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Battle System Tests


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Okay this thread was created to provide a more open and public means of testing out stat combat systems and improving them(this also includes related elements such as supports, items, skills, and other things). Please note that "improving" a system does not always require forcing a particular concept to function or (the opposite) trying to outright remove a concept. The goal here is to optimize battle systems so they don't meet a mountain of complications once the rps they're in get under way.

Anyway, I know of at least one system thus far that needs to be finalized so I'm starting with that one. If there are any things that don't make a lot of sense at first or don't seem to have a purpose at first, please be patient, I can't post the whole thing at once without it being a text wall at first and this system is carefully interwoven. In other words, wait for an explanation rather than complaining if you don't understand something.

Note: It's fine to have more than one system being tried out at a time so long as the posts are labeled to avoid confusion. May also make individual threads for the system tests themselves if that helps. The system I want to test is going by the tag LotE the title of the rp it's being developed for.

Lastly, once there are a few volunteers to help out with this, I'll start getting the relevant information up and whatnot.

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Not sure what you're waiting for here.... or what the point of this thread is in general :/

The first paragraph hints at it being an open thing for all future RP'ers, but considering how it's true intentions is to help you with your own RP. If not, then I don't know why you even bothered with this thread unless there's some sort of demand for stat-based RP's.

You've mentioned you've got "at least one system" yet haven't posted anything in regards to it, other then it's existence. Hard to test or comment on things that aren't visible.

You've also asked for volunteers, volunteers to do what? Test your system? Your system which isn't posted yet? Yeah, sign me up, don't know what the hell I'm signing up for but hey, who cares? /sarcasm.

As if you Loafers haven't wasted enough space in this forum

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Not sure what you're waiting for here.... or what the point of this thread is in general :/

The first paragraph hints at it being an open thing for all future RP'ers, but considering how it's true intentions is to help you with your own RP

You don't know what the purpose of the thread is, but you know that it's only here to help me with my own rp? Okay then.

As for why I haven't posted the entire system in one post, it's because I'd rather see if the thread gets any interest responses first. I'm not waiting for people to sign up, I'm just letting the thread sit to see if anyone shows interest. If they do, then I'll start posting the text walls, and then this volunteer thing can happen.

If this fails then I'll just do what I always do. Live and learn.

You have no godly idea how much sleep I'm losing over this empty thread

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You don't know what the purpose of the thread is, but you know that it's only here to help me with my own rp? Okay then.

Not being sure of this thread point, and not understanding it's intentions are completely different. Though you might fail to comprehend the difference featherbrain :/

Of course you'll get interest. I mean, no one knows what the point of this is. Testing grounds for stat RP's? Yeah okay... and why do we need one? Is there a demand for stat rps? Doesn't seem so on this specific forum.

People might show an interest if you post something for them to comment on. "I wanna test battle systems!" can only yield two results. "Good for you" or the one I opted for "Shut up and stop wasting space over nothing"

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Not being sure of this thread's point, and not understanding it's intentions are completely different. Though you might fail to comprehend the difference featherbrain :/

The point of this thread is to A] provide a type of hub for battle system tests that people can actually see (not just pm chats with no other input) for future rps and B] help encourage stat rp development (though this one I'm not really counting on to be perfectly honest)

My intention is what's stated right above this line and nothing more.

Of course you'll get interest. I mean, no one knows what the point of this is. Testing grounds for stat RP's? Yeah okay... and why do we need one? Is there a demand for stat rps? Doesn't seem so on this specific forum.

There's a lot of things we don't need here, so I don't see why that's even an issue.

I already told you what it is but self explanatory remarks might not be good enough so here's a more in depth way of saying it.

Mainly this is for testing battle systems which means doing stat battles to test game mechanics.

People might show an interest if you post something for them to comment on. "I wanna test battle systems!" can only yield two results. "Good for you" or the one I opted for "Shut up and stop wasting space over nothing"

Someone's clearly under the impression that I was waiting for sign ups specifically when all I was waiting for was this ... (see below)

At least show us something, you can talk about how awesome it is all day long and we'd still have no idea what it is. Put it in spoilers if you're afraid of it taking up too much space.

I wouldn't dare call a statistics based system of my own design "awesome" no matter how much work I put into it, but I also wasn't going to put anything specific about it in the first post either. I wanted to see what people thought of the concept in general first. People are too focused on a specific test bed so I guess the only way to really move forward now is to post a simple run down.

Some of this is really in depth even on obvious things so you can skim what's obvious if need be(HP,ATK,DEF,etc).

LotE basics

To start off this was developed using LoAF's current system as a base, though PC skills were completely removed and some other changes were made to fit better with the new elements.

Stats and what they do:

HP (Hit Points):

Hit points determine a character’s stamina and ability to tough it out in battle. When hit points reach zero, the character is out of combat and loses current points accumulated. A character’s raw hit points multiplied by three determines the total amount of HP they have.

STR and MAG (Strength and Magic):

Strength determines a character’s physical attack power. When attacking with a physical weapon a character’s strength determines the minimum amount of damage done to the opponent. Strength targets an opponent’s defense stat.

