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I finally did it.


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After all those months of her hate for my above-average liking of Fire Emblem; complaining that I'm spending too much time playing it and that I should be spending more time with her... I picked up my DS Lite, slammed the Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones cartridge into the GBA slot, started a Normal Mode run, and forced it into the girlfriend's hands.

She has just recently killed Valter, and seems to be interested in the game, playing it at least a few hours a day. Although I did force her to restart the chapter when she promoted Ross to Warrior and not a Berserker.

A fucking miracle, I tell you.

So my story aside, anyone here ever convinced someone seemingly uninterested or even hating FE to get involved with the series? Who was it, what FE game was it, and how did you do it?

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I can't remember if I had any difficulty doing it, but I got my friend to play FE9 even though he mostly played skill games.

Oh yeah, and since Luminothe is banned, I'll just say for him that he managed to convince someone with no interest to play this series...

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Let's see... my best friend has recently attempted HHM, after I got him into the series (he failed, but getting far enough to give it a serious effort isn't bad). Another of my friends played RD on Easy, and said it was 'quite cool but a bit difficult' (casuals, blargh). A third got stuck half way through PoR on Easy (CoD fans, blargh). Another I've tried to make play, but he refuses despite loving RPGs and Advance Wars (stubborn people, blargh).

Oh, and of those, the first never really hated the game but wasn't interested at first, the second hated it at first, and the third was also pretty apathetic. I also forgot about a fourth friend, who likes them and actually bought one of them (unlike the others - it was FE11 that he bought after playing FE7).

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I managed to get my friend to play Sacred Stones for a bit, but he really sucked at it and I ended up yelling at him for letting Franz die, subsequently leading to me playing the rest of the chapters for him.

The friend who got me into FE, however, has converted several people into Fire Emblem fans.

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My brother usually isn't into videogames, but sometimes when he watches me play something he may get interested and wants to try (a list very limited so far to Paper Mario, Age of Empires, and... well, guess what else since I'm typing it here... ;) ).

Well anyway, Blazing Sword was one of those few games. Usually in these cases he would constantly ask me about how to play and all that since his English isn't good. Good thing at the time I had the European version so I wasn't needed for that. I really don't know what exactly was that caught his attention, though. Oh well...

So far, he has only played the Elibe games, and Path of Radiance's Trial Maps. And I think he actually liked the perma-death aspect of the games, as many a time I've caught him in the Trial Maps sending almost everyone to their deaths. Perhaps I should get him to try Shadow Dragon next, don't you think guys? :lol:

Either way, he has long stopped playing, as other things got his attention better. Oh yeah, I also got a cousin of my mom to play too. But, plain and simple, he sucked, and liked to use cheat codes a lot. A lost cause, I tell you.

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I had a friend get up to chapter 3 of Lyn's mode as I took a gameboy on the trip to York in year 5 in case the person next to me falls asleep on the way there.

And my brother has a friend who started got up to chapter 17 but only had Marcus, Oswin, Sain and the lords still alive. Last time he played it he decided to play on my file where he completed 23x but not without killing Fiora, Raven and Matthew one of whom was holding the Ocean Seal so I have a Dart at level 19.91 who is stuck there until Victory or Death.

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After all those months of her hate for my above-average liking of Fire Emblem; complaining that I'm spending too much time playing it and that I should be spending more time with her... I picked up my DS Lite, slammed the Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones cartridge into the GBA slot, started a Normal Mode run, and forced it into the girlfriend's hands.

She has just recently killed Valter, and seems to be interested in the game, playing it at least a few hours a day. Although I did force her to restart the chapter when she promoted Ross to Warrior and not a Berserker.

A fucking miracle, I tell you.

So my story aside, anyone here ever convinced someone seemingly uninterested or even hating FE to get involved with the series? Who was it, what FE game was it, and how did you do it?

You too? I never actually forced my girlfriend to play FE, she found my DS and started to play it.

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You too? I never actually forced my girlfriend to play FE, she found my DS and started to play it.

Nice to see I'm not alone with this. She unwillingly accepted it, since I "like it so much" and wanted to know what kept me playing it, but she's found herself continuing to play it despite saying she will "probably quit after 5 minutes".

Although looking back at my initial post, I'm probably just a crap boyfriend, haha... Oh well.

Oh, and for the record I got my younger brother interested in the series after I bought him a copy of Sacred Stones for his birthday a couple of years ago.

And about 3 years ago I brought VBA and a ROM of Fire Emblem into school and played it on the computers there during some free periods. A friend saw me playing it and wanted a go, so I simply copied the file over to his dongle. Since going into University almost 2 years ago, I haven't really heard from him, but I doubt he still plays FE games.

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Pretty soon, your girlfriend will be kicking your ass on Shadow Dragon Wi Fi.

Oh, and DON'T force her to restart chapters because she makes a wrong choice. She's just learning how to play the game, which is better than not even trying, right? That aside, I'm very happy for you. You got your girl to play Fire Emblem and like it.

