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Which FE7 Character do you most identify with??


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Answers will range across five scales:

SCALE ONE: Who is your favorite Blazing Sword character?

SCALE TWO: Who do you hate the most?

SCALE THREE: Which character from which country in Elibe best matches your gender, birthplace, and attitude?

SCALE FOUR: Which character best matches your personality?

SCALE FIVE: Which character do you most want to be?

Now just see which character came up most. I'll write a more detailed version of this soon, but I wanted to test it first.

Here are my answers:

S1: Lyndis

S2: Raven

S3: Guy

S4: Lyndis

S5: Braimmond

Therefore, the character I indentify most with would be Lyndis. If you have a tie, average them. No, just kidding! If you have a tie, then you identify best with both characters.

Answer honestly!

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Answers will range across five scales:

SCALE ONE: Who is your favorite Blazing Sword character?

SCALE TWO: Who do you hate the most?

SCALE THREE: Which character from which country in Elibe best matches your gender, birthplace, and attitude?

SCALE FOUR: Which character best matches your personality?

SCALE FIVE: Which character do you most want to be?

Now just see which character came up most. I'll write a more detailed version of this soon, but I wanted to test it first.

Here are my answers:

S1: Erk

S2: Eliwood

S3: Erk

S4: Erk

S5: Erk

Therefore, the character I indentify most with would be Erk. If you have a tie, average them. No, just kidding! If you have a tie, then you identify best with both characters.

Answer honestly!

I just edited it with my answers there. As you can see it's Erk

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This belongs in FE7. It's going there.

SCALE ONE: Who is your favorite Blazing Sword character?


SCALE TWO: Who do you hate the most?


SCALE THREE: Which character from which country in Elibe best matches your gender, birthplace, and attitude?

Probably Lyn

SCALE FOUR: Which character best matches your personality?

Matthew, perhaps

SCALE FIVE: Which character do you most want to be?

The tactician

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