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Forget about the when was/is your last day of school? topic!!!!

Freohr Datia

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Are you serious, man?! Play games (and beat them), talk to people, surf the net, read manga, listen to tons of music, make illegal downloads, watch anime, sleep!!! And this is all the things you can do while still in your house, and there's even more you can do while in your house that I didn't bother to list. You can also go out and there are many activities you can partake in, like sports or just hanging out in some place you like. You live in like, England. That's a place not called Iran. That's a place full of interesting places to visit. It's actually worth it to go out.

I never ever understood the sentiment of "not having anything to do in summer" and for good reason: it makes no sense! I mean, I live in Iran and I have a slow internet and it's really not worth it to go out (even though I'm in the capital city), but I enjoy every second of summer. You guys all live in advanced countries, you should make use of and appreciate what your country has for you. Seriously, you're not understanding how lucky you are.

I mean, unless you have psycho parents who monitor your every activity and limit everything you can do or live on the streets, you really shouldn't have a hard time finding things to do.

As for the topic, I have no idea when my school will start.

Not every American is the richest folk in town (don't take that literally). I can do some of those things, but I am very close to poor. Some of that stuff you mentioned I just don't have/can't afford to do ('cept illegal downloads................. >=D). And then there's the video game sense where my dad hardly let us play at all in the summer. XD And I do not have pplz to talk to besides on here, where my dad hardly lets me on here that much either. He's the type that wishes all this new stuff hadn't been invented to addle (now that's a word I don't go around using every day) our brains.

But anyway because my dad limits me so much, because I get writer's/artist's block too much, and because I can't afford to buy any more books and I am tired of rereading almost all I have, I just end up with nothing to do.

BUT WHO'S COMPLAINING??? NOT ME!!! I WANT SUMMER BREAK BACK!!! I LIKED BEING BORED!!! At least I don't get homework this weekend.

Oh yeah! On the days my dad didn't work though, we ended up going somewhere.

Now everyone else who say's they're bored... THEY have no excuse unless they're doing just as terrible as my family. =P

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Are you serious, man?! Play games (and beat them), talk to people, surf the net, read manga, listen to tons of music, make illegal downloads, watch anime, sleep!!! And this is all the things you can do while still in your house, and there's even more you can do while in your house that I didn't bother to list. You can also go out and there are many activities you can partake in, like sports or just hanging out in some place you like. You live in like, England. That's a place not called Iran. That's a place full of interesting places to visit. It's actually worth it to go out.

I never ever understood the sentiment of "not having anything to do in summer" and for good reason: it makes no sense! I mean, I live in Iran and I have a slow internet and it's really not worth it to go out (even though I'm in the capital city), but I enjoy every second of summer. You guys all live in advanced countries, you should make use of and appreciate what your country has for you. Seriously, you're not understanding how lucky you are.

I mean, unless you have psycho parents who monitor your every activity and limit everything you can do or live on the streets, you really shouldn't have a hard time finding things to do.

As for the topic, I have no idea when my school will start.

Like they say you never know what you have until you lose it.

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Well, he's British so...

But yeah, I did make an exception for weird cases (like yours), but you still seem to have a fairly good amount of things to do, at least enough to not want school again.

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Well, he's British so...

But yeah, I did make an exception for weird cases (like yours), but you still seem to have a fairly good amount of things to do, at least enough to not want school again.

Hmm... Ok I guess that changes things...

But, yeah, I did have things to do when my dad didn't work, otherwise I didn't have much to do.

But I was still happy for it to be summer.

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Wow, I start school on September 13. You guys all start so early!

It really depends on what college you go to. At the college I attend, there's probably 600 students in the various dorms, and another thousand in on-campus apartments. It doesn't seem like much, but undergraduate enrollment is only about 2800 (which, coincidentally, is less than my high school :lol:)

My high school's enrollment was 2000. The undergraduate enrollment at my University is like, 40000 (I go to the University of Toronto). tongue.gif.

I stayed at the dorm for first year, but I didn't like it very much. Maybe it was because my roommates and I didn't really click though sad.gif. But yeah, I moved back home after that and I find that I actually enjoy school more now. Plus, there's always good food at home.

I don't care about summer. 'tis very very boring. Why? Nothing to do. But I care for school even less, so i won't particularly like sept 2nd.

I think summer is the time that you can pursue your hobbies and catch up with your interests though. I've been doing a lot of writing this summer, and I've been reading a lot of varied books from the library as well. Also been going to my school gym more, and trying to get better at chess.

That said, last year I didn't have a job and I felt pretty useless and depressed for the entire (4-month) summer. This year, I made sure to get myself a job, so I've been feeling a little more occupied because I have a routine.

But anyway because my dad limits me so much, because I get writer's/artist's block too much, and because I can't afford to buy any more books and I am tired of rereading almost all I have, I just end up with nothing to do.

Hmm, what about requesting some books from your local library?

Edited by icey
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Hmm, what about requesting some books from your local library?

My dad would either take us somewhere on the day I ask, have other things to do, or he'd just be having a lazy or tired day. I did go there once, getting a few books, then we barely "had time" to renew the books. So doing that was pretty rare.

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