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Screw The Rules Mafia


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A role that requires you to scream Booyakasha!?

That certainly does seem interesting, atleast,in my mafia history, the only role with a similar activation was Life's role in Train Mafia,and we all know how much of a mind screw that could have turned out to be,if not for... you,actually, Tables.

But I digress.

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Yup. But I'm supposed to do it every night for my night action to work. I misread my role PM and thought I was supposed to do it in the morning, but I was told I could do it immediately and it'd work anyway, tonight only.

And there's always day vigilantes, Kleine. They're also weird and fun.

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A role that requires you to scream Booyakasha!?

Ali G?

There's not much discussion going on here, so I will ##Vote Yossarian in an attempt to get some going.

Well, now that's failed, can the other mafia please contact me? The advantages should be obvious, and I have a role I can play to our mutual advantage... IF you contact me soon.

This really sounds like you're claiming to be mafia, but I'm not going to vote for you. You're not stupid, so I'm assuming you've got some ace up your sleeve.

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... Oh look, it's day phase.


1) SlayerX

2) Levity

3) I Eat Tables

4) Kleine

5) Raymond

6) Dracohon

7) JB25

8) Lightning

9) Ninji

10) Weapons

11) Core

12) Yossarian

13) Snike

... I got an 8. :/

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Ali G?

There's not much discussion going on here, so I will ##Vote Yossarian in an attempt to get some going.

This really sounds like you're claiming to be mafia, but I'm not going to vote for you. You're not stupid, so I'm assuming you've got some ace up your sleeve.

Correct both times.

I am indeed Ali-G. I'm not going to explain my role or anything like that, but as I've said, it's fun but not THAT powerful :awesome:.

I was claiming mafia, in the hope that another hypothetical mafia would see that I know there are two mafias, and assume the claim was real and thus contact me. It didn't work, and after I noticed there were only 13 players (protip: Check facts, THEN post), I realised there's probably not two mafias, so it was a stupid idea anyway.

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I doubt that he'd use a broken computer as an excuse to lurk, personally. It seems... just, strange. Plus, Mafia wants to mess with day phase direction, as much as they want to stay hidden.

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##Vote: Raymond

Legitimately broken computer? Or excuse to lurk?

It is broken, as much as I wish that it wasn't. Vote for me if you must, but don't expect any lengthy responses from me for the time being.

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Is that a FoS on him, Levity? Either way, no information roles have come forward yet, which... isn't that surprising, I guess. Either way, I think we should pressure some people to talk... who hasn't said much yet?

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There's not much discussion going on here, so I will ##Vote Yossarian in an attempt to get some going.

What is there to discuss? I have a rather generic role, and don't know who the scum are. With nothing to go on, I can't really make an accurate vote.

##Vote Dracohon. No offense, but I don't want to be a random bandwagon target.

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Hold it. You just joined the discussion, said nothing, made a peculiar mention about 'not knowing who the scum are' then voted back the player who wanted to generate discussion because, after one vote on you, you don't want to be a bandwagon target. Note the one vote bit.

##FoS: Yossarian (That's not a vote, BTW)

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##FoS: Furetchen

Because Tables has a point. I was going to say something about that as well, but I had to eat.

EDIT: bold tag fail.

Edited by Lightning
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Sorry for the poor wording. After six hours of interrupted sleep, I'm not exactly eloquent.

To elaborate; I have nothing in particular to add to this conversation, with a non-informative role. I've seen too many times people randomly bandwagoning on the first vote cast. Hell, I've done so myself. And I'd rather avoid that fate, personally.

Anyway, Dracohon was probably a poor choice for a pressure/self-defence vote. ##Unvote; Vote: Levity is calling for discussion, without...really discussing much.


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I don't think there'll be all that many generic roles in this game. Life said he wanted to make this a stretch from the norm,so while we shouldn't be surprised to see a cop or a doctor, I would be doubtful that we even have "townies" in this game, to be completely honest, until something comes along to prove otherwise.

FoS: Furetchen (don't even want it to look like a vote,so this.)

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I don't think there'll be all that many generic roles in this game. Life said he wanted to make this a stretch from the norm,so while we shouldn't be surprised to see a cop or a doctor, I would be doubtful that we even have "townies" in this game, to be completely honest, until something comes along to prove otherwise.

I did say 'relatively' (well, 'rather', but tomatoes and tomaitoes).

Levity just pimp-slapped you

*shrug* I'm too tired to register insults.

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