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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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To The Four Winds

His core was struck precisely, and the demon's body quickly froze over entirely! A split second passed and then the icy statue crumbled to tiny icicles! What was left was either blown about by the passing breezes or simply melted away ...

The Tower

Stephanie with her staff in hand healed Ixion's eyes back to their former state. He didn't bother getting up though, instead choosing to lie up against the wall, his gaze resting on the sky. Stephanie sat down next to him and put down her staff.

Stephanie: Are you alright, Ixion?

He didn't say anything, instead choosing to look her dead in the eyes with a fatigued expression.

Ixion: Twice. Twice she has done what noone else dares.

Stephanie: That woman?

He looked down at his completely cloaked form and sighed.

Ixion: She is exactly what I need to fulfill our ambitions ... but we won't have her will we?

Levski's Little Stroll

Headed outside and onto the streets. He walked nearly a block in the direction of the tower before coming across Shamus himself! The man was calling up to the sky!

Shamus: Kamillaaaaaa! Hang on, Lass! I'll come find ya, ya heaaar?!!

Lev: ... oh sh*t.

Shamus turned to the sound of his voice and gasped!

Shamus: What the-?! Oh for the love of-! I KNEW I recognized that blasted wyvern!!

Lev: Sh*t, sh*t, sh*****t ....

Shamus: Lev! You lass kidnappin, poontang chasin, gold hoggin, girly song writen, wyvern kissin, hair sniffin, sly eyed bastard!! Whaddya think yu'r doin havin your wyvern kidnap little Kamilla?!! Are you tryin ta get a quick fix, ya Zaftran scumbag?!

Lev: ... ... ... what could I possibly say ...?

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Luc Altair

Among the numerous displays that obviously required Luc's attention, the most obvious one was also the loudest and most recent. Alferis was shouting about some guy seeking Reika, and Luc was in no mood to let the contract he had just established go sour so soon. Since this was also probably involved with whatever organization Reika was also working for; Luc could gather his own intelligence and compare it to what she would give him.

Luc strode over to the little scuffle, examining, as Alferis described rather aptly, the man with a white face. Luc knew of some types of face paint, for lack of a better word at the moment, were used by Councilman Richtor's spies during certain missions. But in such an event like this paint would just make someone stand out. So the man was either fully confident in himself or arrogant beyond belief. Luc deathly desired the latter. The man was also rubbing a tome, either as a distraction or a further display that Luc had noted. Though whichever reason it was, was a danger.

"Is there something the matter here?" Luc said as he stopped besides Alferis. "Or can I take my compatriot here back without incident?"

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"This man...he claims to be an admirer of Reika. He seems to know who I am as well. And I don't know why. He's trying to make me get her for some reason. Insists on making me smile. No idea why."

"Yes. I am Geraro, magician extraordinaire. I like smiles. I love smiles. To smile is to be happy. Like I'm doing. I'll make anyone smile, even if I have to make them scream and cry and bleed to do so. They always smile in the end when I'm done with them..." he started, seeming to forget Alferis and Luc were there.

"And you know Reika how?" Alferis continued, his hand nearing his axe. It was difficult fighting with a hangover, especially against two mages, but this man was clearly unbalanced and psychotic.

"That's our secret. Now do I have to go through myself? I have stuff to tell her, do with her. And I want to make her...smile. She's always frowning at me."

"Sir, is this quite a good idea?" asked Njordenka, wary of the two knights and there was a tinge of annoyance in his voice. Had Geraro forgotten his reason for even disobeying in the first place?

"...Yes...I will see her. I have stuff to talk about, I want to see her face...heheheheheheheheheh...." Geraro mumbled, not paying attention to anyone.

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Luc Altair

"Well if he knows who you two are there's either two reasons. He's either crazy and guessed them," Luc looked the man and his bizarreness over, "A likely conclusion. Or he's somehow managed to spy the information out. Something I doubt he is capable of from appearances." Of course, appearances could be deceiving. And Luc wanted them to think he didn't know about them. Well, until Reika told them at least.

"Smile? Bleeding, screaming and crying in the process? I see, then place a screw in your forehead and hang a mirror on it. You'll have all three for yourself," The scant seconds you'd live, Luc taunted. His name was Geraro then. His words implied a heavy source of brain trouble. It could be a cover--an excellent one at that--but his movements suggested otherwise. The motions of the body could reveal a lot of the way a person had intentions, though Luc was no expert on reading, the man's extremity was bold and easy to see.

