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So what are the new endings and are the old endings the same

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I'm planning to upload everything to photo bucket or imageshack or some gallery site like that; any suggestions which?

I would say photobucket, but that's simply personal preference.

Also, pm'd you the sav file, glad to help~=D

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I wonder what was MU's ending?

I can only read kanji, and Japanese kanji somestimes differ in meaning from Chinese, so I can't really get what happened to him.

Also, are Navarre and Feena's the same?

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Okay guys, well, thanks to Enjolras, I managed to get the rest of the boss quotes/endings.

They're on my photobucket:


Final Boss Quotes

EDIT: I might record the "last cutscene" where everyone talks at least once, as it would be hard to get a screenshot of all of them.

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I could be wrong, but --

Dolph: His wish to be reinstated into the Archanean army was declined. He worked alone to aid in the restoration of the kingdom.

Macellan: His wish to be reinstated into the Archanean army was declined. Afterward, it's said that he formed his own vigilante corps.

Beck: Disappeared after the war. Whether he's living the life of a wanderer or if he settled down in a single location is unknown.

Frost: Returned to his native Macedonia and lived happily ever after with his family.

Dolph and Macellan ending is weird. Marth is ruling Arachnea and even living in its capital so why would he turn them down after they risked their lives helping him? Beck didn't strike me as a wanderer character.

I really appreciate the effort done by Kelsper in posting the endings and dialogue.

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Dolph and Macellan ending is weird. Marth is ruling Arachnea and even living in its capital so why would he turn them down after they risked their lives helping him? Beck didn't strike me as a wanderer character.

I really appreciate the effort done by Kelsper in posting the endings and dialogue.

Yeah, thank you Kelsper and Enjolras, this is awesome!

And yeah don't ask me about Dolph and Macellan. XD I didn't pay attention to their recruitment scenes so I don't know what's going on there, though if someone else wants to take a gander at those endings, please do.

Here are a few more (loose) speed translations while I'm free --

Caesar: Disappeared after the war. They say he may be living happily together with his younger sister, or he may have fallen in a later battle. (I think)

MyUnit: Not much is recorded in history [about him/her]. However, his/her name lives on within the hearts of the comrades whom s/he fought alongside.

Raddy: Disappeared after the war. Although there are rumors that he found his lover, no one knows what happened afterwards.

Samson: is the same, but expanded. "As a soldier with a long service record, he was on standby in case of any emergencies." (Not positive on this one.)

Sheema: is the same.

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Some Final Boss Quotes

Athena: Ve have von! Zis is our strength! (talking about herself in her weird plural way again)

Arran: This satisfaction...Already it's left me. (I think. Regardless, there is regret in this statement).

Cecile: Sir Marth...Chris....Everyone...

Luke: Behold! I am Luke, Knight of Legend, and this ends NOW! (Luke you epic motherfucker)

Malice: It's over, finally over with. Better pay great for that, wasn't exactly fun. (I'd expect great compensation for help slaying basically Satan as well).

Matthis: Eh? It's over? I uhhh, can run with my life now?

Warren: This...Ain't usual (I think it's worded to sound funny, so a better way to put it would be "Well, you don't see that every day" )

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Luke: Behold! I am Luke, Knight of Legend, and this ends NOW! (Luke you epic motherfucker)

Biggest badass in the game.

On the other hand,

Matthis: Eh? It's over? I uhhh, can run with my life now?

What the shit is this? THIS IS WHY NO-ONE LIKES YOU MATTHIS.

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Yumina: Father, mother...It is over.

Yubello: Lawrence...I-I was brave (Ganbare tends to mean a cheer of sorts, so I figured Ganbaru was amore meaningful word, and him saying "I'll cheer up" doesn't quite sound appropriate, but could easily be translated to that).

Ymir: Marth, you're one tough guy. You got my praise.

Xane: So there are some great guys on earth. Really, not bad at all (I am loosely translating this one, the way he speaks is kinda funny/don't recognize some hirigana speak).

Samson: ...Not bad fighting there. (Impressed)

Samuto: Ugh, I'm exhausted. Better end up famous for this.

Thomas: Akenia, Gra...It's excellent, this trust...(So, Thomas is from Gra, eh? Someone's feeling a bit of national pride)

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Thomas: Akenia, Gra...It's excellent, this trust...(So, Thomas is from Gra, eh? Someone's feeling a bit of national pride)

How can Thomas be from Gra, he's served Akaneia for years as seen in the first BS map.

