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Berwick Saga

Don Draper

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I played a bit of it on a PS2 emulator, it seemed interesting but it was a lot more complicated due to a lot more commands being available (where as if you're playing an FE in japanese, the command positions are easier to memorize).

Also, there are some FE archetypes that got carried over. For example you start off with 2 lance knights of different colours, and that bearded knight seems to be the Jagan character.

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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From the sound of it, this game sounds like way less of an FE-clone, and more like its own game. I'd try playing it, but I don't think I'd get very far, there being so many new variables.

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Only a few chapters in. From a guide I read, there's a number of optional missions to take, apparently your lord character won't participate in all missions I noticed.

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Loved the game plenty, but sadly unlike TRS, I didn't get further beyond the halfway mark. I do intend to return to it some day though.

True to its TRS brand, there are simply way too many things to do on every map that you'd seriously need to plan ahead your moves.

My only disappointment? Lynette joins way too late... just like Tia before her.

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