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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Arrin did not manage to catch the second yawn in time, and instead stretched and removed his traveling cloak, offering it to Tessa in case she was cold. He then stretched out, and was asleep within minutes despite the cold and the uncomfortable ground. The cat dozed too, hiding in the shadows, still sulking at the Boy's stinging, humiliating betrayal. By morning, he would likely have forgotten, though the scratch marks would still be on the Boy's hands as reminders.

Gradually the whole party went to sleep, realizing the necessity of rest. As the night wore on, the rain eventually ceased, leaving the woods cold and damp.



After a few moments, Kelas looked around. It appeared that whatever she'd called out, nobody had heard. The others remained asleep, and about as peaceful as the group ever got. Arrin was--

Where was Arrin?

Kelas got to her feet, trying to avoid panic. There were other tents, he must be in one of those; surely nothing had happened, she would have heard...

She got up and left the tent, crossing the clearing, passing dozing horses. Nothing looked amiss... still, she had to be sure... She poked her head into the next tent over, and sure enough, there was Arrin, sleeping soundly near Tessa. Her heart stopped for a second, the nightmare fresh in her memory, but she shook herself out of it: Tessa was most definitely no demon. Tessa was her friend, a healer, Arrin's friend... there was no way. She sighed, then shook her head, managing to smile a little: she supposed she'd need to talk to Arrin about things at some point... actually, that was kind of a scary thought, but a mundane scary thought, at least. She left as silently as she'd come, and returned to the tent she'd been in, sitting down and trying to dispel the rest of the unease that the dreams had left her with. It would still be a while before sleep could find her again, but the initial panic had subsided.

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The Next Morning

After the long night passed, the rain stopped, the wind began to calm, and the sun eventually came into view over the dark horizon. some miles away from the camp, a lone cavalier raced along the road searching for anyone he could find to assist. Assist with what? He didn't even know. When he had left Altenau, it was all but conquered by whatever had sent down that storm of hideous arrows. He wasn't sure that the next time he saw the place, there would be anyone alive to greet. Thinking about it was a distraction though and he quickly bottled up the anguish that was surfacing and returned his teary eyes to the road in front of him. He hadn't noticed yet but his horse was favoring its right hind leg. It was injured in the escape, but Adam hadn't looked back even once and couldn't have noticed the broken bolt embedded in its leg, nor the strange infected looking skin surrounding the wound ....

Back at the camp, Irina felt something breathing on her face and quickly tried to bury herself in the blanket. The nose came under the blanket and touched her face nudging her a bit. A quick punch and the nose disappeared. Finally she opened her eyes too curious not to check and saw Susann staring down at her with could only be described as throbbing pain in her expression.

Irina: (I just punched out Viveka's pegasus?! Oh goodness, I thought that was Kiev or somebody. I really hope Viveka doesn't understand pegasus speak ... I don't need her snapping at me first thing in the morning, I really don't.)

Susann quickly pulled her head out and hurried away from the skin thing they were sleeping in. The wyvern rider was evil! Almost as evil as the rock thing, punching her for trying to be helpful! All she wanted to do was wake the humans and she was the closest one to the opening in that skin thing. She expected praise, not a cruel, heartless, maniacal, and outright vicious assault. Troubled she headed closer to the magnificent one. It was safer near him. She wouldn't be trying to wake anymore humans. She didn't want to be attacked again.

Kiev watched all of this from a short distance. Why was the pegasus sticking her head into that shelter thing? Her human was in the other shelter thing wasn't she? Looking down at Krinkov and the pink one who were still asleep, he suddenly felt tired again and lied back down. He could rest more until the humans were up and about.

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Gradually awaking from his sleep, Alferis opened his eyes, taking off his mask briefly, rubbing them to get the sleep out of them. He stretched his arms out and shook his head again, putting the mask back on in case someone was up.

As it turned up, Irina was up as well, having apparently punched Viveka's pegasus in the nose.

