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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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A secluded hut

Despite the severity of the earthquake, some buildings that should have fallen down managed to escape relatively unharmed. Kaileen's hut was one such building. Sitting out in the wilds, little had been around it to fall on it, and either through enchantment or sheer luck, it had not fallen down. Thusly, inside, Kaileen and her child slept peacefully.

Suddenly, the door to the cottage was ripped off its hinges and sent smashing through the interior of the house. The vile sound of the demonic beasts which had followed the group and assaulted Tanair flowed in in the wake of its destruction. Upon the second floor, Kaileen woke up, groggily, before slowly plottering down the stairway and to the main floor. As she came down, she was greeted by the sight of three of the foul beasts ripping about her living room in a futile search for her; their claws ripping into delicate furniture and smashing the chairs against the walls in a fury.

"Great. Hooligans." she muttered to herself under her breath. Apparently, her voice was more than loud enough though to catch the attention of the monsters as all three stopped what they were doing to glance towards her. With a lightning spring, one of the tree beasts leapt up into the air, it's many tendrils streaking backwards as it sped like a fel bullet towards Kaileen, knocking her down and smashing her to the stairs. It's tentacles parted to reveal one of it's many maws as it lunged at the woman's exposed neck, trying to rip her throat out, only to bite into the wood of the staircase. Kaileen was no longer there! Despite her half-closed eyes, she had slipped down and under the beasts mass and out behind it. She rolled forwards, picking up the discarded shaft of a chair leg before getting up and spinning about to launch it at the beast!

The makeshift spear struck true, piercing through the many tentacles of the animal and lodging itself right in the beasts joint of one of it's many legs, causing it to scream out in pain. Bending down, Kaileen picked up a second shaft of chair leg as she tried to drop into a defensive staff stance. However, the two remaining beasts were already upon her! Many tendrils gripped her right arm as one of the beasts leapt on her from above, repeating the same strategy as their comrade, but with the intelligence to restrain her movement this time. Kaileen's eyes went wide as the sleep was blasted from them and she flung herself to the side just in time to dodge a bite which would have otherwise killed the priestess, only to have it bite hard into her shoulder instead. A scream of pain filled the house as the beast tried to rip her shoulder off her body whist she was secured by the monsters companion. Blood flowed down her shoulderblade as the pain racked her body!

"Get away from Mommy!" The scream of the small child filled the air as the nine-year-old rushed down the stairs, a spear in hand. Already, the beast that Kaileen had wounded had moved to the side, anticipating a Kaileen sandwich, leaving the way open for him to run down the stairs. Though his young body had trouble holding the spear, the momentum he had gained from running down the stairs was more than enough for what he needed to do. Springing up, he launched himself at the monster, the spear piercing through the many tendrils to stab at the core inside; causing the beast to release Kaileen as it screamed in pain. It's companion too released the priestess as it moved to counter the new threat presented by the child.

Not wasting her newfound freedom on bawling in pain, Kaileen rolled to the side and sprung upright as she dashed for a nearby bookcase, magic tomes littering it's shelves. She grasped one in desperation as the three monsters surrounded her son like a pack of hungry wolves. The boy swung his lance back and forth wildly like a bat, trying to ward them off. "PURGE!" Kaileen's voice filled the house as the tome glowed with a radiant light. With a brilliant glow, suddenly the flesh and tendrils of one of the beasts grew obscenely hot as bubbles of light started to well up and burst over it's hide like lava. It dropped to the floor, screaming in pain as two of it's seven legs seemed to catch holy fire from the divine assault. Instantly, the other two beasts were off Kaileen's boy, but it was too late. Kaileen had her tome, and a moment later, naught but three piles of glowing sludge were all that remained of the beasts.

Kaileen gave a heavy sigh, the blood still flowing down her now torn nightgown freely. She was rusty, but still... "Mommy, do you want me to fetch the bandages?" asked her son. "Yes dear." she responded, her voice pained as she brought her free arm up to examine the wound. "That would be nice." she said as he walked off. As he did, she cast a longing gaze at the boy, wishing fervently that his father was there to help fix the furniture, or to have protected her. He was dead though, and now she had bigger worries than broken chairs. Three demonic hunters in her house, the Lord's seal was weakening for sure!

