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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"I'd guess there would be food at the event, but if you're hungry now we could ask Charlotte," Arrin suggested. I should be hungry around now... He looked at the floor, but realized that he was moping again and straightened up.


"It sounds like we'll find out soon enough," Kelas replied. "It sounded like whoever she is, she might not be our enemy... just his, and I might even consider him an enemy." She sighed. "He wouldn't even get rid of that creepy bond thing... bastard. Always good to know that one of my friends could get attacked outta nowhere..."

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Iso and Kelas' exit left Ixion with Morgan and Damian still close by, but before he could turn back to them, he was verbally assaulted by Alferis!

Ixion: Ivanko raised me, I was not hired. I am no mercenary, and I never work alone. Remember that.

He crossed his arms under his cloak and put his hand up to his chin examining Alferis.

Ixion: Do you even know why you're with these people?


Iso: Y-yeah ... about those connections. Ixion is probably using my eyes and ears to spy on the group. Not that my eyes are any good anymore but ... hih. You probably know where I'm going with this. I'm a bit of a liability if he decides to turn on us.

He hung his head and let out a very deep sigh.

Iso: When and if I get Proxima back, we're going after Daranau. We'll find a way even if we have to do it all ourselves. (Listen to me ... as if Daranau won't just show up like Midnight did during the next attack ...)

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"Yeah. I do. I'm here because I was hired. That's why. That and there are few axemen here. I know what I'm doing. It's a horrible idea to hurt us when you WANT US TO SUCCEED!" Alferis roared.

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Luc Altair

So, the man -- Ixion, if Luc had heard correctly -- was responsible for whatever afflicted Isotov and one of the pegasus girls at Luc's own house. That further added to the unfavorable impression Luc was forming about the man. He was a danger, clearly, but he was powerful and could be used.

Kelas led Isotov away, leaving the conversation without most of its main contributors. That is, until Alferis spoke up and began yelling at Ixion and letting for things drop in the process. Luc crossed his arms at the sight. He wanted to see how Ixion reacted to such a challenge. And the man reacted by questioning Alferis' purpose in the group. Yes, that would be an excellent piece of information for Luc to learn. But that information was dull, just because he was hired he's gone through so much? No, Luc didn't fully believe that. If the group wasn't so important for his own possible goals Luc would have ditched them himself. There had to be a deeper reason there.

And thinking of Alferis for a second led Luc to thinking back to why he had chosen the man. He had been civil, and he was carrying Reika back at Luc's manor. Reika meanwhile, looked to be a candidate for the daggers, and if Isotov's blindness was a side-effect of that so-called severing, than could Reika's weakness at that time be too? But she had recovered fairly quickly, so it was possible to be exhaustion. But there was also that incident in the woods. At the very least, she was the most promising candidate for the daggers.

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Ixion: Hurting Isotov and hurting the group are two different things. Do not confuse the two as Morgan does. I would also advise you to come at me outside a place of ignorance next time. It would do wonders for whatever your argument happens to be at the time.

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"Isotov is one of us, and if you hurt him, you'll have to go through all of us. Why do you feel it necessary to hurt him? Why do you think it's ok to hurt people in general. See if I were you, I'd try to WORK with him, instead of trying to hurt him. The hell is your problem?" Alferis said in disgust.

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Ixion: What you fail to understand is what "hurt" truly means and why it happened in the first place. As far as I'm concerned he's expendable and the situation justified my actions. Without me the organization's goals would be endangered. It's not worth the risk.


Having little to do after answering Cess she walked back over to Ixion and stood by waiting for him to finish speaking with Alferis.

Stephanie: (You have a meeting in half an hour and you still haven't changed.)

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"Well, sure, I figured there be some food at the ball, but I thought it would be mostly light fare, and not a true meal. And yeah, I'm kind of hungry now." Tessa looked slightly embarrassed as she explained to Arrin. But she had good reason to be hungry, she hadn't had anything to eat since before they'd arrived at the capital which happened as noon was cresting, and it was nearing on the time of the ball, which was beginning what was it again? Around eight of the clock?

"I'm not sure we should bother Charlotte though, it looks like she and Eric are a little busy. I figured you'd probably already visited the kitchens, so I was planning on just borrowing you, to tell the truth... Sorry."