"Forget how he knows her. I'm sure we all have such... unsavory people in our pasts. And presents." Luc would rather not the guards come over. That would just add more complications on top of whatever mess had obviously taken place earlier.

The next exchange between the man--Geraro--and his minion only further enforced Luc's reasoning that he wasn't right in the head. "Leave. If she is always frowning as you say, than she obviously doesn't want to see you." Giving up that he had just seen her would be a foolish move.

Luc turned to face the minion. "Drag this man away, or the whole of this city's military will descend upon you. If you wish to meet with her, do it outside. Within these walls are not for your ilk."

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"Now you've done it..." Njordjenka said backing away.

"Heheheheheheeheeeheheeeheheeehhheeeh," Geraro giggled and cackled, a wide grin forming on his face. He raised his hands and a very strong aura of dark magic burst forth from him. Alferis fell over, near the point of unconsciousness from the pressure and the hangover.

"If she won't smile, then I'll make her smile. I will make you all smile. Nobody gets in my way. I could destroy all your guards within an instance and it would be fun...so much fun...Mmmmmmhmmm..."

"I want her. And I will talk to her. I will take her with me if I have to."

"Sir...you can't...." Njordjenka sighed, a bit of fear in his voice, seeing Geraro go off the deep end. Geraro shook his head a bit and the aura died down a bit, though still quite strong.

"Yes yes. She still must be with you. For now. For now....heheheh. For now...And I have a message for another man. Have you seen a man named Heinz? I have to tell him something very important..."

"....Heinz?" Alferis croaked out, his face on the ground.

"Yes yes. Any of you met him?" he said in a calmer voice.

The hell is he up to now?

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Luc Altair

A wave of greater power collided with Luc. Had it not been for his specialized training after that incident where his hand was damaged he would have been thrown to the ground like poor Alferis. But instead Luc held his ground... and yawned. Sure, the play of power was dangerous, and hell it outright scared Luc even with his training. But he couldn't afford to show it. He simply had to acknowledge the fear, and push it aside. Deep down with all the other unnecessary emotions that clogged up proper thinking and order.

"Really, within an instance? Yet, you haven't done so much," Luc tilted his head back as he talked down to the touched man. It was a tool to egg him on further. "So either you are lying--well, no matter, you will always be lying no matter which of the parts of your sentences I fall upon."

Luc ignored the question about Reika. It was obvious nothing he could say would dissuade the man, and taunting had to be done in moderation for an active affect. Though any form of insult seemed to get to the man in Luc's reasoning. "Heinz? I do believe I saw him leave the city earlier," Luc lied. He hadn't seen the man since the mansion and had no idea where he was. But if he was an informant for yet another faction, Luc couldn't have him come face-to-face with this jester. "Of course, I am probably lying, but no one else will tell you a thing."

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"Ah well.....you seem to be of no importance except amusement. Therefore, to show you true power, I'll only use the bare minimum on you."

Chanting quietly and quickly forming his hands together in an outward fashion, Geraro fired a wide beam of dark energy in a towards Luc.

OOC: You CAN dodge the Dark Hadoken if you want to...but keep in mind, if you decide Luc can't, then he'll still be alive. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A GODMOD. Luc would be hurt badly but still alive.

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Luc Altair

Coming at Luc was a perfect example of why trying to taunt a fool with power into a fight was a bad idea. That was most certainly something Luc didn't want to be hit with. And on the other hand, it was also something that Luc was confident he couldn't dodge with his slight armor and the cape worsening his movements. Luc turned, primed himself, and started running... only to trip and land face first into the ground. On the upside, the attack from the druid only hit with half of its mass. On the other, it still hit. And it hurt a hell of a lot worse than anything since his hand got burned. But he endured that, and he would endure this. He closed his mouth and let a scream resonate inside.

Luc pushed himself up with his working arm, doing his best to minimize movement of both his left hand and mouth. Giving any facial slights to the druid--as Luc had reasoned from his darkness based magics--would just please him. Even if Luc's avoid had come from what looked to be a dropped ax. Luc would have to thank whichever fool had dropped such a thing.

"Really, if amusement as you say can avoid such a thing than you obviously think too highly of yourself," Luc said as firm as he could manage in his wretched state.


"Huh, I wonder where I dropped that ax. Oh well, I doubt anyone would trip over it and accidentally dodge some extremely deadly dark magic."

