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[FE8] Draft Tourney


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And Ewan it is! Also, now that teams are compete, are there any questions about anything in particular? If not start any time.

I will be starting any second now.

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Franz -Paladin support with Forde

Natasha- Valkyrie

Cormag - wyvern knight

Forde - paladin support Franz

Marisa - assassin

Gilliam - GK

Knoll- Summoner


Ephraim-eph's route.


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Now we start.

Turn 1: Erika does the first hit crit, dodge and finish. Seth goes and runs in a corner.

Turn 2: Erika hits the forest and finishes off the second fighter.

Turn 3:Chug Vulnerary.

Turn 4: Finish off for a level.

Name    Lv      HP      ST      SK      SP      LK      DF      RS
Eirika 2.xx 	17 	5 	8 	10 	6 	4 	1

Total Turns - 4

Chapter 1

7 turns. I needed three damn restarts, cause damn Eirika cannot yet dodge tank. Seth naked tanked for all the useless people. Franz too.

Oh and Levels

Name    Lv      HP      ST      SK      SP      LK      DF      RS
Eirika 5.14  	17	5 	10 	11 	7 	4 	1

11 total. Rock start sad.gif

And why wont my levels work? Time to yoink some code.

EDIT: I got it.

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3 turn clear.

Turn 1 Eirika crits (lol) and kills the first Bandit, but it wasn't strictly necessary. Nothing special.


8 turn clear.

Two total +STR rolls allow Eirika to 1RKO the boss. Gills rescues Franz and hides. Seth avoids combat at all costs.


Convoy get.


8 turn clear.

Jesus Selena is hot. I got her Gem. Ross dies. Garcia kills his corner and then stands around. Let the south village die, didn't get the Elixir from the top right. Eirika continues to pimp.


Buy some Iron Swords from the shop to sustain Eirika. She carries her own convoy, so they go there.


13 turn clear.

Jesus Neimi is hot. Fuck I forgot how pimp Eirika is. She's AWESOME this run.


14 turn clear.

Got my Lute. Let Artur die in the top while I was busy getting her. Oh well. Least he left me his shiny book.


13 turn clear.

hey tethys my girl, gimme yo dracoshield. Eirika comes TWO damage short of killing Joshua in return, so I recruit him. Got all the houses and therefore a Guiding Ring.

I'll stop here since it's Ephraimtime.


EDIT: Scratch that.


14 turn clear.

Orson roflstomps. Ephraim takes kills. Orson got the boss kill.

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Pre Chapter 2

I load up Eirika with 3 vulneraries and an iron sword. Moulder get. And dump the scrub's stuff

Chapter 2

Instantly I eat a 4 turn penalty to get Ross with Vanessa. Eirika gets gem. Moulder moves into better position. Eirika now is finally being awesome. She also gets Ross. Ross moves into fort. Eirika goes after some brigands. Garcia is having extreme difficulty. Moulder had to tank for Ross >.>

10 +4 turns... Dang. Garcia is now mine.

Chapter 3. Aka, Ross is getting some baby treatment.

I use Neimi to recruit Colm so they may hide together. Ross does super soaker chip. Eirika takes the north bandito. Turn 12.. Eirika is at the boss ready to kill. 14 turns again, total 39 so far. Ross better pay off.

EDIT: Fixed so to show my penalty.

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Chapter 4

Artur Retreats and everyone else moves forward. Turn 3, Garcia tanks like a boss, and allows rolls a few more deaths under his belt. Turn 5 Erika goes south of the bridge alone. Ross heads after Lute. Eirika WTFPWNS south of the bridge and gets Lute cause I can while Ross and Garcia have a bit of trouble. Yay Moulder. Finish on turn 11

Chapter 5

Pre-battle: Eirika sells some old swords and gets a shiny new one. Thank you Colm.

Aw right Ross Promote. Go Pirate. Give Iron Axe to him, and Garcia too. Let's go! Just for thought, I hate this level. Carry on. Garcia turn 2 gets Shield. Natasha is brought ever slow closer to Joshy boy. Eirika continues to face rape everything in her vicinity. Turn 5, Joshy gets and he runs away leaving a fun toy for the Demoness now. Silly me goes after boss with 3 HP left on Eirika. She proceeds to crit and end the chapter. Also got all villages and guiding ring. Moulder will appreciate that. I'll post some stats after Ephraim and Orson be awesome everywhere. 9 turns btw.

