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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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OOC: Huh. Thought everyone'd heard that he was blind by now.

"Hey, it happens, all right? At any rate if I thought Arrin were in more danger than you at any given time, well, I'd figure something out," Kelas replied. "As it is, I can keep an eye on both of you well enough for the moment... don't worry about it."

"All right," Arrin said. He wasn't sure how much good a Restore would do, but Tessa was right; it couldn't hurt. As they headed inside, he managed to keep his balance, putting an arm around Tessa's shoulders since she offered but trying not to lean on her too much. "I wonder what Charlotte's up to?"

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"Again, you're getting a bit better, but don't be so overconfident," Derek said, as he took yet another blow from Alferis to the chest. "Pride before the fall, you see," he said, blocking the guide's axe while delivering a blow strong enough to send him flying a few feet with the flat of his blade.

"Alright, enough of that for now," Derek said, approaching his downed opponent and offering a hand.



[4,4,4] = Critical Hit! 2(9-4) = 10 points of Damage! Alferis is in Peril!

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Group at the castle grounds

Iso: I appreciate it. *sigh* nonetheless I can't let this become a burden. At some point I need to figure out a way to make you less of a crutch, for both our sakes.

After placing Krinkov in the aerie, he removed the cases from his back and carried two of them, one Viveka's, and the other Charlotte's out to the gate areas.

Lev: Hey! We've got two more cases in there! Anyone want to get those? No utter weaklings please ...

Susann continued to stare back at the magnificent one while Viveka struggled to bury the thought of her pegasus having a crush.

Viveka: Yeah, she is, and can I assume that your pegasus is male?

The tone in her voice was friendly but she'd just been reminded that he was a pegasus rider and she quickly had to struggle to keep the humor out of her face.

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"Well, for one, you have a great arm," Derek began, helping his opponent up. "Problem is, you have a hard time hitting people. I would say try to rest the axe on your shoulders, as it's a lot easier to hit when you don't have to lift it as high. Other than that, I think you'd do pretty well. Not that I'm an expert on axe-wielders, though."

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"Thanks. You're a pretty tough customer yourself," said Alferis. "C'mon, let's head back to where the others are. Though it bothers me I have to be with the Septimian nobles and army," he glowered, walking back towards the palace.

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"Yup!" Tristan said proudly. "I raised Bellerophon since he was a foal. I don't think he's seen a girl pegasus before though, maybe that's why he's acting funny." he said, furrowing his brow.

Charlotte walked over to Luc before entering the palace. "Count Altair, I wish to apologize for what occured in the canyon. The attack was targeted at me, so the deaths of your men are my fault. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and lend your aid to us during this troubled time." she said, curtsying before the man.

OOC: Since> from when methinks

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OOC: Naw, she was tied up with Reika at the first reveal, and then basically asleep for most of the manor bits. There's a lot that Tessa actually doesn't know. Maybe she should, but I'm playing it conservative.

With a smile as the nomad mage put his arm around her, Tessa did likewise, giving him a friendly squeeze of encouragement as they entered the palace grounds. As she heard Lev call out for help with the cases, she glanced back. Her new dress was in one of Viveka's, but she certainly was in no position to help carry a trunk that size, even if she weren't helping Arrin. As for the pegasus rider herself, she seemed tied up with matters of her own, actually holding a bit of a private conversation with the prince. Eh, whatever. It'll be worked out somehow, and there's more important things for the moment.

"Not sure exactly what Charlotte's up to, myself. Nor do I really know how it is she's moving about freely, not that I'm complaining mind. Why don't we hurry on up and ask her just what happened after that wyvern rider made off with her?" Arrin had seemed interested in the situation, and since she herself was quite eager as well, Tessa suggested they go on ahead, and let the rest catch up as they would.

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"I bet we'll get the tomes back soon, anyway," Kelas replied, seriously hoping that it was true. "Now, I should probably find someplace to hide from Charlotte..."

"That sounds good," Arrin agreed, hurrying along with Tessa despite quickly growing short of breath.

