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Misleading Nintendo info

luigi bros

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I own the Nintendo Power Guide to this game and I read this in the affinity section

(Not a quote, I'm doing this by memory)

If two characters have the same affinity put them together and eventually a command called "Support" will appear.

What is Nintendo thinking? Affinity only effects the bonuses right? This can give new players a completely warped idea. Has anyone noticed this? I played LNM a LONG time ago, and I think at some point it's mentioned. It may have been in the description for affinity, I don't know since I haven't played this game for a long time.

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The in game description for affinity is:

"Elemental affinity. Determines compatibility with other units."

But the player can look in the Support library after the game is beaten and see all the support options, so the guide shouldn't be fooling anyone. The guide may have meant that if units that have the same compatibility stay adjacent to each other, they can eventually support. Can you check the NP guide again and see what it exactly says?

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"When two units share the same Affinity they can aid each other in combat. If you find two units with the same Affinity and keep them side-by-side on the battlefield through multible turns, a Support option may pop up in the menu." (This is not the whole description, but only the part that matters.)

However lower down on the page, it shows a chart of characters that they can support.

But based on the description though it sounds like for example Wil and Sain can support each other since they both have Wind Affinity. However they don't support each other.

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nintendo power =/= nintendo.

In 2003, NP=NoA, as NP was an in-house publication, a fact that extended to the player's guides. It was only recently that NP was sent to a third-party publisher (and the guides somewhere different).

Still, logical as it seems to a beginner, it didn't take long for that statement to be disproven.

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Looking through other NP FE guides, the information is TERRIBLE.

Another misleading line (in the Arena section)

"Your weapon is selected automatically. The default is the best weapon in your inventory-Silver over Steel for example. If there is a tie (eg., you have to Silver weapons) the priority will be as shown below."

(Table below)

Weapon:Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow

Magic:Anima, Light, Dark

It is correct about the priority, but it is not determined by weapons being held. It's determined by Weapon Rank.

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Looking through other NP FE guides, the information is TERRIBLE.

Another misleading line (in the Arena section)

"Your weapon is selected automatically. The default is the best weapon in your inventory-Silver over Steel for example. If there is a tie (eg., you have to Silver weapons) the priority will be as shown below."

(Table below)

Weapon:Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow

Magic:Anima, Light, Dark

It is correct about the priority, but it is not determined by weapons being held. It's determined by Weapon Rank.

seriously? What the hell is wrong with them. Even a noob Fire Emblem player knows that Arena weapons are determined by weapon ranks. >_>

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Part of the problem with misinformation is it's written when there's no context. In the case of these, it was probably just described to someone who was writing, and they wrote what they thought it was.

It's far more problematic when it's actual game script. If memory serves, the Libro Staff in FE9 says it can be used five spaces away from your unit. It actually can be used up to half your magic range. Now, five range may be the minimum--but without the translator using context, they can only assume what the text actually means.


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