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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Business As Usual

"They will be there in a few days," Jace said, not even bothering to look at the exorbitant numbers. "... So, you really are planning to bring King Zaftra down. Perhaps I shall partake in that moment, myself."

The waiting game

Derek had made his way to the courtyard just in time to catch the end of the discussion. Leaving soon is good, he thought, putting away his shield and removing his helm while lost in thought. Means I don't have to think about Dani for a bit.

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"I don't think I could forgive myself if I turned back now." Charlotte answered. "Arrin needs our help, and besides someone has to heal you all if you get hurt." she said, managing a smile.

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As the smaller group departed, Aiya let out a sigh.

'Looks like circumstance foils us yet again... ah well, this is moire important, I'll take Irina out shopping in the next beg city we go to, then.'

Waving to Irina as she departed, Aiya saw Derek nearby. He seemed to be thinking about something. He had taken off his helm and put his shield aside.

"So Eric and Charlotte are going, and you're staying here, huh? I guess we aren't so far off in that regard... Irina's going, and Damian is leaving for a while... oh... am I interrupting your thoughts?"

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"There is much to explain and understand. So much not even I grasp it fully myself." started Kaileen. "Several years ago, we had a chance to stop the Lord of Darkness, and we in our desire to live in a world free of his demons, took it. It sounded so good and nice. A world free of the wars and conflicts wrought by demons and spirits, where we could grow and flourish on our own. All we had to do was ally with a demoness. All we... all I had to do was make one deal. One deal with the devil herself. One deal with Helenos and she would leave the gates to his lair free of her troops, leave the lord bound and unable to torment us." said Kaileen, shuddering a she looked down at the ground. "I had to lure the goddess out of her place, leave the door open so that Helenos could bind her. I thought it was a surefire way to win. Helenos binds the Lord, then the Goddess blasts her when she tries to seal her away. How could it go wrong? What could be wrong about desiring a world free of their lovers quarrel? Where we could nurture and grow on our own? Who shattered the flames when he tried to break free? I did. Who separated them, provided the light magic so that he could have not have such easy influence over them? I did. Who... Who doomed this world in her vie to save it? I did.

The goddess and the lord are lovers, and we are their children. The goddess wants us to be safe, but would intervene for us and never let us mature. The lord wanted us to grow, and he set himself as the villain for us so we would. And we sealed them away. Do you understand?"

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A Welcome Distraction

"... No, you did not," Derek said, grateful for the distraction. "You could say that our companions are off on an errand, but that isn't always a bad thing. Gives you a breather, of sorts. Anything you want to address me about?"


"... I believe I do. You truly thought it was the best way...", the man said, before pausing. "... Perhaps I was sent, as a second chance, Lady Kaileen. With direction, perhaps we can set free the Lady and the Lord, all the while defeating Helenos..."

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"That's true... some time to think away from Damian will surely do me some good..." Aiya replied, glad she had not offended the man.

As he asked his own question, Aiya turned further towards him.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing in particular. You just seemed... I dunno, you looked like some company would do you good."

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The Top Post is True

"Any company is better is better than company that tries to slice you at any moment," Derek said, referencing Rita's enthusiasm for dueling. "... Honestly, I'm concerned about what will happen to the group, once Eric, the Princess, and I leave. It seemed like you were only barely scraping by when I joined up."

A Plan

"... The weapons? Are they some sort of seal, on him?" the man asked, closing his eyes again. "Another question, as well. When I awoke, I encountered figures with red auras. Are those the demons, of which you spoke?"

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"I wouldn't know just from such a description. I've never seen someone with a red aura about them before, nor have I heard of that. As for the weapons. No. They are not the seal. They are hellfire, spawned by the Lord himself in an attempt to shatter the seal Helenos placed upon him. If they strike it, it should shatter the Fire Emblem, setting him free once again."

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"I can't say I blame you... there is no order, our healers are overtaxed, and one of them is a man who probably should be locked up and never see the light of day again..." Aiya agreed with a sigh, and rubbed her temples both in irritation, and in attempt to ease the sudden blast of pain from the very persistent hangover.

"Still, we manage to survive somehow... maybe we really are blessed by the goddess... how else could we have lasted this long? And with said company who will try to slice you up so long as you hold a sword, things can only get even more chaotic..."

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Despite the time it took for Esphyr to find Aiya, it was inevitable that she would eventually find the girl. Yet, as she finally spotted the red-headed woman, the fact that she was also talking to someone else caused Esphyr to stop for a moment. It wasn't her place to intrude into anyones conversation barring an emergency. Be it Aiya, Damian, or her own mother. Biting her tongue in slight irritation, Esphyr decided to leave Aiya to finish her conversation for now. She had bigger problems anyways. Such as, what was she to do now that Damian, her employer, was leaving? Would she follow the group? Or go after him?