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Iso: Charlotte? Oh right ... the dress thing. Well. I honestly can't offer an opinion this time. I can't see. I'll take your side on suggestions though if you want. It's the least I can do. Charlotte doesn't know I can't see yet. ... oh ... right. Keeping my eyes closed isn't going to make me a valid ... damn. (I can't open my eyes. They'll assume I'm either blind or a demon if they've never seen blinded eyes before. Can't I ever catch a break?)


Viveka: Y-y-you raised him ...? So you're actually ... skrrrr ... actually ... a p- a p- skrrrr haha ... you're actually a pegasus rider?

She could barely hold back her laughter. It was obvious that she was trying her hardest and also seemed to be pleading with her eyes for the prince not to get mad at her, but nonetheless she just couldn't help it. It was such a foreign and archaic concept in her mind.

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Luc Altair

"Forgive you?" Luc smiled at the Princess. "Milady, you were not the one at fault for that encounter. The enemy was. It would be foolish to blame my allies for the problems caused by my enemies. No, if anyone amongst the group is at fault, it would be my poor leadership or combat arm." Flashes of the canyon flowed through Luc's mind. "I could not save you, protect my unit or get revenge for their loss. If anything I should be seeking your forgiveness." Though it had not been Luc's intent while attacking the wyvern woman, he had still failed.

Luc bowed. "I will aid you as much I can, milady."

EDIT: Editing a bit. Brain is seriously dead today what the heck.

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"That I am! Bellerophon is my noble steed and I have trained to fight atop his back. It honors me to meet a sister-in-arms." Tristan said to Viveka, bowing. She seems a bit off... he thought to himself.

Bellerophon bowed his head to Susann in a show of respect. It was the first creature he had ever bowed to in his life.

"I still feel responsible, but I thank you for your kind words Count Altair. I pray that in the days to come we will able to right the wrongs that have occurred." Charlotte said resolutely.

She saw Tessa and Arrin approaching. "You all right Arrin?" she asked him, noting he looked a bit haggard.

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Throughout this entire time, Esphyr had remained remote from the group. Despite the joy that most of the others seemed to be having, none of it was to be found on Esphyr. "I am cursed with this blade, a weapon destined to destroy those whom commit no crime." she muttered to herself, time and time again, just under her breath so silently that only the most keen of eye or ear would have heard or seen her lips faintly moving. Once the group had arrived, she did her best to distance herself from everyone as best she could, even the innocent maidservants. Though difficult, she finally found the seclusion she desired in the back of a old storeroom, littered with dust, cobwebs, and rickety crates half-broken down. The only light she could see came through a faint crack along the doors edge, and it was sullied and made murky by the dust within the room... and she didn't care one bit. It was dark and gloomy, the perfect place for her to reside.

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"...Gah--" Kelas began, but quickly regained her composure. "It's... not even really that, more of the formality, the noble ridiculousness... for several hours... when we should be looking for the weapons... I have no place being there."

"I'm all right," Arrin lied for the thousandth time. "What happened, Charlotte? I mean, when..." He trailed off, not really knowing a good way of describing what had happened. Kidnapping was probably accurate, but...

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Luc Altair

"Indeed, milady," Luc replied to Charlotte's resolution. Tessa and Arrin strolled up to the Princess shortly after. ARrin asking a question that Luc himself was about to ask. "Ah, I must admit, I am quite curious as how you managed to achieve freedom."

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"Well..." Charlotte began, a little bit uneasy about possible spies. "Let's just say that General Alex has some people inside Jace's organization. My rescue is all thanks to her really. So I think we should all be extra friendly if we see her again, try to put that confrontation you all had earlier behind us." As she talked, Charlotte walked into a great dining room that was empty. "This should be as good a meeting place as any." she said to those following.

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Luc Altair

"Really? Interesting," Luc said with some surprise. Yes, that definitely clinched it for him. That stonewalling at the gate was most reasonably part of some plot General Alex had came up with. Why, Luc did not know. but he would figure it out, and do his best to ensure it, or stop it. All depending on how General Alex was arranging the pieces for her goals. Luc smirked. Her? Yes, maybe even hiding her gender was part of that.

