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Sire's Sprite Works


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[Middle of Ediitng Progress I got sidetracked. Some images may be broken, everything will be fully updated soon.]

Welcome to Sire's Sprite Works. I am by no means an artist or graphic expert, but hey, experience in a variety of fields can prove helpful down the road. (Besides, I'm mainly working on my own save for tutorials, criticism, and Q&A)


[spoiler=Archives]First ever splice attempt, made for one of SF's splicing competitions. (Yeah, not much effort was put into this...)


Simple second splice, using Fado and Duessel.


[spoiler=Showcase]The single splice I'm proud of, using Fado, Erk, and Duessel. He'll be featured in the hack I'm working on.



[spoiler=(Scrapped) FE: The Sacred Tears]The scrapped "extended" prologue of FE: Sacred Tears.


Maps for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Tears as of 11-3-10.


[spoiler=FE: Dawn of Darkness]

Prologue Map (ver. 1) of Dawn of Darkness, an upcoming FE hack still in the planning stages.

Any comments, criticisms, questions, etc. are greatly appreciated.

[spoiler=Original Post]Now, the main reason why I made this topic...

I was laboring over one portrait for, say about 4 hours now, and desired some outside criticism on the work in progress. I am still planning on changing the armor color and maybe adding spike-type objects to better match my reference, but I really had difficulty shading a few areas correctly.

So, without further text, my references!

Reference 1

Reference 2

And finally, the failure portrait!. (Third sprite I ever worked on)


Needs that may need to be addressed:

-Area around ear really needs to be fixed.

-Area where the face and hair collide may need to be fixed.

-Hair on the left hand side may be too far out.

-Change armor color.

-Maybe add spike-type objects to shoulderpads.

...I really should have been working on me homework instead of this. Alas, time for sleep...

Edited by Sire
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Hey Sire!

I agree with all your own criticisms of the mug. I'd also like to point out that the border on the right side of the sprite is broken, missing a pixel of black and a few pixels of the dark green hair tone. There are gaps in the border line on the shoulders, too. Also, you need to make the border color/darkest color on the armor consistent with the border color for the hair. Right now one is black-ish, and the other is purple. There's also a bit of leftover purple where the hair meets the face that needs to be recolored. On his left temple (our right) there's a stray orange pixel that shouldn't be there. Similarly, there's also a stray green pixel on his collar trim. You might also put different eyes on him, to make him less immediately recognizeable as Fado.

That's all for now - good luck on the mug and on your hack!

Edited by Astelaine
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  • 2 weeks later...

*Dusts off thread*

Made an update on Nickolas.


Really don't know what to say, but I will NOT add in spikes (due to the portrait limit and other factors).

In addition, I may or may not change the eyes. I like them as is (And they are a different color from Fado's).

Issues Addressed:

-Armor Color Changed!

-Hair fixed?

-Fixed lone pixels?

-Fixed Borders? (For the border "changing colors", it may just be an illusion. I think they are exactly the same when I tested it.)

Things to be fixed?:

-Color Limit

Probably going to work on another mug sometime this week.

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