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"... Somehow, I believe it was luck that had us live, so far. Otherwise, I doubt we'd have been in this much trouble," Derek said, brushing his hair back. "And, the Crimson Weapons are probably the exact opposite of Her Power, so... Speaking of the priest, where is he? I haven't seen him all day."

OK, Not So Much Of A Plan

"... I should apologize. You see, I am mostly blind. All I see but darkness are auras, or some other sort of energy people possess. That is how I guessed your identity, Lady Kaileen," the man said, bowing his head. "... As for the Weapons, we only require one? Perhaps, if I can just see one, I can track it... I am sorry for taking up your time, Lady Kaileen."

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"There is little to apologize for." said Kaileen, waving for the boy to come back to her side. "Just be wary not to fall into the trap of arrogance like I did. Even now, I do not know if freeing the lord is the right thing to do. What I do know is that something foul is afoot, and though he may smite us, the Lord would never destroy us. Yet, this foul thing, I do not know. The evil we know may be better than the evil we do not know."

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"I... th-thank you," Kelas managed as she dropped her arms and took Amari's reins again. She ducked her head and let her bangs fall in her face for a moment as she turned back onto the road, walking forth into unknown territory.

Now, all I have to do is keep them safe and beat those bastards... She sighed, and then squared her shoulders, looking up at the road ahead: This is going to work. It has to.

edit: grammar

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"That's a good point. Morgan goes on and on about how we do the work of the divine, and rid the world of the Lord of Azure Flame, fulfilling our destiny... but if Lunaism is correct, then destroying the Lord is far from what is good for the world..." Aiya replied, trailing off a bit.

"As for the false holy man, who can tell. Probably off robbing a bank or digging up the grave of another poor soul. I knew I should have arrested that man in Halton when I had the chance... it's not like we didn't have charges against him... breaking and entering, attempted assassination of a military officer, as well as a noble... what in the hell was I thinking, listening to them say we needed light magic, and letting that wraith weasel his way in... I could have rent him in half with a single blow, I almost did... maybe I shouldn't have let them talk me out of it..." Aiya continued, eventually catching herself.

"Oh... I guess I'm beginning to ramble, aren't I?"

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Ramble Listener And Pleased General

"... We haven't even used light magic, yet. But, I'll leave administration to deal with that. Regardless," Derek said, looking off. "As for morality, well... I don't have an answer for that one. It'll come with time, I suppose."

Alex, catching part of the conversation, said, "The old man's in jail," as she passed by, smirking.

"Well, that answers one question, I suppose."

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"You're right. That makes it even more ridiculous that a man like that roams free..." Aiya began, before being cut off by General Alex.

"He has been arrested?!" Aiya let out, not expecting the event to actually happen, despite it's viability.

"Not that he doesn't deserve it... you seem to be doing decently well yourself, General." She continued, addressing Alex directly. Hearing Derek speak, she turned towards him to reply.

"That it does."

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Justice Served

"Assault, Attempted Assault, Theft, Resisting arrest... That's all I have on him, at the moment," Alex said, pulling a bang back. "Well, the ball was slightly less chaotic this year. Usually, we have to worry about major incidents the day after. That's why I might look like I'm doing well. Though, admittedly, throwing that man into the dungeons felt good, as well."

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"I can see why it would... I'm sure someone will cause a fuss, but as I said, he had it coming. If he ever sees the light of day, it will be too soon. How he can follow the guise of a holy man and still sleep at night I will never know." Aiya replied, looking the General over quickly.

'You would never be able to tell that she is a woman... the voice charm works quite well. I would never believe it had I not saw her unmasked myself...'

"Well, in Halton, we have breaking and entering, as well as attempted assassination of both a military official and a member of the nobility on the bastard, although I'm not well in touch with Septimus' legal system, so that may not be worth anything." Aiya added, sighing and rubbing her temples again.

"Well, I hope nothing too big happens... I know how it feels to have to deal with those incidents..."

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High in the air

As the wind rushed over Mana's wings, the only thing the half-spirit could think about was the sheer irritation and fury that Esphyr and Reika had just caused her. It felt as if the very air surrounding her was glowing clouded and thick with her fury. Yet, as she flew about, slowly the desire to tear apart the two idiot girls bodies started to ebb away, passing out of her and into the air surrounding her until, at last, a thin smile creeped across her face. She was airborn, and at least for now, nothing else mattered at all. The world was so far away, down below her, and nothing blocked or confined her. No tree or wall, moral or position, or anything at all bound her. She was free. She was home.

The chill air felt as calm and warm as her own skin, the clouds her dress, and the wind her breath. To a non-spirit, it was a sensation confusing, baffling, bizarre beyond comprehension. Like being injected with ten thousand drugs at once while being drunk. Yet, it was second nature to the spirit. Her own body. She could feel her mind floating away, dispersing into the gusts and drafts of the air as she flew about. Only the faintest notion that she might be needed provided a slight bit of cognitive thought. She was home.