Princess Charlotte led the group into a fabulous dining room. Luc smiled a bit, the room reminding him of home. Even if it wasn't so far away, he wouldn't be seeing in it a long time. "That it is," Luc said. But first, he would check the room. There was never any telling as to where and when spies would be listening. Spies? Luc slapped his head. He had forgotten that they might be watched by Jace's spies. Best Luc could desire for was that Councilman Richtor's spy was already working his own brand of subterfuge and whatever they might have gleamed already could be obstructed.

Luc did a quick sweep of the room. He couldn't find anything he would normally find suspicious, but he checked again just to be sure. The second check revealed once again nothing Luc thought was out of the ordinary.


As Luc was wondering about where Councilman Richtor's spy was, Paul was busy sleeping in some out of the way location and not really doing his job at all.

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Iso: You and me both. I don't have a date because she was stolen from me, and I don't have much dancing ability either at this point. Maybe we should ask if we can sit this one out? I can argue as long as you can ...


Viv felt almost terrible for not at least being able to hold back her laughter, and held out her hand pleadingly to the prince. her hand was on her chest and her head was aimed down at the ground.

Viveka: I'm sorry! I just can't wrap my head around that. I really should be more polite. I'm just an officer, and you're just trying to be friendly. Not all nobles do that.

She let out a deep sigh once she calmed herself down.

Susann tilted her head, surprised and overwhelmingly flattered by the magnificent one. Her wings fluttered a bit in her excitement. She wanted to come a bit closer but she didn't know if she could. Was she allowed to "touch" the beautiful flying stallion? Oh she hoped she could. If not now then soon.

EDIT: Added Iso ... and his general consensus

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Altion as well was suffering from a lack of confidence. Namely, regretting his mistake of checking for the wolves. As a result, he too was separated from the group, though noticeably less glum than Esphyr. Instead, he had ridden out and into the fields surrounding the city, seeking quiet recompose and solitude for two reasons. Firstly, sometimes, being alone just helps a lot with feelings of guilt, especially when you get to spend it riding through waves of amber grains and relaxing as the gentle smells of summer harvest swirled about his face. Secondly, as he had ridden throughout the city, he had spotted several of whom he was certain were of demonic hellspawn, and decided to distance himself from them as well.

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The two of them had hurried on ahead, and caught up to Charlotte, who was engaged in conversation with Sir Luc. With Arrin so close to her, leaning on her shoulder and all, Tessa easily noticed when his breathing started to turn heavy, and she shot him a worried glance. But they'd already arrived, and without further exertion, the mage seemed to slip back into normal rhythm rapidly.

She didn't expose his lie when Charlotte inquired after his health, however. After all, she had promised she could keep a secret, and even though he hadn't told her much, if indeed anything, she wouldn't expose what she could pick up through his omission either. The mage led into the important question straightaway though, and the good count followed up on it, which seemed like it ought to settle matters, as Charlotte was usually quite happy to talk about herself, though Tessa noticed she was a little more reserved than typical on this occasion.

At the mention once again of General Alex, the troubadour hung her head. Taking a seat at the table in the center of the grand hall, she started to stammer out an apology. "Charlotte... about that. I... I was the one who noticed there was a survivor after we'd been attacked, and tried to handle things. She really did insist that we simply kill her, and though I tried to talk her out of it she was most stubborn. It drew the attention of the others, and... well, there was still healing to be done so I thought..." Unable to finish, she concluded on a different note. "She probably hates me. It might be better if I not run into her again..."

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After eating Heinz settled down for the night, spreading out his cloak beneath him to sleep on. Waking up early the next morning, the group set out for Burgosas, quickly arriving at the front gates. It's been awhile since I came back..... looking at the city beyond the gates. Suddenly a flying pegasus landed in front of the group, and Heinz blinked. Charlotte's back? I noticed she and a couple of the others were gone when we left Directus... I don't think the prince brought her here though, his eyes widening quickly.

It might be good to greet him, debating whether to bow towards the young man before the prince himself spoke up. So he knows about attacking General Alex? Heinz clenched his jaw slightly, silently cursing at the group's foolishness. Seeing Tessa greeting the Jerdonian princess, Heinz kept quiet. The Septimian count introduced himself properly before the prince, bowing before the man. The mercenary filed away the name for future reference, making a mental note to refresh his knowledge of recent Septimian military history.

