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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Luc Altair

"I'd prefer there being no fight in the first place. But I would at least settle for not fighting you as well," Luc said. He didn't want to fight her, or anyone else in the group, or even anyone save demons. But he had his orders, and he would follow them because he believed in them. "I suppose I should get to investigating everyone I haven't talked too again, if you'll excuse me." Luc nodded and walked away to begin looking for someone new to ask.

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Making their way through the manor, Damian turned the corner into his father's chambers.

"This is where my father kept most of his documentation for most things, however, the more... delicate research was held here." Damian said simply, turning towards the bureau and unlocking the mechanism hiding the passageway.

As the wall gave way to reveal the passage, Damian beckoned towards it.

"Down here we will find my father's personal armoury, with his most prized creations, his workshop, containing his equipment and research on the Crimson Weapons, Gae-Borg in particular, and finally, the safe containing Gungnir." Damian finished, turning towards the trailing magi before beginning the trek down into the passageway.


"Yes... I guess that's true..." Aiya replied, before Luc turned to go.

"Well, I suppose we shall speak again later, Luc."

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OOC: Merc, he didn't say the bit about "it just sort of works" out loud, just FYI. Not responding quite yet because I'm not sure what to write.

After a moment of regaining her breath, Kelas walked forward, and tentatively reached out to take hold of Amari's halter. The mare gave her a mutinous look, but made no further move; her point had been made. "<I'll be more careful, all right?>" Kelas said quietly. "<Just don't do that. It hurts.>"

Again, Amari did not understand the words, but picked up the meaning. She closed her eyes in agreement, and gave Kelas' hand a reluctant nuzzle. She turned to leave, heading over to stand by Kiev.

"I suppose it's a bit pathetic when my own horse tells me off for getting hurt," Kelas sighed. "How bad did I get hit yesterday? Bits of me kept passing out, I couldn't entirely tell."

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Irina: There are a lot of people, but I honestly wasn't expecting you to come back with food for everyone. We're not ... usually that catering to one another.

Thinking about how that must have looked from the outside, Irina put her head down a bit disgusted with the way things were.

Irina: Come to think of it, what you did was pretty unusual. I have to put you on par with the healers for trying to feed the entire group on one trip's worth of food. This is the stuff you gathered, so it's really up to you how it gets distributed. Let's just make sure little crimson wyvern here is full and happy first though. He can't possibly eat everything so I don't think there's any harm. The softer meat though, remember. A sore throat's just going to make him agitated.


Iso: Kelas, uh ... how do I say this? ... you and Amari, you're both close, right? So what she was doing was mostly normal? Or something? It reminded me a little of Kiev and how unusual he is so I thought I'd stop thinking about it and just ask. (Amari's ... kind of rough. It's intimidating.)

The Workshop

As the three men reached the workshop, O'Donnel began eying various works while walking along beside Ixion who was himself simply following Damian.

Ixion: (This is where the crimson weapons ... and the research as well. Hmm.)

Before Ixion could voice his question, O'Donnel spoke up first.

O'Donnel: Damian, this is where the crimson weapons were researched, correct? What was learned here, I wonder?

Ixion: Urgh. (Odd thing for him to ask about. Better him than me though. I'm suspicious to others without talking about the crimson weapons.)

Kiev, Krinkov, and that Pink One

Kiev kept his eyes on Irina. The pink wyvern kept her eyes on the chickens Kiev was carrying. Krinkov kept his eyes on the pink one waiting for her to act up so he could pummel her. As Amari trotted closer, all three wyverns' attention went to her. The pink one especially. They weren't quite isolated, but she saw a bigger and better meal than chickens, and this horse wasn't a cow, it was something she was strong enough to lift. If she could just find an opening she could-BAM!!!

Krinkov had struck again and she was heavily dazed again. Kiev decided to close the distance while moving away from the other wyverns. He knew the pink one's look and didn't want the hero horse being put at risk. Once he arrived, he sat down in front of her stirring the chickens into a frenzy on his back. He gave them a quick look and then faced Amari again. Perhaps it was time for training? Maybe she would teach him to kick things.

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"She's only done that once before," Kelas explained. "She gets kind of... pushy when she thinks I've been being reckless, which is usually after I get hurt. Last time she did that was after a bad fight... I'd been on the road and found some bandits. I won, but passed out in the saddle shortly afterwards. Woke up in a church a little further down the road, a couple of days later. Apparently Amari'd nearly broken down their outer door trying to get their attention, and I'd been nearly gone by the time they got me out of the saddle. Anyway, they'd patched me up, and as soon as I stepped outside, Amari'd knocked me over. She was pretty mad, to say the least." She sighed, rubbing her now-sore shoulder, then added, "Which is why I asked how bad I was hurt yesterday, because that'd explain all of it."


