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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Tobe didn't hear Tristan's reply: as soon as he'd noticed the tent, he'd scrambled inside. He huddled in the corner, dripping. Nobody would notice him, probably. He could hide here, and maybe someone would leave a blanket lying around.


Arrin sat up slowly. The world spun slightly: he'd lost a lot of blood, apparently, but the only reminders of his wounds now were bloodstains and a slight ache where the injuries had been. His arm had also been fixed. He examined Daranau for damage: the book appeared to be in normal condition, undoubtedly because of the Crimson weapons' tendency to repair themselves.

He wasn't too sure about standing up yet, but he could try and work out what had happened. Everyone was in various stages of healing now, it looked like, and Charlotte appeared to be alive and healed, though understandably distraught. Kelas was all right, and resting; Tessa was apparently completely uninjured, and healing... and was that Beau over there? How had he found them again?

He should probably get up and try to help... Unsteadily, with the aid of a nearby tree, Arrin pulled himself to his feet. Walking might be a problem, but maybe someone would see him and give him some task or other.

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Irina and Levski

Lev: You really are getting sick, aren't you?

He tossed Irina a glance and she was starting to get wet from the rain even while sheltering the little red wyvern in her arms. Strange that he almost overlooked him since he blended in well with her riding shirt. Still, she wasn't going to be anything less than soaked if she stayed out much longer. He made a gesture for her to go into the tent.

Lev: Go on. The sooner you're in there the better.

Turning back to Tas, he placed his hand on his chin and looked the young rider head to toe. He too was just about soaked.

Lev: Alright. I'll get the eggs into the tent then and find something that's still dry to wrap them in. You've got a cold so you're contagious but there might be a way around that. Depends on whether Vlad's full of crap or not with his towel head theory. Either way I'm not keen on you sitting out in the rain all night. If you've got a cloth or something to wrap around your head, then get it. Viv might have a handkerchief or something you can use for those little sneezing fits.

Meanwhile Irina was steadily taking backward steps away from them preparing to turn around and head to the tent for shelter. She wasn't moving very quickly having been more focused on listening in than anything else. It had been a long while since she'd seen Lev taking charge of a situation. Usually it was to plan a slaughter, but for now he was simply coordinating a relief and sheltering effort. She actually preferred that and smiled before finally heading off to the tent in full stride.

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"That is not what I meant at all." said Mana with a tone of disdain at the misinterpreted statement. "If I had to tier the gathered people here, it would be Howard, Damian who is absent, O'donnel, Ixion, and myself. Yet, I am sure than any combination of two of us could force the other two to retreat. None of us here are weaklings Ixion, yet you choose to experiment on us, be it for the better or worse. There is much too lose, and much to gain, both in knowledge and politics. But, what if, say, you failed? We each have our motives for being in this castle, be it simple-minded obedience." she looked at Howard. "Or a desire to curb our own inner natures, as with Damian. We are not... well... Howard aside we are not simplistic beings that are likely unwilling to be poked and prodded in certain manners. No matter how good the teacher, they keep both the counterspell and the yardstick in reaching distance in TISME and non-TISME schools except for a select few. Do you understand my point a bit better now?" asked Mana.


It had been a horridly long day for the priestess Kaileen and her child. With the fall of the army upon the city, the priestess had almost been forced on lancepoint into healing the many wounded people. Many soldiers on both sides had been wounded, but she had been restricted to only healing those people whom the victors had decided were worth healing. As she strode across the rows of wounded, she had come to a horridly obvious conclusion. This was no place for her to leave her son. Somehow, she felt more safe with the vagarants in their confined alleyway than she did here, with armed guards and soldiers in a open place. She would need to manage to slip away before long and find some safe place to drop him off.

But who? Harold and Percy were poor choices. She didn't want to come home to find her child weaving through several woman's coattails with a pork leg in his hand. Berthold was... impossible to contact. Jace and Naelia were not exactly on her good side, though Naelia less so. She had originally intended to leave the boy with a woman she had met during the war, a soldier... whom was most likely dead now. Even if she wasn't, there was no way she would leave the child in a city in such distress. She could leave him with one of the... No. Bad idea. Just a bad one. Even if the Church took him in and cared for him... Well... It wasn't a awful idea at least... but she was against the idea of letting a stranger whom she didn't know take him. Mana might, if only she wasn't so far away either.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Pary sat up, his head aching. His arms were cut with long slashes up them, but they didn't seem to be bleeding. He wrapped them, and used his teeth to tie them. He stood carefully, using his staff to balance him. He walked over towards Morgan, aiming to discuss something with her.

