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JB25's Platinum Nuzlocke run!


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Doing a Platinum Nuzlocke run for the heck of it. Won't be able to take screenies, but I will update regularly.


First Pokemon encountered on any route will be caught (if possible, so it's it's a trainer, then I curse). If I see a legendary, I catch it and dump it in my box. Why? Because it's a legendary.

Dump any fainted Pokemon into a box called "dead lol". Because I'm a sentimental bastard.

I fail too much at Pokemon so I'll stop here.

Name: Lopt

Gender: Female

Rival name: Narga

Raeged at rival. had him bump extremely suggestively into me, and then I saved.

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Whoa. I didn't think people on this site knew what a Nuzlocke even WAS. That and you have A Presea avatar.

I think you're my clone. Have fun ripping out your hair and bawling your eyes out with your Nuzlocke.

Edited by Joerachi
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Whoa. I didn't think people on this site knew what a Nuzlocke even WAS. That and you have A Presea avatar.

I think you're my clone. Have fun ripping out your hair and bawling your eyes out with your Nuzlocke.

As far as I'm aware, Nuzlocke runs don't have anything that prevents grinding and with unlimited visits to Pokemon Center, PP and HP shouldn't be a problem.

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As far as I'm aware, Nuzlocke runs don't have anything that prevents grinding and with unlimited visits to Pokemon Center, PP and HP shouldn't be a problem.

Yes, but you have to grind forever. I've done Nuzlockes on Emu's and that is still pretty time consuming. Assuming he's on a DS, He'll spend at least 24 hours on grinding.

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First update whee~

Fucking Piplup.

Got my running shoes and saw MILEY CYRUS AAAAAAHHHHHHH before heading to Sandgem. I decline the offer of a nickname, see Lucas catch a Bidoof before going to the Pokemon Center to buy shit. I catch a level 3 Bidoof in the grass, kick the first Youngster's ass and then...


I nuke one more trainer, heal up and then go to Jubilife. Got rejected by the Global Terminal :(, then I went to the Trainer's school for my items and to get my town map. Saved in front of the trainers.

Name      Level  Nature   Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Chimchar  8      Naughty  Blaze   27 17  12  15  10  15
Bidoof    5      Adamant  Simple  21 9   9   8   9   9

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I beat the crap out of the trainers, get a Potion, then I get my Poketch. I get the Old Rod from Route 218 and the X Accuracy before healing up. Went to Route 204 and I caught a level 4 female Starly (Yes!). And this thing is Adamant~ After that, a ea land a trip to Route 203 - AH FUCK WHAT IS NARGA DOING HERE.

Chimchar lols at Starly, while mine hits level 5 and learns Quick attack. Piplup was slightly harder. I burned my X Attack, used Taunt so FUCK YOU GROWL and Scratched it to death while healing. Starly hits level 6, and 13 Attack is pretty damn good. Also, because my rival challenged me immediately, I CAN'T CATCH MY ROUTE 203 POKEMON GRAAAAAAAARGH

The Youngster with Buggies gets destroyed by Starly and Bidoof. Starly knocks out the Shinx and starts growing at an alarming rate. Starly also kicks out the Machop and OOH LOOK WING ATTACK!

I walk through the grass and I see a Shinx. I cry for a while, then I beat up a Psyduck before getting into Oreburgh Mine...

Where I see another Psyduck. Woo~ I enslave the Psyduck, and then I realise it doesn't know Water Gun. :mellow: Oh well, Rock Smash get, and I teach it to Psyduck and Chimchar. Bidoof is worthless as fuck, so meh. Muscling through Oreburgh Mine is easy, and then after the guide to the gym I run like heck to the Pokemart, then the Pokemon Center. I save, and then quit for the day.

