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[FE8] Draft Tourney


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I'm sure you all know the drill. Every other game has one going on, so why not extend the love here as well.

All you gotta do is aim for the lowest turn count.

General Rules

-Hard mode. Other modes are LOL

-Only drafted characters may fight, visit houses, support, etc etc.

-Undrafted characters may only meatshield and rescue undrafted characters.

-Either route is allowed.

-No tower abuse. Cause like really?

-Thieves are only free to pick up stuff in the desert.

-NO SETH!!! We do not want everyone merely Seth-skipping the game.

Allowed characters for all: Eirika and Ephraim, Myrrh

Unhallowed characters: Seth

CHANGE: Orson is free for use in 5x

After those four there are 30 Characters remaining. Between 4 people that allows 7 each. Last two are unused. All free to pick and choose. Here's the list:



Penalties Incurred

Seth Usage (Till Chapter 15): 8 turns (4 After)

Anyone Else: 4 turns

REMEMBER! Many characters come at different times on either route, so plan accordingly!


Core : Franz, Natasha, Cormag, Forde, Marisa, Gilliam, Knoll (COMPLETE)

psychout50: Vanessa, Colm, Artur, Joshua,Neimi, Amelia, Rennec (COMPLETE)

IntegerZero: Ross, Tana, Moulder, Garcia, Saleh, Duessel, Syrene (COMPLETE)

Integrity : Gerik, Lute, Kyle, Tethys, Innes, L'Arachel, Ewan (COMPLETE)


As a bonus, let's also who could do the ruins the fastest. Yay or nay? Also, the fliers and Franz are going to go quick.

Anyone else up for it?

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there isn't enough characters. You should make it 4 players so that everybody gets 7 characters, then the last 2 characters just get thrown out.

Perfectly fine! I was debating that to begin with. 4 it shall be.

Ok. Me and Integ are in. Any last two?

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Allow Orson in case people don't pick Forde or Kyle. Through out Myrrh, or allow her free.

If we go the 4 people route, through out Myrrh and Syrene. 5 is fine. It gives a team of 8 with the two lords.

Wait. For 4 people, slot 2.

Edited by psychout50
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May the drafting commence. Core, lead off.

I'd rather throw at Rennec, cause Syrene has flier utility at least. And what are everyone's thought's about a free Myrrh?

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Free Myrrh, I like. Don't throw out Rennac. Then we only get Colm as a thief. Throw out.......Either Dussel, Syrene, or Dozla. Keep Orson so one of us doesn't have an Ephraim solo of 5x.

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Apologies everyone. Still getting used to it. OP updated.

Hm.. Ephraim is allowed, why the hell not. Go crazy with Orson. Seth is honestly the important one here.

EDIT: Me and my bad engrish.

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I think we ought to simply leave whoever doesn't get picked out of the list, rather than tossing somebody out at the beginning.

My thoughts exactly.

EDIT: And I will take Tana.

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I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Still up for trading Colm or Vanessa. >_>

Ewan could make a decent Mage Knight, but.....it's Ewan, and no Tower.

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I think a special provision should be made for Chapter 2, since it's basically impossible to get to Ross without Vanessa (or maybe Seth.)

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