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My Dilemma... Warp or Rescue

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It´s my first topic and I´m using it for making a decision...

I´m planning before hand... or planning before having the game in hand...

This is my sage inventory and I have to decide on the last slot Warp or Rescue is the problem

Sage Inventory





-------- :facepalm: See the last Slot. Needs to be filled with something in my book

I have never been fan of Warp or Recover BUT if you could help me to make this descicion...

I´ll be grateful... and who knows you could be asking the same thing to you. Thanks from beforehand

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Indeed is for wifi, and to be clear is for a team with Marth. Starlight in the other file will be replaced by an Elixir/Energy Drink

I know Starlight is near useless against hackers/cheaters but is to fight players to refuse to forge. And I also hate doing no damage...

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  1. Quicker castle captures
  2. Access to squares where Sages can't last due to physical-damage-dealing foes in close proximity to them(on FoW, shame that you need at least 1 of your other 1-4 units nearby in order to ensure the elimination of the possibility that your sage will go down should he/she even try to go near those squares thinking it would make the enemy visible when he/she dies and ensures that you can't see the attacker, in case you're hoping to attack him, w/o moving another unit into the FoW radius first, even if that means not only being unable to attack the killer with that unit, but being forced to wait within the FoW radius to reveal the enemy again, upon the reaching of the next phase change for that turn, if the one that he/she died to is the work of P1, or even the start of the next turn, if the one that he/she died to is the work of P2).


  1. Doesn't help Sages survive Melee-then-Longbow attacks involving 1 other enemy in the Sage's attack range as well as that same Sage's 2-square FoW sight radius, and the Longbow user 1 square away from entering that same Sage's FoW sight radius at the time of the Longbow attack.
  2. Doesn't let your wounded fighters, whether they consist of your Sage or fighters in a different class, escape from an enemy's Again staff and a following lethal hit, unless your Sage, as well as enough units in a different class, is nearby to Warp and eliminate the possibility of your fighters getting KO'ed.
  3. Doesn't give your Sage cover from melee attacks on Sage-occupied castle.



  1. If your Sage survived a Melee-then-Longbow attack involving 1 other enemy in the Sage's attack range as well as that same Sage's 2-square FoW sight radius, and the Longbow user 1 square away from entering that same Sage's FoW sight radius at the time of the Longbow attack, then it could be used to bring in a stronger ally to help and KO the longbow-wielding attacker and the melee attacker.
  2. Can be used to split your units at starting positions and the Sage into two groups to go two or more different paths to your objective.
  3. Gives your Sage cover from melee attacks on Sage-occupied castle.


  1. Doesn't allow quick castle capture unless the Sage is close to the castle.
  2. Doesn't work as well if your units are together.


Warp: -1

Rescue: +1

My recommendation for wi-fi in this game as it is now: Rescue staff(due to the possibility of Again staff, new strategies, among other reasons that threaten your allies in ways not seen in SD)

My recommendation for wi-fi in this game if all SD's items are kept and extra weapons and staves not present in SD were absent: Warp staff

Edited by shadowjam
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^ Perfect!!! This is the kind of help I needed!!!

Lets see...In other words:

Rescue is to play somewhat defensively, is for people who care about they character and like to give a longer battle.


Warp is to play in an offensive way, for those who like to predict and want to finish the battle in a quick form.

Since I always liked to save my teammates live a little longer...

I choose for RESCUE. I am deeply thankful

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