"I presume after today we've hit a bit of a snag? Jace had gotten in our way, at least if not directly, but now....I know a nearby town I can take us to to rest at. It's not much, but it's better than sleeping out in the cold rain. I can wipe our fees with the innkeeper. He's a friend of mine. It's probably only half a day's walk from here."



Vera helped by going to her trunks. She opened one, and reached inside, before feeling something moving inside. ".....Rosy. What are you doing?"

"I was scared."

"Well get out and help me set them up."

Vera and Rosy removed the large tarp from the trunk. Rosy began unfolding it, while Vera reached inside for her tent. Requiring Rosy's assistance, it took them several minutes to set it up, but the tent was about the size of a small room. Rosy placed the tarp on top, before going to search for Aiya.

Vera called for Conrad and Viveka. "Uncle! I've set up our tent. You and Veronica may want to come inside. I was going to prepare some maps."

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A simpler Time

Twelve years ago...

"Dere, Dere!" Danielle Munktan, aged ten, exclaimed excitedly, running into the courtyard where her older brother was playing around with a wooden sword. "Papa à retourné!" Before she could stop herself, the child tripped on her dress and fell forward, almost landing face forward on the ground, if not for Derek.

"Attention, Dani," he said, dropping his practice weapon and catching his sister. "Papa à retourné? J'ai pensé qu'il prendrait quelque jours sur son voyage. D'accord, on va lui rencontre," the twelve-year old said, letting Dani go. The girl immediately ran towards the front gate, followed slowly by her sibling. In a few minutes, the Jerdonian children were out on the road, approaching a horseman who, strangely, had another rider behind him on the saddle. A few feet away from the gate, the man stopped dismounting his horse with ease. Arckson was a tall man, towering above his two kids, with a rough scarred face, evidence of injuries he had received over a decade before. His green hair was rather untidy, but his green eyes were full of kindness, as Derek and Dani approached him.

"Allo, mon petit pomme," Arckson said, embracing his daughter as the other rider, a rather thin commoner around the childrens' age, tried in vain to dismount. "... Juste une moment."

"'Tank ye, sur," Derek heard the boy say, not in Jerdish, he noted.

"... Danielle, Derek, this is Eric. He's the son of a late friend of mine," Duke Munktan said, switching to Common as well. "He's going to be staying her for a while."

"Oh, a ceety commoner," Dani said, with a heavy accent, "Theez is going to be FUN!" The girl took Eric's hand, and began to lead him into the manse. "Allez-y!"

"H-hey, wot are we..?" the boy could be heard asking, as he was led away from the duke and his son.

"... Papa, pourquoi es ce qu'on laisse lui reste ici?" Derek asked, confused. "N'est-ce pas que ses parents ont une maison?"

"... Derek, ses parents sont mort. Je pense qu'il devrait avoir une place a vivre," his father said, returning to his native tongue. "En plus, maintenant Dani puis toi ont un ami d'en arriere du court."

"... Ah. Ca c'est pourquoi. Merci, Papa," the boy said, before running off after the newcomer. "Hey, wait for me, guys!"


Had he really been a demon... Way back then? The man that had attacked them- Derek was not going to call him by his name- had obviously seen Arckson fight, since that was the exact same style. So, it had to be him. But then, why hide it, for all those years...? Derek could hear his hands crack as they protested against the increasingly tight grip over his helm. He didn't really care at that moment whether or not they had broken yet. All that mattered was that he had been betrayed. And damn, did it ever hurt.

OOC: Translations

1 "Father has returned!"

2 "Careful, Dani." "Father has returned? I thought he would have taken a few more days on his trip. Alright, let us go meet him."

3 "Hello, my little apple." "Just a moment."

4 "Let's Go!"

5 "... Father, why are we letting him stay here?" "Don't his parents have a house?"

6 "... Derek, his parents are dead. I think he should have a place to stay," "Also, now you and Dani have a friend from outside the court."

7 "... Ah. That's why. Thank you, Father,"

Edit: edited in full post.

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Ixion, O'Donnel, and Howard

Ixion: Yes, much better actually. (I honestly see no point in factoring in "O'Donnel as any possible threat. He like any other IM is either an asset or a minor set back waiting to be dealt with.) Still ... I doubt any power struggles will endanger what I truly aim to accomplish.

O'Donnel: Sounds like you're relying on civility.

