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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Upon hearing Alferis' predicament, Aiya couldn't help but smirk a little.

'Serves her right... who does she think she is...? All I wanted was one night... one night... why did she take that from me? what gives her the right...?'

"That sounds... like an interesting way to get up in the morning..." Aiya said, patting Alf on the back comfortingly, masking the hurt she still felt.

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"Then enough with the self pity you dumb bitch. Look at you! How pathetically co-dependent are you on some douchebag? And how furthermore, how the hell do you expect anyone to put up with you whining, crawling into corners, or trying to run away? You're a professional, you're on a job, start acting like it," Reika hissed, her hand nearing her dagger.

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Esphyr raised her hand, cupping and forming it into a holding position, as if she was holding a staff. "Too late." she said, her tone grim. A sudden burst of crimson lightning shot forth towards Reika's dagger hand as Esphyr's Crimson Weapon materialized in her hand. Gone was the usual two-handed blade, replaced with a one-handed sword, smaller, sharper, and faster then the normal weapon as it shot forth towards Reika's hand, aiming to sever it from her body before the girl could react. Esphyr wasn't sure of Reika's speed, but it seemed the only salvation that came for the thief was a hand suddenly shooting up and grabbing Reika by the shoulder, throwing her to the ground and narrowly out of the way of the summoning of the blade.

"Esphyr! What in the name of the moon are you doing?!" exclaimed Mana.

"She doesn't need her hands to take her stupid daggers back! Let me punish her!"

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"Agghh!" Reika groaned, a bit of dizziness creeping up. She got up and drew her dagger, snarling and hopping mad, her face completely flushed with sickness and with rage.

"You stay the hell away or I'll rip out your tongue and feed it to everyone you know!"



"Yeah, I guess. Ah well, better than waking up in alley beaten up. Certainly better than before," he laughed, his stomach heaving a bit.

"So about sparring earlier, I don't know if Esphyr'll ever be up to it, so if you may, maybe we can spar soon? I could use some practice fighting swordsmen."

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"I don't mind sparring with you a bit later Alf... if you're sure you want to after our arena match." Aiya replied, pushing the thoughts of before to the back of her mind.

'I don't need to get Alf involved in that... and I don't want to get too angry and break his jaw again...'

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"I didn't even notice you until I nearly tripped over you! Anyway, it's hard to ignore you since you make a commotion about everything. What the hell is wrong with your mind? I think you might've pulled a few fuses in your brain there."



"Not a problem. It's the best way to improve. Besides, you're a trained soldier and I'm just a ruffian. You were trained formally and I just imitated some bandits. It'll be great to train with you."

OOC: Added in Alf part.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Luc Altair

The growing sound of malcontent yelling echoed down the halls and reached Luc's ears. Though he direly desired to help plan things, his better judgment told him part of the group was responsible for the shouting and it would be far better if no one landed themselves in jail when they should be getting ready to depart. "Excuse me," Luc said to those assembled and walked off in the direction of the sounds.

It didn't take long for Luc to track down the source of the disturbance, it--not surprisingly--grew steadily louder as he made his way forward. Luc grew close to the source of the noise and saw Esphyr, all aflame with rage and holding her Crimson Sword, against Reika, her daggers flared and poised at Esphyr's neck. Luc grumbled, would they always cause such problems?

"Hold," Luc shouted. "Sheath your weapons at once!"

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At the sound of Luc's command, Esphyr turned her head aside, shifting her focus from Reika to Luc. A thin scowl covered her face at the command; never the less she obeyed and unsummoned her blade.

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At the sound of Luc's voice, Reika regained a bit of her control and aimied a punch at Esphyr's face. She couldn't kill anyone here in his presence and if people were being drawn here, it was a bad idea to cut Esphyr's throat.

OOC: You CAN avoid the punch if you want.

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Miranda: Ixion told me ... a lot of things about your group. Your names, your tendencies ... a few other things that didn't matter, but I was paying extra special attention to the bits with you in them.

Iso hung his head and she smirked at him.

Miranda: You may have picked a decent housewife but you sure picked a lousy teacher. Then again, I'm sure that was just prioritizing on your part.