Could I put in a request for Barst and Roger's ending?

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How can Thomas be from Gra, he's served Akaneia for years as seen in the first BS map.

Perhaps he immigrated with a family when he was young and joing up at a young age.

Could I put in a request for Barst and Roger's ending?

I already know Barsts. He returns to Talis to be a woodcutter, but the sea and distants lands still call for him. He apparently has grown a passion for travel.

I'll do more in a bit.

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A few more random ones. Can only really translate the ones with minimal kanji.

Kastor: Mother... I'll be home soon. (technically 'return' but I think this is a bit more accurate)

Catria: Well done... Lord Marth. (yokatta literally means 'it was good' but from my experience this is what it usually means)

Elice: Merric... thank you.

Est: It's finally over. Abel, I...

Julian: It's over. Finally! (as in, expressing satisfaction)

Katarina: Lord Marth... [MyUnitName]... Well done.

Lena: Julian... Because you came, I... (not entirely sure about this one)

Matia: Brother Michalis, Sister Minerva, I want to talk to you all. (not that it's onii/onee sama here, not completley sure how to translate it. It dosen't really seem in character for her to say 'lord brother' [like it is for, say Lachesis])

Nagi: This is... good.

Nyna: Camus... you...

Narbal: Marth... Impressive. (it seems like this combination of kanji can also mean 'beautiful' or 'dazzling', but this makes the most sense for who's saying it)

On that note:

Frey: That was some superb fighting sire. (the same kanji Narbal uses, but I'm trying to be in character here)

Ryan: We, We really won...

Roshea: Lord Hardin... we...

Tiki: Happy... I'm truly happy!

Sirius: ... (come on, did you really expect anything more?)

Mallisa: Grandma... We did our best. (the same 'ganbaru' that Etzel's Hips noticed. Just my interpretation)

Roger: A new world... new meetings... it's been good. (don't know if that last line's supposed to be: it's good this happened. Another random note, if you translate everything literally it almost sounds like he's quoting the song 'Feelig Good')

Palla: It's been a long war. But it's finally...

Marth: The fighting's over. Everyone, thank you. Trully, thank you. (the last sentence could also be: I'm trully grateful. Actually, that sounds much better.)

Unsure ones:

Raiden: Says something like: If only Commander Camus was here. Not sure about the second sentence.

Samto hopes he'll be famous. EDIT: Someone already did this one, my bad.

Damn it! Can't translate Dolph's! His first line is: 'the fighting's over.'

Robert: This wasn't something weak people could do. OR You people aren't so weak after all (???) ONE kanji is stopping me from translating this.

Ceaser: I can translete it, but can't make sense of it: 'we're waiting. And soon we'll return.' Is that supposed to be some obscure metaphor?

Belf: Commander Camus, the shadow dragon has [kanjiIdon'tknow]. And so, it's over. (what is that kanji? Slain? Defeated? Fallen?)

Dice clims to want to do 'something' with his pay. (he ends up gambling it away in his ending though...)

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Unsure ones:

Raiden: Says something like: If only Commander Camus was here. Not sure about the second sentence.

Samto hopes he'll be famous. EDIT: Someone already did this one, may bad.

Damn it! Can't translate Dolph's! His first line is: 'the fighting's over.'

Robert: This wasn't something weak people could do. OR You people aren't so weak after all (???) ONE kanji is stopping me from translating this.

Ceaser: I can translete it, but can't make sense of it: 'we're waiting. And soon we'll return.' Is that supposed to be some obscure metaphor?

Belf: Commander Camus, the shadow dragon has [kanjiIdon'tknow]. And so, it's over. (what is that kanji? Slain? Defeated? Fallen?)

Caesar's is "Wait for me, I'll return soon." He's referring to his little sister, who was either taken hostage or is in trouble of some sort. Notice that Raddy's is the corresponding, "With this, we can go save her now..." (It's been implied that Raddy's gf is Caesar's sis.)

re: Belf, literally it's "destroyed" but basically "defeated" works.

Raiden: If only Lord Camus were here... That is my only regret.

Robert: I THINK it's "With this, the innocent civilians [he means 'weak' as in they can't defend themselves. I'm sure there's a better way of putting this, but can't think of it right now] will no longer be oppressed."

Dolph: loosely, "The war is over now. However, true peace for my country can only be obtained starting from now." (Alternatively, "The battle is over. However, the struggle for true peace in our kingdom begins now.")