Ixion: I rely on myself, O'Donnel. Civility is a tool most of us use for the sake of avoiding conflict, nothing more.

O'Donnel: (Oh how you so easily shift weakness and fear from yourself onto others, my boy.)

Howard looked down at his food with confusion in his eyes. It was a well cooked and prepared steak, finely seasoned with a side of lettuce. The beast's eyes widened in utter shock as he gazed at the meat. He knew what this was. He knew what many things were. Pictures in his head came quickly showing him what the meat originally was. He then looked over at Ixion and O'Donnel who also had steak on their plates. Finally he looked to see the same thing on Mana's plate as well. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable in the room. He continually kept his eyes on all of them, eyes darting from one person to the next.

Tent Arrangements

Viveka: It's "Viveka" ... and we have a tent of our own.

Conrad: Maps? She must want to hold the meeting.

Viveka: Oh that? Mm ... fine. Whatever you want to do, Sir.

He motioned for her to follow him as he headed over to the tent Vera and Rosy had set up.

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As Rosy was walking through the camp, she happened upon Aiya's purple armor. She hefted her up, and started to limp them back to the tent. On her way, she passed by a man that seemed to be giving orders. "Excuse me sir. Are you the leader of this group? Could you please come with me? I've been sent to collect the various leaders and military generals. There's a meeting in the large tent over yonder."



Vera placed the map on the table, taking several pins in her hands. As she laid them out, she noticed Conrad and Viveka still standing in the door way. "Come sit down. Do you happen to know the leader of this group? I haven't met many of your companions yet."

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Mana's fork lowered down to the plate, but not going for the steak. In its place, she carefully picked up the leaf and brought it up to graze upon. She looked to the Minotaur, a pained look in her eye. She felt more affinity for the animal than she did for the humans in the room. A half-breed whom people had no qualms disregarding. "Don't worry big guy. You don't have to eat it, nor should you. If you are hungry, I will guard you outside as you graze later. I do not want to eat this meat." she said soothingly before returning her focus to Ixion.

"Civility is something you seem to lack Ixion. It will come back to haunt you, that is no question. I do not wish for this meeting to become a furry of concealed verbal daggerstrikes aimed for each others breast though. It is but a meal. O'Donnel, you serve the mercenary known as Lev, correct? He is happily married to a wonderful woman as well, or am I mistaken?"

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"Well, let's see," Tas began, trying to think through what he had for supplies. It was only most of the essentials. He had his blanket but was planning on using that later and didn't want a wyvern to hatch into a nest of germs and die the same night. There was the cloth he used to clean Namid's tack, but that wouldn't be a good idea either way. He could retrieve his riding coat from Irina, he supposed. That could work so long as Irina kept the hatchling with her and so long as Tas washed his coat frequently. The collar would cover his nose and mouth if he kept it there by hand and, failing that, he could just as easily wrap it around his neck.

The courier nodded. "I can use my coat once I get it back from Irina," he offered, "But there are others who need the shelter as well. I'd be fine with just sleeping under Namid's wing. It would be warm enough, too, provided I'm the only onethere so he can fold them enough. The ground would still be wet, but I'd be fine."

When the woman dragging Aiya began to speak to Lev, Tas took the moment to wonder what on earth she was doing dragging Aiya about and how good her chances were at surviving an onslaught from the rider's bull. "Excuse me, miss, but... What have you done to Aiya?"


The little wyvern was a little confused. He was still wrapped in something that smelled like the familliar human. However, he was being held by the slightly-familliar human and he could smell her as well. Was the familliar human invisable now? It didn't matter. He was hungry and sleepy. Today had been very tiring and he never did get to finish eating that nice food from before the light swallowed them up and changed their surroundings. The alst thing he ate was that weird food from the moving cave. Oh, and he was attacked by that frightening, unfamilliar human! But the familliar human came back and he couldn't lose then. He scared off the unfamilliar human so the familliar human was alright. But now where was he? It was dry and warmer now, though and this slightly-famillair human was nice. The little wyvern decided he'd like to sleep now and having this slightly-familliar human around wasn't a bad thing.


"My father did the same. I had to slip away from the guards and flee Elyisima otherwise I knew I would be retruned to the estate. In spite of most comforts having been left behind, I highly reccomend travelling about once in a while. It's actually been a good time for me," Beau replied, enjoying socializing with someone of a high-class status for the first time in a long while.

