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Yes, and no.

Yes, he experienced two changes in his identity: once in Gaiden(Zeke) and again in Monsho no Nazo(Sirius). But no, he doesn't have the same personality as Camus in Dark dragon and sword of light/shadow dragon...

See proof here

Edited by shadowjam
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Yes, and no.

In fact, he experienced two changes in his identity: once in Gaiden(Zeke) and again in Monsho no Nazo(Sirius).

See proof here

so is that all true?

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so is that all true?

Yes, however, it's shrouded in controversy, due to the fact that Sirius and Zeke weren't directly mentioned as actually being Camus, not to mention personality differences among the three. However, the differences are not too "different" from the other two Camus incarnations, hence the "yes, and no"... Ah, the power of indirect fan interpretation of story events that involve answers not fully confirmed by Nintendo/IS, the maker(s) of the fire emblem series...

Edited by shadowjam
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It's pretty obvious who Sirius is, even if he isn't directly called "Camus". It's like trying to say that Superman isn't Clark Kent because Clark Kent wears glasses. I mean, he's even wearing the same clothes.

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Doesn't Nyna call him Camus in the final chapter?


Princess Nina!

Open your eyes!

Be strong...!


Ah... I made a huge mistake.

Because of my stupidity... I caused such grief for Hardin.

And I made him... turn into that.

Oh... I... What should I do?


Empress... Prince Marth has already ended Hardin's suffering.

Even until the end Hardin still loved you, and he apologised for his crimes.

It's alright now.

You don't need to suffer anymore.

You just had a bad dream, that's all...



You are



Princess Nina!

You mustn't give up.

You shouldn't be a weak person!



You are...


You are Camus!!

Why... Why are you...

Am I dreaming?

You're still alive...

Ah... It's true...



Empress... I think you're mistaken.

I am Sirius, a soldier of the allied army.

I don't know anybody called Camus...




No! That's wrong!!

You must be...


Please calm down.

You must be very tired.

I must leave this place very soon.

Well, Empress Nina... You should return to Prince Marth's side...



Where are you going?


I must return to my country.

I... I have somebody waiting there for me.


Really, is that so?

I understand...

Sirius... thank you.








It's... nothing...

Empress, you must go!

Nothing that says, as Sirius denies it.

Edited by Michalis
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You're forgetting anime logic. Nyna pointing out that he's Camus all but confirms it. Also...



Edited by A boy named Sal
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You're forgetting anime logic. Nyna pointing out that he's Camus all but confirms it. Also...




Hey you never know, they could've just had the same tailor

Edited by Michalis
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Also notice how hesitant he is to deny it. It can't be easy for him, considering the relationship between Camus and Nina.

...Not entirely sure WHY he has to continue hiding his identity though. Perhaps he fears the the issue of a world learning one of the greatest knights basically returned back from the dead, especially after a war his nation lost. Perhaps he's afraid of persecution. Camus is a rather prideful guy, I wouldn't doubt it.

Who the hell knows? Camus's life after death is confusing as hell, considering FE2's Zeke going with it

Also, what are the odds of them having the same damn haircut and hair color AND the same freaking lance?

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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Also notice how hesitant he is to deny it. It can't be easy for him, considering the relationship between Camus and Nina.

...Not entirely sure WHY he has to continue hiding his identity though. Perhaps he fears the the issue of a world learning one of the greatest knights basically returned back from the dead, especially after a war his nation lost. Perhaps he's afraid of persecution. Camus is a rather prideful guy, I wouldn't doubt it.

Who the hell knows? Camus's life after death is confusing as hell, considering FE2's Zeke going with it

Also, what are the odds of them having the same damn haircut and hair color AND the same freaking lance?

The lance isn't the same, Hardin has Gradivus in book 2 and you probably won't give it to Sirius in the original as there is only one more outdoor chapter. I think Camus is trying to distance himself from his old life to live on as Zeke. He was living without his old memories for a while and I think Zeke eventually became a new personality.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Also notice how hesitant he is to deny it. It can't be easy for him, considering the relationship between Camus and Nina.

...Not entirely sure WHY he has to continue hiding his identity though. Perhaps he fears the the issue of a world learning one of the greatest knights basically returned back from the dead, especially after a war his nation lost. Perhaps he's afraid of persecution. Camus is a rather prideful guy, I wouldn't doubt it.

Who the hell knows? Camus's life after death is confusing as hell, considering FE2's Zeke going with it

Also, what are the odds of them having the same damn haircut and hair color AND the same freaking lance?

he also has an auto-A support with Nyna. As if that didn't make it obvious enough.

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Sirius = Camus = Zeke. I don't that even requires further explanation...

If there needs to be further explanation, pick up FE Gaiden and go through it a bit to see the connection between the three.

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Gaiden was a very good but awkward game. You see, when you casted something you used your HP. :P

I'm pretty sure it would be nice to have it modernized, though. I mean, Gaiden not only had Mr. Too many Names, but also had the Pegasus Sisters.

Also notice how hesitant he is to deny it. It can't be easy for him, considering the relationship between Camus and Nina.

Part of the reason he tries to deny it is probably because Teeta is waiting for him in Valencia (hence in the dialogue where he snaps her out of her hypnosis, he says he has "someone waiting for him").

Edited by Chainy
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Gaiden was a very good but awkward game. You see, when you casted something you used your HP. :P

I'm pretty sure it would be nice to have it modernized, though.

A magic system where you had all spells in one tome would be pretty nice, though.

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