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"Ok Esphyr. I'm gonna check up on Reika now. She got sick poor thing," he said, heading back towards Reika and seeing her stir.

"Urnunnngh....What happenred?" said Reika, her eyes swimming with moisture and her face lined with nausesa. "Oooog."

"We got ambushed by some knights in this canyon. Nothing big. You really need to rest now. And it looks like you need a drink. Here," said Alferis, pulling out his watersking. She grabbed it and took a long drink before handing it back.

"Just take it easy and I think you might be better in the morning. I'll stick by for a bit to see how you're doing ok?"

"I don' need ya hanging around. Go scout or something."

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OOC: I may be reprimanded for both of these >_>'

On the road again

After the group's swift exit from Giver's Canyon, they continued along on their way through the country. Alongside the road was a wagon driven by two horses, the owner was organizing a bunch of bottles full of Lord knows what, and they were all neatly arranged under a sign that read "Robitussin the Miracle Cure!". When the chubby man with his tilted hat and fine clothing saw the group coming, he quickly finished setting up and cleared his throat in preparation to try and make a sale.

Not far away a draken like beast lied hidden in the tall grass not far from the road eying the man and his cart. The beast had a very unusual hide color and red eyes. Meanwhile the salesman tried to make himself known to the group by leaping a bit and throwing up his arms with a jolly smile on his face!

Rude Awakening

There was nothing but darkness, and silence ... suddenly the intense feeling of fluctuating energy caused her to stir! She immediately woke up and found herself suspended underwater! Her last memories were Isotov's horror stricken face, and her blood staining his cloak! She quickly cringed not knowing what was going on and tried to get out of whatever she was in so that she could breathe! As soon as her head poked out from the water, she realized that she was floating in a sphere of ink black water sustained only by Ixion's spell! As she looked around she didn't see anyone at all! She could only hear howling animals and the sounds of electricity bursting along the walls!

Woman: (Where am I ...? ... when am I?)

She quickly moved herself to the side and fell from the spherical water cage only to be soaked by it more as it fell from the air and splashed apart on top of her! She lied there on the cold stone floor naked for almost a minute. She looked herself over and noticed a tattoo on her leg.

Woman: (My tattoo has changed. The colors are all blue now. What does that mean?)

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of the animals drawing closer! She quickly came to her feet and took a defensive stance! Suddenly three creatures came from the shadows! All three of them looked different, but each resembled a wolf in body structure! Their eyes were reptilian in appearance and their bodies were covered in sea wyvern scales! Their tails tipped like spears, and their incisors were saber-toothed.

Woman: (Someone's trying to play goddess without the instruction manual I see ...)

The strange wolf-like creatures snarled at her waiting for her to make a move.

Woman: (Who could have done this?)

A slight twitch from her made them think she had let her guard down and they all lunged at her hoping to devour her! On instinct she leaped back and avoided their initial pounce! Their second leap in unison placed them right in front of her! She didn't have time to dodge this time and held out her hands trying to cast! She was about to realize that she wasn't carrying a tome, but was interrupted by a barrage of crimson red lightning bolts striking the wolves down and frying them until they were dead and hardly recognizable! She looked at the charred corpses, and then looked at her hands, the source of the lightning. Her hands were tingling with power.

Next, she heard a series of claps coming from behind her and flipped around with her finger tips aimed at the source! She had only just learned how, but she was proficient enough to use her attack again if she perceived a threat! Out from the shadows came Ixion, his mana tangled hands clapping repeatedly.

Ixion: Excellent performance, Miranda. I was right about you ...

She stood there for a moment, and then slowly put down her arms.

Miranda: ... you ... have me at a disadvantage here.

She was making a double reference. One to the fact that he likely knew much more about her than she did about him, and the other to the fact that she was completely naked.

Ixion: You'll be ... taken care of. I merely wanted to test your skills for myself.