Name      Level  Nature   Ability    HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Chimchar  11     Naughty  Blaze      34 22  14  19  13  19
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple     26 12  11  9   11  11
Starly    11     Adamant  Keen Eye   30 18  14  9   12  18
Psyduck   6      Bold     Cloud Nine 23 9   12  14  12  11

Next priority: Catch something in the Coal Mine, evolve Chimchar and Starly, and ignore Bidoof :awesome:

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After seeing what the Kadabra in Wayward Cave to do, Abra I do want.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to get 2 Machops, because I limit myself to one of each pokemon >_>


Went to Route 207 and caught a level 5 Machop, before going into the mine. In the mine I get a level 5 Geodude, and I run back to heal before starting my training. Geodude gets ROCK SMAAAAAASH. I quickly encounter a level 8 Geodude (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK) which gets dispatched by Machop, which has 13 Atk. Not bad.I face trouble with the enemies here, but Chimchar with Rock Smash is a godsend.

Training gets all my new recruits some new levels (except for Bidoof, who gets dumped in the box). Psyduck FINALLY learns Water Gun, and I beat up the 2 gym trainers before healing and saving.

Now, it's time for Roark.

Psyduck OHKOs Geodude with Water Gun.

Psyduck 2HKOs Onix with Water Gun.

Now, Cranidos was the real bitch. I had no idea how to take it out without sacrificing anything, but eventually I got desperate and sent out Geodude, which got 3HKO'd.

Fuck yes. Geodude knocked out Cranidos after one Karate Chop from Machop. Badge/Stealth Rock get!

Name      Level  Nature   Ability    HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Chimchar  11     Naughty  Blaze      34 22  14  19  13  19
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple     26 12  11  9   11  11
Starly    11     Adamant  Keen Eye   30 18  14  9   12  18
Psyduck   10     Bold     Cloud Nine 31 13  16  20  17  16
Machop    12     Sirius   Guts       38 25  18  16  16  15
Geodude   10     Calm     Rock Head  29 19  25  11  13  10

First LeafGreen, now Platinum. Calm Geodudes seem to love me.

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A quick restock and healing later, I get out of Oreburgh. Narga rapes bumps into me again before running back to Jubilife. I scream at Looker, then I beat up 2 Grunts.

Caught a random Zubat in the Ravaged Path, then I went to Floarama. Short update because I'm tired.

Oh yeah, Chimchar evolved. Yay.

Name      Level  Nature   Ability     HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Monferno  14     Naughty  Blaze       46 31  19  28  18  28
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple      26 12  11  9   11  11
Starly    13     Adamant  Keen Eye    34 22  16  10  13  20
Psyduck   11     Bold     Cloud Nine  34 14  17  22  18  17
Machop    12     Sirius   Guts        38 25  18  16  16  15
Geodude   11     Calm     Rock Head   31 21  27  12  14  11
Zubat     6      Gentle   Inner Focus 21 12  9   9   11  12

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Finally got back to this.

I pick my first BERRIES, and get my Sprayduck. I plant my berries and water them, before running back in and getting a Chesto Berry. More berries are picked on Route 205.

"We are also covertly stealing the energy of the Valley Windworks. But that is of no concern to you!"

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Smart man. Upon reaching the Windworks I encounter and catch a Buizel, who will be able to provide backup to Psyduck, hopefully. Thing also has Pursuit, which will help. It's also faster >_> After checking stats, it shows that Buizel loses to Psyduck by 2 points in HP, and has worse defensive/SpA stats, but is stronger physically and is much much faster. Both have good moves as well, so... ehh. I keep both around just in case, since Psyduck may faint in these Windworks.

Hypnosis is eerily accurate... the random Glameow the Grunt has sleeped Machop and Psyduck. After beating him, I run back to Floarama, heal up and start buying Awakenings. Head to the Forest, the Grunts attempt to rape me and Starly beats the crap outta them.

Psyduck can't even beat a damn Zubat. >_>


Monferno comes out so he can attempt to tank while I heal u-WHY DOES THIS THING HAVE TOXIC. I taunt it, so Toxic no longer works, and I end up healing more pokemon. Zubat eventually goes down when I'm satisfied with my healing, and Purugly comes out.

Oh shit Fake Out.

OH SHIT FAINT ATTACK oh well Machop can do this. FEAR MY 43 HP.