Chapter 5x

AKA: Ephraim is the man.

Cue Ephraim being awesome with his scrub Orson taking like 5 kills. Ephraim exits at level 10 with all stats ridiculously above average. Go the man. 17 turns. Mostly missing the boos. Could of done in 14.

EDIT: Me and my spelling...

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My turn


yay predetermined RNs

Chapter 1(5/8)

I'm glad I have Gilliam and Franz drafted. Eirika was able to ORKO the boss so the other just took whatever they could handle.

Chapter 2(7/15)

My units work as cohesive army, Franz advances South, Gilliam takes whatever he won't miss, Eirika did whatever she could. Ross came over to suicide, but he helped a little as a NPC.

Chapter 3(10/25)

I'm very happy with this result. Again, I love how well my people work together. I skipped the javelin chest, because it would've taken an extra turn or two.

Chapter 4(10/35)

weeeeeeee. Franz gulped some pure water and charges towards the eyes. Gilliam heads south to take on the stuff that tinks him. Eirika does her normal, pwning routine. I could've done this in 9 turns, but eirika had the wrong weapon equipped on enemy phase. :(

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Extra Fires for Lute get. Extra Steel Sword for Eirika get.


7 turn clear.

Lute up, gets XP. Eirika right, clears to the boss. Congratulations on 20, girl.


11 turn clear.

XP, XP, XP, XP, Eirika used two more Rapier charges on the boss bringing her down to 6.


14 turn clear.

Could have done it faster a little, maybe. Oh well. I'm not one to redo chapters if I'm satisfied with the result. I'd forgotten I drafted Kyle for 5x so he gains some levels here.


and a post break

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More Fires for Lute get. She breaks them ever so fast. Kyle drank the Sekret Book from C5 so long ago.


17 turn clear.

Stinkin' Pablo...

Anyway, lost both houses because Kyle isn't tanky enough to blitz the Dracoshield one (sadfaec) but I managed to get Amelia, which means +2 SPD for Kyle. Lute promoted.


17 turn clear.

Party get. I recruited Marisa for some extra XP for the Chief in the form of reinforcements. Eirika got put to sleep otherwise this could have been a turn or two quicker.


Kyle eats Tethys's Goddess Icon. Bought some bows, some swords.

That's it for tonight. L'Arachel in the morning!

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Chapter 5(12/47)

NOOOOOO SETH DIED. Yeah Seth was a pro distraction and died. And made some chokepoints to take on the bandits. It was kinda difficult.

Chapter 5x(10/57)

Woohoo Forde, Ephraim, and Orson. I bet Kyle feels left out. Anyways, Orson muscled through most of it.

Chapter 6(12/69)

:( I hate this chapter way too much. Too many enemies, and I have to protect Natasha.

Chapter 7(10/79)

Fairly easy. My people were kinda stretched out though. I'll give unit stats in a few chapters.

Chapter 8(10/89)

I'm very happy with my result. I had everybody rush north, and Franz took out the boss with armorslayer.

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Good morning, gentlemen.


11 turn clear.

I'm deploying 5 non-Lord units! Kyle and Lute built a C finally. L'Arachel get. L'Arachel and Lute spammed Torches in an effort to get some staff rank going up.


16 turn clear.

Ewan get, and Ewan got to level -6, hooray. Could have spent some extra turns farming a particular Bonewalker who didn't move but I didn't feel like it.


Kyle Great Knight! Innes eats Ewan's Energy Ring. I buy some sticks for L'Arachel and some Fluxes for Ewan's inevitable promotion.


5 turn clear.

Cormag shows up right as Aais dies to Gerik. Decided against recruiting him in an extra turn because wtf why. Tethys is a good dodgetank. Kyle is invincible.


Back to Port Kiris, I buy Hand Axes for GK!Kyle and grab some lesser Axes. Could have done it before C13 but the path was blocked by a Skirmish and I didn't feel like attacking and retreating to clear it.


23 turn clear.

Got all the treasure I wanted, hit some secret shopping, let red unit Rennac open a door for me to save time and eliminate the regular penalty before I recruited him (:D). Ranger!Gerik get. Ewan hit 10.


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Ewan's a real mage now! or Shaman, as it were. Eirika eats an Energy Ring. Mr. Worthless Rennac is deploying to gather treasure with an empty inventory.


16 turn clear.

Got just about everything I came for. Ewan did some tanking (serious) and everything went moderately smoothly. Ephraim get.


