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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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The Fargo

"Ahhhh!" Fargo yelled and slipped off the horse he was riding. He wasn't going to be much use in a fight against a wild wyvern.

Captain Luc

If it's not one thing it's another, Luc thought and rode over to the others, ax at the ready.

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That pink lookin thing that just pwned the wagon

Merchant: Pressha! Pressha, stop this at once!! I demand that you cease and desist!!

The wyvern ignored the man continued searching through the wreckage until she found a strange puddle of liquid! After a quick sniff, she started lapping it up as efficiently as she could, even licking up dirt to get as much of it as she could! She had no saddle or reins. The only thing that made her stand out from other wild wyverns was her hide color, and a small pendent wrapped around her finger that she couldn't seem to get off. The merchant turned back to the group and let out a depressing sigh.

Merchant: *sigh* ... not again ....

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On the road

"...We're surrounded by lunatics," Kelas muttered to Isotov, even though she was pretty sure he'd fallen asleep again.

Arrin turned Francis away from the scene, hoping the group would follow.

The cave

"Yep, that's from that pale human that showed up," Megae replied with a shudder. "Too powerful. I thought Boss had it sorted, but..." She followed the traces of magic left by Shanice's escape attempt, halting at a spot a little ways away. "They warped Boss out over here," she called.

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Captain Luc

"So all that carnage is from an uncontrolled pet? Bah." Luc turned around the the two walked back to where they had waited before.

The Fargo

Fargo eyed some of the intact bottles, but a glimpse of Captain nearby warded off any thoughts about use of unknown products. "So uh, pretty girl, isn't she?"he said about the wyvern.

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"Warped out?" Petros furrowed his brow. "That probably means he's not dead then...though what could a human want with an ice demon? Could you detect where they warped to? Read the winds perhaps?"

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OOC: Going to update the IxionxMirandaxShanice scenes soon but first need to focus on this.

Wagon Wreck

The pinkish wyvern continued lapping up a particular liquid and ignoring the others. She even managed to sniff out an intact bottle of the stuff and quickly broke the bottle on the ground and lapped that up as well. The merchant finally gave in and fell onto his rear in dismay.

Merchant: Oh this is terrible! Why won't she leave me alone?!! This wyvern follows me everywhere and drinks up all the Rudoberry! Why?! Why?!

Lev: ... ... what's in it?

Kiev and Krinkov continued to smash each other with brutal tail swings which made Lev even more curious.

Lev: ... wyverns don't usually cause a lot of collateral damage just to get drinks.

He walked over to the wagon and went around the busy wyvern before picking up one of the bottles. He started reading over the ingredient list as fast as he could.

Viveka: ... ... ... ... ... ... (That's weird ... my cough really is gone ...)

Iso couldn't manage to get back to sleep after the loud crash and opened his eyes to try to find the source of the noise. He quickly realized that he was still blind and quickly closed them while cringing his fists.

Iso: *sigh* ... dammit. So what's going on now?

EDIT: Added Isotov since I felt like it.

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The Fargo

"I'm not allowed to drink on duty, there's really a big big wyvern there." Fargo answered the girl he didn't know. If Fargo was drunk, he'd be on the side of the road or in a gulch puking his guts out. Beer and Directus rations didn't go well together.

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"...We ran into some sort of con artist merchant, which is the source of all the noise from before," Kelas explained. "The others were finally about to get away... but then this wyvern's come and appeared out of nowhere and trashed the merchant's cart, and nobody seems to be sensible enough to leave."

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Current affairs

Iso: ... a wyvern just smashed up the cart? Why?

Lev: We're not drunk, Esphyr. Pink wyverns are rare, not impossible. It just depends on the parent hide colors. Krinkov's mother was a bit pinkish herself ... not these pink but ... you get my point.

Suddenly he found what he was looking for on the label!

Lev: Ahah! These Rudoberry crap is said to make women more attractive to men as well as cure certain forms of cancer! The cancer part isn't important! These stuff is making that female wyvern there give off a much better scent. (Other wyverns will swoon over her and she knows it. Clever girl. If you follow these guy around, you get a permanent source of sexiness and you can attract the best males ... ... heh ... that's a little disturbing actually hahah!)

Lev turned back to face the group.

Lev: Okay, I suggest we turn these wagon back over and then get on our way. These wyvern isn't something we can save the merchant from without capturing her.

Merchant: Please capture her! I can't run my business like this!

Lev: I bet you can't, what with the smashed up wagon and all.

Merchant: Here, how about this! Get rid of Pressha and I'll let you take whatever you want, free of charge!

Lev: <.< >.>

The two brothers continued to pulverize each other making loud hide smashing sounds.

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The Fargo

"Right, just let me back up," Fargo hopped up on the horse he fell off of earlier. Free of charge? Fargo thought, ah well, not like I need it but I wouldn't say no if someone else wrangled the girl.

Captain Luc

There were no threats Luc could see, but dawdling had its way of making threats appear.

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"This Directus place is en route to the capital, yes? We can rest there for the night, provided there are no more ambushes waiting for us." Morgan said. She narrowed her eyes at Reika. What is her problem anyway?

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The Fargo

"Yeah, Directus isn't that far away," Fargo responded to the woman. Not like Captain is gonna let any of you off easy though. Oh this won't end well for me. "Best place to catch some sleep, get some supplies and feel safe. Well, as far as I know. Not like I'm an expert on capital security or anything." Fargo shook his head a bit. The capital had to be better defended than Directus right?

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"Sounds like we should head there then. Why art we delaying here? There beith nothing to see besides a flying Lizard, and I can simply look unto the Fair Irina's steed for that." said Altion.

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"Directus? Sounds good to me," said Alferis. Seeing Morgan squinting at Reika made him nervous. If she finds out that Reika got severed, will she? Or Chase? I can't let her know unless absolutely necessary.

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"Dude. Im sure only Damian speaks Halton here, can you tone it down so we can understand a bit?" He replied Altion.

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