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Over 100,000 in the first week

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And why is this not considered a main entry in the series?

He was probably referring to dragon quest.

In my opinion, if a game sells over 400,000 copies world wide, then the game was a hit. If it made a fourth of that in One week, then it's doing well.

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If you look at the figures for the previous games, they're something ala (I'm using Vgchartz as a source. You can definitely debate their credibility for the USA and the rest of the world, but for Japan, they're very close to mediacreate and famitsu, which makes them credible enough to quote). These are, obviously, the Japan only sales.

FE6: 138,000 first week, 392,000 in total

FE7: 120,000 first week, 292,000 in total

FE8: 172,000 first week, 298,000 in total

FE9: 101,000 first week, 155,000 in total

FE10: 76,000 first week, 165,000 in total.

FE11: 147,000 first week, 270,000 in total

FE12: 149,000 first week

So it's essentially started out at roughly as much as every handheld edition.

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Do we also have "1st week" and "tital" sales figures for the pre-portable Fire Emblems, in comparison?

Oh, sure. I'll just use VGChartz again.

FE3: 341,000 first week, 700,000 in total.

FE4: 297,000 first week, 580,000 in total

FE5: 49,000 first week, 260,000 in total

FE6: 138,000 first week, 392,000 in total

FE7: 120,000 first week, 292,000 in total

FE8: 172,000 first week, 298,000 in total

FE9: 101,000 first week, 155,000 in total

FE10: 76,000 first week, 165,000 in total

FE11: 147,000 first week, 270,000 in total

FE12: 149,000 first week

VGChartz doesn't have data for most NES games, and I can't seem to find the data for FE1 nor FE2 anywhere else either. I've seen the data somewhere before, though, and I'm almost completely positive that FE3 and FE4 are the two peaks of the series, though, and that FE5 was the lowest selling one in the franchise when it finished selling. So FE1 and FE2 should both be in the 260,000 to 580,000 range. (Not that that helps a lot!)

Edit: Oh, and as for Sacred Stones' sales, the total might be rather low due to competition. The week after it launched, a Wario minigame on the GBA launched. 2 weeks after that, The Minish Cap launched.

It also had a 4 day first week, whereas FE7 had a 2 day first week. FE7 had remarkably little competition, and was actually the best selling game for the week in its 4th week after launch.

I wouldn't be very surprised if FE12 manages to snatch the spot for the 2nd best selling Fire Emblem overall (including the NA sales). Shadow Dragon sold 490,000 in total (without any Europe data, but Europe was most likely <50,000) against FE4s 580,000. Of course, there's the difference of FE4 being Japan only, but you have to savour each little sales victory when it comes to FE, because there sure aren't many!

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For the second week, FE12 sold another 36,000 copies!

It's gonna be a hit!

(hopefully this will encourage nintendo to send the game our way sooner :D )

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For the second week, FE12 sold another 36,000 copies!

It's gonna be a hit!

(hopefully this will encourage nintendo to send the game our way sooner :D )

That's pretty much to be expected.

FE3: 341,000 first week, 84,000 second week = 75% drop

FE4: 297,000 first week, 71,000 second week = 76% drop

FE5: 49,000 first week, 62,000 second week = 26% increase

FE6: 138,000 first week, 52,000 second week = 62% drop

FE7: 120,000 first week, 45,000 second week = 62% drop

FE8: 172,000 first week, 32,000 second week = 81% drop

FE9: 101,000 first week, 21,000 second week = 79% drop

FE10: 76,000 first week, 20,000 second week = 73% drop

FE11: 147,000 first week, 34,000 second week = 76% drop

FE12: 149,000 first week, 38,000 second week = 74% drop

How FE12 holds up next week will be very interesting. Anything above 25,000 is good, and means it's going to outsell Shadow Dragon for sure.

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I presume FE5's sales include the Flash version and the cartridge version combined, right?

And the Tellius games were the ones that sold the least? Color me surprised, actually.

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That doesn't surprise me. Consider the penetration that both systems had at the time; the Gamecube was failing, and the Wii was pretty new.

Indeed. Have a look at the installed bases of the machines when the Fire Emblem games launched. As Fire Emblem games are as short legged as they are, pretty much only the launch installbase is relevant. (The total of how large it becomes years later is irrelevant)

FE3 - ~ 11 million

FE4 - ~ 15.5 million

FE5 - ~ 17 million (but it launched on a dead system, so this one is pretty much a complete exception from everything)

FE6 - ~ 5.4 million

FE7 - ~ 10 million

FE8 - ~ 13 million

FE9 - ~ 3.8 million

FE10 - ~ 1.7 million

FE11 - 23.1 million

The fact that FE9 and FE10 sold as well as they did is really quite impressive.

