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I feel bad now...


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Also, despite your claims of being an atheist you mention hell regardless. Make up your mind before I strangle you with a phone cord.

"Go to hell" is an expression everyone uses.

I know other complete atheists who use the phrase "Go to hell" regularly.

Its not like we believe in it. (I speak for myself only) We just say it because its the most fitting phrase at the moment.

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It's already accepted that someonewhodied is an idiot who is incapable of intelligent thought.

It's not that I am incapable.

It's that I choose not to think.

There is a slight difference.

I am, at least, capable of enough thought to spell and punctuate correctly, and type with correct grammar when I want to, though I guess spelling doesn't count due to Google Chrome and Firefox having a spelling check...

I'm getting tired of this pro/anti-gay argument. I've gone through it so many times, I have my responses memorized.

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"Go to hell" is an expression everyone uses.

I know other complete atheists who use the phrase "Go to hell" regularly.

Its not like we believe in it. (I speak for myself only) We just say it because its the most fitting phrase at the moment.

Go to Purgatory, muthafucka.

It's not that I am incapable.

It's that I choose not to think.

This is the best excuse for wilful ignorance I've ever heard! Hey, I COULD be Einstein, I'm just too cool and angsty to give a fuck!

I'm getting tired of this pro/anti-gay argument. I've gone through it so many times, I have my responses memorized.

Firetruck Uterus Cat o' nine tails Koi Yin/Yang Orca-fat Underground.

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It's not that I am incapable.

It's that I choose not to think.

There is a slight difference.

I am, at least, capable of enough thought to spell and punctuate correctly, and type with correct grammar when I want to, though I guess spelling doesn't count due to Google Chrome and Firefox having a spelling check...

I'm getting tired of this pro/anti-gay argument. I've gone through it so many times, I have my responses memorized.

Grow a brain and start making half-intelligent posts on a topic like this.

It would be appreciated if you could fucking do this for all your posts.

I'm interested.

Edited by JB25
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Drama isn't gay. I love drama and Im sraight.

FEU thrives off of drama and we're all objectionably straight!

I dunno, at first I saw it as thick sarcasm, but then everyone else took it seriously.

The kid has become notorious for spewing as of late.

I can't believe you apologized.

I can't believe it's not bu-!

Seriously though, maybe he's just a decent person. Like, with the tolerance some of us work to achieve but the patience most of us don't have the time for. Maybe it's not any more believable but perhaps it's a little more comforting of a perspective?

You see, this is one of the reasons why I fucking hate religion. Unnecessary arguments and upsets.

Raven you're looking at the empty half of the religion glass. Try the other half!

It's funny that I say that because I'm one of the most pessimistic people here

Anyway, religion is

- Funny as hell

- Great for story time

- Keeps a lot of idiots from acting on their idiocy despite that it reinforces some of that idiocy

I mean, she didn't start a crusade against the topic creator the moment he spoke because of laws laid down by both her god and her government, the latter of which was surely inspired by the former.

As much as I detest morons they at least make us look good.

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you always seemed a very devout "this is right, this is wrong" person yet you support gay rights?

Yeah, because gay rights go into the "good pile" as it were.

Nobody has the right to say someone else is evil just because of what they're attracted to.

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Yeah, because gay rights go into the "good pile" as it were.

Nobody has the right to say someone else is evil just because of what they're attracted to.

Hey everybody Corpse fetish party at Crash's place, bring your own gimp mask :awesome:

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Yeah, because gay rights go into the "good pile" as it were.

Nobody has the right to say someone else is evil just because of what they're attracted to.

Gundamit! You're not allowed to say that! You're supposed to say gay sex = evil, and then conclude that evil = fun!

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I can't believe it's not bu-!

Seriously though, maybe he's just a decent person. Like, with the tolerance some of us work to achieve but the patience most of us don't have the time for. Maybe it's not any more believable but perhaps it's a little more comforting of a perspective?

Raven you're looking at the empty half of the religion glass. Try the other half!

It's funny that I say that because I'm one of the most pessimistic people here

Anyway, religion is

- Funny as hell

- Great for story time

- Keeps a lot of idiots from acting on their idiocy despite that it reinforces some of that idiocy

I mean, she didn't start a crusade against the topic creator the moment he spoke because of laws laid down by both her god and her government, the latter of which was surely inspired by the former.

As much as I detest morons they at least make us look good.

I saw "pushover" more than "decent" but okay.

LOL the pros of religion. Sometimes religious people feel like a different species than the rest of us.

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It's not that I am incapable.

It's that I choose not to think.

There is a slight difference.

I am, at least, capable of enough thought to spell and punctuate correctly, and type with correct grammar when I want to, though I guess spelling doesn't count due to Google Chrome and Firefox having a spelling check...

I'm getting tired of this pro/anti-gay argument. I've gone through it so many times, I have my responses memorized.

It's takes a lot of mental incompetence to get to a point where one chooses not to think.

Except your arguments are poorly formulated and have no actual intelligence behind them.

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Sometimes vegans feel like a different species than the rest of us.



True, but beliefs that homosexuality is evil and unnatural just shows the inability to think.

Sometimes I say "well, imagine that everything about you is the same, except that everyone else perceives you to be female. Do you still love your girlfriend?" (or male/boyfriend)

super awkward if they say no though. Luckily never met anyone who did. :P

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