Miranda: (Upgrades ... ... I'm not human anymore. Am I even truly me? I can already tell that this isn't my real body. I don't need to see that false tattoo to realize that. What did this man do to me? Why am I here? Where is ...) ... how about we take care of the clothes now, and then we talk about my so called skills hm?

Ixion: Fair enough.

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Captain Luc

Luc was again ahead of everyone else, caring little about what anyone else wanted. He just wanted to be alone with his unfolding plans fo revenge against the curs responsible for everything. Second on his mind, but so small as to be dwarfed completely, were what his actions would be once he returned to Directus. It was entirely possible for him to be demoted in both military and nobility, and he had worked hard enough to reach his levels as it was. At the very least, his last act as Captain would be to uncover the mysteries of this group.

The Fargo

Fargo had lost his own mount so he had been hitching a ride off one of the others horses. Captain's horse didn't let anyone else ride him, so he had no choice but to beg for it. If he hadn't just survived a ballista bolt to the chest he would consider it bad luck. But now it was the best day of his life. Everyone else dying aside. Once the two of them got back to Directus things would become a living hell. Their mission was a failure, and most of the unit was dead. Captain would be lucky to not be thrown into enlisted.

Fargo saw a wagon and a jumping man up ahead. "Hey, he looks friendly!"

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Meanwhile, at Burgosas...

The Septimian Army was more competent than usual, taking only a day and a half to clear the rubble and repair the palace under the direction of the Comet. After the capital was rendered presentable to foreign nations, the soldiers dispersed, to help other outposts with the relief effort. Alex did not join them, instead returning to her manse, and changing into a dress, this time, a green one. After pinning her hair up, the duchess stepped outside of her room, to note that the message she left behind had remained untouched. With a sigh, she took the page, and retreated into her room, disposing of it at the same time. Having nothing of real substance to do, she began to work out in her head how to smuggle the group, in. They were still about two days away, she reasoned, but it never hurt to plan ahead.

OOC: Day after Giver's Canyon incident. Altered timeline, so as to show what she's doing, while the main party travels.

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On the road

As the group continued to travel, Kelas spied an odd sort of merchant's stand on the side of the road. It was a suspicious place for such a stand to be... "We're leaving that one alone," she called to the group. It could be a simple con artist, or it could be a trap of a worse variety... at any rate, she hoped they didn't have to fight, or flee at any speed. What with the party's current condition, she knew it wouldn't end well. She could tell Isotov was still asleep, which would make escaping difficult... really, they all needed to rest.

Arrin rode alongside Tessa, not saying much; his headache was back, and he was a bit dizzy again. He hoped they reached somewhere to rest soon...

Far away-- even later

Miles from the miserable hole, the traveler finally stopped for the night. She pulled her unconscious rescuee down from the saddle, wrapping the woman in a blanket before setting up a tent. She'd have to stay up to keep watch as much as possible, instead of letting the horse act as guard... it was going to be a long night.

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A few hours later

Svetlana flew high in the night sky, captive and rider in tow. Xenia was feeling pleased with herself. Should be at Burgosas in the morning The bumpy wyvern ride woke Charlotte up.

She looked down, startled I'm on a wyvern? But it's seafoam green...not the color of the others. A tall, dark-haired woman sat in front of her. "Who are you? What am I doing here?" Charlotte questioned her.

"Xenia." the woman replied. "Mercenary under Jace's employ, and I'm taking you to him. No funny business Princess, or I'll have Svetlana stab you through the heart." Svetlana hissed in response.

"You wouldn't dare!" Charlotte said, less sure than she sounded. "The bounty is to have me alive." Though alive and Jace's prisoner is probably not much better than dead.

"True." Xenia said. "But I can make your life very unpleasant." She shot out a gauntleted hand and began to strangle Charlotte. Charlotte struggled in vain for air. "Shut her up at least." Xenia said, eventually releasing the princess, leaving her unconscious.

Svetlana eventually flew down and Xenia made a roughshod camp in the wilderness.

