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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 52


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Best: Lena

Worst: Maria. At least you might actually want the extra thief at some point, and Rickard's not worse at actually opening the chests than Julian, just worse at combat. Maria is outclassed by anyone who joins before her and has access to cleric/curate. And anyone for another several chapters with access to bishop.

Edit: SD Maria.

Edited by Slize
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Best: This is actually kinda hard, I'm gonna have to go with FESD Lena. C staves means automatic Warp staff utility, and FESD Warp staves have no limits to warp the target except the map itself.

Worst: I also think FESD Rickard will win 1st place in worst, so I'll vote for Cath. She's a big pain to recruit. (Speaking to her with Roy three times in three different chapters, WHILE trying to prevent her from walking off with any treasure she gets her hands on. What?) And not to mention, Chad and Astor should already be covering all of your thieving needs when she joins. There isn't really any point to recruit her other than the urge to recruit every character as possible and to see her support conversations. (The latter of which is why the FE6 section of the main SF site has support conversation logs.)

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Well, Reyson is better, but I think I'll give my vote to FE10 Elincia for having combat utility on the side and to see how people react.

Worst: FE9 Sothe. I can't think of a time when I ever had use for another thief besides Volke.

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Best: Saphy

Worst: Maria. Should I specify from which FE? She's equally bad in all of them.

Honorable mentions to Rafiel, Whys & FESD!Lena for best. I can't say FE9 Sothe is bad, when he is helpful since Volke can't split himself in two. Useful for lowturning.

And honestly, Reisen's utility has to be overrated when non are considering his (lack of) avaiblity and limited full potential.

Edited by The Leaving Song
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Best: Saphy

Worst: Maria. Should I specify from which FE? She's equally bad in all of them.

Honorable mentions to Rafiel, Whys & FESD!Lena for best. I can't say FE9 Sothe is bad, when he is helpful since Volke can't split himself in two. Useful for lowturning.

And honestly, Reisen's utility has to be overrated when non are considering his (lack of) avaiblity and limited full potential.

I can't imagine why Wrys gets honorable mention.

Bold: Considering that you're defending Rafiel, that's what I would call hypocrisy, since the same can be said of him, but to a larger extent. And his contributions in at least 2 of his pre-Endgame chapters are rather questionable.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Best:Saphy (Repair staff use, the first to get A staff rank which is essential in Fe5 and has high magic so she can use a sleep staff to sleep all non throne bosses.)

Worst:Cath (A thief that needs to be talked three times while pressuring the player by stealing treasures and has subpar stats that she gets easily killed, at least Ricardo joins earlier than her.)

Edited by Generic Officer
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I will say Cleric!Maria sucks, but as a mage her magic growth is tied with Merric. And in FEDS the game lacks good mages besides Merric/Linde/Lena. The only thing stopping Maria is her awful speed/skill growth, which is more important for a mage unit then a physical one.

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I will say Cleric!Maria sucks, but as a mage her magic growth is tied with Merric. And in FEDS the game lacks good mages besides Merric/Linde/Lena. The only thing stopping Maria is her awful speed/skill growth, which is more important for a mage unit then a physical one.

And bad HP/DEF. Her growth as a Mage/Sage/Bishop/Cleric is 15HP/0DEF. srsly, that's worse than Dark Mage Cord.

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Plus if she's a mage she isn't a support unit.

I knew that. Just that she doesnt entirely suck.

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I can't imagine why Wrys gets honorable mention.

Bold: Considering that you're defending Rafiel, that's what I would call hypocrisy, since the same can be said of him, but to a larger extent. And his contributions in at least 2 of his pre-Endgame chapters are rather questionable.

Because he's very useful in H3-5.

He has Part 1 to be of more use, it's thanks to him we can shave off turns in 1-8 & 1-E while Reisen will only shave you turns when he is transformed. You can do perfectly without him. Rafiel at least bothers to refresh fout characters at once, and his Mov isn't a problem when you give him Celerity.

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If you give Rafiel Celerity, it's only for 1-8 unless you want to take Celerity away from yourself from 1-E until his rejoining in 4-1, eliminating all the good the Mercs could do with it. And as you said, without Celerity his MOV is problematic.

Reyson can absolutely shave turns by refreshing one unit a turn. Not dramatically like 4galdr does, but it still helps.

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Because he's very useful in H3-5.

