holding back.

Well, First off, Camus:

We don't know if Camus is Sirius and if Camus/Sirius/Zeke thing is true

Next, Michalis:

Michalis was saved by Maria and her praying to the Gods last I checked.

Who said Marth was gonna kill Hardin Directly.

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I've been particularly wondering about Wolf's and Abel's endings(if different).

I've a suggestion for you:

Wait till someone translates the script or the western release happens.

A lot of people are wondering about the endings and they all have to wait, and you've asked this multiple times in other threads already. It's getting as bad as the asking for Hardin's portrait and battle stats. WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

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I would like to know how My Unit ends...

And Luke if he ends differently.

Luke losing his job and wandering around as a jobless man was a strange ending. I think he's actually the best of the starting cavaliers.

Who said Marth was gonna kill Hardin Directly.

Hardin's death quote kinda implies Marth was the one who bested him in combat, even though the choice is up to the player.

Much thanks to Kelpser for listening to my bothersome request and posting the image.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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I've been particularly wondering about Wolf's and Abel's endings(if different).

Man, you are annoying. You ask the same questions over and over and over again, and when everyone understandably ignores you, you make a new thread asking the same question?

My god.

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戦いの後、 姿を消したエストを




戦いの後、 オレルアンへ去る。



To the best of my understanding, I believe Abel's ending is still the same as the original: he runs after Est who leaves and is never seen again. According to Wolf's ending, he returned to Orleans (Aurelis) and later entered a "fierce battle" as if he wanted to die... I guess he might've lost his reason to live when Hardin died?

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Abel just seems to have left the country with Est. As for Wolf, I'm not so sure.

Anyone think it's a bit strange that, while the english version has much more descriptive ending titles, the japanese version just has "Altean Knight" or "Wolf Knight of Aurelis". I noticed Shadow Dragon did this too. (I own the japanese version of SD, am currenyly importing japanese FE12)

EDITL lol ninja'd. Wolf is probably one of the most emo characters in the series. There have been others, but Wolf's ending specifically said he wanted to die.

Edited by Big Klingy
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So I was right about emo Wolf? (in my sig)

1. Hardin was pretty much the only thing between his people of the plains being free or being enslaved.

2. He served under a man who essentially went insane and committed atrocities not unlike the enemy they fought in the last war, and he only helped in that fact.

3. Aurelis after all this is going to be in some serious turmoil. Wolf holds a rather high position of power, and holds some responsibility for the things that have happened.

I'd love to see how well you would take all of that, considering some generals have been executed for less.

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1. Hardin was pretty much the only thing between his people of the plains being free or being enslaved.

2. He served under a man who essentially went insane and committed atrocities not unlike the enemy they fought in the last war, and he only helped in that fact.

3. Aurelis after all this is going to be in some serious turmoil. Wolf holds a rather high position of power, and holds some responsibility for the things that have happened.

I'd love to see how well you would take all of that, considering some generals have been executed for less.

Uhm.... what? I wasn't being disrespectful or anything. (to a fictional game character, mind you)

And it's certainly the way he's portrayed, even with number of lines/ending he gets.

I kind of almost suspect Sedgar's ending to be almost the same, honestly.

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