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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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With the coming of morning, Altion too woke up within his own room, the covers pulled over his head. "Glarglesnarf." he moaned as he rolled over, dropping out of bed onto the hard floor. "Blarg." he moaned as something that felt vaguely like pain shot through his entire body at once, pushing his eyes open slowly and steadily.


Suddenly an entire sackload of hammers fell on Helios's head from above. "Sorry!" yelled a repairman. "Some idiot wind mage got drunk and blew the torches down!" he yelled as he hurried down and picked them up before climbing back up the ladder placed conveniently beside his door, only to drop them back on Helios's head once again a second later. "Damn it! Who greased my bag of hammers?"

OOC: Damnit! Please tell me that didn't happen! Anyways, chat: http://darkmyst.org/?page=webchat-cgiirc

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Mage who is feeling Awful

"Ouch." Helios said awaking. Apparently, he fell out of his bed during the night. " Why do I feel so Awful?" He asked himself getting up. How did I get here for that matter? ........ right, Dani. I'll go apologize later. Slipping into a more comfortable attire, Helios remembered that dream from earlier. He pointed at a nearby desk, summoning Hellsety. Picking it up, he examined it for a while before letting it go and dispersing it before it hit the ground. "I must have been drunk as hell last night to have a dream as bizarre as that." Opening the door, Helios headed out looking for someone to ask if he did anything stupid last night or not.

EDIT: Meh... typo

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As the first rays of light crept in through the window at the end of the hall, Kelas stood up and stretched. She'd got up to check on Arrin a few times and spent some time pacing, but her muscles were still stiff from the hours of sitting.

The night had passed uneventfully, but the day was sure to hold more chaos than anyone wanted. Kelas checked that she wasn't needed for anything and headed over to retrieve her usual clothes, along with Arrin's, Isotov's, and her own packs.

Suppressing a yawn, she sat down again to wait for people to get up. Just because she was awake didn't mean the others did, yet.

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"Urrggghhh....Urgghhflaghhh!" Alferis awoke in pain, his stomach hurting, his head throbbing and he doubled over retching. Vomit fell to the floor in large quantities, and Alferis knelt there for awhile, throwing up everything still in his belly. When he was done, he wiped his mouth, forcing himself up and headed towards the door of the changing room before toppling over in front of the door clutching his head.

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With the coming of morning, Altion too woke up within his own room, the covers pulled over his head. "Glarglesnarf." he moaned as he rolled over, dropping out of bed onto the hard floor. "Blarg." he moaned as something that felt vaguely like pain shot through his entire body at once, pushing his eyes open slowly and steadily.


Suddenly an entire sackload of hammers fell on Helios's head from above. "Sorry!" yelled a repairman. "Some idiot wind mage got drunk and blew the torches down!" he yelled as he hurried down and picked them up before climbing back up the ladder placed conveniently beside his door, only to drop them back on Helios's head once again a second later. "Damn it! Who greased my bag of hammers?"

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The Morning After

Levski opened his eyes and found himself on the floor with his clothes loosely worn and nearly everything undone. He noticed that he was lying next to a bed. When he looked up he saw Daneka under the covers sleeping. Another look around revealed that her dress had been taken off and placed over a table along with the gloves and a hidden short sword she'd been carrying the entire time.

Lev: (... oh sh*t. I can't remember what happened after Stephanie lectured me.)

He quickly staggered to his feet grabbing the edge of the bed for support! The motion woke up Daneka who rolled over to face him. Her voice carried the typical morning sluggishness that one would expect.

Daneka: Oooooiiii. Levski, what are you doing?

Lev: Daneka, I have no idea what happened last night! Do you?

Daneka: Huh.

She quickly sat up revealing most of her upper torso. She was wearing a very tiny nightgown and that was all. She yawned and then put her hand up to her forehead.

Daneka: My head tells me to lie back down.

Lev: Daneka: Let me rephrase myself. Did. We. Sleep. Together?

Daneka: You slept on ze floor.

Lev: No no no no no! Did I have sex with you? Yes or no?

Daneka: Heheheheeh ... oooow. Short answer is "no". Long answer is "It's your own damn fault, nimble toes!".

Lev: Come again?

Daneka: You brought me back to zis room, but you dropped me when you tripped. Sobered me up in half a second. After I crawled out from underneath you, I went to wash off ze tango sweat and zen I decided to follow your lead and go to sleep. Maybe explain why you missed out in ze morning.

Lev: ... (Should I be mad that we didn't do anything, or mad that we almost did?)

Daneka: Oh well. Probably better for you zat way. I wouldn't want your employers getting mad at you for exploring enemy territory.

Lev: Heh. Sure I guess. I ... should probably go now.