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Civility Is Underrated

Ixion: I intend no animosity brew here, still, I don't see civility as something you either have or you don't, Etain. There are people like me who will do only what is necessary to achieve the goal, there are people like high ranking TISME officials who will stop at virtually anything hindering themselves from their goals, and then there are common bandits, who are nothing short of incompetent imbeciles completely incapable of even setting a true goal, yet alone pursuing it with any amount of foresight.

O'Donnel: Seems more like you created Etain to have different philosophical beliefs as well. Trying to challenge yourself, Ixion?

The Dark Druid shrugged not really caring to formulate anymore elaborate lies. He settled for simply following O'Donnel's assumptions. The man was clearly not being fully open at the moment.

Ixion: Perhaps.

O'Donnel: Levski? Mm. He is second in command of the organization now. Ivanko's promotion. I do not believe he is married though. I believe he was last reported traveling around here in Septimus with that Crimson toting group. Poor fellow. He's got the looks, the talent, the caring, just not the right career to have a stable relationship it seems.

Howard didn't quite understand what Mana was telling him, but she wasn't showing any signs of being a bull eater. That was good. It helped him to calm down and not get upset. Ixion had been paying attention to the chimera's behavior but didn't bother intervening or calming the thing simply because a simple command was all that he needed to bring one of the tempermental ones back into subjection. It hadn't failed yet, so he didn't worry about it.

Irina and Levski

Lev: Sleeping under your wyvern's wing? Well that's fine I guess, but I'm a bit stubborn about these sorts of things so ... don't hold it against me if I stuff you in a bedroll and then let you sleep with Namid.

He smiled to lighten the mood, but he wasn't really joking. He had no intention of letting the courier tough it out in the rain while he was sick, not without something comfortable like a bedroll to sleep in. Meanwhile Irina made it to the tent and Jasmine helped her inside where they prepared some more blankets to wrap the eggs in. It didn't take up much space in the six person tent, and thus there was plenty of room left. Irina then took a small blanket to herself as well. She would need it to keep the infant dry if she needed to head back outside.

Suddenly Rosy appeared and asked him if he was leading the group.

Lev: Nope. I just carry supplies, keep a tab on special interests, and do little things for the group's leader ... who happens to be Morgan. That's who you're looking for.


Conrad shrugged and carefully stepped into the tent followed by Viveka who was more interested in keeping her hair from getting any more wet than actually holding a meeting with this new arrival.

Conrad: For the moment, Morgan is heading the group. I suppose someone should get her.

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As the unknown woman tried to pick up Aiya, she had no idea what she was getting into.

"W-what are you doing?" Aiya asked the girl with annoyance, before the menacing growl resonated about the camp.

Spotting the newcomer attempting to forcibly move his human, Ulfhrahn roared with anger, and dove in front of Rosie, his weight and speed causing a small patch of ground to shift, the force knocking Rosie down flat onto her behind.

Taking the opportunity to strafe away from the girl, Aiya spoke again.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you want?" She asked Rosie, as she moved closer to Ulfhrahn.

(OOC: Before you start complaining, Cynthia and Phoenix approved knocking Rosie flat on her ass. Ask em.)

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"Whoa!!" Tas jumped back as Ulfhrahn landed close-by. The roar its self had been unsettling.

Namid flapped his wings as a reflex, but tried to lean forward and curve his tail, head and wings around the bundle of eggs to further protect them since that seemed to be what Tas had intended for him to do. Niether wyvern nor rider were really in a position to say or do anything. And yet annother sneeze sounded from Tas.


Beau turned his head towards the roar wityh some suprise, wondering what could have caused that loud noise for a moment. The answer was obvious, but it was still amazing how loud it had been.


The little wyvern hid under what was covering him and nestled closely to Irina. It was warm and pleasant here. Surly it was safe from whatever made that loud sound!

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"Well, for the time being we really can't move much at all given the wounds we've suffered. We will have to discuss such matters on the morrow." Morgan replied to Pary. She heard her name and saw a number of people heading towards the large tent and approached. "Something you wished of me?" she asked Conrad.

"I wanted to travel around myself, see the world outside the city walls. I suppose I finally have chance to do so, though given the circumstances I doubt it will be very pleasant." Tristan said to Beau

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Altion sat upon his steed, watching the group from a distance. His ribs still hurt something fierce every time he breathed, though the pain had faded greatly since the healing. Still, every breath inward stung sharply as he watched the group from atop his steed, and not every sting was from his ribs. He didn't know what was going on, nor did he really care... As he breathed in, faint words slipped forth from his mouth. "Warriors upon gallant steeds, upright in moral, speaking the tongues of old. That is what the world out there is like Altion." he said softly.