"Ah, good morning Irina. You ok? You were lucky that horse didn't stomp on you for that."

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In That One Tent

Irina sat up and the blanket fell off of her revealing the sleeping infant. She heard Alferis speak to her but took a moment to answer keeping her check on the wyverns as a first priority. She replied while peeking under the bundle to check the eggs.

Irina: Morning. I'm more worried about Viveka barking at me than her fidgety pegasus trying to crush me. Good the eggs are just fine.

She covered them back up and gave the little one a very light and gentle rub on the head knowing she might wake him, but somewhat hoping it wouldn't. Iso meanwhile gave out a light moan. He heard voices. It was either morning or he needed to start making demands again. He could see a bit of light through his eyelids though and the rain had stopped. It was likely morning. He sighed and didn't do anything else to indicate he was awake.

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"Eggs? What kind of eggs? Are they eggs we can eat? Are they wyvern eggs? Are your wyverns mating already?" Alferis said with interest, before deciding he should probably change the subject.

"You know about joining the Ivanko Mercenaries, I'm really not sure if I want to do it. I don't want to make a living killing people but maybe I can help you out in some other way? Do you need any blacksmithers? Shoemakers? Just some manual labor? I'd be glad to do it for you guys.

Ah, what am I thinking, discussing serious business just after getting up? Let's talk about breakfast instead." Rummaging through his pack, Alferis found a bit of biscuits and a bit of jerky left, but barely enough.

"Hmm...looks like I have to restock soon."

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Warmth. Cool air. Scent. These sensations were waking the hatchling. Primarilly scent. What was it he smelled? Food. Weird food, but deffinately food. A sudden attack would be best, he decided. So, he launched off of Irina and at Alferis, managing to spread his wings and glide the short distance and snapping up the jerkey, practically swallowing the piece whole. Immediately, though, he was regretting his surprise attack. That was definately meat - even good meat - but it was not nearly soft enough to swallow whole!

A panicked gargle emitted from the hatchling as he began hacking, trying to spit up the jerky. However, it was caught in his throat. His eyes were squinted shut and even tearing up as the pittiful, painful, mangled gurgled continued to sound from him. Soon his wings were pressed tightly against his sides and his tail was thrashing - he was choaking.


Tas was still asleep. Normally, he would have been awake much sooner. However, his body recognized its needs for the rest and he'd slept in more. Namid watched the horrifying and amazing scene of the hatchling taking his first, short glide followed by what might be his death. Tas was ill and needed rest, but he would never forgive him if he allowed the hatchling to die. Lifting his wing, Namid nudged Tas, making small, frequent urgent whines. With a groan, Tas began to rub his eyes. A sniff later, his eyes were beginning to open a little. It took a moment longer than usual, but he snapped to alertness quicker than most and immediately detected the source of the ghastly sounds.

"Irina!! HELP HIM!!" Tas shouted in a near-panic as he bolted from Namid's side towards the hatchling. He had to stop himself, though, because if he got too close to the hatchling, then he might get the little wyvern sick. He would have to instruct Irina as events unfolded.

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Luc Altair

Luc slowly worked his way to consciousness and awareness of his conditions. The sleep had been extraordinarily restful, and the biting edges of weakness so present in every inch of his body earlier had vanished. Luc took a quick glance to the side at the people he was sharing his tent with. He smiled. It was kind of curious how this came to pass, and Luc reasoned he had become so exhausted that he never even realized whom he was intruding in upon. Well, no matter for now at least.

Luc shifted a bit to the side and stood up under his own power. That was a definite improvement. He exited the tent and began to contemplate their next set of options.

The Fargo

After putting Captain to sleep in the Directus tent, Fargo had taken it upon himself to investigate that fancy carriage and repurpose its insides for his own sleeping quarters. So, other than a sore back, it was a sleep of bliss.

A Paul

Man, the stuff after that smoke bomb sure got weird as well. Oh well, he made it back nice and safe and sound to his favorite saddebag.