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"Avoid? Heh. Barely. This was my dark magic surpressed. And you still got hit with part of the blast, or the pressure from it. It's not that I'm weak as it is you were lucky.

Now go fetch Reika here before I kill you and that masked man over there and everyone else in this palace. I'll get her out anyway if you don't cooperate and you won't be able to keep an eye out if you're dead..." Geraro smirked.

Njordjenka merely cringed.

Liane! I must report to her about this when he's ready to let me go!

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Luc Altair

Luc wasn't in any position to take another one of those attacks. Even though the man was probably insane enough to believe he could suppress his magic to such a degree, it wasn't comforting at all to know that.

"Should I be flattered you so dearly care for all of our lives that you give us the chance to save them hm?" Luc kept his face passive through his pain, but it was steadily growing harder. "Very well, I've no intent on dying for someone else." Luc turned and began walking away. It would be better if Alferis followed him, but Luc could do this without him.

It was possible this wasn't the organization Reika was working for. But she had passed him by earlier, so she perhaps had seen the man and fled. Fled where, now, that was why he needed Alferis, to help search for her. Though if she didn't want to be found, Luc doubted that either of them had a chance in locating her. But that could wait. Now, now he needed to plan. He couldn't match him in power, so he had to out-think him.

Luc went over what he had garnered from his interactions. The man was a fool, but a powerful fool. But that wasn't much to go on. Luc couldn't risk another disasterous encounter, but he also couldn't lose Reika and her daggers and especially after he had gotten her under contract. The easiest plan was inadequate. They were by the gate. Perhaps an attack from, or getting them outside the gate would work? But both seemed unlikely or else the city forces would have attempted such a thing already. Could he have Paul or Reika, or even Fargo try it? Paul wouldn't, and Fargo would probably scream like an idiot as he did so. Reika was out of the question as well. So, maybe Alferis? But if it turned into a distraction... Luc would need his halberd.

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Kelas' patience was wearing thin; bickering had started up, and the conversation had wandered off in several directions-- as they always did, and then never got anything done. "Why don't you go look for her, then," she told the Headmaster frostily. She gave the others a look. "So apparently we aren't going to stop running around in circles. Very well then, I'll see you lot after my brother's safe." She turned to leave.


The dizziness began to subside, and Arrin slowly, carefully got to his feet. He assumed the group would be ready to go sometime soon, and he wanted to find Tessa before getting pulled into the chaos of traveling again. He set off down the hall towards the guest wing, not really sure where to look.

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One who didnt get a response.

"Well, nice speaking to you, Colonel, officer. I uh... have something to attend to..." He replied hastily heading towards the stables. .... I wonder how far she got... Regardless, I cant have her leave like this, not without her knowing that she is far from a burden. Even though he wouldnt like to admit it, the group would be leaving soon and he doesnt have much time. Running in to Conrad (Yah, I just borrowed him. Rein wouldnt do anything with this guy even if he could.) in the hallway, Helios asked the good general about the timing. "Hey, general. You wouldnt happen to know how long we have until we depart would you?"

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As Kelas said her piece and turned away from the group, Iso hung his head and closed his eyes. He was beginning to think he'd gotten his hopes too high. Even if attention were paid to Arrin's problem would they have been able to work together to fix it? Any attempt in the past at such a thing proved pointless. Would it have been worse to go it alone risk being overpowered by the demons or try to get the entire group involved and risk immediate failure? He couldn't tell. He decided not to say a word while the others were close enough to hear and stood ready to follow Kelas.

Irina had been doing some thinking of her own. That woman Miranda was Iso's old teacher and someone he cared for deeply enough to protect with his own life. She didn't know how much time he'd spent with her, but he was clearly more loyal to her than likely anyone else he knew. She was only speculating, but what if it was true? And she was a demon now? That could end up coming back to haunt everyone involved.

Throughout the argument Iso had been on the verge of yelling at any mention of Kaileen or anything else that suggested doing something opposite rushing into a confrontation with the demons. The ten years apart from her had been more difficult than she could imagine if he was this upset. If he was really going to leave with Kelas, then this was more important to him than the main mission itself. Then she remembered that to Iso the mission didn't matter at all and never did. He was there to protect her at first. Now he was focusing on everything except for her. She scratched her head trying to figure out what had happened.

Irina: (I need to talk to him before they go but ... I really need to do it alone.)

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"If she truly has gone to Jace's estate, it would be best I don't go. Kaileen and Bethold aside, I didn't exactly part ways with Jace on good terms. Harold is too obsessed with lust to remember, but others... I believe our parting contained veiled threats of flaying each others skins."

