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ITT: You buff up a low tier unit


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Ilyana would get her HP cap raised by 5 and her Speed by 2 to match Soren and it's done, no sexist caps to keep her down (Laura could use this too). Ilyana in both games could get 2 more speed.

Sophia could use a Paragon-like exp growth (like Nino at least).

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Noish: Needs Pursuit and B Lances straight off the bat. Promotion gives him A Swords.

Alec: Same as Noish but substitute Critical in for Pursuit.

Rebecca: +2 Str base, +15% Str growth and 20% critical upon promotion (Sniper thing).

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Fiona gets +3 in every stat.

True dat.

Maria could use some help as a unit, in my opinion -

FE11 -

++% +20 +00 +20 +20 +20 +00 +10 +00
++B +03 +00 +02 +02 +03 +05 +00 +00


++% +15 +00 +10 +10 +15 +00 +10 +10
++B +03 +00 +05 +05 +05 +04 +03 +05

Added to her bases and growths.

And she needs a C in staves in FE11 and in FE 12 an A in staves and at least a D in Tomes, preferably a C.

I don't consider her to be a low tier unit, though, as a healer. Nintendo did a great job with her character creation, they just need the stats too boot. :B):

Edited by Maria's Bro
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Here were my suggestions to improve mediocre-to-bad units(I have only played FE7-11 and starting to play FE6):

Sealed Sword

Make Sophia Lv10 with these stats(23HP/13Mag/11Skl/11Spd/4Lck/4Def/15Res)and give her a 45% speed growth.

Barth needs better spd/skl growths. Like 40Skl/30Spd. He also gets +5HP/+3Skl/+2Spd over his original bases.

Blazing Sword

Dorcas gets his speed growth raised to 35%.

Rath is in the same boat as Sophia. Boost his Lvl to 12 with (30HP/11Str/15Skl/14Spd/9Lck/7Def/3Res)

Renault gets +8Mag/+7Res over what he originally had for bases. He also has an auto S mastery in Light magic.

Sacred Stones

First up: The trainees have to go. I'm revising their stats/classes.

Ross is a Lv1 Pirate with these stats(25HP/9Str/6Skl/5Spd/4Lck/4Def/0Res). Speed growth raised to 50%. He stats with D axes.

Amelia is a Lv9 Knight with these stats(26HP/11Str/10Skl/9Spd/11Lck/14Def/4Res). Defense growth raised to 55%. She starts with C lances.

Ewan is a Lv6 Mage with these stats(24HP/11Mag/9Skl/10Spd/8Lck/6Def/12Res). Speed growth raised to 55%. He starts with D anima.

Make L'arachel a Lv11 Troubadour with stats to match. Also, B in staves, not D.

Garcia's speed could be a little less fail. A 35% growth will do.

Radiant Dawn

Leo needs a growths makeover. His new growths:(60HP/55Str/10Mag/55Skl/55Spd/55Lck/45Def/45Res). Also, he gets an auto A support with Ed(who is a good unit IMO)

Meg is in the same boat as Leo. (60HP/60Str/10Mag/40Skl/65Spd/50Lck/60Def/30Res). Also, she's Lv8, auto leveled with the NEW growths and rounding to the nearest whole number.

Fiona gets a +4 buff to each stat(HP gets a +5 buff)

Astrid gets +6 to all her stats, and a +10 increase to str/spd growths(taken from lck/res).

Edited by DA125
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-Syrene joins as a level 20 Pegasus Knight, with the same base stats (except CON and MOVE, obviously).

-Falcoknight and Wyvern Lord now get C Swords instead of E Swords on promotion.

-Dozla has +2 to his speed and luck bases.

-L'arachel joins with B Staves and at level 5 instead of 3.

-Colm has +2 to his base strength.

-Gilliam has +1 to his movement and speed. General/Great Knight/Paladin movement is now 6/7/8.

-Garcia has +10% speed growth.


-Tauroneo has +2 base speed.

-Tormod joins at level 10, with +1 across all of his stats.


-Tormod, Muarim and Vika now rejoin in 3-1 instead of 4-4.

-Sigrun gets +25% to her speed and defense growths and +1 base speed.

-Tanith gets +1 base speed. Seriously, it's lower than her base speed in FE9.

-Renning joins with +2 base strength and +1 speed.

-Makalov gets +1 to his base strength, speed and defense and +10% to his strength growth.

-Danved gets +10% strength growth, +3 strength base, +15% skill growth, +5% speed growth, and +5% defense growth.

-Edward has an automatic A support with Leonardo.

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laguz transformation gauge not/barely losing points for turns but only for battles

make dragons actually as strong as to destroy castles instead of being one turned (just make them less accurate to compensate. for the HP, str, def and res to go up, make spd, skl and luck go down)

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Wil; 7 Strength, 8 Skill, 7 Speed. Also boost his speed growth, and give the Sniper class in general a proper, manly 15% crit. And boost his Con so he can use a Longbow without crippling himself.

Lyn isn't low tier, but she could do with either some extra defence or being given a Lancereaver to start off with in E/H Mode. Or...both.

Colm: Str and Skl base of 6 and an early-available Lancereaver.

Dozla: This man could do with a Speed base of 12.

