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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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The Bait

Irina: Who's the crimson decoy? Is it not Iso anymore?

Isotov immediately shrugged. It may as well be me, given the circumstances.

Iso: I'll do it if no one else feels like playing bait.

Irina: Then I'm going with you and Kelas.

Iso: I know ... I know.

EDIT: Fixed a major error.

Edited by Phoenix
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"I don't know! I wouldn't follow her after that! I WON'T be following her after that! I mean, sounds like she would willingly use living human beings as bait without their consent if it meant accomplishing her goal. Wasn't there a book about someone just like that? Obsessed with hunting a great white dragon?"

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"The larger group should leave the city, to comply with Jace's demands, but as to the location after that I do not know. The smaller group should go to a secluded location, and we should be prepared to attack at any moment." Morgan said. After this statement, Morgan followed Kelas down to hallway to find Isotov.

"So, do you agree on the plan?" she asked him. "If so, there's something we need to do before you leave."

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Agreed, But Only For Now.

Iso: And what would that be, Morgan?

Irina kept quiet again but she was listening carefully. What she and Iso had talked about came to mind. She said if he left she would go with him and she meant it. When he spoke to Morgan his voice carried a serious and almost ... aggressive tone. She could tell that he was allowing reason after reason and excuse after excuse accumulate in his mind to justify what he was planning to do. As much as she didn't like it, she couldn't let him go wandering off alone.

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"If you're going to lure out the demons, we'll need to know when to teleport in. I can use the mana thread Ixion created to see what you're doing, I won't use it for nefarious purposes, I assure you." she said to him, walking closer.

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Strange Connections

Irina: What?! You mean that same thing Ixion used to drain Iso and Viv?!

Iso: (Well of course she would do something like this, and of course I'm put at a huge disadvantage because of it.)

He quickly stood up to face her.

Iso: There are two conditions for this, Morgan. The first is that you remove it the second this is over and done with. The second condition is that I want you to wait before doing this. There's something I have to do and I have to do it alone before we leave ... as alone as I can at least.

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Luc Altair

Kelas had discusses Arrin remaining behind as part of the rescue group. Luc thought back, and concluded from all past utterances that Kelas didn't have the bow. That left, no one Luc could remember. That was unacceptably sloppy.

The next words shook the entirety of Luc's thinking. Jace's demands? Was that what the bit about Charlotte was about earlier? Damnation, it took the entirity of Luc's training not to go stomping out there and demand an explanation. And since it sounded like Morgan had left, Luc couldn't spy on any more reasons either. Luc bite his lip a bit. This could change everything.

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"I don't know much about books, but if she is using some of us as bait, then I say we find a new leader. That woman has little regard for human life. I don't care what she says, there has got to be another, better way of defeating our enemies. Thing is, we need a leader who's as good, or at least nearly at being a tactician as her. I hate to admit it, but the woman's clever."

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"Aye. And that be the problem. Damian is the only one even close to that though that pegasus girl maybe. I bet she maneuvered her way into her position though, and not legally. Maybe complain? I mean, that's like saying we should cast fire under the water, but it is still something."

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"General Conrad perhaps. We should let her know at the very least that she's undermining herself if she continues to do such actions. I don't know why or whether or not it was necessary to mind wipe that girl and let her wander off, but even if it was you need to show some remorse for your actions. I dunno. Maybe we can ask the others?"

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"Yes." said Esphyr, her voice distracted as she glanced down the hallway towards where Damian had been. "All I need to do is have that one hour wiped away..." she said to herself, keeping her voice low. Then she turned back to Alf. "I'm sorry. What was that? We out number her yes, if everyone sides with us. If they don't?"

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"But do we need everyone? Lev is definitely a lost cause, and I think Tessa and Chase may be as well, but does she have anyone else loyal to her? I don't know...I don't know if this is even that great an idea. It's best to let her know how close she is to having us leave, but how is the question."

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"Yeah, but she might zap my memory...screw it. I may need a bit of backup to make sure I'm not the only one here who thinks it. Sacrifices are necessary, but needlessly sacrificing us or at least not showing a bit of care? I know she's a leader and she has to think of the bigger picture but still...you can't just not care about someone or look after them. Tossing people away when you've wrung them dry, you just shouldn't do that."

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"Only the spying portion, not the life draining portion." Morgan replied t0 Irina.

"I do not see the reason to continue surveilling youi after this mission is complete. But how long will this...excursion of yours take? You know time is of the essence here Isotov." Morgan said, frowning at him.

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"That's a Monday for me. I hate Mondays. I get so many idiots asking for week-long services trying to snap up out of work mercs. They don't think one bit about us beyond how much we cost and maybe our performance. Survival is literally optional. It's life. I got used to it. Honestly, if she wipes us, it's not as bad as dying. The odds are better than most missions I've had to accept as well. I don't think she's willingly going to hurt us, well... me at least, as she needs me alive for her mission."

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"Mmmm....I guess she's not trying to hurt us, but I just want her to be a little less willing to let us die you know? And the mindwiping. Those are what I mainly take issue with. Anyway, we should go to her and find out what's going on before we make any decision."

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