Iso: Well it doesn't matter now.

Miranda: Why not? You said she wasn't dead, right? Don't tell me you stopped believing that.

Iso: ... I don't know anymore. What's the point of her even being alive? If she is alive then the demons still have her anyway.

Miranda: (I rather doubt that. Something happened to Shanice already ... I felt it ...) Tovy, listen. This is no time to be objective. I told you never to do that where your goals are concerned. You'll put needless limits in your mind.

Iso: What am I supposed to do?

Miranda: Decide for yourself what you're going to do, and then do it. The last thing you need to do is give your goals a limit, an established boundary you can't overcome. The world made enough of those for you so don't make things harder on yourself with meaningless "I can'ts".

She quickly stood up and looked down and him and he up at her. The look on her face was ... just like the old days he thought.

Miranda: Tell me everything you want from this life. Right now.

Iso: Haven't we ... already been over this before?

Miranda: Three ... two ...

Iso: !!! I want to be an archsage, I want a family of my own, and I want my sister to be safe!

Miranda: Okay good. Now tell ... what's stopping you?

Iso: Morgan would say the demon king.

Miranda: Yeah but she'd say anything if it'd shut you people up and get you back in line, am I right? What's really in your way?

Iso quickly paused. He'd heard this lecture before and remembered passed all the electrical shocks he got before giving the right answer ...

Iso: ... I'm in my own way ... aren't I?

Miranda: Bingo. If you fail at any one of those you've got no one to blame but yourself, but I don't want you to blame anyone, alright? What I want you to do is straighten up, and get back to what you aim to accomplish.

Iso: ... you make it sound so easy.

Miranda: That's because it is. You want to be an archsage, keep training. You want a family, you've got plenty of places to start. You want to keep your sister safe? Well there she is, so protect her.

Iso: Mmm ....

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"Hah...hahh...that'll teach you not to summon your sword on me you whiny stupid bitch," she hissed, pulling away and sheathing her dagger, wanting desperately to maim Esphyr further, though she was quite tired. The dizziness overtook her and she collapsed against the wall, her head facing downwards.

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Luc Altair

Both girls put aside their weapons, and Reika slammed her fist into Esphyr in response, sending her to the floor. Reika sheathed her weapon and joined her a few seconds later.

"I do suppose it is my fault for not saying cease hostilities instead,' Luc shook his head. No, they were just being unreasonable. Reika's fall was more worrying to Luc, but he didn't know if Esphyr was unconscious or not and didn't want to risk turning his back on her. Luc walked over to the downed Esphyr and knelt. "How badly are you hurt?" he asked, unsure if she was even capable of answering.

EDIT: risk risk no

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"Just a busted lip." answered Esphyr, rubbing her hand against her lip to try and clean up a bit of the blood. She shot a nasty glare at Reika as she stood upright. "This is all my fault anyways. I let myself get provoked by that tavern wench. I deserved this."

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Luc Altair

"Good to here you're mostly unharmed." Luc stood back up as well. "Then that is something to work on, and--as they say--acknowledgment is the first step to overcoming. Now, how is she doing?" Luc walked over to the fallen Reika. Luc began to lightly try and wake her.

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Luc Altair

"Since neither of you were heavily injured and you both have experience with this section of floor, can we call a truce for now? But if you wish to continue, at least only use your fists," Luc stood back up and walked a bit to the side. "Now, was there a particular reason you two just tried to gut each other and you'd like to tell me or do I have to piece things together?"

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"Reika. She was sitting down and resting when you came over. You picked this fight. You take responsibility. You clean it up. Don't think you're off the hook either Esphyr! You chose to summon your weapon-"

"I didn't! You shed yourself this blashtied shing can't be controlled!" shot back Esphyr, her speech slurred from the busted lip.

"BULL****! You can control your weapon Esphyr! Stop being a helpless little child and grow up!"

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"No. You weren't. You need to be quiet as well Reika. You both provoked this and ignored Esphyr's asking you to get away from her and ignored her asking you to back away to stroke your own ego. Reika, this is your fault. Completely and entirely. Now either shut up or go away."

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