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"Oh, hello. You're Helios, right?" Conrad asked. "I'm not sure. It depends on how long it takes Esphyr to negotiate with Jace. I hope she can finish this up quickly. I kind of need my badge back."

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Yah dats raght

"Oh, forgot about that. Well, hope she takes as much time as she wants." He muttered heading down to the stables. On the way he noticed Derek. "Derek." He said hanging his head low in disappointed, the letter in his hand apparent.

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Returning to the Crisis

Within a few minutes, Eric had jogged his way to the courtyard, where quite a bit of the group was huddled, in a group.

"What's going on?" he asked, slowing to a walk.


"Yes?" he asked Helios, stopping to speak to the wind mage. "Something you want to say?"


"Ah, dear Naelia," he said, laughing gently. "Oh, it is none of your concern. I apologize for her behaviour, though. Now, onto business. I advise you and your companions to do two things: One, separate from the princess and her retainers, and two, leave this city as soon as possible. If you do so, I shall lend my support to the Crimson wielders in their efforts to quell the recent demon attacks."

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Oh my god, this is soooooooooooo hard

Shit you idiot, why did you have to stop him. Now if you show him the letter, he'll be upset. Dont show him the letter and he will be alright but will be angry later on.... I guess its for the best. He has a right to know. That time back at the inn when she was poisoned... Derek was the first to respond. "Dani.... she left..." He chocked, his head still hung low.

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"That is not my decision to make. I'm sure you are well aware of what a mercenary should and should not do." said Esphyr, sighing happily at the assurance that there would no longer be any trouble from the thief. "I can deliver a message to Morgan though. And if she should refuse?"

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"It would be... unfortunate, but you would likely be caught in the crossfire between my forces and those attempting to silence me," Jace said, politely. "I'd rather bit not come to that, but that depends on your leader. Regardless, I will be waiting for her response. Also, your stolen equipment is right here," he continued, passing the mercenary an embroidered bag. "Restored to pristine condition, of course. Cheerio."


"...? She left?" Derek repeated, a bit confused. "Is that a note from her or something? That's her handwriting..."

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i knoes how u feel, bruh

"It is." He said handing her the letter. "I dont know anymore... What if I said something that caused this last night? I still dont understand what caused her to leave......"

EDIT: Reword

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Conrad shrugged, then turned noticed the swordsman return. Approaching him, he commented, "We just had a run in with Ixion, and Isotov retrieved Prozima. I'm a bit iffy on the details, so I can't exactly say what happened. Speaking of which, what's with the bandage?"

Chase was still confused. "How did you get Proxima back, Isotov?"

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Iso: Miranda stole it from Ixion who took it from Shanice. She gave it back to me and then things got heated.

The Other Half

Leaning up against a rooftop chimney, Miranda crossed her arms and thought to herself. She had two major objectives to complete. The first was to find a way to kill Ixion. The second was a bit more pressing ...

Miranda: (The only way to put Ixion down is to find out what he's up to, and get in the way some more.) *sigh* That was a stupid idea. I tried to kill him before he told me anything that was actually useful. (I probably should have accepted his offer and killed him later ... ... ... oh well. This is the path I took. No looking back now. I've got to make the best of it ... and it's not really that bad to begin with. Only a better challenge.)

Suddenly, Miranda felt a pressure in her chest! Something powerful had come from somewhere and touched her. She looked off in the direction of the castle while keeping a single hand to her chest.

Miranda: That was ... intense. ... it felt like ... ... like something happened to my other half .... (Shanice ...)... urgh ....

She hunched over a little before forcing herself upright and wiping a bit of sweat from her brow.

Miranda: That felt ... terrible ....

The Light

Shamus continued cursing at Lev until the frustrated wyvern lord stormed off. He didn't have time to sit there and argue with the old acquaintance. He made his way through the streets looking for places a wyvern could easily hide out and just as it had caught Krinkov's eye, the tower had caught his own. Shamus was right behind him and practically shoving people aside to keep up with the slimmer more easily maneuverable Lev.

Stephanie didn't know what to tell Ixion. Miranda seemed important to him, but she had no clue as to why. Instead she gently placed her hand on his shoulder trying to at least give a show of support. His gaze slowly wandered to Kamilla who was looking at the both of them still nearly panicked.

Ixion: You seem to want the others to be apprehended.

