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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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The Organization

"Did Geraro do his job?" asked a squat man with a goatee and wearing dark clothes and only armed with a curved knife.

"Yes. We've secured the lady's cooperation permanently. Nothing she can do against us. I've taken over the tracking, you don't know if Geraro is going to try anything. Why do you even keep him around? He's very unbalanced."

"He is the strongest magician and assassin we have and he performs his missions admirably. Anyway, what did you ask Geraro to do?"

"To track down that thief and find his employee. I'm not sure who he works for, but we'll find out who and their goals."

"Yes. You've done well, but I have my own instructions for you. You will track our mole, but you will also investigate the Ivanko mercenaries and see whether or not they possess a danger to our plans. If they are a great danger, you will exterminate the leader."

"L-Lord Ivanko? But...he's the strongest mercenary there is. He might-"

"Liane...you will do as I say. He will be no match for you if you prepare. Now get to it," he snarled.

"Yes Lord Ferris..." she curtsied and walked off.

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As Arrin settled into the seat she had vacated for him, Tessa noticed him bring his hands to his head. It seemed he was probably suffering a headache in addition to the light spell of dizziness he'd mentioned earlier. Not sure whether or not it would really helped, she moved around to behind the chair, and began to give him a light shoulder massage, while listening to the rest of the conversation. She was still most interested in finding out just what had happened with her role assignment, or rather what was currently expected of her. Charlotte and Luc were still discussing it, so simply butting in with a question at this point would be quite gauche.

As they had continued to discuss it, the matter was clarified in that she was to be the good count's date. Only, that still left things unanswered for her. Without noticing, she'd stopped rubbing Arrin's shoulders as she pondered the subject. After a little further back and forth, Charlotte had made a pronouncement that everyone was to be paired up, and that the nature behind the matter or 'dates' seemed to be dancing... which was worrisome.

At any rate, in the wake of this, and Lev's subsequent arrival with the cases, Tessa gave the mage a final squeeze, and told him, "I'll be back," before she made her way over to the cleric to raise her concerns.

"Charlotte... if I may?" she asked reservedly. Receiving a nod of permission she continued on. "You mentioned dates and dancing, and well... I don't really know how to dance... or what else might be expected for dates. You'd earlier explained the functions of attendants, and I'd sort of been assuming I'd be going into this with that in mind, but it looks like things have changed up a bit, and I'm starting to feel nervous... I also feel a bit bad, like I've somehow let you down, not keeping the promise and all."

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Heh, it's not like I'm sticking around the ball for any length of time anyway. Might as well ditch these bitches and check out the city, thought Reika, heading out of the castle when she bumped into Heinz.

"You know it's a shame when people these days can't seem to keep a good watch on where they're going," she said in a smooth voice.

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She'd been standing around listening near Heinz when Reika showed up and said what seemed to be an attempt at conversation. That wasn't normal unless she was trying to pick a fight. Irina just watched though not wanting to get into another fight with another girl over another random issue.

Irina: (I wonder if Reika's actually going ... and I haven't seen Esphyr in a while either. Wow, how many people are going to skip the ball I wonder ...)

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Heinz walked into the castle, following the main pathway deeper into the palace. Hope I'm going in the right direction, before taking a step back when he bumped into someone. Before Heinz could respond, the thief girl began talking, trying to irritate him. "Seemed like you were the one rushing off in a hurry," he replied in a droll voice, putting the case down. Nearby he could hear Charlotte going on about the ball. Dates? I'll have to talk to her about being a bodyguard later then, although Queen Isolde might have already taken care of that, silently cursing his luck.

I'd bet Irina's going with Lev though, lazily leaning against the wall as he looked at the various expressions of the other occupants of the room.

OOC: Slight edit.

Edit again.

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"Maybe, but I would've thought you had eyes before bumping into me, oh great thief," she said sarcastically.

"Anyway, you going to ditch this ball halfway through?" she asked curiously, cursing in her head. If he was staying, she'd have to put up with all these nobles. Wait. Why am I leaving? I still need a dress, she thought, turning around.

