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Roger is pretty good, Maria stinks, just use lena the whole time, palla!archer=pwn, catria is good as anything, I wouldn't use castor or horace, ( unless you practicing class changing), Sedgar!Hero, Wolf!General, are both good, but be careful about Sedgar getting crit. because of his low lck growth. That should cover it.

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wolf and sedgar if used should ALWAYS be class changed.

wolf best class change options:

berserker, hero, general culd work I guess.

sedgar is best used as a general,but as stated abve hero works too. really anything thats not magic, these guys can do.

also don't use jagean. if your cain, frey, or abel die then hardin works pretty well I suppose.

and no Lena wouldn't be able to use tomes as a curate, how ever when she promotes. she will be able to at the weapon level yougot it to as a mage.

Edited by Griffen78
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JB I could CS Lena into mage so she can up that and bring her back to curate but she still would not be able to use tome rite?

From what I understand of your sentence, yes. If you reclass Lena from a Curate into a Mage, she would be unable to use Staves as a mage but would be able to use tomes instead.

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Alright, I have reclassed Wolf and Sedgar into the classes you guys said, and Roshea into Archer, and Castor I made him a fighter, but I probably won't use him.

and let me tell you reclassing Wolf and Sedgar was the best thing I did lol, they absolutely PWN ARSE!

I can just put the General in a bridge and make the whole enemy army go into a straight line lol

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Alright guys, so I lost Radd (Minervar chapter) but I got Maria and Minerva, I heard both are crap, but at least Minerva got a sweet AXE, that I can give to Barst (I hope) or my Hero.

so losing Radd is not a biggie right, since I got Ogma and Sedgar as a Hero.

and actually I been doing good with Jeorge instead of Roshea, I just keep Jeorge out of enemy's reach, but I can't wait to get Palla.

so what should I do with Minerva?

and maria is out of question Lena has some kick ass stats already on my game

PS: I need to memorize what each stats does (ie: strength, luck and etc) because during the game I have a hard time choosing who to put to fight based on the skills..I need to learn them so I can memorize them

Edited by Rody
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so for this chapter - Ch 11 has a ballist dude...in a walkthrough they tell me to reclass Shiida so I can reach the guy and not get shot down while at it...is that true..should I make her a cavalier for 1 ch?

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What you mean with a drop?

Energy Drop, a stat booster that gives +2 Attack.

Is linde any good?

She's tied for best Magic growth in the game, so she'll hit a little harder than Merric, but she's really frail, and comes in at level 1. Your call.

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so for this chapter - Ch 11 has a ballist dude...in a walkthrough they tell me to reclass Shiida so I can reach the guy and not get shot down while at it...is that true..should I make her a cavalier for 1 ch?

There are a few ways to recruit Jake without Caeda getting blasted by his Arrow Spate:

1: Reclass Caeda into something that isn't a pegasus knight, mage, or cleric(not happening anytime soon).

2: Waste a warp charge to get her into his blind spot(what I did)

3: Have an armor knight drain all his arrow spate uses(not recommended)

4: Have Caeda promoted by the time you reach C11(not recommended since Lena/Merric need a seal more, and some other dudes would like one, too.)

5: Put both Caeda and a sacrificial peg into his range(AFAIK, he will target the unit with the lower avoid; i.e. not Caeda).

6: Save point abuse until he misses(he only has 51 displayed vs. 20spd/20lck Caeda, so it is possible to rig a miss).

Efficiency wise, either option 2 or 4 is recommended. 5 is only good if you are doing a gaiden run.

Also, Drop=Power Drop.

Is linde any good?

If we are talking about ingame usefulness, absolutely not. She joins at Lv1/0 in C11, which is ~15 levels below par, and with no durability so to speak. At least Merric has the decency to show up in C4, where being 1/0 was far more forgivable. So she is struggling to stay afloat while Merric is roflstomping everything he touches, and she almost NEEDS arena abuse to get anywhere. And don't argue her usefulness based on her weapon: Aura might have more power than Excalibur at first glance, but when you consider that Excalibur nukes anything on wings, and the fact that other male magic users can use it at base level(thanks to Wendell/Boah/Etzel having B tomes)and there are no other female magic users that can do the same, that's another point for Merric. At the end of the day, I just recruit her for the Aura book that I simply give to Lena anyway.

As far as 20/20 stats go, yes, she is comparable to Merric(gets like 5 more mag, but a few points less speed). but that's only useful for Wi-Fi arena matches.

Edited by DA125
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I just killed him, maxed Caeda's speed at the arena and made her a draconknight so she can have thatv +4 str nd +5 def

Nd i got like 8 seals lft wifi shop lol

ok so I got some spirti dust +2 magic

should i give it to merric who is a

Lvl 5

str 0

mag 6

skill 5

spd 6

lck 3

def 4

res 4

or linde

lvl 1

str 0

mag 2

skill 4

spd 7

lck 7

def 3

def 3

i was thinking wendell but pre promoted classes sux for growth

wendell is only better than merric on str(3) spd (12) def(5) and res(6)

Edited by Rody
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Merric's only lv. 5? He's crazy underleveled by ~15 levels. Reclass to curate and start heal spamming him up. He gets first prority for spirit dusts, but I don't really think he's worth training at this point because of his underlevelness.

Linde can just rot at the deployment list or die. She's that hard to train.

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Linde isn't impossible. Lots of AKs and mages in 12, if you go to 12x she can train there. I will admit shes garbage in 13-14 though. Useful, like all mages, on the desert map,and she gets Aura. Which is really good. Lena has speed issues so she is mainly a healer. Dont use Linde in your first PTbut when youre experienced, use her. Just not past H2.

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Merric's only lv. 5? He's crazy underleveled by ~15 levels. Reclass to curate and start heal spamming him up. He gets first prority for spirit dusts, but I don't really think he's worth training at this point because of his underlevelness.

Linde can just rot at the deployment list or die. She's that hard to train.

lol am I really that behind lol..all my characters are around the 7-11 lols.

well I got no one else to use MAGIC lol, I guess Merric will have priority on everything lol

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lol am I really that behind lol..all my characters are around the 7-11 lols.

well I got no one else to use MAGIC lol, I guess Merric will have priority on everything lol

You can go ahead and turn Merric into a Curate. . .if you want his Magic to suffer.

It's not that hard to feed him (or anyone else) kills. Wait around for a few turns before killing the boss, and use the reinforcements to level.

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You can go ahead and turn Merric into a Curate. . .if you want his Magic to suffer.

It's not that hard to feed him (or anyone else) kills. Wait around for a few turns before killing the boss, and use the reinforcements to level.

that is what I am doing on this chapter actually - but using his Magic, so now my question is, does healing give more EXP than killing with magic?

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Healing gives about 11 Exp per use of Heal, aka 10 heals means 1 level. Though, considering the level your Merric's at, he's better off killing people since he's so underleveled he'll gain more exp than he would by healing.

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