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Lightning's Mindscrew Mafia Game Topic


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Fuck... I didn't want to say this but I now have no choice.

I'm unlynchable today, according to Lightning. Remember the shit that Psychout mentioned about me also being unlynchable? Well, Lightning sent me a PM soon after saying that I was unlynchable. So there you go. You waste a mislynch AND don't even get my head in return. So change your votes.

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They want to kill me because of some weird notion that me coming out early and wanting to lead the village means that I'm Mafia. And no matter any argument I put forth, it is always met with "well, what if you're lying?".

Terrible logic, I know.

Nope, it's based on the notion of Survivors generally siding with the mafia. They have no real reason not to. Nobody mentioned anything about wanting to lead making you mafia, they said that being a generally anti-town neutral and wanting to lead seemed like a bad idea.

But that being said, I'd consider that the mafia probably isn't four big, there are probably information roles, and considering the game type, there very well might be more deaths than one per night. So I'm happy with a No Lynch, or a Life lynch.

So I'm not changing my vote :awesome:.

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Nope, it's based on the notion of Survivors generally siding with the mafia. They have no real reason not to. Nobody mentioned anything about wanting to lead making you mafia, they said that being a generally anti-town neutral and wanting to lead seemed like a bad idea.

But that being said, I'd consider that the mafia probably isn't four big, there are probably information roles, and considering the game type, there very well might be more deaths than one per night. So I'm happy with a No Lynch, or a Life lynch.

So I'm not changing my vote :awesome:.

You're not changing your vote even though you're happy with a no lynch as well?

I know it's a long-shot (and tables' aggressiveness isn't uncharacteristic of him) but I'm not liking all of the theories you're throwing at Life and your stubbornness in voting him. Life may not be aligned with the town, but our focus is on the mafia and this Life bandwagon isn't looking good at all in my opinion. I think we should focus on others before we accuse him of anything (although, I guess if he really is unlynchable then lynching him now would simply be a pointless waste of a lynch)

I don't know; now that I think about it, I almost want to see him lynched just to test out this new 'unlynchable power' he's acquired. I'd just believe him off the bat, but Life is great at lying and I'm never fully trusting him again, so it's a troubling situation.

EDIT: typed 'lynched' as 'lunched'


Edited by Levity
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If Life is unlynchable, then why don't we lynch him to force a NL on a day that is supposed to be forced lynch? I have a sneaking suspicion that he isn't unlynchable, though.

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The only thing that worries me about lynching Life is that I think he just might be a town power role. And this claim is his way of deflecting mafia attention.

I'll give things a look, see if I spot other scumtells on people.

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I'm unlynchable today, according to Lightning. Remember the shit that Psychout mentioned about me also being unlynchable? Well, Lightning sent me a PM soon after saying that I was unlynchable. So there you go. You waste a mislynch AND don't even get my head in return. So change your votes.

This is what I find odd about Life's unlynchable claim: How do we waste a mislynch if you aren't lynched at all? If we do lynch you and you end up not dying, not only do we find out you're telling the truth but it's simply the same situation as a no-lynch and nobody dies. Therefore, it doesn't count as a mislynch.

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Well, that being said, I'm still not voting for him. Something doesn't seem right.

Also, Tables, you're under my suspicion. Just thought I'd let you know.

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All right, though I admit to not having a very good history with Life in mafia games... why are we killing him again? There seems no reason for it, you guys. Seriously, why? We're going to lose if we just lynch haphazardly like this

Because he's independent he'll be putting himself before the town.

We have no leads for the time being besides Psych having a good role as he hasn't managed to make himself public enemy #1 yet

So trying to lynch Life is better than mislynching one of our power role.

And if Life is unlynchable it should count as an attempted lynch

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This is what I find odd about Life's unlynchable claim: How do we waste a mislynch if you aren't lynched at all? If we do lynch you and you end up not dying, not only do we find out you're telling the truth but it's simply the same situation as a no-lynch and nobody dies. Therefore, it doesn't count as a mislynch.

Why not just scumhunt properly and lynch... I don't know, someone who's been nonchalantly acting guilty like Tables?

Actually, I think I might. ##Vote: I Eat Tables

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And if Life is unlynchable it should count as an attempted lynch

Here's the thing. I'm unlynchable TODAY. Not in general. But I don't know if Lightning's telling me the truth about being unlynchable. So I'd rather not risk it but if you want to do it, fine. I just think that we should lynch someone who's acting more guilty than usual.

If you do lynch me today and I survive, can you idiots then follow behind me and let me make all the decisions on who to lynch?

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If you do lynch me today and I survive, can you idiots then follow behind me and let me make all the decisions on who to lynch?

I don't follow people who refer to me as an idiot, sorry.

Anyway, I think I remember seeing something else odd but I have to go back a couple of pages to retrieve it.

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Nice logic. Because, if I were mafia, I'd want to kill a player who can help us win a lot quicker, and that makes me scum.

So far, you've been asked why we should keep you alive given you admit to not being town, and the best reply you've come up with is "You should be scumhunting properly." That's no defence.