Focus Energy + Karate Chop weakens it severely, and Monferno takes its place to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

Monferno used Mach Punch!

It's super effective!

The foe's Purugly fainted!

Monferno gained 222 Exp points!

Machop gained 222 Exp points!

Geodude gained 222 Exp points!

Geodude grew to level 13!

Oh hai Looker.

I heal, buy Potions and save.

Name      Level  Nature   Ability     HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Monferno* 14     Naughty  Blaze       46 31  19  28  18  28
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple      26 12  11  9   11  11
Starly*   13     Adamant  Keen Eye    34 22  16  10  13  20
Psyduck*  12     Bold     Cloud Nine  36 15  18  23  20  18
Machop*   14     Sirius   Guts        43 28  20  18  18  17
Geodude*  13     Calm     Rock Head   35 25  31  13  15  12
Zubat     6      Gentle   Inner Focus 21 12  9   9   11  12
Buizel*   10     Hasty    Swift Swim  32 20  11  18  14  26

I put a * next to those pokes on my team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exams and FE4 got in the way. :D

In the grass of Route 205 I encounter a Shellos which can use WATER PULSE. I catch the Shellos, run back to Floarama and swap out Buizel for it. I beat the camper with the Ponyta using Starly and Shellos, and STARAVIA GET FUCK YEAH.

Oh hai experience for Shellos random Hiker!

I'm trying to save up on Potion uses so I don't have to buy so many in Eterna, aka I'm rotating fairly often.

Some poking around a random area gets me a Stardust. Apparently these things sell for money, but I'll keep it in case I need it later.

Oh, I don't know. Should I play a little?


ETERNA FOREST ENTER oh hai Cheryl I'm saving now bye.

Name      Level  Nature   Ability     HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Monferno* 15     Naughty  Blaze       49 34  20  30  18  30
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple      26 12  11  9   11  11
Staravia* 14     Adamant  Keen Eye    40 29  22  14  16  27
Psyduck*  13     Bold     Cloud Nine  38 16  19  25  21  19
Machop*   14     Sirius   Guts        43 28  20  18  18  17
Geodude*  14     Calm     Rock Head   37 27  33  14  16  13
Zubat     6      Gentle   Inner Focus 21 12  9   9   11  12
Buizel    10     Hasty    Swift Swim  32 20  11  18  14  26
Shellos*  13     Naive    Sticky Hold 45 21  20  21  20  16

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I run into a Buneary and Budew for my wild pokemon encounter in the Forest. I wait to see what Chansey does, and it Egg Bombs Budew. Machop Karates the Buneary to death, and on the next attack Chansey weakens Budew for me to catch.

... Wait is that a level 16 Pachirisu what the fuck. Geodude learns Magnitude over Defense Curl.


Psyduck learns Disable over Scratch, because I think Tail Whip may come in handy later on.



The rest of the forest was pretty much Staravia and Monferno duoing the whole thing, leaving the rest of my team woefully underleveled. Yay!

oh cool Soothe Bell

I finish up Route 205 with some training of my weaker members, where I realise that Shellos is being outsped by Magikarp. :(

Name      Level  Nature   Ability      HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd
Monferno* 17     Naughty  Blaze        54 38  23  34  21  34
Bidoof    7      Adamant  Simple       26 12  11  9   11  11
Staravia* 18     Adamant  Keen Eye     49 36  27  17  20  34
Psyduck   14     Bold     Cloud Nine   40 17  20  26  22  20
Machop*   16     Sirius   Guts         48 31  23  20  19  19
Geodude*  16     Calm     Rock Head    41 29  37  15  17  14
Zubat     6      Gentle   Inner Focus  21 12  9   9   11  12
Buizel    10     Hasty    Swift Swim   32 20  11  18  14  26
Shellos*  14     Naive    Sticky Hold  47 22  21  22  21  17
Budew*    12     Relaxed  Natural Cure 34 14  14  17  25  16

Budew's stats are meh, but it has Absorb and Stun Spore, so I kick Psyduck and add it into my team.

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