Kamilla flinched! He was speaking to her directly now. She didn't want to be rude and not reply, but she could tell Ixion was if nothing else ruthless just by looking at him. Despite her fear she spoke up.

Kamilla: Y-yes. They're criminals ... well most of them. The crimson weapons are cursed and should be destroyed.

Ixion: ... Morgan is far too lenient. They should have killed you off when they had the chance.

She gasped right along with Stephanie! Kamilla quickly cringed up somehow trying to cling to the wall for protection. Ixion put forth his hand, his fingers slightly bent inward to help cage the energy he was producing. A small orb of dark energy emerged that span around like a black sun! Stephanie quickly grabbed Ixion's shoulders and began shaking him!

Stephanie: Ixion!! Don't even think about harming this girl!! She is in no way shape or form an enemy!!

Ixion turned to face Stephanie, his hand still aimed at Kamilla.

Ixion: This girl needs to be taken out of the picture. Before she causes any more trouble-

Suddenly a ray of light shot up from a place far off in the city, but not too far from the castle itself. The beam of light faded in a moment and there was nothing left to determine whether or not it had even been real or just an illusion! Stephanie looked up along with Ixion while Kamilla closed her eyes praying to the Goddess that Ixion would stay his hand!

Ixion: What was that?

Stephanie: ... (It felt ... divine ...)

At the base of the tower, Lev had finally arrived and entered the building. He began making his way up the stares at an impatient pace, Shamus still hot on his tail. Once he reached the top floor he tried to open the door. For some reason it would only budge a couple of inches, but he couldn't push it all the way open.

Lev: ... the hell?

Shamus quickly caught up and put his hand on Lev's shoulder!

Shamus: So this is where yu'r hidin'er! You little lap squeezer! I should bust yu'r head open!

Lev: Not now! I can't get this damn door open.

On the other side of the door, Krinkov was lying down blocking the door. He looked at the budging wood and tilted his head. Ixion, Stephanie, and Kamilla all looked at him and the door themselves wondering who was trying to get out.

Lev: Ey!! Krinkov! If that's you ... Move. Your. Ass. ... Now.

Krinkov knowing now that it was his ill tempered master stood up and moved out of the way allowing Lev to open the door and walk out only to see more people than he expected.

Stephanie: Lev!

Lev: Stephanie ... Ixion ... >_>

Lev was quickly shoved aside by Shamus who barged out in a fit!

Shamus: Kamilla! Lass! I'm here to rescue ya!

Kamilla: Shamus!

She quickly hopped up and rushed in to hug the massive man! Lev smacked his face with his palm and sighed.

Lev: Dammit ....

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"I understand." said Esphyr, picking up the equipment. "I will deliver the message. Toodles."

About ten minutes later, her arms filled to the brink with the missing equipment, Esphyr returned to the ground. "Jace sends us our gear back and a message. Leave the Princess behind, or risk being caught in the crossfire between him and those who wish to silence him."

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"Geraro, what the hell are you doing?" Njordjenka hissed. "You're going to attract the guards and ruin everything. Remember our goal, to look for this Heinz fellow and dig up info on him."

"Yes yes. For once in your life you're right Njordjenka. Let's get away for now. You wait here."


"Wait here before you make me angry Njordjenka. You don't want me angry now do you?" Geraro grinned very wide, showing his teeth.

"N-no..." Njordjenka gasped out, a shiver down his spine.

"Good. Keep an eye on our masked friend over there," said Geraro, pointing at Alferis's unconscious form. Without waiting for a reply, he headed down towards the alley nearby and spotted a blonde haired man with a knife at his side, whistling as he walked. Geraro dashed towards him and placed his hand on his soldier.

"Hello there Heinz."

"Who the? Who the hell are you? Who's this Heinz?" the man snarled, slapping Geraro's hand away.

"I have business with you Heinz. Don't pretend you are or, I may forget myself and send you into the next life."

"What are you going to do clown? Cut me with your rapier wit?"

Geraro chanted a few words and fired a sphere of darkness at the man's arm, blowing it off.


"Now tell me what you know Heinz before I blow off your other arm. And then your feet and your legs."

"I'm not Heinz! Who is this Heinz? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"In that case, you're of no further use," Geraro said. With a few words, he fired a small beam of darkness through the poor man's chest. He fell over dead and Geraro bent over his dead form and taking the knife, slashed the man's mouth completely open, almost in a grin.

OOC: This is a different alley than the one Miranda fled through.

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