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Altion gave a heavy sigh and shuddered slightly as he continued to look out upon the fields. In his own world, women were the ranged fighters, relying on bows and sneak attacks to scare, or kill, tax collectors from a distance while the men wore the disguises and armor and attracted the attention. It didn't seem to be that way at all here though. It pained him to admit, but Kelas was none of those. Why did he even care? It wasn't as if he liked her like that or anything. She was boring, bland, and flat. The only thing to catch his eye was the fact that she was still female, but there were better women in the party for anything else; even friendship. Biting his lip, he knew what it was that made her so unique though. Her horse. Rather, her control over it, like it was a partner and not a tool as Altion saw his steed.

"Not like I care bout anything else." he said sighing before turning back to the city.

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Heinz shrugged. "You were the one running off to somewhere, can't help it if you decided to bump into me," smirking a bit. "I'd rather not go at all, but it seems like the she's being stubborn," jerking his head in the direction of the princess.

"Might try to leave early if I can, since I finished helping Lev drag up these cases," tapping the handle of the case he had put down. "You going?" he asked politely. She doesn't look as sick as before, waiting for her reaction.

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"Have to I guess," she glowered. "Otherwise, I'm never going to hear the end of it. And that reminds me, I need to get the dress. I got my date already, so at least I don't have to go begging and pleading like the rest of you sad bastards."

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He nodded. "You asked for the date, or someone ask you?" Don't think most people would go with her... except maybe that strange cavalier or that fighter that's always hanging around her. "Whoever it is, I'm sure they'll love seeing you in a dress," he said smugly. "You know how to dance?" Heinz questioned, unable to resist one last jab.

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Reika seemed enthusiastic ... or the closest thing to it. Irina lowered her head in thought.

Irina: (So here I am ... about to get paired up with a guy I've likely never even talked to before and I'm here of my own free will. ... ... ... yep ... that sounds about right. I wonder if Aiya and I will have time to hang out. I'd rather go before the ball but all this preparation will mean we might have to wait until afterward. Urgh. People will be running around and we'll either get followed or our leaders will want everyone to stay put until we leave. Mmmmph ... I really want to go though.)


As Viveka made a rather hostile comment at her, Aiya held back the urge to yell at the snide woman. Irina was her priority at the moment, and she approached the other wyvern rider, still concerned.

Aiya: Irina? What was she pestering you about?

Aiya gently placed her hand on Irina`s shoulder, hoping to calm her.

Irina: Urgh. She wants me to go to the ball, but what's the freaking point? All this started over a stupid dress.

Aiya frowned, hearing that all of the commotion was over the ball, again.

Aiya: Well, it would be nice to see you there... but I know how you must feel right now. I think it`d be fun if you came, but if you don`t want to go, then some snobby pegasus knight has no right to tell you otherwise.

Aiya squeezed Irina`s shoulder slightly as she spoke, catching herself, she released the girl.

Aiya: I-If I'm bothering you, just let me know... I can come back later...

Aiya then had a spark of realization.

Aiya: So I guess that means our little "date" is canceled too, huh?

Irina: The ball ... I know that people want to go ... I just ... don't like the idea of being there after what happened to Kiev. Viveka doesn't get it ...

As Aiya let go of her shoulder, seeming to withdraw for some reason, she quickly commented on just that, much to Irina's surprise.

Irina: W-what? No! Not at all. (It's because there aren't enough people like her and Lev in my life that I get into messes like this in the first place ... ... did I just say Lev? ... ugh.)

Aiya's remark about their plans to see the capital immediately snapped Irina out of her thinking!

Irina: Of course not! If anything, I'd rather vanish as soon as we get to the capital and skip the ball that way. Us hanging out in the city would be a lot more fun than getting crowded by nobles. I need to buy more chickens soon anyway, heheh ... (The ball is a waste of time, but not this. Ever since I had to start working away from home it hasn't been the same. My old friends probably won't even recognize me. It feels like my old life is over ... and there's nothing I can do but start over.)

Aiya: Oh, then we can still go? I mean... I'm sure Damian will ask me to go to the ball with him... so I can't accompany you for the whole time we are in the capitol, but...

As she spoke, Aiya looked to the ground rather guiltily.

Aiya: (I must sound horrible... I shouldn't ditch her... but I do want to go to the ball... What do I do?) ... I still want to spend some time with you though... we'll do whatever you want... more chickens...? Uhh... Irina... didn't you hear what happened?