I've looked through, and nobody really looks scummy to me, yet. Maybe Levity for not following that Survivors are generally bad for town. But that's not really enough for me to be suspicious.

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I don't follow people who refer to me as an idiot, sorry.

Idiots refer to anyone who has a vote on me right now. Bizz, you're not included in that group.

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Although it would be far easier to kill him on a day phase so it would make sense for him to side with the town at least for the time being but lynching you would be preferable to a mislynch

Unvote Psych Vote Life Unless there's a good alternative.

Yeah, this post is odd.

Also, I like the two random votes that were placed on me earlier in the game before the whole Life fiasco.

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I've looked through, and nobody really looks scummy to me, yet. Maybe Levity for not following that Survivors are generally bad for town. But that's not really enough for me to be suspicious.

I've never really believed that logic. Maybe I'm just retarded, but even though all third-party roles are generally bad for town I don't usually like to consider them an IMMEDIATE threat (unless they're serial killer or cult)

Survivors can be either bad for town or not really much of a threat at all depending on the person, you know, so I understand that someone like Life would definitely take that advantage, but I just don't feel like we should rush and lynch him right away. I'm just not... feeling it.

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So far, you've been asked why we should keep you alive given you admit to not being town, and the best reply you've come up with is "You should be scumhunting properly." That's no defence.


Why are WIFOMs only listened to when it's against me and not against anyone else? You can easily be Mafia by trying to inconspicuously lead the town. Want to know why that's effective? Half of the people here look up to you and will wag their tails if you ask them to. So why not screw the town over by trying to look helpful LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO?

Why should we keep YOU alive instead of me? Are you townie? Then post your Role PM right now.

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If you do lynch me today and I survive, can you idiots then follow behind me and let me make all the decisions on who to lynch?

Well that goes back to my previous point about you being unaffiliated with the town. I doubt you'd put the town before yourself.

The main reason is that there isn't a good alternative to lynch.

(This is because I doubt Tables is mafia it seems more likely that you're just manipulating people to dispose of Tables as you've been at each other's throats since this started.)

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Unlynchable? What?

Life's remark about the town only being allowed a single mislynch is quite interesting, too. I'll keep that in mind...

If this is true, him siding with the town would in fact be a pretty unwise descicion, so watch out for him. I think we should leave him alone for now though; he can't directly harm us, so getting rid of the mafia should clearly be of higher priority, especially if we only get a single mislynch to work with.

##Vote WoMC

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Well that goes back to my previous point about you being unaffiliated with the town. I doubt you'd put the town before yourself.

The main reason is that there isn't a good alternative to lynch.

(This is because I doubt Tables is mafia it seems more likely that you're just manipulating people to dispose of Tables as you've been at each other's throats since this started.)


this post is so ugh ugh ugh

so many things wrong

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Well that goes back to my previous point about you being unaffiliated with the town. I doubt you'd put the town before yourself.

Way to not read properly. I'll never put the town before myself. But I'll never put the Mafia before myself EITHER. I just want to live to the end. One of the fastest ways of doing so is just lynching the Mafia one after another.

Here's another way to prove that I'm not faking my role PM. Compare it to the 3 role PMs from my game (Screw The Rules Mafia) that I wrote by myself. Writing style is different, huh? Compare it to the Wiseman Role PM from Spoon's Train Mafia game.

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Guys, do know what we could do? We could lynch Mike, instead of Tables or the Good Admiral. Then tomorrow, once the Good Admiral's unlynchability is gone, we can lynch him, if we have reason to. Thoughts?

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Way to not read properly. I'll never put the town before myself. But I'll never put the Mafia before myself EITHER. I just want to live to the end. One of the fastest ways of doing so is just lynching the Mafia one after another.

Ugh should've expanded it.

O.K. I meant that if it all goes pear-shaped you can turn tail and support try and aid the mafia, whereas the townspeople are stuck with us.

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Why are WIFOMs only listened to when it's against me and not against anyone else? You can easily be Mafia by trying to inconspicuously lead the town. Want to know why that's effective? Half of the people here look up to you and will wag their tails if you ask them to. So why not screw the town over by trying to look helpful LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO?

Why should we keep YOU alive instead of me? Are you townie? Then post your Role PM right now.

True enough. But maybe it's because I didn't claim to be the Survivor. You still haven't answered the question, either. What possible benefit is there to the town to leave you alive? We're playing for our team. You're playing for yourself. You win by lynching probably two townies, or wins by lynching three/four mafioso. I can see which one is easier for you.

I could easily post my role PM but it would harm the town to do so right now. I don't like my role though. It just seems wrong, plus it's factually inaccurate <_<. It's not an information role, though. That much I'll say. It's either protection or vote manipulation, in some form.

Levity: Survivors aren't an immediate threat, but getting them out of the way before they start hindering the town is generally useful. Then again, unless there's a confirmed survivor, it isn't always sensible for the mafia to claim when they near parity, so we'd have to see.

Also, there's the evidence Life put forward about mafioso numbers, then brushed aside. I'm not sure what to make of it any more. If it's true, then since there's no PMs, he isn't the survivor in contact with them. If he is the survivor, then we should disregard them. I think three mafioso/survivor/seven town is most likely.

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