Edited by Charpig
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Pretty soon, your girlfriend will be kicking your ass on Shadow Dragon Wi Fi.

Oh, and DON'T force her to restart chapters because she makes a wrong choice. She's just learning how to play the game, which is better than not even trying, right? That aside, I'm very happy for you. You got your girl to play Fire Emblem and like it.

Apart from that one serious error she made with Ross, she is doing surprisingly well as I leave her play by herself. I would have left her completely alone, but she didn't know Berserkers get a crit bonus.

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I got my cousin (fan of AW) interested in the series a few years ago when I lent my GBA and FE7 to him (I told him to restart on Sain's death and gave some suggestions, but let him be meh with it) and mentioning it a lot. After playing as Ike most of the time on his SSBB, I indirectly convinced him to buy RD, which allowed me to play a simultaneous file. I never got around to succesfully convince anyone else (they already played one or would not get interesting). A friend (who usually just plays anything Halo/SSB) surprised me last month when he told me he had played the PoR japanese iso after it came out up to ch 24~ but I can't get him to return to the series (Sleep staves might have to do with it).

Until they make an FE that allows you to control the shooting of the arrows and swordstrokes, it will be hard to convince uninterested non-tactical gamers and tiara-wearing-blue-hair-grl/guy haters to give it a try.

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There are two people I've tried to get interested in Fire Emblem:

1. The first one was a close friend, and I got him started on my Blazing Sword cart. He played until ~ch. 18, failing the whole way (even worse than me on my first try), and ultimately quit. It's no surprise, to be honest. He's not a smart guy, so strategy and thinking games like FE aren't his thing.

2. The other one was a band friend who actually seemed a bit interested and downloaded a ROM and emulator when I told him how to start on...damn, I actually can't remember if it was Blazing Sword or Sacred Stones. But anyway, he liked it, played through the entire game without failing too hard (he asked me a lot of questions along the way), but I don't think he picked it up again or tried a different one after that.

Anyone else I might have tried to get into the series was already a closet fan or rejected it immediately, so it was just a matter of bringing it up.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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My sister was utterly uninterested until I made her play Sacred Stones because seth was so good looking.

Incidentally, Warrior!Ross isn't a terrible idea.



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Heh heh...it was the reverse for me. I was the douche bugging my friend why he was playing such a boring-looking game like Fire Emblem. Eventually, he got fed up and lent me his copy, implying "play it and judge it fairly or shut the hell up". I was like whatever, but eventually a boring weekend came by and I figured I might as well check out this "Blazing Sword".

And the rest is history! :awesome: He's actually bored of FE now (more into Advance Wars, Valkyria Chronicles, and the like), I'm still loving it. I also got my sister into it. Her favorite is Sacred Stones because it's "the most romantic", whatever that means. :P

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A friend of mine got interested in playing it while I was playing FE7 during free time. I got him FE9 for his birthday so he could play it. (Used from Gamestop, but his half-brother sold it on him.) I also helped him buy a copy of FE10, and he eventually beat it. (One playthrough.) He also borrowed Shadow Dragon from me, but he didn't get very far, and I forgot what he was up to. He gave me the go-ahead to delete his save file, and it's obvious what happened next.

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That's strange. I'm MUCH better at AW than FE. At least, that's my perception of the matter. I'm really not sure why though. :(

Ha, well I'd say the same applies for me, although that's likely due to me having two years more experience ('02-'04, as the EU releases went) with the AW franchise, maybe you're the same.

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I wish I can force someone to play a FE game. I actually got interested in this series when I saw my friend play it.

I'll probably get my other friend to try it since he seem to be into RPG games.

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Not too epic as you my friend, but I really convinced too of my best friends to play the game.

One hates RPG strategy games, he was difficult to get hooked. The other one just needed to hear "There are girls using swords, lances and magic", he began playing them immediately.

For the first one, I had to tech him and he then saw how I pwned Nergal with a ton of damage. he decided to try it and liked the game series (but he uses codes, darn it).

That's all I have made.

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Hahaa, she has recently complained to me about how she hates the "floating eyes" and how they killed her attacking unit even though it was her unit attacking. I asked her what weapon she used, to which she replied "some axe". I facepalmed inside, but just stayed calm and simply explained how the Devil Axe can hurt the unit using it. All is well.

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The closest things I've done to this is simply name the GBA and DS Fire Emblem games whenever my cousin asked if I know any games he should play. Of course, he played FE7 long before I've even mentioned the games so what I did was pretty much the equivalent of telling someone to google something they already know but with more specific wording.

The other thing was recommend the SNES FEs to Nightmare. I remember he played at least up to chapter 2 (FE4) but I haven't asked him about his progress with it since there was more focus on the MAGICAL (and batshit insane) CASTLEVANIA JOURNEY.

That's about it. I don't feel like introducing anyone to this series.

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I suggested playing Fire Emblem to my stepbrother a few times, but I don't think he ever got into it. That's all. Most of my friends and family aren't into video games or already know of Fire Emblem.

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