Amari eyed the pink wyvern, lifting a hind foot slightly to indicate what would happen if she came near. Warning issued, she dropped her head to graze.

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"Well, I suppose there is no harm, and the more you know, the higher chance we have of succeeding, isn't that so?" Damian replied, as he approached the work desk. Picking up two bound journals, Damian handed one to each man.

"These were written up during the experimentation. They are exact copies of the original notes, so everything should be there." Damian said, noticing several armaments catching the eye of the archsage.

Running his hand delicately against a nearby Rapier, Damian began to speak again.

"They are like works of art, aren't they? These weapons, both perfected to kill, yet created with the expert hands of a craftsman. They are the finest pieces of weaponry one could hope to wield." Damian said with the same awe that was instilled upon any encounter with such works.

"Of course, these weapons are not the most powerful in this workshop... the most powerful is the reason we are here, afterall, and still lies ahead."

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The notion of a group - even a quarrelsome group - travelling together and not helping each other to survive baffled the courier. For a moment, he just stared in confusion, then shook it off and replied, "Well, if it's up to me, then I'll need a headcount so I can divide all of this evenly. Everyone should eat something before we press on."

Apparently, Tas' stomach agreed, letting loose a loud gurgle. It rarely did this. Suprised and suddenly a bit self-concious, Tas glared down at his stomach and muttered, "Quiet, you." Then he proceded to check one of the deer for soft, lean meat.

"He's a hatchling who roughed his throat up a bit too much, yes. But he's still a growing mountain wyvern so he needs the leaner meat. Tough, lean, red meat is best for long, lean muscles for easier flight as an adult. Fattier meats - and in larger portions - are better for plains wyverns so they can bulk up. Those are the two species I know how to care for the most completely. I know a little about sea wyverns, but only what I've heard from the other ranchers. I've never seen one." Talking was helping Tas focus and when he found a good place, he slid his knife carefully allong the tendon, cutting the flesh loose. Taking the meat carefully out, he slowly began to operate on removing the fatty bits and slverskin.

Then he began cutting the meat into longer portions and cut the length of those in half. Smiling at his work, he handed the meat off to Irina, "There are 10 swallows (as in gulps) in here. He should eat them one at a time until his throat recovers in... I'd say around two days. So, he should eat five now and five later today. Don't salt them - it'd slow his recovery. Unless they're going to eat him, I'd say it's healthy for him to socialize with the other wyverns, too. It'd be good for him to be around different types of humans as well. It'll tire him out, satisfy his curiosity and get him used to different types of wyverns and humans so he'll be less likely to attack just anyone. He's small enough that he can't do any real damage right now either."

Then, Tas displayed his own hands as though he was holding the hatchling, "If he starts coaking again, hold him like this and move your thumbs like this. Last time you were a little rough, but seeing as how long it'd probably bee in his throat, it might've been the best thing to do. But usually, it should be like this, with your thumbs under his diaphram."

Returning to a normal posture, Tas continued, "I think that's all you need to know for now, besides to make sure he drinks water - preferrably cold, usually, but lukewarm should be good for now considering his throat. This one will drink water, but sometimes he makes a fuss about it."

The hatchling was already trying to snap at the meat Tas had given Irina. That was obviously his food and he wanted it right away!

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Iso: Well, you were out for awhile. I looked after you and I think Amari saw us. Maybe the fact that you were down for so long triggered it?

Ixion and O'Donnel

O'Donnel: Indeed these are fine works of art. Almost a shame they're all hidden away. Why in a few generations people will be trying to beat down the front doors trying to get those weapons into a museum.

Ixion: Another example of our race's shortsightedness. I'm ready to see this weapon, Damian. Lead the way.


Tas' growling stomach got a small laugh out of Irina.

Irina: I know we're feeding him first, but don't get too caught up in being helpful and forget to eat yourself.

Not wanting to press him on it too much she listened to his explanation carefully. Once she received the meat, she had to quickly pull it away slightly to avoid having the little hatchling bite and eat more than one at a time.

Irina: Oh boy, this should be interesting.

Separating them in her free hand she let one dangle a bit so that the hatchling could easily take it from her hand.

Irina: Okay here you go, and don't forget to chew this time. (Oi, why am I telling him how to eat. Instincts. He's got them already, was probably just not ready for the jerky.) Heheh.