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"No argument from me." said Esphyr simply enough. "I mean, dealing with suspicious merchants is not in my mission scope."

"I think that we shouldst help him." said Altion. "After all, trickery is a woman's matter, used to lure in a man for the kill. He is not a woman, so he shouldn't be trick- I just said something completely stupid and sexist, didn't I?"

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Man on a mission

Now that the group was close enough to hear him, he grabbed his wand and began making his pitch!

Merchant: Come one, come all! Today I am here to present to you, several products that are bound to turn those frowns upside down! I have miracle cures and the like! If you're sick, tired, depressed, lonely, I can change that, and all for low low prices, why yes my friends! Low low prices! After all, a man's natural state is in good health! Why would one charge a fortune for such a thing?! I am a servant of the people, why yes I am! What I offer comes at a fair and reasonable price, mm hm! So don't be shy! Please, have a look at some of my wares!

The Group

Iso was stirring into consciousness from the racket and was now half awake, though still draped over Kelas like a coat.

Iso: Kelas ... whatever that noise is ... please make it go away ...

Irina looked around to see how everyone else was reacting to the merchant. Some seemed enthusiastic at first. Most just seemed plain unamused in general. Kiev was completely distracted however. He smelled something pleasant but didn't know what it was. His sniffs were getting loud and noticeable as he searched the air for the unknown scent.

Meanwhile Krinkov vigilantly looked around. He knew what the smell was because he'd secretly desired it for awhile now but with his father around he couldn't act on it. When he found the source, he would beat the tar out of his brother if he had to and find a way to distract the bull long enough to make his move. Lev sighed at the sight of the merchant.

Lev: Well ... at least he's not trying to sell us back our own stuff like Naelia might. I don't know. I'll take a look, but I'll just end up busting his wagon apart if he tries to pull the wool over our eyes.

Viveka had developed a bad cough from having a fever and couldn't get much rest throughout the trip. She decided to tough it out while she waited for her fever to drop. Jasmine stayed close by being worried by the coughing, and Susann of course was right next to Jasmine.

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"Hey, there's a merchant up ahead," Alf said to Reika, who was falling back to sleep.


"I wonder if we should ask him for directions," he mused aloud.

"Hey guys, do we know where the next town is?" he called out.

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"We aren't interested," Kelas called, steering away from the merchant. "Find some other pockets to drain." As the group began to congregate around the man anyway, she noticed Isotov stirring. "Dunno if I can shut him up, but we can go away," she told him quietly, breaking off from the group a bit and stopping a little ways up the road to wait for the others. "You doing all right?"

Arrin looked at the wagon, slightly curious, but saw nothing of interest. He waited for the rest of the group to realize that this was a scam.

edit: added "of interest"

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Merchant Man

Merchant: Of course, who would be interested when innocent ignorance clouds one to the truth? Please, please, come closer! I have many different products for sale, but most of all, I have this!

The man quickly picked up one of the bottles and slapped his wand up against the writing!

Merchant: This my friends is a special syrup with many different healing properties! It is called Robitussin! Coughs, Fevers, Aches, Pains! You name it, this syrup can probably cure it! Oh don't be shy! Perhaps a demonstration?

He quickly noticed Viveka coughing and gestured at her! She immediately tried holding in her coughs to get his attention off of her but it was already too late, and she was bouncing in the saddle from her failed attempts to let coughs out.

Merchant: Don't be shy, dear girl! There is no need to suffer! I have just what you need, and as an act of good faith, I will give you a free demonstration!

Viveka: *cough**cough* ... ah crap ...

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Neither here nor there

Burrowing quickly through the earth and with Megae's quick speed overland, the two demons reached a cave in the Septimian wilderness.

"This must be it, I can tell by the scorch marks." Petros said, bursting out of the ground. "I don't see any bodies though, which means that they took Shanice's body along or did that burying thing they are so fond of. Or...something else? There was powerful dark magic used here, I can feel it in the earth. Not related to the Crimson Weapons I think...do you feel it Megae?" he asked, turning to her.

