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Nintendo's Being Lazy?

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I think 'Play Anyone' may be going down the tubes. In the past few days I've got more error messages having to do with Nintendo having problems with the wifi than anything else. Either their too busy or performing maintenance or something like that... It's been getting really annoying, as I just want to have some fun on the wifi. Additionally, once I connect I almost always get disconnected somehow. Is this a common thing? I've heard before that Nintendo might be shutting down the wifi for Shadow Dragon.

Does anyone want a match? Due to the vast emptiness of 'Play Anyone' I'd love to have a friend battle.

I've got a fairly good squad, a good squad, and an almost-as-good as-the-previous squad. I always use save points and forging, and recently, clock hacking.

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ill have a match

Yes, I've added you successfully. I sit on With Anyone quite often, but message me for a good time.

I've not had any problems with wifi.

But I'm up for a match if someone wants one. (i'm sitting on with anyone atm)

Ah...I guess my wifi just hates me then. I'll add you, it would be great to battle you.

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