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Luc Altair

Events once again had Luc moving about the camp in pursuit of anyone. As he walked about, he thought if he should impress upon Conrad or his subordinates. But dealing with whatever method the General was using for his grief seemed like a drain of time to Luc, so he decided against it.

Luc stopped and looked around. He spotted Irina and Tas together. Perfect. Getting more people's opinions at once would speed this up significantly. Luc turned and headed for the two. As he drew closer he noticed in greater detail that they were taking care of, what looked like, a young wyvern. Yes, Tas was a courier, Luc nodded at his remembering the simple fact. Though caring for this hatchling would most assuredly be more difficult than just an egg, Luc asserted.

"Irina, Tas," Luc looked at each of them as he spoke. "Pardon the intrusion, but I'd like to ask your opinions of where the group's next destination should lie."

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"Hm? Oh, hello...um...Luc, right?" asked Tas, switching his focus from instructing Irina to adressing the man he recalled meeting in Burgosas. He was asking where they should go next. Really, Tas didn't know what sort of mission - or whatever this group was doing - the company was on. Though he was reminded of his own duty.

"Well, I'm not sure if it is necessary for everyone to go there, but I need to go to the nearest Ivanko Mercenary base quickly. It's hard to take care of--" he had to redirect the sudden, interrupring sneeze before he continued his sentence with a sniff, "It is difficult to take care of hatchlings though it is fare more difficult--" annother sneeze. This was beginning to frusterate Tas a little. "--to take care of their needs while travelling. Also, I'm not sure when the eggs will hatch, but at least one of them will hatch within the next two weeks and I'd like the hatching to take place in a stable environment. Even wyverns in the wild make sure their eggs are somewhere safe for when they hatch. Not to mention simply keeping the chicks alive inside the shell."

The hatchling meanwhile was ignoring everything but the meat presented to him. With a snap of his jaws, he was devouring the deer flesh. It didn't take long at all for that piece to be gone. Then he was chittering for more, remembering how he used to be fed like this back someplace. He did not remember where exactly, though. It must not be too important. Besides, he was getting food and that was good enough for him!

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"It's not like a contract, it's not... formal," Arrin replied. "I consider Tessa to be my friend. I know she considers me to be her friend, too, but one can't always know unless they're told. So I guess it's just best to decide whether you consider someone to be a friend, and then see if they also do."


"Yeah, that's probably it. Especially with a demon about, and with me running in..." Kelas closed her eyes in frustration. "I wasn't even meaning to run in so quickly, but when Arrin went, I had to go after him... I'm trying to be careful..." she muttered, as though trying to justify her actions to someone-- probably herself. "Anyway, thanks again for looking after me," she added.

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Where did she think they should go? Irina wasn't really sure where she felt they should go. She didn't know where Helenos was. Tas mentioned the IM base as well. That was another thing to point out.

Irina: We shouldn't be taking these guys with us into the fighting we're about to get into. We're chasing demons and that dragon bi- ... Helenos. The problem is the base here in Septimus is in Irvinheim and we're heading west. Irvinheim is east, about twenty miles from Burgosas I think. We'd have to backtrack to get there, and like Tas mentioned, no one but us really have a reason to go there.

Noticing the little one nipping at another piece, she held it closer for him with a smile before returning her attention to the conversation.

Irina: Morgan's going to want to take out Helenos, and by extension so is Lev. Since she's in charge I guess that's what's next for us.


Iso: It's no problem, really. Speaking of being careful though, what do you think we should do about training? We can say we're going to but if the coming days are as consistent as yesterday was, we probably won't get the chance.

Thinking about things that could interrupt simple training and tactics gave Iso an instant headache and he buried his forehead in his hand.

Iso: Ugh.

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That was something Tas hadn't heard. "The base is east?" he asked, looking back to Irina, suprised. A hint of irritation came over him, "Lev never even told me which direction it was in. In Burgosas, he only said that it was nearby. I could have made sure these little ones were safe. It's dangerous for them to be travelling so young. That's why we normally wait until wyverns are at least fledglings and able to fly on their own to deliver them somewhere."

(By keeping this from me, he may have introdused me to this group - which really isn't all that bad - but he unwittingly endangered the chicks!) Taking a deep breath, Tas returned his attention to Luc, though his eyes were less cheery and more stone-like, resigned to duty and controling his anger. "I gathered food for the humans and wyverns of this company. You seem knowledgable of it's management. I'll let you distribute it evenly to the group, if I'm not being too presumptuous. I'll distribute the rest of the food later; I'm only asking that you feed everyone some deer. That includes the wyverns but the humans should get their portions first. If this isn't handled in an orderly fassion, then chaos is bound to erupt, considering how little food this group seems to have. You seem the type to agree with that type of sentiment. I need to find Lev."