Aiya was nervous. Surely Irina knew that Damian's funds had been pilfered... didn't she?

Irina: Yeah, we have to go! We almost never stop in huge cities and when we do something bad happens. (This time it's ball >_> ) I mean, it's okay if you want to go ... Kiev can keep me company until it's over ...

Suddenly Aiya asked her about what happened. She wasn't sure what she meant at first, but she went into it right after mentioning chickens again ... that couldn't have been a good sign.

Irina: Uh oh ... did something happen? Am I being fired for slacking off?

She nervously put her hands together and started fiddling with her thumbs. Being fired was one thing, but being fired and also being known as an Ivanko Mercenary was ten times worse.

Aiya felt even worse. First, she felt like she was betraying Irina, even though she didn't seem to mind... second...

Aiya: No! You aren't being fired... it's just... (I'll just say it, and get it over with...)... Naelia stole Damian's money... and his access card... he has no way to pay you until we get them back...

Irina: o_o

Irina's blank stare said it all, utter shock. She'd never been in a no payment situation before and wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. Damian wasn't just her employer, he was her friends ... lover?, fiancee? She wasn't sure but she would feel horrible trying to hire herself out elsewhere. She wanted to wait and hope that after getting their items back, she might receive some kind of back pay. She was not however about to bring that up.

Irina: It's ... it's okay .... We'll just have to go hunting again soon I guess.

Aiya: I can help you buy food, that's not a problem... we'll pay you whatever the damage comes to once we have access to Damian's account... I mean, there's not much else we can do, I'll try to give you a part of it on my own, at least.

Irina: Y-you don't have to do that, really. Well ... um. I guess there's no point in arguing. It'd be stupid to refuse. (And Lev would be quick to point that out.) Alright, we'll do it your way then.

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It seemed it was Charlotte to the rescue. Damian let out a relieved sigh. Dealing with a man such as Prince Tristan was bothersome, and Damian was glad to be free of it for the time being.

However, it seemed they had been roped into attending the ball as Charlotte's entourage. Turning to Aiya, he spoke.

"Looks like we're going whether we like it or not, eh? Did you bring anything you can wear?" He asked.

"Oh... yeah. I guess it's kind of silly of me... but, I wanted something to remember it by... I have the dress that you gave me... that night..." Aiya replied, growing a deep scarlet as she spoke, reminiscing about that night, and its... events.

"Do you? I suppose there is so much room in Ulfhrahn's saddlebags that carrying it wouldn't have been a problem... well then, Aiya, let's dazzle em." Damian replied with a smirk and a wink.

"Y-yeah!" Aiya managed to say, excited.

'He did still choose me...'

"Well, we have some time, anyway. I'll be around if you need me." Damian finished.

"Oh, okay. I see Irina anyway, see you in a bit Damian." Aiya replied, heading towards Irina.

Seeing her looking quite a bit more uplifted than before, Aiya spoke.

"You're looking better... something good happen?"


As Aiya went off to talk to Irina, Damian looked around a bit.

'Hmm... I wonder if any of the Halton royal family is here... what is a Halton Officer doing as entourage to a Jerdonian royal anyway...? I guess there's not much I can do...'

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"Err, sure." Morgan responded to Chase. "I do not know anything about how these balls work, but I suppose this will delay us less than being branded criminals."

"Oh, that's right, there probably aren't too many dancers in this group..." Charlotte responded to Tessa. "A short lesson might be in order after we get the clothing situation pointed out."

"Now." she started, addressing the room. "Who here does not have formal wear?"

Morgan raised her hand.

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She noticed Aiya as the girl came over and gave her a genuine smile, though there was still a decent amount of worry and fear carefully hidden behind it.

Irina: Yeah I'm feeling better now. Well, here I am. Um.

She looked around for a second and then turned back to Aiya.

Irina: Should I ask someone to be my date or ... well ... I think Charlotte doesn't know enough about the group to make any decent pairings so I'm worried. On the other hand. I'm not that well socially integrated into the group myself. I just look after Iso and do my job.

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Luc Altair

Luc grimaced a bit at the mentions of dancing. He knew how to dance of course, but he had a terrible habit of overstepping while he did so. His instructors were always so frustrated about that. At the very least, he could use that flaw to distract attention from everyone else if need be. Which there most certainly would be a need for.