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Ambiguously Gendered General

"... I do not believe we have an extradition treaty in place, but, I'll see what I can do," Alex promised, nodding. "As for incidents... I have word from a reliable source that Jace will not be moving to attack the Princess any time soon, so, nothing much is happening today. Speaking of her, would you have any idea where she, and her attendant are?"

Templar Errant

"... We shall see, Lady Kaileen," the man said, beginning to depart. "May the Goddess watch over you," he said, over his back. With that said, it was time to go back to what he was doing before: wandering.

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They'd been walking for hours. At first, people had stayed fairly quiet, for which Kelas was glad: nobody expected answers from her at the moment. After that the silence had gotten uncomfortable, and people had begun to make small talk.

Time passed. They stopped several times to rest. Kelas let Amari walk about on her own; the mare ran ahead a bit to graze, or wandered around the perimeter, or walked by Kelas. She always stayed pointedly far from Eric, though nobody seemed to notice.

The sun was creeping lower in the sky as another halt was called. "I dunno bout you lot, but I'm getting a bit hungry," Kelas announced, heading over to Amari. She looked off the side of the road: a herd of deer was grazing some distance away. "Hold on a minute, maybe get a fire going or something," she yawned, mounting up and getting out her bow.

It took a little longer than it should have; tiredness had slowed her reflexes a little. Still, she managed to bring down a sizeable doe, returning to the group to cook the venison. "Right then... and here's our food."

After they'd eaten, Kelas got up again. "I reckon we can go a bit further before dark... maybe find some cover somewhere..." she suggested, but stumbled slightly as she got up. "...Er. I might take a bit of a nap... can someone walk alongside make sure I don't fall off?" she asked, climbing into Amari's saddle and propping herself against the mare's neck as the group got ready to move again.

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"Ah... I see. The princess, as well as her attendant, have departed already... although I suppose I probably shouldn't tell you any more, if even that." Aiya replied, tension easing.

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On The Road Again

The deer that the group had eaten wasn't something that five people could consume completely, thus Kiev was given the leftovers. When he looked at the body, it hardly seemed like leftovers, in fact, he was hesitant to eat at first. Had the humans been treating him and neglecting themselves? After all, they needed to eat to be strong and they had hardly eaten anything in his eyes. No more than a couple of pounds of meat per person and they were full? Perhaps humans had smaller stomachs than wyverns. After all, they had smaller bodies as well.

He then looked over at Amari who was eating the green stuff coming out of the ground again. Why green stuff? he thought. It tasted terrible. Nonetheless it kept Amari strong enough to be a heroic horse. He decided to take a quick bite out of the greenery much to Irina's surprise! He ignored the bad taste and swallowed it all and hunk of dirt whole before flopping his tongue around to wipe his mouth of the disgusting greenery.

Irina: What the heck are you doing? There's a deer right in front of you and you went for the grass?

Iso: There's something wrong with your wyvern, Irina. Something seriously wrong.

Kiev looked over at Amari and began thinking again. He'd tried her kind of food and didn't much like it. Maybe she would consider trying deer meat? It was certainly tastier than the green stuff growing out of the dirt. He knew he couldn't convince her to try it now. The green stuff was probably all she was interested in right then so he ate half of what was left of the deer and Irina put the rest over the back of the saddle knowing he would want to finish the rest later.

Later Kelas mentioned taking a nap and not missing a beat Iso offered to walk alongside Amari to make sure she didn't fall off. To him it was a good way to return the favor. Not that he was truly returning the favor so much as just being a dependable friend he thought.

Iso: Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay up there and I'll wake you up if anything happens.

Castle Happenings

Viveka and Jasmine came outside awhile after the smaller group had left, both of them tired from their second attempt to bring the cases outside.

Jasmine: I'm so glad we don't have to move those around ourselves all the time. I'd be ripped in one weak and then guys would be intimidated by me.

Viveka: You'd give up and quit on me long before that. Hey! If it's not too much trouble, could someone help us with these cases again, please?! Preferably someone who's not going to act tough and can actually lift things?! Oh, also, where's Lev?

Lev's shoulder's flinched as he turned his head to peek at the riders. Krinkov wasn't around so the cases couldn't be prepared proper just yet. The shields were still in the aeries and the crate of rudoberry was lying around near the gate as well.

Lev: (Urgh. As soon as Krinkov gets back I need to start grabbing the supplies.)

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Time to leave

"So, what you're telling me, is that they left the castle, one of the few safe places for them at the moment, for a reasons unknown? Do you have any idea how stupid that is?" Alex said, calmly, but irritatedly. "All bets are off, on if she'll be kidnapped, or not, now." She was going to say more, but then that pegasus knight lady called out towards the group, asking for help.

"Just a second," Derek said, displeased with how his attempts to evade deep thought caught him up in uncomfortable situations. Retrieving his gauntlets - Which, he noted, were polished back to their original state -, the cavalier walked over to the two pegasus knights, taking the cases off of their hands, and lifting them. It was a rather taxing exercise, but he didn't mind it too much.

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