Daneka: You just drop me on ze floor and go in ze morning. We didn't even do anyzing and you're still trying to get out quick.

Lev: I've got somewhere to be ... like ... now.

Daneka: Whatever. Go zen.

He quickly leaned closer and stroked her hair a bit clearing her bangs from her eyes.

Lev: Was fun dancing and drinking with you, Colonel.

She took advantage of the opportunity and hauled him in for a kiss. He didn't bother breaking off and kissed her right back.

Daneka: So it was.

Iso's Waking Moments

Another morning, another embrace of absolute darkness. Iso sat up in bed wondering if anyone was even around. He couldn't do much of anything without Kelas or Irina around so he let himself fall back and hit the pillow.

Iso: (I'm like a candle now. One breeze could put me out and I need my friends to protect me from absolutely everything. I have to get Proxima back, but just screaming for it doesn't seem to be enough.)

The Kiev Story

When the guards had returned they decided to let the two women go free and put Kiev back in the aeries. The simple fact was that Kiev couldn't have assaulted the noble had he not escaped the aeries in the first place. The hostlers were being idiots it seemed. With that Aiya managed to calm Irina down and convince her that she wasn't her mother. It was inconsequential though since Irina was fast asleep in a bed moments afterward.

When morning came Irina woke up moaning in pain. She put both of her hands on her head and whined!

Irina: Oh my goooood! Ooooooohooooow! Lev! Kiev! Iso! Someone heeeelp ... my head hurts sooo baaaad!

OOC: Irina is not YELLING for help, she's moaning aloud.

Viveka and the Love Struck One

Viveka woke up to nudging from Jasmine! She looked up at her and snapped!

Viveka: What the hell is it?!

Jasmine: Do you remember last night? That guy I was with?

Viveka: Oh my goddess, shut the hell up. Not this early in the morning, not this damn early.

She quickly rolled over and threw herself under a pillow!

Jasmine: But he was sooo cool! I wanted to talk to you about him!

Viveka: Get the hell away from me! I need more beauty sleep!

Jasmine: Viv! I always listen to you when you rant about guys.

Viveka: Not at sunrise! Now get off the bed before I kick you off and believe me you will fly with or without a peggie!

Jasmine: *sigh* >_>

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Luc Altair

Though rest on a hard floor was never good, Luc had grown used to it and knew how best to stretch away all the aches and pains garnered from his action. It was morning, and hopefully things would continue on their way shortly. But before all that, Luc would need to discuss things with Reika, for both their benefits. He would wait a bit to see if she woke up naturally; if she wasn't out and about within ten minutes, Luc would have to enter the room to wake her. If she was even still there.

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Thanks a lot, Snowy

"Dammit, Im bleeding." Helios managed to croak. Getting up, Helios replied. "Thats alright, just dont let it happ-" He was cut off by the hammers falling on him again. This time, he sent a small, undetectable blade of wind straight at the ladder causing it to tip over. "Someone must have greased the bottom of your ladder as well." Helios snarked before staggering down the hall. There was a cut on his forehead but other then that, he was fine. "Now if only I can get rid of this damn headache." He muttered.

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"Alf? What th-" came Esphyr's own groggy voice, filtering in from just behind Alf. "ARGGGG!!! I'M COVERED IN VOMIT! AHHHHHHH! AHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Esphyr, bolting upright only to find her armor in a pile beside the bed where Alf was, and her clothes somehow on backwards. Suddenly a thundering pounding stated to surge through her forehead like someone had dropped a sack of hammers on her head, twice, and she fell over backwards, clonking her head on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!"


As Helios sent the gust of wind to knock over the latter, a small brick upon which the handie-man had been working came loose as he fell to the ground, screaming in fear. The stone shot down and hit Helios square on the head.

"Pha! Looks like you got... smashed." exclaimed the handieman, raising a rag to his eyes to wipe away some dust before a wave of pain shot through his body from the fall. "YEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!" he suddenly screamed in pain.

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Sharp pain entered Reika's head as she woke up. She looked around and saw she was in an unfamiliar room. She remembered Morgan knocking her out and someone must've carried her to her room.

She felt quite cold and her face was very flushed and red. She tried to get out of bed and fell to her knees, very weak. Hangover and fever? Awful combination.

Damn. I never get sick! Is it the severing? What's going to happen to me?


The confused one

"Ehhh? Esphyr? Whatcha doing here? Oooooohhhh...."

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A blade of wind shot up Helios' body cutting the brick in two before it landed. Preparing himself for any other attacks, Helios continued staggering down the hall.

OOC: You wont live next time.