L'Arachel eats Metis's Tome, gains Maturity (she needed it.) Ephraim eats the Swiftsoles. Shop~ping!


10 turn clear.

Myrrh get. L'Arachel promotes to a Valkyrie through heavy Warp use. Oddly, I didn't waste a single Warp on just XP gain. I actually found a bunch of Warps that needed done to save time. Yay.

Twins promote.


Ephraim eats a Talisman I nicked last chapter. Ewan promotes at 11.60 to Summoner. Rennac goes to market and sells all my excess junk, then buys a lot and a lot of weapons.


5 turn clear.

A little luck could have shaved a turn or two off. Ah well. Myrrh got some hardcore training.


8 turn clear.

XP all around! Ahhhhhhhhhh! One egg managed to hatch, but it was distracted by and killed a Phantom so whatever. Warp is down to 3 uses and Hammerne is gone.


2 turn clear.

thanks Ephraim. Kyle got S Axes finally. Otherwise, two turns of XP farm.


4 turn clear.

Warp broke. :(


8 turn clear.

Lute got the Angelic Robe and popped it for some extra Morty-slaying HPs.


1 turn clear.

Easy peasy. Ephraim rushed and attacked, then Eirika rushed and attacked. Lute Rescued Kyle, who attacked with Garm. Tethys danced for Lute. Lute Rescued Myrrh, who landed the killing shot. Would have been unnecessary, but Kyle whiffed one of his two 64%s.


248 turns, says the in-game calculator.

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And now a final post with stats, etc!

248 turns. I'm positive that'll be handily beaten by somemost of you.



Eirika     5.79  33/18/24/23/16/17/10  254/118
Ephraim   12.51  48/23/26/24/20/19/18  138/ 82
Lute      13.57  40/30/14/20/27/12/20  217/160  Kyle C
Kyle      13.19  55/21/19/22/11/20/ 9  217/122  Lute C
Innes      9.76  36/17/13/18/18/11/11  116/ 57
Gerik     10.69  54/25/20/21/15/19/ 9  156/ 97
Tethys    11.00  25/ 2/ 3/20/19/ 7/11   10/  0
LArachel   9.12  31/23/18/22/30/11/23   20/  8
Ewan       5.30  29/17/14/17/12/ 4/18   52/ 27
-Phantom  5.00   1/ 8/ 6/ 8/ 2/ 0/ 0   17/  0
Myrrh     19.06  38/20/13/18/ 8/20/11   27/ 23

Short as that was, I enjoyed myself most thoroughly. :D

EDIT: Core, I don't have anything but free time. :P Plus I was rushing it so I could get to the FE6 draft.

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Chapter 9(20/109)

I HATE THIS CHAPTER. wow sleep staves, and clusterfucking. no fun. Franz was promoted though, so yay

Chapter 10(10/119)

yay for cormag. This chapter was refreshingly easy.

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67 turns so far...

Chapter 6

6 Turns

Moulder is not deployed.

Ross eats the book and shield. New weapons acquired. Begin! Eirika heads north, Ross and Garcia right. Ross uses the torch he gained in the last chapter. Ross is now taking on the brunt of the army. Doing it like a champ. Garcia is being useless. Turn 6 I finish and get the bolt for my troubles. Got the Halberd randomly however.


Went and bought stuff. Axes and the like. Lots of Hand Axes. Yum. Sold the bolt

Chapter 7


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Chapter 7

14 Turns

Turn 1. Everyone heads right. Smash. Turn 2 and 3, I continue the same pattern. LOL Ross lands a 1% crit. Go Ross. Next few turns I have to deal with the damn mercs. Ross x Garcia Get! Turn 12, I finally am in the bosses range. Turn 14 I seize.

Chapter 8


Turn 1. Eirika, Gar and Ross head north. Turn 2. Yay Ephraim! He proceeds to raep face. Turn 3, Ephraim is going to solo the left side of the map. The other gang continue north. Turn 18. I have lots of fun with Tirado. Next turn I sieze. Goog lord 19 turns.

Total so far: 106

I have to speed up. BTW, taking Eirika's route. I want a usable Tana. And also Levels!