The last sentence was dark and venemous, though he kept reminding himself that Lev probably didn't know all this would happen nor did he understand the dangers he'd put the chicks in. Tas returned to Namid's saddlebags and took out a cleaning rag, sliding his knife's blade through it and wrapping it before replacing it inside the bag. From there, he headed off, looking for the wyvern lord.

Namid could tell something had angered Tas. The hatchling looked fine. Had someone harmed the eggs? If their shells were shattered, he knew Tas would be very angry, though he doubted he would actually kill anyone. Even so, if anyone attacked Tas, Namid would fly to his aid. For now, though, he could tell Tas wanted him to stay put. Besides, the food they had gathered was still here. It was hard to tell exactly what Tas wanted to do with it, but he knew Tas. He wanted people to eat it so they would have strength for the day.

The hatchling felt a little nervous and so ate less vigorously. Something had upset the familliar human. He normally didn't look so...threatening. It was best, in situations like these, to simply eat, the hatchling had learned. So, he kept eating.


This was an interesting concept to Beau. Informality? That was fairly rare. "I...believe I understand," he replied, trying to figure it out in a solid rule of how the world worked. With a nod, he continued, "I believe, then, that Tessa is a good person, but not quite a friend. Our relationship is too formal for friendship." He nodded again, satisfied with his asessment.

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Luc Altair

Luc watched the little wyvern rather vigorously devour some meat it had been offered. It was almost akin to the situation they were all in, just meat to the various factions waiting to eat them. "So, essentially the same opinion as everyone I've spoken to then. A safe haven." Luc added Tas' and Irina's comments to his list. "Yes, Morgan has already said we should go after Helenos. Who's supposed to be to the west she believes. Crossing over to that base is dangerous as it is, more so if Jace has grown paranoid." Luc frowned as he thought about what Tas had said regarding never being informed of the location. That didn't quite seem like Lev, but could the man have been trying for something else? It was possible.

Tas spoke of food, and reminded Luc he had not eaten in nearly a day by this point. That was a good thing about a Directus ration however, they had a habit of keeping you full for quite some time. Though it had never occurred to Luc that there wasn't already a food control section of the group. So sloppy, to think they had set themselves up so adequately. "Thank you, Tas. I'm sure everyone will be grateful." Luc could ration the human feeding rather well, or at least push it unto Fargo who was better at it, but he had no prior experience in feeding wyverns. "Since I do plan on meeting with everyone soon, I can handle the human distribution. Irina, could you help me with the wyvern feeding later then?"

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"I don't know. I thought we'd have time on the road, but, well... we're kind of in the middle of a war zone now, aren't we? Maybe once we're out of Septimus there will be more time on the road, but I wouldn't entirely count on that either. ...I guess whenever we get an opportune moment? Not now though, we should get food," she added. "Hopefully we'll at least be done here soon, I don't really fancy staying for the war."


"All right, then," Arrin replied, not really sure of what else to say. Beau was certainly... formal, it seemed.

"So... where are you going again?" he asked, returning to the other topic in the current conversation. It didn't seem like it would be particularly safe to travel alone at the moment, certainly...

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As Tas walked off, Irina looked down at the infant who'd slowed down just a bit.

Irina: Hmm (Come to think of it, we were really close to the base. We're only twice the distance away now I think but ... urgh. I don't know what's going on, Lev doesn't exactly share much nowadays. I guess Tas can find out why we didn't split off and deliver the wyverns when we were in the capital.)

Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by Luc who requested her help with the wyverns.

Irina: Oh! Of course. a third of them are mine anyway, heheh.

Thinking about her talk with Esphyr came naturally since Luc was related to it. A slightly disturbed look came on her face when she thought about the duel they had.

Irina: (Wow. She was trying to kill me for a dress, and I was trying to pummel her so I could be flaunted around by Luc in essence. Okay enough thinking about that. Just get this dumb look off your face and focus on happy things.)


Iso: The war ... that's another thing.

Letting out a deep sigh, he looked straight up at the clouds.

Iso: Knowing our luck we're already involved and just don't fully realize it yet. I mean we have officers from every major country traveling with us. That's not going to just go by without effecting something. Ugh. More negative things to think about. Maybe we should just focus solely on breakfast for the moment. This isn't the type of worrying I like to wake up to.