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I won't have to go alone? It was a startling realization, and a comforting one: even if Kelas failed (which she still couldn't afford to do, she reminded herself) she'd have backup, and... and she wasn't the only one who would fight for Arrin. "I-- thanks..." she replied, not really knowing how to express her gratitude for the promise of help. She started to lean over for a hug, but caught herself-- no, I will not become one of those people who hug my friends over everything-- she told herself, and sat back up, instead giving Isotov's hand a little squeeze.

She thought back to what he'd said about Ixion spying... that was certainly disturbing, but at least had limit; the man had to sleep and do other things, obviously... "Not gonna lie, that's pretty creepy about the watching, but if he turns on us... well, hopefully by then we'll have figured out how to break it anyway. But we definitely won't leave you, or anything. We'll figure something out."


"Well, do you want to try and find the kitchens?" Arrin got up, a little unsteadily. "We probably should eat, if it's not a full meal..."

edit: added Arrin

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"You're one of those people. A person who's willing to kill your friends and family just to complete a mission. Just...stay away ok? Anyway Damian, I need you here for a bit," he said, leading him away from Ixion.

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Luc Altair

Ixion was utterly self-assured, completely confident in his own necessity. Whatever organization backed him though, was the real prize. Though the man showed callous disregard for Isotov's life, Luc reasoned that Irina's would be able to spur him into compliance if need be. That could completely ruin whatever organization backed Ixion, if he was as important as he claimed. Or if he wasn't, well, either way he would be removed as an obstacle for the party.

Luc walked into full view of everyone remaining, he smiled at them, bowed and walked away. Let them make what they will of that.

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Iso: Hey, when I offer to help I mean it, and I won't fail again.

He wasn't sure what to add to that statement. He was feeling resolute, and that was about all he could muster for the moment. The fact that Ixion had access to the group through both him and Viveka was disturbing to him as well.

Iso: I've got no idea how to deal with it, but maybe we'll find someone who can. If not ... urgh ... let's hope we can convince Ixion to at least lay off until the demon king is destroyed.

Ixion and Stephanie

Stephanie: What were you talking about with that man?

Ixion: ... things that aren't really there. Not much else. ... I presume you want me to change now-

Stephanie: Yes! I'm sorry, but I'll have to introduce you two to each other later. Ixion will be late if he doesn't go now.

Ixion: *sigh*

Before Stephanie could lead Ixion away, Luc approached them with a smile and then bowed. There was little time to respond before he turned and walked away.

Stephanie: Hm? That was ... unusual. Did he want something from us?

Ixion: ... (Everyone wants something. He's made himself known whoever he is. ... I won't forget this brief encounter ...)

Stephanie: ... ... ... huh. Okay time to go!

With that, Stephanie pushed and guided Ixion all the way to a changing room. He would eventually reappear in a nearly identical suit, but far more expensive. His cloak completely white like the feathers of a pegasus. When he emerged Stephanie informed him that there was still a bit of time before the meeting and he decided to roam while he thought to himself. He quickly closed his eyes and began to focus his thoughts allowing his legs to move on their own.

Ixion: (Isotov is with Kelas ... outside on a bench ... ... ... Viveka is with Jasmine ... nothing interesting at the moment. Now where did the headmaster go? I may have thought of a good place to start with her ...)

EDIT: Because "won't"=/="want"

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Kelas looked over the palace grounds. Various people were arriving now; they didn't have too much time left to just sit outside. "And here comes the nobility," she muttered. "And what with those two also in attendance... this is really not going to go well, isn't it?" She sighed. "Maybe we could just stay out here, after all... I dunno."

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Kelas was right. People were coming. The castle gates were being left open now and he could hear all sorts of ruckus. It was as if a crowd had calmly arrived at the gates.

Iso: Hmmm. Feeling nervous? I mean ... if we can handle demons then I'm sure we can handle a bunch of nobles. Then again, it's probably just me looking for something I can do without messing up.

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"It's like we were talking about before, 'what could possibly go wrong'... I dunno, I just want this damn thing to be over, I guess," Kelas replied. "And demons are straightforward, you just shoot 'em... nobles are... gah. I guess we better go in in a few minutes, but we can wait for a bit, at least."