Eirika   20  28/11/19/16/18/8/3  
Ephraim   14.25  31/14/14/15/13/9/72
Ross  14.23 33/13/9/11/15/14/4 C GAR +Shield
Garcia   13.65 35/13/9/8/5/6/3
Moulder 8.40 24/5/7/13/2/4/5

Looking at my units, my Eph and Eirika are doing fie. Ross is acting like a damn general (Beyond grateful for that), Garcia is subpar at the moment, and LOL Moulder. Saleh will be a godsend.


Sell shit. Buy shit. Etc Etc.

Chapter 9

Gave Tana the robe. She'll need it. Also adjusted her equipment. This will be hell.. I want the additional Robe. Turn 1. Ross hits the water. Gar, Tana, Eiika face the right. Moulder chills. Turn 2, see turn 1. The next few turns are hell, and I couldn't record everything. Turn 9. Everything was gotten safe and sound. YAY Robe! Now to finish. BTW Ross is the man! Turn 22...

That is all for now.

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It's interesting that the easiest game in the series is producing the highest turncounts in these drafts. It really shows the utility of a Jeigan character in these drafts.

Without Seth, FE8 is most assuredly not the easiest game in the series, especially when you consider how many awful characters there are in FE8.

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Without Seth, FE8 is most assuredly not the easiest game in the series, especially when you consider how many awful characters there are in FE8.

Exactly one of the reasons he was forbidden. I didn't want everyone to abuse him to all hell. That takes away part of the challenge. That and the tower.

Now for something completely different!


Rushed south. Didn't recruit anyone and Innes, Gerik, and Tethys fended for themselves. Ross is awesome. Garcia is awful. Eirika can hold her own, and Tana is being oh so useful. 16 turns however.

After, Gar ate Icon and went Hero. Gave him some swords. Ross went Zerker. Ross is hilarious. 40 HP, 18 DEF, 17 LUCK and 7 RES makes him a tanky son of a bitch. Not to mention 16 STR 14 SPD and water and mountain walk. He could use more STR and SPD though.

Chapter 11 will be fun. Dunno when I should promote Moulder though.

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Prologue: 4 turns

:facepalm: Eirika couldn't dodge, and it took me 4 tries.

Chapter 1: 7 turns

Stupid Breguet hitting Eirika. :facepalm:

Pre 2:

Eirika takes Franz's Iron Sword, and Seth's Steel Sword, and Vanessa takes an Iron Lance.

Chapter 2: 9 turns

Ross actually lived :blink: , everyone but Seth and the girls went to the corner, Vanessa sucks against axes, Garcia got an NPC bandit kill and the archer kill >_>, the Pure Water village died, and Vanessa was in too much danger to help out. She did get two kills though. :/

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Without Seth, FE8 is most assuredly not the easiest game in the series, especially when you consider how many awful characters there are in FE8.

I would still say it is by far the easiest game around. There are a bunch of awful units because of availability - not potential. That's the number one reason the turn counts are so high in this game. You have to baby nearly every who joins past Chapter 8.

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Pre 11

I completely forgot I had a Killer Axe. Gave it to Ross. Onwards! Gave Moulder the Torch Staff.

Chapter 11

15 turns

Turn 1. Moulder Torches the southern area and Tana and Eirika proceed to go that way. Garcia and Ross go right. Garcia is finally doubling! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif I hate him so much right now. Ross now OHKOs evil eyes. Dozla and whatsherface are doing fine on their own ATM. Turn 5. Eirika and Tana are near the boss, while Ross and Garcia mop up the east side. Secret Book get! Boss is gone turn 6. 15 turn finish

Chapter 12

13 turns

Yay Saleh Get! I need a res hitter. I load Tana up with another Javelin. Ross gets more axes. Gar some more swords

Turn 1. Tana rushes north and kills an eye. Everyone else moves where they gotta. Ross stays behind for the reinforcements. Turn 7 I get Ewan and have the entire south cleared pretty much. Also, Ross is tinking shit. I mean damn. 13 turns!

In conclusion, Ross is kickass right now. Garcia is failing a lot less, Tana is w1n, and Saleh brings much comfort to the team. Moulder is Moulder.

Pre Chapter 13

Hmm... I got a book, and a ring. Sold teh crest. Bought some more blades and Javelins. This next chapter I need to get the whip so I have to recruit Cormag too... Gave Gar the book, and Ross the ring, for my upcoming plan. Gave Ross only Hand Axes. I also need to get Amelia. This will be tough.

Chapter 13

In progress! I need to redo chapter 12. My save state was there. dry.gif And naturally I forget. So yeah...

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