Heinz stiffened slightly as the Halton colonel tried to defend himself, before getting reprimanded by Prince Tristan. Probably would've been better just to keep your mouth shut, he thought wryly, rolling his eyes as the colonel continued to speak. Hearing Captain Luc's suggestion, Heinz nodded, keeping his frown to a minimum when the suggestion was denied, and when the fighter decided to speak up. You fool, like a prince would obey a common bandit's order to shut up, he thought irritably.

The Halton colonel continued to talk, and Heinz was about to interrupt himself when Tessa spoke up, offering herself to be interrogated. That son of a hero is an idiot, he mocked. Even the healer has more tact and sense than him, wondering again how the group had survived for so long. The princess quickly intervened before the situation grew worse, offering the group protection as her entourage. Is she planning on inviting us to the ball? Can't say that's the best of ideas. It seems she's on good terms with the Septimian royal family though, he though, deliberating what to do.

Nearby he could see the fighter and the cavalier fighting, and Heinz decided to question the Jerdonian later, although he wasn't particularly inclined to go to the ball unless forced to. "Not like I haven't already been there anyway," he muttered, noting that the thunder mage was now riding with Tessa. Hm, so the rider with the green wyvern took Charlotte away? Can't say I was paying much attention to her.

Handing the reins off to one of the stableboys, Heinz heard Lev's request and walked over. "Sure, I'll help," picking up the slightly smaller suitcase and almost dropping it in surprise. "Oof!" he huffed. "Whose bags are these anyway?"

Edit: Fixed a line and some grammar.

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"I'm not confident in my ability to win an argument against Charlotte," Kelas conceded. "I vote we just hide." They were already lagging a ways behind the main group; ducking down a random hallway would not be too hard to pull off. Probably.

Arrin stayed quiet as Charlotte talked, partly because he wanted to listen and partly because he'd gone over dizzy again. "Er... I'm sorry, is there somewhere I could sit down?" he asked quietly after the conversation had slowed a bit.

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"Um, it's quite all right miss." Tristan said, somewhat confused. "I'll see you at the ball I suppose, I don't really need a lecture on formal dresswear from Charlotte right now." With that, he tugged on Bellerophon's reins and finally got Bellerophon moving away from Susann.

"Oh posh, Tessa." said Charlotte waving her hand at the troubadour. "I doubt she's very upset with you. I imagine she'll be at the ball, so you can apologize then if you want."

"It looks like at least mostly everyone is here. Those who are lagging behind for whatever reason will have some explaining to do." Charlotte said rather stiffly.

"Since I have claimed you all as my entourage-for various legal reasons- you all represent Jerdon, and most importantly, me. That gives you the responsibility to act and dress appropriately, and it is my responsbility to help you do so. I am sure we will all have a lovely evening together." Charlotte beamed at the people around the room. Morgan gave her a look of utter disbelief.

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Luc Altair

"Much as I offer all due consideration to your saving us earlier; I'm afraid as a representative of Directus I must have my own entourage. It will look oddly out of place if I arrive by myself with no date or others, and we've already agreed upon some things ahead of time, of sorts,' Luc informed the Princess. "I already have my dress uniform, of course. And Dame Tessa, Sir Alferis and Sir Conrad have received gifts of state from Directus." Luc crossed his hands. "As much as you appear to be looking forward to this milady, some others may wish to remain outside., for personal reasons. And in a tactical sense I think we should allow them too, in case anything goes terribly wrong. It would be not putting all our assest in one position, and I've learned recently how valuable that can be"

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"It gets better the longer you're around them," Derek explained, as he walked back. "The Prince and most nobles are a bit naive, so, it really isn't their fault that they act all arrogant and such. The thing I'M not looking forward too, is the ball itself. Hate those kind of things. ... And it looks that they have left us. Perfect."


Having slept fitfully, Eric awoke the next morning, feeling a bit better than the day before. Collecting his things, he was directed by one of the servants to the grand hall, where he took a seat just as Charlotte began to address the group.

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