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"Whoa god," Alferis said in surprise at the wyvern taking the jerky out of his hand and swallowing it in one gulp. Immediately after, it started to thrash about and hack and make all sorts of noise, clearly choking. Tas was up in an instant, heading towards the baby but not quite near him, the rider shouting for Irina for help.

"Crap. Is there anything I can do to save him?" said Alferis, rushing near the baby wyvern.

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The assassin reached his destination with no further consequence. He still saw no sign of his partner for the mission, but his pursuer had been lost as well.

"Time to report."


"Ah, Grand Marshall Triton, there you are." The messenger said to the man as he appeared, with a respectful salute.


As the suns rays woke Aiya up, she awoke with a stretch and a yawn. Putting the bedroll back into the saddlebag, she looked around the campsite.

"I wonder who else is awake..."


Damian had taken a seat as Ixion departed for his business with Ivanko.

'I wonder what he is planning?'

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Little Hazards

Irina didn't have time to catch the little one as he pounced on Alferis. She instead had to hold back a chuckle as he stole the man's food. That's when things went downhill and the infant began to choke on the meat! She quickly came over and picked him up off of Alferis and gave him a very quick examination while trying to figure out the best way to help him. She had to tune out the panic and voices a bit to remain calm.

Irina: (He's too young for a full strength maneuver so I have to try this differently. Now focus, you've only got a few moments here.)

She carefully placed her fingers under his ribs gently pressing them against his belly at first to feel where she would be applying the force. She then used her other hand to turn him over so that his body was aiming at an angle toward the ground making sure he wouldn't fall and ignoring his thrashing tail which was smacking into her neck and lower jaw repeatedly.

Irina: (Gravity won't help much but it's better he's facing this way so there's less resistance. Okay, 1-2-3-push!)

With a rough press against his stomach, the little wyvern's diaphragm forced all of the air out of his lungs and airsacks blasting the jerky straight out of his mouth! The jerky flew away and smacked into Alferis' forehead sticking there for a moment.

Irina: ... whew.

Iso rose up from his blanket at the noise and looked around not saying a single word.

Iso: (Okay, Irina's holding that wyvern like she's trying to chuck him out a window and Alferis has a piece of jerky stuck to his head. I'm going back to sleep.)

OOC: Boom, headshot.

Message for the Marshall

Triton: (Well I can already tell this is going to be nothing short of interesting.) What have you?

EDIT: Added a thing.

Edited by Phoenix
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The hatchling, Namid and Tas all relaxed, each giving their own sigh of relief simultaniously. The hatchingsimply went limp, wanting to rest after that ordeal more than anything else.

"Thank you, Irina," Tas gratefully sighed.

"I'm actually a little surprised you knew how to handle a choaking hatchling," he continued with a bit of a weary smile, "I thought you said you needed my help in learning how to take care of them. You already seem to know enough on your own."

Tas himself seemed to be doing better than he had the night before and though it seemed like his illness was gone for the mostpart, though he still had his cold.

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"Whew..." Alferis sighed, glad that the wyvern was fine. He wiped the jerky off his mask, tossing it out the tent, now that it was completely inedible.

"We really should restock...but eh. Glad to see the little one's alright. Sorry about that. Should've been more careful with leaving my food lying around.

But anyway I wonder how the others are doing."


Reika meanwhile had the sun shine right in her eyes, disturbing her from her rest. Shaking her head, Reika drew her sai, playing it a bit as she thought a bit about how to train with it.

I've seen a few people use it before. But I need a partner. Preferably one with a sword. So Alf's out. Can't trust the others. Hmmm....feh, Tessa's the best choice. Damn. Didn't want to train with that goody-good, but at least I can handle her. Assuming she's not a demon. Otherwise, she's too naive and too soft to stab me in the back.

Deciding to go find Tessa, Reika wandered a bit towards Tessa and Arrin's tent, though she didn't know it.