"Altion! Ya wrangly monkeyman! What are you doing up there?"

A small book rested in Altion's hand as he sat upon the second story loft of his home within the village. Down below, a young man, two years Altion's younger, stood. A proud and inviting grin was upon his face, his arms extended outwards in greeting to Altion. Altion closed the small book, his thumb holding the page.

"Just reading Shaun." he called down timidly. "What do you want? Anything I can help you with?"

"The boys were gonna head down to the stream. The women are doing their washing today and word is that little Harry is gonna steal their clothes again. If you come, you might catch an eyeful!"

Altion bit his lower lip in disgust as he raised the book up again. "Sorry Shaun. No thanks."

"Awwww.... Hey. What are ya reading?"

"Just a book I found about the outside world. Hey Shaun. You're grandparents came from there. What did they say it was like?" asked Altion, the book covering his face.

"Warriors upon gallant steeds, upright in moral, speaking in tongues of old. That's what the world out there is like Altion. That's what they say. You might even like it out there. Might make some friends." shot back Shaun before he turned to leave. "Well, see ya later."

"You were wrong Shaun. You were wrong." he muttered. "Come on Gluebag. This world is scary."

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"Ok Esphyr. Just wait for a healer...how did Eric join up? Why did he betray us? And...Reika...he must've hurt Reika pretty bad...she can wait for now. She probably has healers on her.

But anyway I can't believe he would do that. He seemed so trustworthy."

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"He didn't have a choice Alf. I don't think he did at least. A man like that, so powerful, so primal... Yet his blade. The style he used. It was..." she stopped for a moment to think. Though Eric had been skilled with the blade, what exactly had he done? She had to close her eyes for a moment as she tried to recall the fight. It had happened only a few moments ago, but still, something about his swordfighting had felt... familiar. Her fingers clenched tightly, as if gripping her crimson blade.

"I don't know." she said, shaking her head in frustration. "Some part of me has a word on the tip of my tongue, but I don't know what that word is. It feels as if I've fought or seen that sword style somewhere before. Not a standard style mind you, but still... I feel like I've seen it before."

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Damian eventually slipped into his own thoughts, his surroundings fading from his conscious mind. There were guards stationed, he could come back from his thoughts before danger struck.

The latest tests... what had truly happened there? It was as if a section of his mind had been torn asunder during those tests... he could remember pieces of the event that had occured in his mind.

The venture across a dank, crimson hall, the menacing doorway... even the slight crack between the massive doors, planks of what looked like oak. That slight crack allowed a permeating demonic aura to soak into the hall.

And then, blank.

What had happened during that section of time? All he knew was Ixion's account... Gae-Borg had taken over... and had wrecked the lab, attacked Ixion, and Damian had woken up in hospital.

'I know Gae-Borg was behind those doors... a personification of that lance... that much is obvious... if it took over, I must have lost... if only I could remember exactly what happened...'

It was too fuzzy. The clang of metal on metal, blood splurting across the walls, a lifeless body hitting the floor with a thud.

'I can recall the sounds in my head... but I can't visualize the fight...'

Those words. The mocking words of that demon.

'Maybe I can't beat that thing... it has every skill I have ever built... plus it's own abilities, the powers of that lance... how do I beat something that is an improved version of me?'

Scenario after scenario. Running through his mind, all with the same result. Lying in a pool of his own blood, his body overtaken by the demonic entity.

'How am I supposed to prove to that thing that I am it's true wielder, if I can do naught but fall to it? What can I do to match it, overcome it, defeat it?'

Another scenario. What was the use, to all of this strategizing?

A clang resounding of steel on steel. The crimson blade of Gae-Borg pushed the weaker pike away with ease, as it's personification smirked victoriously.

"Come now, is that all you can do, Damian? How pathetic."

The taunt was followed up by a powerful strike. The common pike snapped under the pressure of the far superior Crimson Lance.

"Urgh... this again..."

The blood red spear flew towards it's target, aimed to impale it's opponent's heart.

"Not this time... not again."

A clash of metal on metal.

"Oh, you have another weapon?" Gae-Borg spoke with mild surprise, as the tranquil cyan blade of the new spear contrasted and reflected the Crimson glow of Gae-Borg.

Both Damian and his reflection skirted back a pace, eyeing eachother warily.

"So... all you can do is emulate your father... how quaint?" The demon's mocking voice echoed throughout the cavernous throne room, as two mirror images clashed. One resonating Crimson red, and the other an Azure blue.