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As the moments started to pass by slower and slower, the sickening knot that had been growing in Esphyr's stomach had started to grow tighter and tighter. When a person is convinced that the world has turned against them, time alone often has one of two effects. It either soothes their pains and suffering, letting them ease into a peaceful tranquility, as Altion had managed; or it makes it a festering knot capable of scarring the person for life. They become paranoid, suspecting betrayal all about them; and such was the case with Esphyr. Glancing up and about, she started to seek for a way to escape, to break free of the group without the painful need of having to see them doing what she already suspected them of doing. Badmouthing her while they idly chat. Even simply having a fun time oft is enough to annoy someone near Esphyr's state as it is enjoyment that they can not hope to share in. However, the storeroom was indeed sealed off from the outside world rather well, for no window opened within it's wall.

Turning back to the door, Esphyr gulped in pain. She would need to use that door to escape. Gripping the old and slightly rusty handle in her hand, she quietly opened it as she slipped out, trying to slide silently down the hall, her shoulder turned to ward off anyone trying to approach her and hide away. She didn't want to speak to them either. They would try to comfort her, say it wasn't her fault, and that would only hurt more than anything else that could be said.

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"Well I have a dress, so does Tessa. I imagine Aiya has one, Viveka brought her cases..." Charlotte's voice trailed off.

"Ah yes! Viveka's cases and mine, which someone brought in for us, thank you to whoever did that. Viveka and I are more than happy to share with everyone, if you're normally proportioned, you can borrow one of mine, if you're very tall you can borrow one of hers. I can have some of the palace seamstresses make some quick alterations before the ball. Are there any ladies missing?" she asked, looking around.

"As for the gentlemen, there should be an adequate supply of dress clothes here in the castle you can borrow." she said. She found a nearby servant and instructed him to bring various men's garments.

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Luc Altair

"Those cases were clothes?" Luc asked in wonder. There was so much manpower used on carrying clothes? If they weren't about to prove themselves useful Luc might have had some words with the two ladies about carrying so much. He was carrying his own spare clothes, true, but they fit in a single bag and did little to impede anyone else.

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Irina: Oh! L-Lev? Well no ... I uh.

Irina began rubbing her fingertip against her cheek trying to stay composed. The idea had come to mind half a hundred times by then but ...

Irina: Yeah we're close but ... it's .... It's not really ... (Oh dammit why can't I just say it? Lev and I are best friends but, that talk we had was ... I don't know.)


Viveka: (Yep ... just borrow all of my clothes. Yeah, just like that. No no it's perfectly fine. Go right ahead. Sure make all the necessary modifications for the girls with lousy figures. Yep, be my guest. ... ... ... you goddess damned bath skipping coons!)

Viveka's fists shook at her sides and her eyes were shut tight in utter frustration. At the mention of what was in the cases Viv blushed.

Viveka: Uh, not just clothes. Other things. Oh! I'll take out the dresses, nobody else go in there! That's a warning.

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"R-really?" Chase asked, feeling his cheeks warm up. "Um, I mean. Thanks. Wait... I don't have anything to wear..." he started, before Charlotte said there was plenty of spare clothes at the castle. "Oh, well that fixes that."

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Charlotte went over and took the dresses out of her own case. "Ladies, please select a dress that fits you as well as it can, then alterations can be made." She looked over the room. "Esphyr, Jasmine, and Kelas are missing, would someone who already has a dress or is a gentleman please fetch them? I am fairly certain that I saw Esphyr and Kelas entering the palace, they couldn't have gone far."

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"Well, I'm sure you'll find someone to dance with, anyway." Aiya replied, giving Irina a pat on the back.

As Charlotte began taking out dresses, Aiya recognized a good deal of them.

"H-hey... those look a lot like my dresses from back at the manor..." Aiya said nervously, approaching Charlotte rather confused.

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"Well, Colonel Kleine said we should make ourselves at home back at his manor, and I decided that I really needed a proper wardrobe since I had to leave almost all my clothes back in the palace, so I borrowed some clothes. Good thing I did too, since not everyone is as...elongated or top-heavy as Viveka. Now all the girls can have a dress to wear to the ball, thanks to us!" Charlotte said to Aiya.

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