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Iso: Agreed. No reason to mix with these people until we have to.

Iso leaned forward a bit and rested his arms across his legs while fiddling with his hands. Ixion's arrival had revealed some things. Shanice's capture, the theft of Proxima, a mysterious woman, and perhaps even a hidden agenda unbeknownst to them. Things were getting serious. After the ball, he knew things were going to pick up, and if he didn't have Proxima, he wasn't going to be able to lend much of a helping hand in the coming days.

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Charlotte smiled at Eric's acceptance and her attention turned towards the mention of her name, in Tessa and Arrin's direction.

"Food? There will be hors d'oeuvres of course, and I don't doubt that there will be heartier fare, probably a large fish of some sort. Feel free to eat at the ball, just try and be...elegant while doing so." Charlotte said pausing. "And yes the ball is at eight...the time flew even more quickly than I expected. Time to get my hair done and get into my gown, best of luck to you all. I would like to meet everyone outside the hall the ball is being held at beforehand, you can't miss it, nearly everyone in the capital should be there." After imparting these words of wisdom, Charlotte whisked herself away for her own preperations.

Morgan stood and mused about what Ixion had said and was saying to others. A risk? Perhaps, though I do not see a better option. He is so sure of himself and apathetic towards the needs of others...words to describe me as well I suppose. Is it part of the nature of dealing with Elder magic? Though Cess is different, he is...friendly I suppose. If I were raised by another would I-hypotheticals are useless wistful thinking she thought to herself, cutting her own thought off

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Wrinkling her nose at the mention of fish, seafood not being a favorite dish of hers was putting it mildly, Tessa nodded at Charlotte's guidance. "Right then, well we'll be getting something from the kitchens then for now, and then meet up with you at the hall. The fewer times I have to undo and redo these gloves the better. I mean, it's convenient not having to take them all the way off, but still, more hassle than it's probably worth. I'll likely not snack during the ball proper at all if I can help it."

Lending Arrin an arm, she was about to start off in exactly the wrong direction, but he suggested a different way. It didn't lead directly there, but it got them much closer than Tessa would have ever managed. She managed a decent enough meal, and didn't pay too close attention to what Arrin was doing, though it certainly seemed he wasn't eating near as much as he usually did, even by casual observation. Curious, she thought, nerves?

OOC: Just went by example here. If ball goes on before I land, just steer me back in the general direction, so poor Luc isn't left in the lurch.

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Chase stood nearby the whole time, his arms crossed. So this guy knows Isotov.... I don't like him. And something tells me I never will./i] He approached the dark mage and asked, "Look, you said Isotov was expandable, but so far, I don't see why you're such a big shot either. What makes you," he started, pointing at him, "so much more important than anyone else?"

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The headmaster had chosen to head outside the castle, and for good reason. Being out in the open, with the sky above and the wind flowing about her, was something that always comforting to her. It was too be expected, being part wind-spirit and all, but still something that eased her nerve. Ixion had tread upon it hard with her weakness to dark magic. She admitted freely that she hated it, but it was something of what she was. Being a half-spirit had advantages, but it also held weaknesses. This was one of them. She had worked hard to cover her weaknesses, but some still remained.

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Ixion's Gambit

As the now incredibly bright Druid made his way toward the entrance to the castle, he let his thoughts dwell on the opinions offered by the party members. After all, to him it didn't really matter what they thought of him or what they thought of anything for that matter. All that truly mattered was why. His quest for the ultimate power required an intricate understanding of the mind and because of this, all view points were useful to him ... even those that were wrong.


Chase: Look, you said Isotov was expandable, but so far, I don't see why you're such a big shot either. What makes you ... so much more important than anyone else?

Ixion: Hmph. You know about as much about what is going on as the brigand over there. The difference between me and Isotov is that he can be replaced in a matter of days at best, and perhaps a few years at the most. The knowledge I have gained would take decades upon decades to recollect into a single human mind, and even then, the entire purpose behind my training would be null and void. The only point in keeping Isotov alive is so that Proxima can aid the group in combat. Nothing more, and do not bother entertaining thoughts that say otherwise, Chase. It is useless and arrogant to stick up for a person you do not even know.