"Erk! How... how did you?" A shocked gasp came from the crimson demon, as the azure lance left it's heart, and it fell to the ground.

"Emulating my father does not make me inferior to him... I simply need to outstrip his strength, and I will be my own man, even if I use his methods... and his spear."

Damian awoke from his thought with a start, nearly jumping from his bed.

"That's it... to defeat Gae-Borg, I need my own advantage... I need a weapon to match that which it employs." Damian said, with no regard to who may hear. Rushing past the bodyguards assigned to him, Damian grabbed his armour and took off in the direction of the Ivanko Mercenary fortress.

"To defeat the Lance of Hell, I must employ a greater power... my father's lance of Heaven... Gungnir."

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Conrad: Apparently Vera wants to hold a meeting to discuss things. You're heading the group currently so naturally she would want you here.

A sudden tremble and roar seemed to have caught the whole camp off guard, and Viveka stuck her head out of the tent opening to see Ulfhrahn knock Rosy to the ground. Strangely, she couldn't really pick a side in that match up. She didn't much care for these random Halton officers barging in, but Ulfhrahn was a decent reminder of how dangerous wyverns were, especially bulls. She slowly came back into the tent and sighed.

Viveka: That officer of yours, obviously doesn't know that harassing a bull wyvern rider around is suicidal.

Over elsewhere, Irina looked out of the tent keeping her body and the infant still inside. She saw most of what was going on but was more focused on Lev, Tas, and the eggs. They hadn't brought them yet. She had also forgotten to feed the little one, but she planned to take care of that immediately. With a loud "Hey, Kiev!" she drew the wyvern's attention and he trotted on over.

Irina: You're not getting into this tent so ... just lay down right here but don't block the exit. Jasmine, can you grab one of the chickens out of the cage for me?

Jasmine: ... ... ... you're joking, right?

Irina: >_> (It's times like this I'm glad I wasn't some city girl who can't even handle a wild bird.)

Irina stood up and exited the tent keeping her passenger carefully protected from the rain while using her free hand to carefully open the cage a bit. With lightning speed she reached in and yanked out a chicken by the neck before using her foot to stomp the cage closed again!

Irina: Urgh. Okay, now Kiev, this chicken is for- *BAGOOOOOOWK* -Shut up! This chicken is for the little one here. Just grab a piece after I kill it and rip it off okay?

Kiev was already getting confused. Irina was getting food but not for him? There was a plot in the works to replace him wasn't there? Wasn't there? He let out a concerned moan.

Irina: ... please?


As Damian bolted out of the room, the two mercenaries looked at each other and then back at the fleeing wielder of the crimson lance confirming their fears. Both men quickly dashed after Damian calling out to him! As they ran past one of the other bedroom doors, it opened up and Angel peeked out into the hallway noticing the two men in pursuit of ... someone ... she couldn't see who it was from that distance.

Angel: Aren't those Damian's bodyguards? Oh dear ....

The End of Dinner

At the dinner table O'Donnel finished his meal and wiped his mouth with a bit of noble-esque elegance before slowly standing up.

O'Donnel: Well then, it has been a wonderful dinner, and a most interesting discussion. Ixion, I'd like to see you in my office in a few minutes. Etain, it was my pleasure to meet you.

Ixion kept his thoughts to himself but seemed to be a bit distracted. This didn't escape O'Donnel's notice. The man pretended to ignore it and simply waved as he left. When Ixion finally came back he muttered something barely audible.

Ixion: Bethold's spear ...?

The servants quickly returned and took away the leftovers leaving Ixion and his two chimeras alone in the dining hall. Ixion quickly stood up from the table looking over at Mana and the Minotaur.

Ixion: Do what you want with him, I need to see O'Donnel so that I can get back to work.

He nodded cordially and then walked past them heading off in the same direction as the archsage O'Donnel.

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Nobody seemed to have noticed Arrin, but he was feeling a little steadier on his feet. He headed over to where he thought he'd seen Beau, and sure enough, the younger boy was there, talking to a vaguely familiar man. "Beau?" he asked. "When did you get here? Are you all right?"


The small human had run off; the healers had moved away. Amari could see that Kelas was safe, healed and being looked after. Her intrusion couldn't help now; instead, she walked around the perimeter of the clearing, checking on the rest of her herd, ending up next to Kiev. She wasn't sure what the wyvern was up to, but he was close enough to the tent that maybe she could get some shelter if she investigated. Rain was all right, but after a while it got tiresome, and for the moment, the danger had passed...