He has Part 1 to be of more use, it's thanks to him we can shave off turns in 1-8 & 1-E while Reisen will only shave you turns when he is transformed. You can do perfectly without him. Rafiel at least bothers to refresh fout characters at once, and his Mov isn't a problem when you give him Celerity.


Never mind the fact that he can't really do much of anything in part 1, since in 1-8 he starts in the same section of the map as Nailah and Volug, and I think Rafiel's 1-E contributions are also questionable. Granted, refreshing four characters at once is nice, but how much does it really mean when you can't really take advantage of it?? As for the Celerity argument, he's unlikely to get it until part 4, unless you're willing to let it go to waste by being unable to take advantage of it in part 3. And without Celerity, his mov is problematic.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Worst: FE 10 Sothe

FE9 Sothe I could understand, but FE10 Sothe? Really? When compared to everyone else out there that's God-awful?

Actually, does FE10 Sothe even apply for this? He's more of a combat unit than a support unit.

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He has Part 1 to be of more use, it's thanks to him we can shave off turns in 1-8 & 1-E while Reisen will only shave you turns when he is transformed. You can do perfectly without him. Rafiel at least bothers to refresh fout characters at once, and his Mov isn't a problem when you give him Celerity.

Please watch 3-5, 3-7, 3-8, and 3-10 of my 0% video log. Reyson should have dibs on all of your part 3 Laguz Stones for maximum effectiveness. It's not as useful giving them to any other laguz. Consider:

Scenario 1 (Reyson uses Olivi Grass, laguz uses Laguz Stone):

Turn 1:

- Reyson increases gauge to 15 and moves 6.

- Laguz increases gauge to max and moves 7. Laguz potentially has an enemy phase.

Turn 2:

- Reyson increases gauge to max and moves 6.

- Laguz moves up to 9 and can attack.

Turn 3:

- Reyson can begin vigoring 4 units and moving 8.

Scenario 2 (Reyson uses Laguz Stone, laguz uses Olivi Grass):

Turn 1:

- Reyson increases gauge to max and moves 6.

- Laguz increases gauge to 15 and moves 7. Laguz does not have an enemy phase, but if they do 0 damage on an attack, gauge will increase to max (unless you're a dragon).

Turn 2:

- Reyson moves 8 and vigors 4 units.

- Laguz increases gauge to max (if not at max already) and moves 7. Laguz can attack if vigored by Reyson.

In scenario 1, laguz has an attack on turn 2. In scenario 2, Reyson vigors 4 units on turn 2 for 4 more potential attacks. That's a surplus of 3 player phase actions. Furthermore, actions earlier on tend to be more important than actions later on, since in the case of rout maps especially, the more stragglers you leave behind, the more difficult it is to spread your units out because the weaker ones will be attacked from behind. If you're concerned about the laguz losing an enemy phase, you still have a plethora of beorc units to make up for it. Reyson is by far the most optimal user of your limited Laguz Stones.

Oh, also, Rafiel can't be assigned Celerity until level 15.

Never mind the fact that he can't really do much of anything in part 1, since in 1-8 he starts in the same section of the map as Nailah and Volug, and I think Rafiel's 1-E contributions are also questionable. Granted, refreshing four characters at once is nice, but how much does it really mean when you can't really take advantage of it?? As for the Celerity argument, he's unlikely to get it until part 4, unless you're willing to let it go to waste by being unable to take advantage of it in part 3. And without Celerity, his mov is problematic.

Rafiel's move certainly is problematic in 1-E, but he's only useless if you look at the ledges and throw up your hands in frustration. Rafiel is crucial for low turning the chapter, but he requires a lot of support as well.

Edited by dondon151
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Oh, also, Rafiel can't be assigned Celerity until level 15.

Are you sure about that? Because I remember slapping celerity on my Rafiel in 1-E, and he was nowhere near Level 15. It was my first playthrough, and I didn't know he was going to leave until basically the end of the game, so I put Celerity on him. Also, I had Celerity on him in Chapter 4-4 and he was at Level 14.51 or something like that...

(By the way, I've watched some of your videos and I must say, amazing stuff smile.gif)

As for the topic...

Best: FE10 Reyson. Honorary mention goes to Merlinus, because his superhigh avoid saved my ass several times in FE7 HHM... gee_wiz_emoticon.gif. Hmm, and oh yeah, Ninian, she was good too :(.

Worst: FE9 Sothe. Sucks, dies to everything, only semi-useful for desert chapter really =(.

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