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The Quest for nothing


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All you are in the same room, somewhere in the dungeons of my castle. You don´t know how to get out of the room. You don´t know where the room is. You don´t know how long you have been in this room. Your are starting to get hungry. What will you do?

Edited by Griulf
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1. I would try to remember what happened.

2. I would check everything inside that room.

3. I would look for a exit or maybe even food.

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"Oh God, not again." Shu had the familiar taste of roofie on his mouth. He'd been drugged. He really had to stop accepting free drinks from creepy guys in trench coats, but...free drinks! Oh well, better to find out where he was... Ah, he was in a dungeon again. He wasn't alone either. After a quick check for his weapons, he decided to go up to the bars/dooor of his dungeon cell and get a look into the hallway, maybe get a feel for where he was in this place.

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Gunzer was looking at the prisoners from one of his cameras. So far, nothing had happened. And only a few of the improsoned had, yet, awakened. Maybe it would be a good idea to wait. But on the other, why wait for something to happen, when you can make something happen?

A note flew down from the ceiling. There was three words written on it. "Will anyone survive?"

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Irzark woke up and saw Shu going to the Door of the dungeon, and asked "Hey, do you know Where we are?" before Shu had a chance to answer a note flew down from the ceiling, Irzark Tried to read it but it was covered in dirt and impossible to read.

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After a couple of hours with nothing happening, Gunzer decided it would be fun,smart and lulzy to see what happened if one of the ghouls attacked the prisoners.

Footsteps could be heard coming close to the door. They sounded mettalic.

Suddenly the door opened with a loud bang. In the opening a ghoul was standing. It was covered with blood and dirt, and it smelled terrible.

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Huh. cameras. This setting was mroe futuristic then he was used to. He probably should have used some form of gun instead. But on the other hand, if he chose guns, and it turned out to be medieval England, he'd probably have been burnt at the stake, and he wasn't getting burnt at the stake again.

Just then, for no adequately explored reason, a ghoul bust into the room! Shu did what any warrior would do in this situation. "Good luck with that, guy! Shu retreated further into the cell, away from the dhoul's reach, leaving whoever else to deal with it. Live first, heroics fifth.

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  • 1 month later...

As nothing had happened in a while, Gunzer dicided it would be best to kill off the subjects. But he could do one last thing.

The door closed itself.

Loudspeakers came out from every wall.

They started to play

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