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Hemlock's FE8 HM PT

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Yeah I'm doing a HM run


1.Everyone survives

2.I get as much experience/items/etc from every chapter as I can

3. Turncount

Basically put, This is not a speedrun, I'll be looking to complete the chapters in the most complete way possible, in the quickest way that I can acheive

I will be going Eirika's route, using these units:













The reasoning behind these units differs. I want to see Neimi's performance in a HM environment, and use people that are convenient on EI route.

Prologue(2 turns)

Nothing to say about this.

Ch 1(4 turns)

Also very straightforward. Seth levels up, with satisfactory gains.

Ch 2(6 turns)

I messed up by making Eirika go to the top villages, rather than Moulder. I don't know if it cost me a turn or not. Vanessa rescued Ross and brought him to the left of the mountains. I didn't recruit him. I left Garcia to kill the archer.

Ch 3(8 turns)

Neimi chipped through walls, Colm got chests everybody else I was using went for the boss.

Ch 4(7 turns)

Neimi and Colm go down, while everyone else goes right, then people come back to the start to take on the reinforcements.

   level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Eir 3.67  18  05  10  10  05  04  01
Set 3.44  32  15  15  13  14  11  09
Fra 4.51  23  07  05  09  04  08  02
Nei 3.28  18  04  05  08  04  03  03  C Colm
Col 3.71  19  04  04  10  08  03  01  C Neimi
Lut 1.80  Base

Edited by Hemlock
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Well you don't need to use Myrrh until chapter 20. She gains entire levels from one battle against monsters in that chapter. I'm not sure how efficient it is, but that's how I do it ^-^.

Also how is he using too many units? He's using 12 units, which is usually is the limit. 10 of those units are doing any battling. Make it 9 units because he'll probably want to be thrifty with Myrrh and her Dragonstone for awhile.

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Which supports are you planning to do?

SethxEirika A support or else. /shipper

Just took at look, and it looks like poor Lute doesn't have any support options IIRC.

If you want everyone to have some supports, you could switch Franz with Kyle, since Kyle supports Ephraim as well.

but Franz is too awesome not to use.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I just remembered that I had wanted to use Tana too. I'm taking out Gerik and Saleh because Gerik is a big exp whore, and I already have Lute and Natasha for magic/staves.


Eirika x Ephraim

Seth x Franz

Neimi x Colm

Natasha x Franz(I'm being hopeful on this one)

Myrhh x Ephraim

Tana x Eirika

I'm being realistic with these. Eirika won't support with Seth because of movement difference.The only reason I'm giving her Tana is because Tana isn't tanky.

Edited by Hemlock
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Which route are you going? If you go Eph route, then it's better to do EphEir, but Eir route, SethEir is better due to availability. After Eirika promotes the movement issue isn't as big anyway.

You should also consider giving B supports to people, like EphAEirBSethAFranz or something like that.

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Well you don't need to use Myrrh until chapter 20. She gains entire levels from one battle against monsters in that chapter. I'm not sure how efficient it is, but that's how I do it ^-^.

Also how is he using too many units? He's using 12 units, which is usually is the limit. 10 of those units are doing any battling. Make it 9 units because he'll probably want to be thrifty with Myrrh and her Dragonstone for awhile.

The game does allow you to deploy 12 units. That does not mean you want to be spreading EXP and stat boosters and weapons between 12 characters.

For example, Colm is not a very good choice. Not only does he have poor strength and defense, but he's locked to swords. You already have three very good characters who can potentially use the Audhulma (Franz, Seth, and Gerik), they're all superior to him. You would be much better off ditching Colm and deploying Garcia or Duessel instead, since they can use Garm. You should also only use one of Lute/Saleh. Only one person can use Excalibur, and generally you will want to give Body Rings to that character anyway.

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Colm is essential for my purposes of this PT. He also supports Neimi. I forgot about Garm though. I think I'll add Garcia to my group, so I have a total of 12 units. And remember Tethys and Myrrh are pretty easy to manage.

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The game does allow you to deploy 12 units. That does not mean you want to be spreading EXP and stat boosters and weapons between 12 characters.