- - -

Roger's ending is loosely: After his return to his native Grust, he lent his efforts to the reconstruction. He was always searching for a new love, but it seems that didn't go smoothly for him.

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Caesar's is "Wait for me, I'll return soon." He's referring to his little sister, who was either taken hostage or is in trouble of some sort. Notice that Raddy's is the corresponding, "With this, we can go save her now..." (It's been implied that Raddy's gf is Caesar's sis.)

re: Belf, literally it's "destroyed" but basically "defeated" works.

Raiden: If only Lord Camus were here... That is my only regret.

Robert: I THINK it's "With this, the innocent civilians [he means 'weak' as in they can't defend themselves. I'm sure there's a better way of putting this, but can't think of it right now] will no longer be oppressed."

Dolph: loosely, "The war is over now. However, true peace for my country can only be obtained starting from now." (Alternatively, "The battle is over. However, the struggle for true peace in our kingdom begins now.")

Ah, right. Didn't know Ceaser has a sister. Characters are certainly more developed now. Dolph's is good, but still dosen't explain why his offer of joining Marth's knights is rejected. (Or does is it just: "Sorry, we don't accept crappy pre-premotes")

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Ah, right. Didn't know Ceaser has a sister. Characters are certainly more devoloped now. Dolph's is good, but still dosen't explain why his offer of joining Marth's knights is rejected. (Or does is it just: "Sorry, we don't accept crappy pre-premotes")

Yup, it's only mentioned briefly in the chapter where you recruit them. And possibly in their base conversations, but I haven't gotten those.

And lol, I have no idea. The post-game political situation looks all around weird; I don't even want to TRY explaining this mess.

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Ah, right. Didn't know Ceaser has a sister. Characters are certainly more devoloped now. Dolph's is good, but still dosen't explain why his offer of joining Marth's knights is rejected. (Or does is it just: "Sorry, we don't accept crappy pre-premotes")

Looking at the growth rates, Macellan seems to be actually better now!

Roger's ending is loosely: After his return to his native Grust, he lent his efforts to the reconstruction. He was always searching for a new love, but it seems that didn't go smoothly for him.

He should meet up with Gatrie. If Sain, Alec, and Saul can find love why can't those two?

Would it be possible to post Darros's ending?

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Looking at the growth rates, Macellan seems to be actually better now!

He should meet up with Gatrie. If Sain, Alec, and Saul can find love why can't those two?

Would it be possible to post Darros's ending?

Sain, Alec, and Saul are hotter

Ummmm. Not sure I'm parsing Darros's ending correctly, but it's something like:

"It seems like this time he turned over a new leaf and started to work diligently in Altea."

Someone else take a look at this one. XP

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Sain, Alec, and Saul are hotter

Ummmm. Not sure I'm parsing Darros's ending correctly, but it's something like:

"It seems like this time he turned over a new leaf and started to work diligently in Altea."

Someone else take a look at this one. XP

But Gatrie has muscles and Roger has....bulk plus tougher competition.

Good to see Darros got a happy ending and finally settled down.

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Gatrie's still not pleasant in the face area. I'd have to agree with Hitomi here.

I would translate more...But I'm feeling lazy. I'll do one more Final Boss quote.

Sheema: Change shall come to my country. Lord Marth, you have my gratitude.

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Gatrie's still not pleasant in the face area. I'd have to agree with Hitomi here.

Gatrie's nose, eyes, and headshape are the same as everyone else. Roger, on the other hand does strike me as chubby and silly. Plus Roger is competing with a handsome prince whose known Roger's crush since childhood. Gatrie's rival is a gambling drunk who just met the girl and attempted to sell her family heirloom....actually the fact that Gatrie still loses makes him more pathetic.

Sheema: Change shall come to my country. Lord Marth, you have my gratitude.

Is Sheema thinking she'll improve the country or Marth will?

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Well, I put the rough translation in some of the picture's descriptions (the links are in my sig).

Tell me if I've missed anything. A big thanks to eclipse, Etzel's Hips and Hitomi, and anybody else who has translated so far.

EDIT: I uploaded the final cutscene where everyone gets a line. Ogma and Macellan's lines are at the end because I used Enjolras' save and they were both dead (interestingly enough, the ending for Ogma and Macellan showed them grayed out/sepia tone and had different text)

Final Cutscene

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