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Noting Alferis, Tas waved his hand dismissively with an understanding smile, "No, they're just troublemakers at this age. He should grow out of it at least a little bit. Thank you for your concern, though."

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"I have come to deliver a message concerning Elyisimia's involvement in the current military affairs in Septimus, sir." The wyvern rider stated, extending a sealed letter to the Grand Marshall.

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"No problem. I'll be more careful next time though," Alferis nodded. "Think I'll go exercise now. It's best to do it each morning." Packing everything into his pack, Alferis exited the tent and started stretching.

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Luc Altair

The effort of movement betrayed all thoughts of a complete healing by the good grace of sleep. But he was as near as returned to form as he could without another round of staff healing and which-barring another disastrous event--wouldn't be necessary before Luc naturally healed.

The cavalier stretched his sore muscles a bit in front of his tent. Already the sounds of activity reached his ears. Had he not needed a full night's rest so much he would have scolded himself for not being among the earliest to wake. But for now, things were with acceptable boundaries.

Now, Luc placed his hand upon his chin, should this day go about? Luc would need to do a quick head count to ascertain which of the group was here, awake and if Paul had returned or not. In the best case, those who would be needed for a strategy meet would be awake already, but best case was often never the case.

Luc turned to begin his operations, and nearly walked into Reika. "Hm? Ah, excuse me," he said.

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Letter Reading

Accepting the letter, Triton casually removed the seal and opened the letter. He began to read it from start to finish.

OOC: I trust Ether to post or pm the contents of said letter -_-

Wyvern Affairs

Iso collapsed back into his blanket disappearing from view and Irina answered Tas remembering her time growing up in Redwood.

Irina: It's similar to you and your lance. You said you need help, but you kind of have a basic grasp too, right? I haven't raised any wyverns from eggs or taken care of any hatchlings before so I'm not totally prepared. What I just did was a bit of an experiment I hate to admit.

She lowered her head a bit feeling guilty. She could have injured the little one by applying all that force regardless of the outcome and she knew it.

Irina: Start me off on the basics anyway, just ignore my beginner's luck.

After saying that she forced a small smile.

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Luc Altair


"She's still asleep from the excursion of healing nearly all of us," Luc informed the other spy. "I'd prefer you not bother her until she wakes up on her own, but I won't stop you." Things would likely spiral out of control no matter what he chose to do, and this route had the best outcome.

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"I guess," Tas chuckled a little, "I'm only self-taught, though, and my ability with a lance is shaky at best. I can't fight by myself, either. I can't concentrate well enough on how I'm supposed to attack when I have to move by myself at the same time. It's easier when all I have to do is rely on and direct Namid. Speaking of which, could you teach me a little right now? It seems like a good time to me, but you're the one with the battle experience."

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Irina: You mean the training and stuff? Are you sure you don't want to eat breakfast first? (Anything strenuous on an empty stomach is murder ... err ... suicide ... whatever.)

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Tas blinked. He'd completely forgotten about breakfast. "Um... Good point... So... Where is it?" he asked. (Was I supposed to pack food?)

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Food Quest

Irina: Food ... right, I'm not sure exactly. I figured we would end up shooting a deer or something. I guess I could try to cook one of Kiev's chickens?

Back over by the wyverns ... Kiev lifted up his head waking up all of a sudden. Something felt off. A bit of a disturbance in the air. He looked onto his own back to see that his chickens were still safe, and then lied back down. He was a bit on edge now. No one had better steal his chickens.

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"Oh. Well, if that's the case, then I can just see if Namid can catch anything while I got foresting for wild fruit or something," suggested Tas as though this was a normal, obvious answer to the problem. He didn't know that the vast majority of people didn't co-exsist this much with their mounts.

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Irina: It's times like this I wish Kiev was an adult. I've still got to wait til next year before it's officially okay for him to start hunting on his own.

She sighed and looked around quickly spotting her armor.

Irina: Okay so first we try to get something to eat, and then we can spar a bit. We might have time to before the group sets out again.

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