For example, Colm is not a very good choice. Not only does he have poor strength and defense, but he's locked to swords. You already have three very good characters who can potentially use the Audhulma (Franz, Seth, and Gerik), they're all superior to him. You would be much better off ditching Colm and deploying Garcia or Duessel instead, since they can use Garm. You should also only use one of Lute/Saleh. Only one person can use Excalibur, and generally you will want to give Body Rings to that character anyway.

With what he just posted, 2 units, you don't have for half of the game(Eph, Myrrh), and 1 unit is a healer(Natasha). I think he can manage Exp Between 9 characters through Eirika's route. Weapons shouldn't be a problem. Ephraim comes with 4 lances (Reginleif, 2 Steel Lances (His and Orson's), and a Killer.)so Ephraim shouldn't have problems.He has all of 5x to get some exp. Funding won't be a huge problem, You could always pawn off Orson's Silver Sword if you won't use it (if you can anyway.). And you always can sell the promotion items your not using. Between 6-7 seven Promotion Items (6 if he has no replacement for Saleh, 7 if he does and its not a Pre-pro) you have 3 Guiding Rings, 2 Knights Crests, 1 Elysian whip, 3 Hero's Crests, and a Master Seal(Subtract accordingly if he has a replacement for Saleh). And you have the free weapons from recruitable characters.

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With what he just posted, 2 units, you don't have for half of the game(Eph, Myrrh), and 1 unit is a healer(Natasha). I think he can manage Exp Between 9 characters through Eirika's route.

He probably can, but that doesn't make it the optimum choice. Better to have a few shit-stomping badasses than many wimps. Not only will it give him the room to complete chapters early, but he will tear through stuff since he's not dealing with failures.

Weapons shouldn't be a problem. Ephraim comes with 4 lances (Reginleif, 2 Steel Lances (His and Orson's), and a Killer.)so Ephraim shouldn't have problems.

I was referring to rare and exotic weapons. Between Franz, Eirika, Colm and Gerik, who is getting the Killing Edge? Who is getting Audhulma? And so on.

He has all of 5x to get some exp. Funding won't be a huge problem, You could always pawn off Orson's Silver Sword if you won't use it (if you can anyway.).

Funding shouldn't be a problem. I doubt he will ever run out of cash, you get a lot in this game. But really, funding should be an opportunity. The more money you have, the more Killer weapons you can buy in Secret shops, the more Reavers you can buy, the more Physics and Barriers you can buy, and you can even go without deploying L'arachel in C14 if you're rich enough (although she's worth deploying anyway just to ferry and use staves).

And you always can sell the promotion items your not using. Between 6-7 seven Promotion Items (6 if he has no replacement for Saleh, 7 if he does and its not a Pre-pro) you have 3 Guiding Rings, 2 Knights Crests, 1 Elysian whip, 3 Hero's Crests, and a Master Seal(Subtract accordingly if he has a replacement for Saleh). And you have the free weapons from recruitable characters.

I never said he couldn't take advantage of those things.

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He probably can, but that doesn't make it the optimum choice. Better to have a few shit-stomping badasses than many wimps. Not only will it give him the room to complete chapters early, but he will tear through stuff since he's not dealing with failures.

I don't see how spliting between 9 units for half of the game will make them wimps. With Eirika's route, The hordes of Enemies will be plenty.
I was referring to rare and exotic weapons. Between Franz, Eirika, Colm and Gerik, who is getting the Killing Edge? Who is getting Audhulma? And so on.

With all of the money he'll be making, there will be enough to go around. Audhulma can go to whoever has the best stats for Endgame or the Best utility for it. Problem solved.

Funding shouldn't be a problem. I doubt he will ever run out of cash, you get a lot in this game. But really, funding should be an opportunity. The more money you have, the more Killer weapons you can buy in Secret shops, the more Reavers you can buy, the more Physics and Barriers you can buy, and you can even go without deploying L'arachel in C14 if you're rich enough (although she's worth deploying anyway just to ferry and use staves).

This is contradicting what you said above.

I never said he couldn't take advantage of those things.

I never said that you didn't ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is contradicting what you said above.

When do you get the first Killing Edge? Second?

When can you first buy killer weapons?

You get one Killing Edge in chapter 5, one in chapter 9Eir/10Eph, and then you can buy them in chapter 14. I'd say that doesn't contradict anything, and even IF it did, you still strawmanned the point being made pretty badly.

Oh, and has there been any progress on the run?

Edited by I Eat Tables
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