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It's like, kinda like Dwarf Fortress, but bigger.

I suck at it. At night the mobs come and I hide in a cave I built so I don't die. I also burn things for light.


Still hiding.

Kinda fun though. Free version, you can just build whatever you want, and for about $13USD you can get the preorder of the final game. This has been in development for about a year and buying the game gives you all current updates, survival mode--where you actually have gameplay, i.e. survival (crafting weapons and shit). Multiplayer servers are apparently the bomb.

Yeah. Pretty fun. Randomly generated worlds.

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If you let it become a serious thing, it can actually be pretty fucking awesome. It's turning into one of the scariest things I've played in a long time. And seeing the math create some awesome looking landscape... at times it can feel like exploring something out of the Elder Scrolls games. And it seems there's a lot of really cool stuff in the game... it just all has to be discovered. It's not nearly as simple as it appears on its face.

I'm really fucking digging this game. You just have to give it purpose in order to enjoy it. If you're the sort of person who depends on things to be fun for you you're not going to have any real fun with it. But I have damn fun trying to build a tower from the top down into my cave base and stumbling into an awesome cave with waterfalls and tons of stuff to mine. It's pretty awesome for the exploration.


It also looks like I can't leave my new home this way. Darn. Oh, and that awesome cave ended up having a swarm of monsters in it and I died. That's the problem with digging down. There's no way back up unless you make one. And I'm too engrossed in exploring, and dying apparently, to bother.

Das good.


There's some pretty pictures of the game, some of people playing, some creating, and some doing whatever it is they do with their games. Multiplayer can get pretty cool at times.

Edited by Celice
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I bought it.

Punched some trees, got blowed up by a Creeper, reset.

Built a tiny shack's foundation, was proud of myself, got blowed up by a Creeper, reset.

Dug into the sand, built a tiny shack, fucking hid in the corner I dug in the hill listening to noises until morning, commenced making torches, and am still going now. Gonna dig myself out a dwarven fortress into a nearby hillock and it'll be awesome.

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  • 2 months later...

I played it.

Built out of my "hidey-hole" (check Youtube Tutorials for reference, heavily assists new Minecraft players.) and basically expanded from there. (I also got the Snow tilelist on my first world.)

Features of Note:

-Expanded first base.

-Mining Quarry (actually reached the bedrock too.)

-Underground Stairs to the Overlook / Skyway.

-Skyway Walkway to my Fortress I had going on a hill.

-Skyway Walkway had a small "Gravel" elevator to the side. (Check tutorials for this tip)

-First Floor Fortress complete with master chamber, mini-kitchen, mini-prison, and three servant rooms.

-Small farm area complete with bunker and greenhouse, near Fortress.

-2 small underground passages digging through hills.

-A bunch of Dirt pillars with torches on top as beacons (Torches will run out however in the next update, due for Halloween.)

From there, I messed around in the ocean and screwed stuff up (died). So...

I deleted the entire world that I spend 12+ hours on.

I really wish there was a manual save function so you can backup your world before you run around and screw stuff up. Autosaving everything, while helpful, can be annoying when it saves when you are busy messing around with lava streams in the middle of the frozen ocean...

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Oh no, we have beem tainted :(

minecraft is very fun for a while yeah, I'm not doubting that. I even like the game, but my god it's over-rated, I can help but feel sick when everyone and their dog is claiming it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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Not here, though. I mena, I imagine someone will feel the urge to, after I said no one had, but as of this moment, in this topic, no one has called Minecraft the best thing since sliced bread, cause it's not. It's just cool.

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I assume he's referring to the general hype and rave reviews the game has gotten, not necessarily the opinions of only the posters in this one topic.

Anyways: The number of users exploding almost overnight, the excellent reviews, the noted addictiveness of the game, the fact that gameplay is composed of simple, repetitive actions......reminds me of a certain Blizzard MMORPG, on a much smaller scale. I thought about trying it, but I'd only be in it for the exploration element, and I already have games like Fallout 3 (soon to be 4) for that.



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