Edited by Furetchen
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Est could start off as a lebel 15 Peg Knigt with stats to match.

Wendell could get +10%MAG, +10%SPEED, and +20% SKILL. (I use him. He has somewhat good bases (lolspeed) and supports with Merric)

+10% LCK for Athena.

(not low tier but its a good change nontheless) Raise Shiida's base STR to 6, and give her a 35% growth in STR instead of a 20%

+10%DEF, +30%SPD, and +20%LCK for Roshea.


Give Karla +10%DEF growth.

+3 to Viada's base SPEED.


Base Luck for Knoll plz :|

+DEF growth for Neimi.

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Sophia could use a Paragon-like exp growth (like Nino at least).

Nino doesn't have huge Exp growth just because. She has it because she is facing really high level units while she is underleveled.

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(not low tier but its a good change nontheless) Raise Shiida's base STR to 6, and give her a 35% growth in STR instead of a 20%

You seriously want to make the best combat unit in the game stronger?

So, just for giggles, I started warp-skipping the game with my current army as it exists at the beginning of Chapter 15. I was curious to see how far I could make it. I don't know what I expected, but I certainly did not expect to go all the way to the end of the game, which is exactly what happened. Let me give everyone a quick run-down:

Ch. 15 - Warped Caeda to ORKO boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 16 - Warped Caeda to ORKO boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 17 - Let thief steal Warp staff, shot him dead with Jake/Beck for the steal. Opened door with Barst, killed stuff. Swordmaster Caeda kills boss, Marth Seizes. 3 turns.

Ch. 18 - Caeda flies to boss, ORKOs, Marth warps to Seize. 3 turns.

Ch. 19 - Bantu Warps to recruit Tiki, Marth warps to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 20 - Complicated strategy where I gave Sedgar a Speedwing to fight the 4 Brave Lance cavs, shot the ballista with a forged Thunderbolt, Warped Caeda/Marth/Lena near the village, got Hammerne, flew Caeda to ORKO boss and Warped Marth to Seize. 4 turns.

Ch. 21 - Hammerned a staff, Warped Caeda to ORKO boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 22 - Shot boss with double thunderbolt from ballistas, did a Barst/Caeda/Sedgar combo attack, Hammerned staves, Warped Marth to Seize. 2 turns.

Ch. 23 - Warped Caeda to ORKO boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 24 - Warp Tiki to suicide on boss, warped Julian to get Aum, warped Caeda to finish off boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Ch. 24x - Aum'ed tiki, Warped Caeda to ORKO boss, Warped Marth to Seize. 1 turn.

Endgame - Warped Caeda to ORKO bodyguard, Tiki to suicide on Medeus, Nagi to suicide on Medeus. Barst on hand to close the deal if necessary (and he wasn't). 1 turn.

Chapter turns: 20

Total turns: 156

There are some efficiencies that I could tease out of these last few chapters, but I was not going for top speed unless the path was utterly obvious. I may not have needed Nagi, but I did not trust that I had enough firepower for Medeus and frankly didn't feel like RNG-abusing for a crit.



Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Give Sue the either the Dark affinity or the Ice affinity, +3 in HP, +2 points and +10% growths in Str and Def, and join as at level 8, with stats changed to what her new averages are.

Give Lilina +40% growth in Skl, +2 points and +25 growth in Spd, replace her Oujay support with a Shin support, and have her join at level 10, with her stats reflecting her new averages.

I'd put more up, but I can't right now, ATT.

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Give Sue the either the Dark affinity or the Ice affinity, +3 in HP, +2 points and +10% growths in Str and Def, and join as at level 8, with stats changed to what her new averages are.

What's wrong with Wind? I say, make Shin wind as well.

What does an archer want with defence and avoid? Now, granted you gave her extra str, so the +str part of wind isn't so huge, but she still needs more crit since she's not exactly going to be 2HKOing things on HM (aside from the Nomads she could already 2HKO with silver) even with your str adjustments.

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FE9: Rolf joins with +5% to all growths, C bows, and +3 to all bases.

FE4: Pursuit doesn't exist, doubling works like in other games

AS formula changed to the one in FE9/10

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FE6: Wendy could use a higher base speed and strength score with a boosted defense growth and speed growth.

Sophia should start at level 10, a 10% addition to speed growth and a faster Ray support (It really benefits Sophia and Ray, it's just slow).

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Dorcas: Speed and defense growths +10. He should also get 2 speed on promotion. I really have no clue what IS were thinking when they decided that Fighters didn't need to gain any speed on promotion when they probably need a speed boost more than anyone.

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Treck and Noah swap growths with Alan and Lance. All promoted units get +15% to all their growths, except Marcus, Percival, Echidna, and Klein. Juno now has the following base stats:

38HP 18STR 20SKL 21SPD 15LUK 14DEF 15RES

She also has A in Lances and Swords.

Dayan now has the following base stats:

45HP 21STR 21SKL 20SPD 10LUK 13DEF 10RES

He also has A in Bows and Swords.

Yodel now has the following base stats:


Douglas now has the following base stats:

53HP 22STR 19SKL 10SPD 11LUK 22DEF 12RES

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Shiida has a Win Spear, not uber STR. If that spear didnt exist she'd easily be outclassed by all three sisters.

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