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What tales games have you played?


What tales games have you played?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which ones!?

    • Tales of symphonia (GC)
    • Tales of Innocence (DS)
    • Tales of destiny (PS1 version)
    • Tales of destiny 2 (PS2 version)
    • Tales of Eternia (tales of destiny 2 in america for PS1)
    • Tales of the world summoner's lineage (GBA)
    • Tales of phantasia (SNES)
    • Tales of phantasia (PS1)
    • Tales of phantasia (GBA)
    • Tales of phantasia (PSP)
    • Tales of eternia (PSP)
    • Tales of Rebirth (PS2)
    • Tales of Rebirth (PSP)
    • Tales of destiny 2 (PSP)
    • Tales of the world Narikiri Dungeon 2 (GBA)
    • Tales of the world narikiri dungeon 3 (GBA)
    • Tales of the world radiant mythology (PSP)
    • Tales of symphonia (PS2)
    • Tales of the abyss (PS2)
    • Tales of destiny Remake/Directors Cut(PS2)

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I couldnt fit Tales of Legendia or Tempest.....but it doesnt matter. THEY SUCKED.

My TOP recomendations:

Tales of symphonia

Tales of the abyss

Tales of innocence

Tales of the world Narikiri Dungeon 3 (ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING TALES GAMES! Its an epic crossover with symphonia,destiny,destiny 2,eternia, and phantasia!)

Tales of Rebirth

Decent but not worth too much money:

Tales of eternia

Tales of phantasia(any version except the psp one)

Avoid at all costs!

Tales of Legendia

Tales of the tempest

Downloadable ones:

All the GBA Games.

All the PSP Games (only if you have Custom Firmware on your psp!)

NOTE! One,I am an epicly sad tales fanboy as you can tell. TWO! ALL GAMES OTHER THAN SYMPHONIA GAME CUBE VERSION,ABYSS,DESTINY(ps1 version)PHANTASIA(GBA version) RADIANT MYTHOLOGY,AND ETERNIA (its called tales of destiny 2 in america) ARE JAPAN ONLY! (But Narikiri dungeon has a battle menu patch) I think ppl are working on a destiny 2 patch also (The ps2 destiny 2 not Eternia)


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I played Symphonia, Abyss and Legendia.

As you all know, I think Symphonia is the best game of all time. Perfect in all aspects. I reccomend it to all.

Abyss was pretty good. I liked the story, though it seemed a little dragged out. I liked the charasters for the most part. (Anise was the only one I didn't really like.) Though they kinda jumped the plot at you without really telling you what was going on. On a positive note, the gameplay was good, though without a guide you're sure to miss about a billion side-quests.

All in all, a decent game. And Mieu is the cutest thing ever.


The story was really good, but thats about it. The voice acting was below par and not even for the entire game. After Chloe's story I stopped playing. I totally wanted Her and Senel to get together over that stupid whinny little brat who had all the worst qualities of Collete and none of her redeming ones. (Ex of redeming quality for Collette: She was in Symphonia, the best game ever.) It literally broke my heart that Senel refused Chloe. The battles were far too frequent and the dungeons were just annoying. No challenge at all with the exception of trying to survive the endless drone of enemies that came after you. There were very few characters that I liked. Chloe and Norma were my favorites. Senel, Jay and Moses weren't too bad. Everyone else was either too gimicky or WTF?!?! It had the potential to be great, but they F***ed it up

I have heard that they're making a sequel. I will get the sequel, if only to see if they improved. Which they must have cause it couldn't get much worse.

Sorry about the review there. I got into it.

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Pfft i stopped playing legendia after getting moses! It was horrible IMO and pissed my sister off to no end that it was only 1 player. Had it been multiplayer we would have at least TRIED to beat it. We are currently trying to beat Destiny Remake, we've been stuck on the last boss for over 2 months. (This game is AMAZINGLY CHALENGING!) The bosses are actually hard, the ai is INCREDIBLE. They actually use strategy and notice what you do. Like this, we kept losing against this one boss, every time my sister would fight with Mary while I would cast magic with Philia. After like the 2nd or 3rd time, the boss would keep targeting me because it knew what we were gonna do! SO CHALLENGING I LOVE IT! (But im pissed that im so close to the end of the freakin game and we cant BEAT IT! RAINBOW ARC SPAM ISNT WORKING FOR ONCE! T_T

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I haven't played any of them, actually. They never looked very interesting and I never heard much hype for them.

You forgot a N in any.

That's pretty much the same thing here. There should be a "you have never played any of them before" choice

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I haven't played ay of them, actually. They never looked very interesting and I never heard much hype for them.

They don't really get too much hype. But I would reccomend at least trying out Symphonia. I mean I think it's the best game ever so of course I would reccomend it, but if you like the story of Fire Emblem, you should like Symphonia.

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This is one of those amazing series' that dont get much hype but are the most amazing games ever (like persona and disgaea) Start out with symphonia (only like 15-20 bucks at a gamestop but get it now since TOS 2 is comming out ppl are gonna try to get TOS 1 like mad to say they have both of them) and if u have a ps2 Abyss is another great one to try.

Fun Note:In my sig is the main character of TOS(getting hit by the chalk) and his teacher (my favorite character's older sister). The teacher is an awesome healer! (And hot when she doesnt have bloodlust in her face like in my sig)

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ToS (GC) and Phantasia.

ToS was awesome in the beginning, but slowed down after that horrible Forest maze, then started to pick up after you rejoin Kratos. It was pretty good for an RPG, normally I don't have the patience to beat RPGs, but the battle system felt so much like Brawl, it kept me hooked.

Phantasia sucks.

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Symphonia was pretty good for me all-around. The Abyss played alright, but the only other game that I've played to completion where I disliked the plot so much was Star Fox Adventures.

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Symphonia. I've been planning on playing Abyss though. The free-run thing could be helpful so that it's much easier to dodge the enemy's attacks, but it could also get kinda... what's the right word for it?

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Symphonia (GC), Abyss, Phantasia (GBA), and Legendia.

Symphonia I went through a shitload of times. Never got around to completing Abyss and Phantasia. I was over-leveled in Abyss, and Phantasia just... got confusing to me. Lost interesting. I completed the main story of Legendia, never got around to the other half.

EDIT: The ToS OVA was pretty good too. Though, the parts I saw for episode 4 on YouTube were in bad quality >.<

Edited by AngelOfDeath
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ToS (GC) and Phantasia.

ToS was awesome in the beginning, but slowed down after that horrible Forest maze, then started to pick up after you rejoin Kratos. It was pretty good for an RPG, normally I don't have the patience to beat RPGs, but the battle system felt so much like Brawl, it kept me hooked.

Phantasia sucks.

*Remembers Forest maze.*

That's the worst one ever. I've got it down to a science now though, so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. But yeah that maze is really long and annoying.

Tos FTW and for the best game ever.

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Sadly, the only Tales franchise I've ever played was ToS and ToP since almost every other Tales games was never released from where I lived. I envy you Americans...

Raven can sympathize with you.

Well, we envy the japanese as well.

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Raven can sympathize with you.

Well, we envy the japanese as well.

.....Importing FTW?

Tos 2 just got epic (cuz i got genis and raine to join the party! YESSS GENISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!) and they made the fighting system faster so genis attacks fast enough to do a combo then run away before the enemy attacks!!! *goes back to whacking ppl with kendama*

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I do hope ToS2 will come out in Europe. Surely they have to since ToS was first released there.

It will be. Its been confirmed just with a TBA date.

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