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Luc Altair

"A third hm?" Did that make that pink one captured on Luc's property hers now? Or the hatchling? Well, it didn't look to matter, so Luc pushed those thoughts aside. "Very well," Luc continued. "I shall return later." Luc nodded and turned away to resume his moving, but not before retrieving the food he was entrusted with. As he did, he noticed a visible look on Irina's face. Peculiar, what could she be thinking of to earn a distortion like that? No need to pry--at least for today--so Luc hefted the food and departed.

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Namid at first growled at Luc, uncertian exatly what Tas had asked the man to do or even if Tas had asked him to do anything. The five, gutted deer were unstrapped, but so far as Namid was concerned, they belonged to Tas.

The hatchling felt a little more comfortable now and finished off the meat, giving a bit of a snort signalling that he wanted more.


(Where is he? I don't see him. Lev...you'd better have a good reson for endagering my wyverns!) Tas' calm was begining to erode as he wandered about the camp, searching for the mercenary. By now, his pace was quicker than normal and his eyes darted about in glares: very unlike how Tas normally acted. (Where are you?!)


"Normally, I'd simply travel to the next town. However, seeing as this country is in turmoil, I was going to go to Jerdon. There is a bit of a problem with that proposal, however..." Beau replied, a little embarassed for not thinking of the issue earlier, "I know very little Jerdonian. I know my name originates form there, but I cannot even introduce myself properly." (Perhaps it would have been better for me to wait a few years before going on this treck... By then I'm sure I would have a better grasp of at least that language...)

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Thinking over Alex's words, Morgan considered that while moving too hastily could end poorly, so could delaying for too long. The woods obscured them to some degree, but it hid some potential enemies as well, it would be best not to linger.

"We should get moving." Morgan said simply, shaking Viveka lightly.

The Meeting Begins

Kamilla followed the visitor to the entrance hall, where Raemond had followed Althea and both were seated. Xaver and Henry had already located seats in the hall as well, while the Grand Cleric sat at the head of the table. Althea sat in rapt attention, while Xaver was fighting off waves of tiredness from the previous day.

"Greetings, devoted servants of the Goddess." he began slowly. "We are gathered here today to discuss many issues that trouble our world today. Demon sightings, civil war, the Crimson Weapons reappearing...these are dark times. But with the help of allies both old and new, I hope that we can help this world become as the Goddess envisioned- one full of prosperity for all people."

"Now, let's start with your tale Kamilla, if you don't mind. Do not feel bad if there are things that you do not remember, that is to be expected considering what transpired. Just share everything that you remember after encountering the Crimson Weapon wielders."

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Elyisimians in the Morning

Feeling someone touching her, Viveka's head turned quickly to face Morgan. A quick dissatisfied look crept up immediately. Jasmine was already up and slipping into her boots so she could come outside.

Viveka: You're telling me we have to leave right now just because the Septimians are worried? Ugh. Being completely uninvolved doesn't help at all anymore.

She was about to roll back over and get back to resting but Conrad quickly rose up with a blank look on his face. Viveka couldn't help but gauge the man. He'd lost a relative the previous night and so unexpectedly. She even felt compelled enough to ask that age old question.

Viveka: Are you alright, Sir?

Conrad: Not in the slightest, Viveka. Not in the slightest. I suppose the best way to avoid this conflict between Halton and Septimus is to go after Helenos and don't look back. There is also Elyisima to worry about. There's a balance of power in this world that Halton is about to disrupt mightily. When that happens Elyisima will step in. That's when things will really start to get ugly.

Viveka: You don't think they'll send for us, do you?

Conrad: They will, but until those orders get here, we're free to move about. The faster we move and the less attention we draw, the longer the orders will take to arrive when and if they come. Keep in mind, Elyisima will only get involved if Septimus begins to falter to the point of certain defeat. This is only day one. Either way, I suggest haste, but not to a fault. If we over rush we'll be worthless in an emergency. I agree that we should get moving soon, but not before breakfast. Viveka, I suggest you get up so you don't have to try eating on the road.

Viveka: I'll risk it.

Conrad: You might stain your outfit.

Viveka: ... (... point taken.) alright.

The Story Thus Far

Kamilla held her head low for a moment. This was it. Recalling all of her available memories, she carefully went over her journey from start to finish. Her first encounter at the inn. Being brought along with the group as they dug themselves into more and more trouble trying to get to the capital. Splitting off to go with Eric whom she humbly tried to vindicate. Only bits and pieces remained of what had happened when Morgan assaulted her mind, but she still recalled a few glimpses of the group, one in particular involving a cavalry unit she was accompanying.