Another way to look at it:

FE3: 54th best selling on SNES

FE4: 48th best selling on SNES

FE5: 135th best selling on SNES

FE6: 33rd best selling on GBA

FE7: 48th best selling on GBA

FE8: 44th best selling on GBA

FE9: 38th best selling GC game

FE10: 44th best selling Wii game

FE11: 107th best selling DS game

Of course, certain systems had less competition on them than others (the GC, for instance, had notably less competition), but it still shows the picture that the Tellius games didn't sell less because people didn't want to buy them, but because the machines they were on were notably smaller.

FE10 launched at an even bigger disadvantage than it might seem too, as it launched early in the system's lifespan.

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The fact that Shadow Dragon sold that many copies is surprising. I mean, I knew the DS was popular, but I didn't realize just how popular until now, I suppose. You also made a typo with FE 5's sales. Just pointing out that there's a hefty difference between 1.7 million and 17 million. tongue.gif

Personally, I liked the Tellius games the most, so it stings a little that Radiant Dawn had such trouble. To get off topic, I'm guessing if we get another console Fire Emblem it'll be one or two years after the new console releases, so long as it's popular. (if it has the Wii name, it'll be an instant sell-out considering the Wii is the fastest selling console in history or something like that)

To get back on topic, the game certainly seems to be on it's way to outselling Shadow Dragon, which will be very impressive, especially considering the 3ds has been announced and people may start saving up money for games coming out on that. Ok, stupid reasoning maybe as it's going to be backwards compatible, but still. You never know with some people. wink.gif

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The fact that Shadow Dragon sold that many copies is surprising. I mean, I knew the DS was popular, but I didn't realize just how popular until now, I suppose. You also made a typo with FE 5's sales. Just pointing out that there's a hefty difference between 1.7 million and 17 million. tongue.gif

Personally, I liked the Tellius games the most, so it stings a little that Radiant Dawn had such trouble. To get off topic, I'm guessing if we get another console Fire Emblem it'll be one or two years after the new console releases, so long as it's popular. (if it has the Wii name, it'll be an instant sell-out considering the Wii is the fastest selling console in history or something like that)

To get back on topic, the game certainly seems to be on it's way to outselling Shadow Dragon, which will be very impressive, especially considering the 3ds has been announced and people may start saving up money for games coming out on that. Ok, stupid reasoning maybe as it's going to be backwards compatible, but still. You never know with some people. wink.gif

I don't see my typo. FE5's installbase was 17 million. The installbase in that post was the amount of machines that have been sold at the time the games launched. As FE5 was on the SNES, and the SNES had sold 17 million, the installbase is that large.

Unless I'm looking in the wrong place.

Oh, and the Tellius games didn't really have that big troubles overall. Radiant Dawn sold 250,000 in Americas (and somewhere around 30,000-50,000 in Europe), which is far more than any of the GBA games did. In fact, none of the GBA games made 100,000 combined for Europe and Americas, if I recall correctly.

The outside-of-Japan-sales are something ala

FE7: ~ 30,000 (this could be a large bit off)

FE8: ~ 60,000 (this could also be a large bit off)

FE9: ~ 100,000 (this could also be a good 20,000 off in either direction)

FE10: ~ 290,000 (this one's pretty precise)

FE11: ~ 260,000 (as is this one)

So for the series total sales (worldwide) it's actually something ala

FE3: 700,000 (100% japan)

FE4: 580,000 (100% japan)

FE5: 260,000 (100% japan)

FE6: 392,000 (100% japan)

FE7: 320,000 (~90% japan)

FE8: 360,000 (~80% japan)

FE9: 260,000 (~62% japan)

FE10: 460,000 (~37% japan)

FE11: 520,000 (~ 50% japan)

In terms of worldwide sales, the Tellius saga did quite well. In Japan, it performed quite poorly.

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To all you guys who talk about how much the install base matters, you do realize that it's the games that sell a console and not the other way around?

Either way, I guess it's good that FE12 got into the top 10 for 3 weeks straight.

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There are many, many games that provide the incentive for a buyer to buy a console. The game itself, depending on when during the console's lifespan it was released, contributes little. It's much simpler to perform a comparison by holding the installbase variable constant than assuming that the game has a significant effect of the size of the installbase.

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August 2nd-8th sales chart

^ Whoo! :D The new fire emblem's now at more than 210,000 sold!

Can't wait until it comes to the States, provided Nintendo doesn't spoil the party like it did to the first 6 FEs. But now I bet you're proud that FE12 is a hit in Japan, too! Now, Nintendo, rather than letting speculation do the work for you, announce a window for release of this hit to the States already!!! I know it's too soon to announce an accurate date, but now I think it's nearing the time for the announcement of a Quarter window for release to the States, don't you, readers?

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