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"Not so loud!" she exclaimed, suddenly springing her hands to her ears to cover them. "What the hell are you doing here?" she hissed, her voice low and in whisper-like tones. "And why is my clothing on... where is my dress?!" she suddenly started to looked about fervantly. Somehow, during the night, she had gotten changed from her balldress back into her normal clothes, backwards. "I don't know. I... I remember Tessa and... Something about a nice guy offering me a drink and... Dissing Morgan? The dance floor, and then, removing my armor... in here. What did we do last night?"

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Luc Altair

A crashing noise came from inside the room prompting Luc to turn. As his hand reached the knob he stopped. There were numerous ways the situation could go wrong if he just barged in there.

"You awake in there or did you fall out of bed? Or both?" he said loud enough that he was sure she could hear him. It was entirely possible for any number of situations to crop up now that he had made his presence know, but they were all situations he could control.

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"I didn't know where the quarters were, so I decided to sleep here and I fell asleep instantly. I guess you came in and slept near me or something....Oh god my head...." he mumbled in pain, lying on his side.



"What the hell are you doing here?" said Reika, clutching her body trying to warm herself, shooting the door a glare.

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Luc Altair

"I'm the one who carried you here. If anything, I'm the only one--besides you--who does know you're here." And Paul, Luc thought. But Paul knew more than he should anyway. "So, since you are awake, did you happen to fall out of bed?" Luc couldn't let a potential asset come to harm.

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Luc Altair

"Because, if you held the daggers has you have claimed earlier, than keeping you alive is part of my job," Luc said, as audible as he dare try. He didn't want to blare knowledge about the weapons around because he had to talk through a door.

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"Oww....." he moaned trailing after her. "I dunno if we did anything. If we did, it would've been you rubbing against me or cuddling me when I was sleeping. Don't mind if you want a hug but I don't....eeeee.....want to have sex if you see."


"I'm fine. Just a little cold. Now where's the changing room?" said Reika, opening the door shivering.

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Arrin awoke feeling generally terrible. His head and stomach hurt as usual, and everything was a little too loud, too bright. He forced himself to sit up anyway, nearly falling back down from the ensuing dizziness as the cat jumped out of his way, irritated at having been disturbed.

He surveyed the room. He vaguely remembered being walked back... had he drank something funny? He didn't recall dancing with Tessa, which he'd said he would do... he must have gone out before he could. He'd have to apologize...

...but first he had to do something about his headache. He tottered over to the door, wincing at the light of the hallway. Kelas was sitting on the floor. "I'm going to go get some tea," he told her, starting in the general direction of the kitchen.

"You want me to come with? You feeling okay?" Kelas got to her feet. "You don't look so great."

"I can go on my own. I just feel like... like people in books feel like when they've had too much to drink the previous day," Arrin replied. "That is what happened, isn't it?"

"Yeah. There was something in that punch. Come back here after you get the tea, I've got your packs," Kelas told him.

It wasn't a particularly fun walk for Arrin, what with his head hurting, but as he made his way to the kitchens, he decided that it was better than feeling ill because of some book; the connection made more sense. Hanging onto the wall slightly for support, he found his way there.


Kelas watched Arrin for a minute, then decided to let him alone for the moment; it was only some tea. More people were getting up, now, and it was probably time to get breakfast anyway. She knocked on Isotov's door: "Oi, you awake?"

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Luc Altair

"Hmm, if you say," the girl was probably lying, for what reason Luc couldn't think. Perhaps to spare a visit to a healer? Though it didn't matter. If anything talking on the move was a better action. "The changing rooms are down the hall, it's a linear path so there should be no severe deviation, unless something happened while I slept. Alferis will most likely be somewhere them as well." Luc stepped away to allow Reika to pass. "I shall escort you, either way," Luc said, hoping she would try and do something to replicate the fiery passion from last night. Then he could actually begin to plan.

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"We didn't. You're still alive after all." she said, trying to laugh slightly as the pair stumbled out into the hallway. "But a hug would be nice..." she thought to herself as she slowly carried him down the hallway.

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"Mmmmm....Just you seemed concerned about whether or not well...Your sword acts up during something like that or something? Is it like Damian's lance?" he said.


"I can find them thank you," she said curtly, walking past Luc swiftly, when she saw Esphyr walking Alf through the hallway.

"Morning," she muttered, heading past them. "Alf, you get over your hangover after how much you drunk last night. If aiming for the panties is good for that, do it." She continued on her way to the changing rooms, and went through the door to the women's room, leaving Alf looking behind.

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Hearing Kelas' voice at the door, Iso sat up again. He didn't have anything to reach for and didn't know how far away or how close the edge of the bed was, so he simply gave a light call back.

Iso: Yeah. I'm ... wide awake ... and completely screwed without you or someone around to help.

He hung his head somewhat chuckling in relief and holding back a bit of anger.

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