After a while, Kelas stirred again. "We haven't got a tent or anything, have we? Just... it's kind of cold," she mumbled, still not bothering to sit up until she knew she was going anywhere.

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Tas wasn't quite sure what to do with himself since Lev seemed to be preoccupied. Seeing Irina, he figured that would be a good start. Walking up to her, he asked, "Do you need help with anything?"

Honestly, she looked like she was trying to handle too many things at once.


"It rarely seems very pleasant at the beginning asside from the sudden rush of freedom. However, I'm sure you will find that it is far more of a relief than a chore, even if there are several unpleasant things about it. I am simply glad to be able to heal. Even so, there are some things that eve a staff could never--" he was cut off at Arrin approching and engaging him in conversation. Inwardly, he was surprised at how quickly a smile formed on his face. "Excuse me, your highness. I am here on annother matter and I must speak with Arrin for a moment," Beau ended his conversation with the prince.

"Arrin, it's good to see you again! It hasn't even been a full day - how surprising!" Beau happily greeted the one closer to his age, "The notion that we would meet again so swiftly never even crossed my mind." He became more serious, however, as he asked the next question, "Are you well? You said upon our last meeting that you had recently been ill." Looking around a bit, he noticed tents going up.

"I've tarried too long, yet..." he whispered so quietly that it might have been considered only mouthed. His attention returned to Arrin, "You should not be in this cold and rain if you were not feeling well so recently. And so much blood! Are you hurt? How is it that this company is so oft beset by malicious foes?" The last question was more a sigh of exasparation, not directly aimed at Arrin.

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Kiev Tales

It took Irina a minute to finally show Kiev what she wanted him to do and he carefully took the dead chicken into his mouth by its upper half. With her hand around both legs, she turned her face away as Kiev pulled the bird in half! The blood bursted out a bit and a bit of it got on Irina's cheek and collar. She looked at the dismembered chicken and let some of its blood wash away in the rain. Kiev quickly swallowed the chicken's upper half considering that his cut.

Irina: Okay, I guess this is a start.

Tas arrived while she was trying to figure out which parts to offer the hatchling. Kiev wandered a few meters away and lied down.

Irina: Well since you're here, what do you think? It's still a little bloody but, do you think he'd like this?

While Kiev rested on the ground, Amari wandered on over, possibly to greet him. This was surprising and he quickly stood up causing the chickens on his back to began stirring again. He quickly opened his mouth trying to say something to the horse but it all came out in ... wyvern. Well, if he didn't try, he wouldn't have succeeded no matter what. Now it was Amari's turn to try and tell him what she wanted. Perhaps she wanted help getting out of the rain. Maybe he could sneak her into the tent. No, she was in tune with the humans. If they would be mad about it, she would probably be mad too. Hopefully she wasn't mad at him already for letting the attack escape.


Iso: There are two tents up already but I don't know what the deal is there ...

He looked over one of the tents to see a few people venturing inside. Then he saw Irina and Kiev over by the other. He grunted a little.

Iso: Yeah you should have a dry place to lie down. If they turn us away ... (I'm going to be a little pissed ...) I'll think of something.

Edited by Phoenix
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Bellerophon flew down to the encampment. The scaly beasts had returned and in greater numbers-they would have to be cowed. The other flightless beasts would also succumb to his will. He cantered around the camp, taking in all the information on his new dominion. Suddenly, his eyes caught the sight of the female from before...but she appeared to be fraternizing with a rival male! Bellerophon snorted, began to charge and...promptly collapsed.

Tristan, his conversation with Beau over, noticed his steed fall over. "Uh, anyone here know how to take care of an injured pegasus?" he asked the nearby people somewhat frantically. He knew there were pegasus knights in this group, there was that odd blonde-haired one, Victoria? Hopefully she was around.

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"I'm all right now," Arrin assured Beau. "The illness was already past, and I've had my injuries healed. If I hadn't, I definitely wouldn't be on my feet." At Beau's remark, he shrugged uncomfortably. "We... attract trouble, it's true. I think we've got a few more injured, but the other healers might have got them... speaking of which, I should also check on Tessa," he realized. "Er... I'm sorry, just... I'll be right back, okay?"


Kiev didn't seem to have any way into the tent, so Amari turned her back to the wind and tucked her head down. Miserable cold places, always with the rain... eventually the rain would stop, but for now, she could at least use the wyvern as a windbreak.