Ixion gave a slightly satisfied huff before exiting to the front gates where people, mostly nobles were gathering. He'd passed Isotov and Kelas on the way, but he already knew they were there and paid them no mind. He looked up into the sky looking for something with wings ... more wings than usual.

Ixion: (Is this how she deals with everything that comes up? Just fly away and come back once everyone moves on? That's highly inconvenient for the rest of us.)

Upon another scan he finally spotted who he was looking for. Up way in the sky almost too small to make out was the headmaster. No one else save for a few would have noticed her. Ixion sighed, annoyed by the situation.

Ixion: (I'm not putting on a magic show for the nobles. I'll get her attention a different way.)

Ixion took a firm stance and held his open palms down to his sides. With full concentration placed on his own mana. Suddenly a small pulse went out from his body that only a mana sensitive being could sense. Then, another ... and another. The waves flowed out in all directions.

Ixion: (Now get back down here ...)

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The pulses were not unnoticed by the headmaster, despite how high up she was. Indeed, being a mana-sensitive being seemed to work in her favor this time as she turned about to greet him, descending with ease to land beside him. Folding her wings up against her back as she landed, she looked him head on, giving him a degree of respect worth of a being of near-equal power. "I had a feeling you were looking for me Ixion." she said simply enough. "Is there something you need me for, or can I return to bliss?"

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He Who Needs Something

Ixion: Indeed. I think I've had a change of heart, actually. Have any of those hoodlums you travel with claimed you for the ball? If not ...

During his pause, he let out his hand toward her. With her eyes, she could see the dark energy trailing back up his arm leaving his hand clean of the hazardous energy.

Ixion: ... we may have things to discuss. What say you?

Duke Von

Outside the gates of the castle another wagon pulled up. Shamus' wagon was right behind it but Kamilla wasn't with him. A tall scarlet haired nobleman stepped out of the wagon and offered his hand to a woman inside. Her small gloved hand took his and he helped her down. The woman in the white and violet dress was Kamilla. Shamus came down from his wagon and walked up to the two of them.

Shamus: Now listen here, Duck Voom or whatever your name is.

Von: Ahem, that is Duke Von to you, commoner.

Shamus: Ai, whatever! After this, we're square, ya hear?!

The man giggled effeminately and then aggressively took Kamilla's hand.

Von: How silly of you. We are square when I say we are, shoe wrecker. Come now, dear Kamilla. Time to complement my already godlike beauty and shine with me.

Kamilla: Umm ... alright ....

Shamus: "Godlike beauty"? Where's yur spirit leaf, nobleman, cause I want some! Yur obviously buyin the good stuff, arharharharharh.

Von: ... hmph. How rude.


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"Oh my Ixion." she said, extending her own hand to take his. "Indeed I shall accept." she said as she gently grasped his hand with her own, bringing the other around to firmly clasp his hands. It was a somewhat calculated decision. With him in striking range, if he tried anything, he would be assured to go down first as well as allowing her to keep a proper eye on him; but mostly she simply desired to attend the dance.

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With Her?

With the headmaster beside him, Ixion went back into the castle only to find Stephanie in her new dress. Much like Ixion, she was still wearing a cloak, but instead of sage clothing, she was wearing a beautiful white dress. Her cloak of course was white similar to Ixion's.

Stephanie: Hm? You're going with her? I thought you said she was irresponsible ...

Ixion: Yes I did. Your point?

Stephanie: ... (You are up to something again, aren't you Ixion? Very well. I suppose if I want to attend this ball myself, I'd better find a date.) Well do not harass each other during the ball then. Try to get along. I need to hurry and find a date myself.

Ixion: ... of course.

Stephanie: Ixion, don't forget your meeting with Jace! He's in the court is he not?

Ixion: (I probably should have mentioned to her that the meeting time was never settled on. It was only meant to begin once I arrived ... .... Oh well.)

Stephanie quickly hurried off down the halls as Ixion turned back to the headmaster.

Ixion: ... dancing ... *sigh*. Is that of paramount importance here?

EDIT: Redundant word useage

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