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Wait what? Then why did *insert person who RPs Beatrice's name here* mention six on six and others?

Stupidity+Tired do not mix

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Hey guys, don't feel like you always gotta post as soon as possible. Just take your time, and post when its convenient. If you're tired or sleepy, that's alright. The site doesn't have that high a likelihood of spontaneously exploding, so the posts will be there when you get back.

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^What he said :P

I've been kind of busy these past few days, and unfortunately it's likely to be busy again for the next few days. Since I'm picking up a third job <_< Don't ask me why, I don't know myself for a short period of time. Coupled with several assignments, college and murderous rampages to relieve stress...... Yeah, busy XD

Now I just need to decide if I'm willing to purchase a shooting game, or if I should go for the real deal

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You should look at a few games on Steam, once you buy them online you can play for free.

Assuming you can get Steam in your country.

Oh right take your time.

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^What he said :P

I've been kind of busy these past few days, and unfortunately it's likely to be busy again for the next few days. Since I'm picking up a third job <_< Don't ask me why, I don't know myself for a short period of time. Coupled with several assignments, college and murderous rampages to relieve stress...... Yeah, busy XD

Are you going to be okay? Seems like a stress-bomb waiting to go off.

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For me, it's more of the fact that Beatrice and Arias are already a day ahead of you guys, and with Kanami currently as busy as she is, I don't feel like trying to move this along any more (until she gets back).

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I might have three jobs to deal with but all of them are part-time jobs so it's not like I'm doing that much. The latest one I've picked up is to fill in a favor I owe for an acquaintance (Friend sounds more natural, but I refuse to acknowledge him as a friend... bastard). I usually only take up jobs that I can do in my own time (tutoring/translating and manager positions) but as I said, filling in a debt so I'm constantly required to be at work for the next two weeks (max). And two weeks after that, I have exams :D *Loses sanity....wait... nevermind*

Not much of a shooting game fan actually, only said that to emphasize how busy I'd be. Tried Touhou, and graduated from it a few years back, but thanks for the recommendation. I'd resort to gaming, but I found out in my early teens that gaming doesn't relieve stress, not when your a crappy gamer like me and die constantly XD

I'll try to get one or two posts in a each day, but can't promise anything. I was going to say "I feel bad for starting this and then getting busy" and the whole blahblah that follows after it but figured saying so would be a complete and utter lie and personally think that admitting I'm not sorry is more amusing decent then making up feelings I don't actually hold. So...

"Haha? You have to wait for me to not be busy~"

Just kidding, I haven't got a set route mapped out for the RP (as I've constantly said) so if someone wants to direct the plot in a certain direction while I'm busy that's fine and I actually welcome someone doing so.

Now to catch up, read the posts, reply, and then finish the reading for tomorrows lecture XD

Edited by Kanami
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Just a note to those who may be feeling "left out." Due to people frowning upon their character (Camtech/Sage) or people who seem to get no interaction at all (Script). For the former it's important to note that I'm not hating on you as an RP'er. It's just the way things are flowing. Felt this needed to be said since many people find it insulting or lose motivation when they feel that their character isn't being accepted into the bigger circle of Rp'ers.

What the blabber was supposed to say is that; Just cause Kieru doesn't want you anywhere near her, doesn't mean I don't want you around Kieru. I actually think it'd be funny if Bullet (who Kieru's scared of) approached her. Or the reaction people would make when Shizunai quietly approaches Kieru.

A good interaction is not always a friendly interaction

As for the latter while I don't actually mind Naomi and Hubert wandering around aimlessly, I imagine it'd get pretty boring pretty quickly. Might be an idea to meet up with others. Up to you though

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Ha. I want to see Shizunai approach Kieru. From what I've seen (based off of what actually happened in the RP), Shizunai is more likely to try and get close to her than Bullet. I wanted him to be the kind of person who wouldn't really care unless it got in the way of A) his current job or B) his goal of getting revenge on Granford.

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That's ok Kanami. I mean life is more important than the RP after all.


...That said, I'm used to waiting patiently for RPers who are busy, and I really don't mind, so no worries here. Or from any of use LotErs, for that matter.

Edited by SuperFush
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I know that I'm really just waiting on people's lives to ease up so that the Beatrice and Arias story doesn't get too far ahead of the rest of you guys.

In other words, I'm basically waiting to advance the story until everyone's more or less caught up, so we don't have more weird time paradoxes.

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Yeah, I'd prefer it myself not to be caught up in the whole retaking the fort thing myself. >_>

I suppose I can run into Kieru. I was just gonna wonder ahead to the next town, but whatever.

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