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Pepsi + Coke = 5 Hour Energy Shot

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So guess what? I was up until like four last night because of a suicide involving an interesting mix of Pepsi, Coke, and Pink Lemonade. (The Taco Bell that is right down the street from where I live is a place where I know all of the workers by first name and they know me too.) My mom's dog decided that itching on my bed was a grrrrrreat! idea, so I was unhappy. All this while trying to read Animorphs and play FE7 at the same time. Darn!

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Reading and playing video games at the same time?! That is contradictory!


It didn't turn out that well. I'd try to read a bit while it was enemy phase, but then the death music would go on and I wouldn't know what the hell happened. D:

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