"Okay." Now Kelas opened her eyes, blinking the rain out. Shakily, she got to her feet. She hadn't been hurt as badly as some of the others, but the day's injuries, healings, and fleeing had taken their toll on her energy level. "I guess the one where Irina is..." She took a few halting steps toward the tent.

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"Let's see..." Tas murmured, reaching out to grab the dead bird then withdrawing his hand. (Right. Don't touch...) "I'd say... The leanest meat on there will be the best for him. I would offer to help but I don't want to contaminate the food," he replied.

The hatchling smelled blood. That meant food or injurry. But this blood smelled like food. But it was cold out there. He decided to stay where he was until he was somewhere dryer and warmer.


(Well, that certianly won't do.) Beau was a little annoyed that Arrin was leaving already. So, having nothing else to do, he followed the TISME mage, remaining quiet so he didn't distract his friend. He wanted to speak with him later and he wasn't about to simply stand around getting soaked - not that he wasn't already quite drenched. Moving around was becoming difficult... He noticed the prince asking for healing for his pegasus as he walked. (I could... But there are others who could help him as well. I need to make sure I ask Arrin about the merchant's horses like I promised... Yet this is a good opportunity for me. ...I will... Stay to this and heal the prgasus later if no one else has.)

Edited by Mercakete
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As the oncoming pegasus went down, Illiam and Susann both turned to face him. Illiam took a step back defensively. The stallion was hurt already, but his horn was still bigger, and he was likely stronger. If a challenge was coming he needed to find his human and send her at his. Perhaps them entering courtship would secure an alliance. That was preferable to being beaten up once the healers inevitably healed the rival pegasus.

Susann however was in utter shock! It was the magnificent one, and he was hurt, in pain most likely. What could have happened to something so ... so magnificent? Without thinking she entered a state of sheer panic! Flaring out her wings and rearing wildly aiming to summon more humans. A thing had hurt the magnificent one and he needed help. Without him they were all doomed another thing attacked them. If only he had been there before surely he could have chased it off, but they ignorantly left him behind, now he was here after likely fighting armies to reach them and they were taking too long to assist! This was madness. Again and again she neighed while Illiam began taking more steps back, not to keep a safe distance from the injured male, but simply to not be looped in with this over spooked companion.


Hearing the neighs from inside the tent, Viveka hung her head.

Viveka: ... well ... here we go.

As she looked outside she saw her pegasus freaking out and in hysterics. She slapped her face with her palm and let her hand slide off revealing a completely uninterested face.

Viveka: What could possibly ... wait.

That's when she saw Bellerophon on the ground. A split second was more than enough time for her to figure out the cause of Susann's distress and she stepped out of the tent turning back to address those inside.

Viveka: Have to go calm my pegasus, sorry I can't stick around. See ya! (Maybe I shouldn't blatantly lie like that. I don't want to be involved in this random Halton chick's meeting. She may be the General's niece but she can't even get my name right. She can't be all that competent and I think it's a waste of time to pretend she is.)

Hurrying over to Susann she quickly grabbed the pegasus' reins until she came down from her next rear. Once she did, Viveka wasted no time in wrapping her arms around the frightened pegasus' mane discouraging anymore wild movements. She hadn't calmed down yet though, the healers weren't there yet. What was taking so long? It had already been ten seconds! Time could be running out!

The Great Journey To The Tent

Iso carefully stood up with Kelas trying to keep himself balanced while supporting her and not knock her off balance either. It was a little tricky now that his drenched clothes were weighing him down. It was a long steady approach to the tent, but Iso stopped suddenly when one of the pegasi started ... freaking out. Turning to look over his shoulder he saw Viveka running over to calm the pegasus and raised an eyebrow.

Iso: ... it's just Viveka's pegasus, right? So, nothing to worry about?


Irina: Okay, I know which parts to feed him then. Can't feed him in this mess though so I'll get him inside. We've got some blankets ready for the eggs too so get those here as soon as possible. Oh and ... I don't know if it'll help much since it's not an actual injury but, try to get a healer to take a look at you, Tas. It might do some good maybe. I don't know.


Kiev kept his eyes on the hero horse for a short while watching her movements and when he finally figured out that she indeed was uncomfortable in the rain, he nudged closer and lifted up his wing carefully and slowly trying to place it over her to block the rain. He didn't expect it would make up for any of the other times he had upset her, but perhaps she would be kind enough to help him become a better hero later on as thanks. Perhaps ....

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