Throughout her story, she didn't hold back at about how dangerous the crimson weapon wielders were, especially not the one that started the entire string of incidents. References to Tessa were few and far between, but all in a very good light, the best Kamilla could manage really. It was more important to point out the dangers the group posed rather than focus too much on Tessa or Eric. Once she finished she let out a sigh of relief. She had done her job. She didn't know what was next for her, but she was at least free from the stress of it all at for the moment.

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As the meeting went on, Raemond's quill scratched against the parachment, recording the dialogue from the Grand Cleric's introduction to the end of Kamilla's report, not failing to write the time and date of the meeting. Asside from the account he was writing, he was also taking note in his mind of key points the woman was making. (This is all very interesting. I wonder if I'll be assigned to go search for these crimson weapons when this meeting is ajurned? Perhaps, though annother reson I might be the scribe selected is because I keep to myself. I am not shady nor brooding, just peacefully solitary most of the time. That could be annother reson. Enough speculation for now, however, Raemond. Focus on the task at hand.)

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"Yes, we should get this business started." Damian replied to Ixion, leading the twin magi towards the far end of the workshop.

Approaching the steel door at the end of the workshop, Damian halted. The heavy steel doors were formidable enough to most, however, the true obstacle was the shielding rune.

"Here we are. The Gungnir lies just beyond this door. You can surely see the barrier, Ixion. This is why I needed you here to retrieve it."

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"I don't know. What we do have seems to be split across the different sides. Maybe we lose some of the group when they start taking sides. But if someone tries to get the whole group on their side, I don't care what Arrin wants to do, I'm getting him out of here. I... don't think I can protect him from an entire war," Kelas admitted, looking at the ground. "But yeah. Breakfast. Let's go."


"I'm sure some people there speak Common, at least?" Arrin wondered aloud. "Though I'm not sure it will be very safe there now, either... they're bound to get involved in the war somehow. It's all such a mess," he sighed. "I'm hoping this group finishes its business here quickly, so we can get out."

OOC: Edited in Arrin.

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Luc Altair

Luc normally would have nothing against doing a bit of heavy labor, but as he moved he felt slight twinges of pain from his wounds that hadn't fully healed. This was no time to take chances, so Luc hurried over to Fargo instead of continuing his rounds. As Luc approached his subordinate, he saw the other man dive under the carriage and begin working on the undercarriage. "Fargo, get back out here," Luc commanded. He didn't have time to delay with Fargo's resistance.

"Yes Captain," Fargo responded in defeat and slowly dredged himself away from his work. "Want me to take those?"

Luc nodded and handed off the food to Fargo. "I don't believe you've talked to General Conrad about what to do with that carriage." It's not like they could just leave the thing here, but at the very least it would be best to consult with Conrad and possibly Aiya before doing anything with the transport.

"No, Captain." Fargo sighed further in defeat. "I just wanted to work on it. It's a good model, you know?" Fargo's voice regained a bit of light as he talked about the carriage. It was almost funny how excited he was over it, despite being worse than Luc with horses. But contradictions were commonplace these days.

Luc simply ignored Fargo's talk. "Follow me," he commanded again. The two cavaliers of Directus began walking.

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"That is quite possible," Beau replied, "though not everyone in Jerson speaks Common. Also, as for how safe it is, Jerdon is not a warzone. No country is entirely safe. If I choose to go annother route, which country would I be in? I could remain in Septimus, though that is hardly desirable considering the cirumstances. I could also go south and return to Elyisima, but that would mean crossing the mountains and that would surly be the end of my journey considering how close I am already to Bellmire Estate. There are not a lot of options available to me."


(Calm down. It was unintentional, I'm sure of it. I still should find out why and how we're going to get there now. I told him before how close that mountain wyvern egg was to hatching, though... Why is he staying here? No, Tas. Keep calm. It wasn't intentional...) Tas was able to control the rise and fall of his frustration as he looked around the camp. (I don't see him out here. I should check the tents. Blast it, Lev, if you're not in camp you'd better be nearby!) Fairly certain Lev had not been in the same tent that he and Namid had landed near, he decided to first check the larger tent: the one closest to where he currently was.

Unsure of who was in the tent at the time, he gave in to his natural, awkward courtesy. "Um, excuse me, but is Levski in there?" he asked, not a hint of anger in his voice.

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