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The Fargo

"This guy sounds plenty legit to me!"

Captain Luc

Luc had been ignoring near everything around him, despite his own thoughts trying to coerce him to look around. He had not seen, cared or paid the slightest bit of attention to the peddler.

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"What the hell did you do to her?" demanded Esphyr, drawing her sword at the merchant forced the contents of the bottle down Viv's throat. "What the hell was in that stuff?"

"Be careful." cautioned the Headmaster. "He's one of the kooks out there who practice pesudo-science and claim that magic is not needed I wager. At least, he follows form seeing his affinity for medicine, much more shoving a medicine down a ladies throat that isn't approved by a mage academy it looks like."

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OOC: Esphyr button :lol:

Medicine Man

Merchant: Give it time ... give it time, soon your sickness shall be healed!

Viveka: Ugh, that tasted like crap secreted from a pile of slightly thicker crap that came from a crap foundry.

Merchant: Right. Now as I said, the first bottle is free! Just a sign of good faith. You may purchase anything in my shop for the one time low low price of 3 gold per product! Also, if you buy any two products, I'll chop off one gold, and you also get a third product absolutely free of charge! Mm hm! Yes!

When Alferis asked for directions, the man turned to him and straightened his jacket, trying to look highly dignified.

Merchant: Ah yes, my good man, I also sell maps of the outlying regions! Would you like to purchase one?

Meanwhile in the tall grass, the beast slowly moved closer, its intentions unclear ...

Viveka: Crap! Bleh! I can't get the taste out of my mouth!

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"A full gold for your stupid cure?" said Esphyr, almost laughing. "Pha! Good luck with that! I don't even have two gold coins to rub together. Save your money. A cure like this is a waste when all we need is a trip to the nearest cleric with a restore stave to get us healed for free instantly."

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"Here." Helios said dropping 3 gold pieces into the mans hand. He swiped a bottle from the counter and put it in his pocket. "Can we leave now?" He asked the rest of the group.

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The Fargo

"Hey, I'll take some of the free stuff. Bound to make the rations taste better anyway."

Captain Luc

Luc and Thunder stopped and turned around a good ways ahead of everyone else. "Hm?" Everyone else was pretty far behind him, with some cart person that Luc hadn't noticed.

Luc violently shook his head. Dammit, he couldn't afford to space out now. That's how you lose. Luc glanced around the area to look for anything suspicious, and saw nothing.

Luc waited, hoping the others wouldn't stay still for too long.

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Merchant: I'm sorry, dear boy, but even I don't know these parts quite well. My suppliers give me the maps, and I sell them. In fact, I'm currently using one to find good selling spots. This one seemed quite good seeing that many pass through Giver's canyon on their way to Directus but more commonly to the capital ... I'll tell you what, dear boy. I'll give you a discount on a map of your choice. Only one gold. How does that sound eh?

Suddenly, he overheard some of the others speak of leaving and panicked!

Merchant: You're leaving? So soon? But I-I have many things to show you! Please wait but a few minutes! Surely the girl's cough being cured will prove that I am not a sham, yes?!

Suddenly the hidden figure spread its draconic wings and leaped at the wagon! With a loud crash, the wagon tipped over dragging the horses and fragile products with it!

Merchant: Oh no!!

The wagon's crash was followed by dozens upon dozens of bottles smashing open and spilling all over the place! The flying creature was a pink colored wyvern! She immediately began sniffing around the broken bottles looking for something! Kiev's eyes widened! That was what he smelled! A fertile female! He wasn't old enough to be a proper mate yet, but perhaps a head start*WHACK*

Krinkov's tail had come down on Kiev's head so fast and so hard that the sound resonated for over a hundred meters! Irina was thrown from the saddle but landed unharmed. Lev had gotten off previously to take a closer look at the merchant and was actually in front of Kiev at the time. When he turned around to see Krinkov harassing his brother again, he sighed.

Lev: Ah not these crap again ...

OOC: The wyvern is more peach than pink but you get the idea. Certain lighting will make her look pink.

Edited by Phoenix
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