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Weird things you do?


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  • When walking on stairs, I try to land on my left foot at the final step.
  • When eating bite size snacks, I want to eat an even numbered amount so that I can have one for each side of my mouth.
  • I cover my mouth most of the time.
  • I tug at my hair.
  • I constantly slide the panel of my cellphone's battery off and push it back on, making this annoying click.
  • I push my glasses down and look from above them.
  • I stare at the floor. A lot.
  • I usually put some stupid word in my posts. (Meh)

You, peoples of the forest, have any weird things you do and wish to share?

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- I always buy an even number of mushrooms (usually 5, unless I'm making something that's mushroom-intensive)

- I push my bangs out of my face a lot

- My hatred of cilantro knows no bounds

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I break calculators open because I really love the feel of the circuitboard. I also break a lot of electronic stuff open for the magnets inside them. And I even put some of the best magnets inside a secure box protected by a combination lock.

I eat up about 80-100% of all the bones found in chicken, depending on how much time I'm willing to spend in crushing the bone into tiny bits. I eat up whatever's inside the bone though.

I sometimes drink water by placing the base of the glass/cup in the palm of my hand and holding it.

I've always held pens and pencils in a weird way when writing. I find it normal but nobody else seems to think so.

There's more but I can't remember atm

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  • I constantly slide the panel of my cellphone's battery off and push it back on, making this annoying click.

oh god, I do that all the time, with things like TV remotes too, pretty much anything that has a battery cover really.

I break calculators open because I really love the feel of the circuitboard. I also break a lot of electronic stuff open for the magnets inside them. And I even put some of the best magnets inside a secure box protected by a combination lock.

I eat up about 80-100% of all the bones found in chicken, depending on how much time I'm willing to spend in crushing the bone into tiny bits. I eat up whatever's inside the bone though.

what the hell, thats bizarre! why would you eat chicken bones?

I'll always take the staires when there is an Elevator available, unless there is 10+ floors to climb.

Edited by Iced
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I open up old books just to smell them. I love the smell of old books

I eat spaghetti/pasta in a messy way

I hate 'theories' about Pokemon

I jump in puddles after it rains

I eat snow, which is like drinking water anyway.

I chew on my jacket's sleeves sometimes.

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I open up old books just to smell them. I love the smell of old books

I jump in puddles after it rains

I chew on my jacket's sleeves sometimes.


I usually spin my pencil or bite the top of it when I'm bored.

I like pressing the "=" button on my calculator just to hear the sound it makes.

I always draw in my books, especially my English book, but I don't draw in my Math and Literature books.

I always draw on the last page of my notebooks. =3

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I almost always walk 2 steps at a time. If there's an odd number of steps, I jump the last 3.

I'm waaay too easily amused by pinwheels.

In the room where I'm an op on IRC, I kick people a lot because it makes a funny sound.

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what the hell, thats bizarre! why would you eat chicken bones?

They taste gooooood. And they're not hard to swallow once you break them down to tiny bits with your teeth.

I'll always take the stares when there is an Elevator available, unless there is 10+ floors to climb.

^This too, except I take the stairs instead. I also take 2-4 steps at a time.

Edited by Proto
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If I notice someone looking/staring at me for no reason while I'm going somewhere, I act like there's something in my eyes until I walk out of their sight.

When I'm in the public, my hands have to be active, usually playing with my bag. IDK why but I feel akward if it just stays there.

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-I talk quietly, too quietly. even when i know people can barely hear me.

-I am great at drawing, but i can't color pictures or b&w shade them for shit.

-I skip meals with no problem. I don't feel hunger unless i do't eat for like...a day

-I like covering half my face with bangs

-I am lazy, but i am always quite busy.

-I like to know how things work. ALL THINGS.

-I apparently feel the need to trip down a set of stairs daily.

-I feel pain when people are nice to me. (Yes i am a freak like that)

-I hate reality.

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Huh. Some more I remember.

  • When I eat a small bag of chips (not often), I fold the empty bag neatly and then throw it in the garbage.
  • I will find something to spin when I'm bored.
  • My pencil lead has to be slanted, like a calligraphy pen, for me to write neatly.
  • When I write, my paper is extremely tilted to the left. My arm needs to rest while I write.
  • I speak with either of two voices (pitches or whatever): a low, bored one and a slightly higher, casual one

I join websites dedicated to games that I do not like.

And what games websites might those be? :3

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And what games websites might those be? :3

This one.

Anyway, I think there are quite a bunch, but I can't get anything of the top of my head. Although, I feel the need to rest my legs on something while I'm sitting, be it the table, the chair itself, a piece of wood on the floor, whatever. I constantly get shit at school because of that.

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when sitting, at a desk, i like to put my hands on the front middle of my chair and put my weight on my arms.

I play video games hunched over with elbows on knees. Concentration is the key. (For FPS games only)

Less than 10% of my ipod is real music. I don't enjoy most songs.

I can eat both really spicy things and mildly spicy things, but the stuff in between is living hell for me.

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I can't sleep unless my hands are covering my face. It's the strangest thing. I have no idea why. I thought it might be to block the light from my eyes but my room is pretty dark at night anyway. When people see me they always think I'm crying! It's quite embarrassing really.

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