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I finally did it.


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I've been trying to get everyone I know to play FE.

from the friends I have asked:

2 don't want to play FE because they only speak dutch

2 don't want to play it because I like the game (when I ask them why, they say 'just because' (in dutch))

3 started playing it but got addicted to other games before even getting to chapter 6 (FE7)

1 started playing but says she can't get past chapter 7 (FE11), past chapter 6(FE8) or past chapter 8(FE7). she keeps on dying and gets annoyed.

everyone else I know has played a FE:GBA before and didn't like it enough to play it again/buy another FE.

now, whenever I'm not on SF, I feel like I'm the only one on the world who likes FE :(

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My friend kind of started hating me for lending him my Shadow Dragon copy. She play loads of chess, and is on Norway's national team for people < the age of 21 (I think that's the age, not sure). I told him that she should probably try Hard * or Hard **, as she was likely to be pretty good at it.

She's completely without a chance on normal. I really can't fathom how she's as bad at it as she is. So I lent her The Sacred Stones in the hope that she might manage that. She can't come past chapter 16 or something on easy.

It's clearly gotten to her, and she somehow sees this as me calling her an idiot by lending her the games.

She insists on playing Radiant Dawn on normal sometime soon now. I fear that's not going to go too well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was the one who needed convincing. My brother had Sacred Stones and every once in a while I would watch him. I thought it looked interesting, but I thought it was one of those games that are more fun when you look than play. Then when I had ran out of games I wanted to play through he told me to try. Every once in a while, he would ask me about something I decided, and I would reply "I didn't use "insert good character here", instead I am using "insert trainee here". He got some pretty good face palms out of watching me. I love the series now. I haven't tried to convince any others to play yet.

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