Magic determines a character’s magical attack power. When attacking with a magical weapon a character’s magic determines the minimum amount of damage done to the opponent. Magic targets an opponent’s resistance stat. Magic not only determines magical damage but healing amount. Simply apply the character’s magic as direct HP to the target. This only works once per phase and can target anyone, even enemies if so desired.

SKL (Skill):

Skill determines a character’s ability to land a blow on an opponent. When attacking a character’s skill is added to the hit die roll to give a total number which determines whether or not an opponent is hit with an attack.

SPD (Speed):

Speed determines two things in combat. The first is a character’s evasion rate. The Second is attacking speed. When defending, a character’s speed determines whether or not the character avoids the incoming attack. When attacking a character’s speed determines whether or not the character launches a follow up attack.

Attack Speed Rules:

If an attacker’s speed is at least twice the amount of the opponent’s speed, they can if they so choose launch an additional attack following the opponent’s counter.

If an attacker’s speed is at least four times the amount of the opponent’s speed, they can if they so choose launch up to two additional attacks. The first attack may be launched before or after the opponent’s counter while the final attack must be launched after the counter.

(Too avoid confusion, the most amount of times a unit can be attacked in one round via these rules is three times. The first attack. The second attack if they double in speed. The third attack if they quadruple in speed.)

LCK (Luck):

Luck alters enemy hit rates. When defending, a unit’s total luck is subtracted from the opponent’s hit increasing the chance of a miss.

DEF and RES (Defense and Resistance):

Defense determines a character’s ability to defend against physical attacks. When defending a character’s defense determines how many points are subtracted from the attacker’s attack power. Defense cannot subtract from magical attacks.

Resistance determines a character’s ability to defend against magical attacks. When defending a character’s resistance determines how many points are subtracted from the attacker’s attack power. Resistance cannot subtract from physical attacks.

Classes: (Only tier ones are listed)(Might cut down on this later since there are a lot of classes overall(speaking of tier 2 and tier 3))


Dancer (not confirmed and one the dropping list since it has no promotions)






Brigand/Pirate (couldn't settle on either and didn't bother with a new name)


Cleric/Priest (eh)




Cavelier (this includes mounted archers like nomads)


Pegasus Knight

Wyvern Knight

Tiers 1-3: (These are all the obtainable levels)

Tier1: (start off with 20 stats and gain four level ups each worth three stat points with a total of 12 additional points)

lvl1: 20

lvl2: 23

lvl3: 26

lvl4: 29

lvl5: 32

20 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=32


lvl1: 36

lvl2: 39

lvl3: 42

lvl4: 45

lvl5: 48

36 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=48


lvl1: 52

lvl2: 55

lvl3: 58

lvl4: 61

lvl5: 64

52 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=64

There aren't any class stat caps. Instead there's a point distribution reg in the works. Also note that enemies aren't limited to these three tiers, only player characters are. Also note that "Tier" in regards to level ups is merely a reference to a character's class level. Myrmidon(tier1), Sword Master(tier2), Trueblade, (tier3), etc.

Point System: (Credit doesn't go all to me for this one since I only implemented it and tweaked it to fit)

Points are used for purchasing stats and items in game. They’re accumulated in stat combat by defeating opponents. Unless circumstances are special, a unit gains 5 points per kill, 10 if the unit is at least five levels stronger, and 15 if the unit is at least ten levels stronger. When a unit has points, they can spend them on level ups or on items, but the points are normally all lost when a unit goes down in combat.

Note: No points are rewarded for hits or misses. Only KOs grant points.

The prices for each level are still being fiddled with. This is basically a replacement for the exp system and makes plot gold far less valuable since it can't purchase stat related items.


Items are like skills and can aid in combat by providing sometimes tide turning effects on combat. Items are usually one(or more depending on the item) use per battle (or one use period, then must be repurchased), but some can be reused after paying a certain some of points like pistols. There are different items available and more will appear as time goes on. There are different ranks for items that determines their price and also different types of items for different situations.

TIER1: Generally reserved for average items or limited use items. (Vuls, etc)

TIER2: Reserved for strong items with more tactical effectiveness. (weapons)

TIER3: Items in this tier are highly effective. (stronger weapons)

TIER4: Items in this tier are the best available. (equivalent of S-Rank weapons and special items)

The prices of items and the prices of level ups still need to be balanced.

Combat: (Largest section) (Basic combat is exactly like in LoAF(minus a couple of small changes) but I'll explain it in depth anyway since the people reading this thus far aren't in LoAF)

Player Phase:

In this phase player characters controlled by rpers launch their attacks or take other actions like applying items and healing.

To launch an attack, pick an opponent and roll a set of three dice. These dice are in order from left to right as follows.

1: Hit Die 2: Damage Die 3: Skill Die

All three dice are rolled together. The Hit die is added to the character's skill to determine whether or not an attack will hit. The Damage die is added to the character's attacking power or might(mt) to determine the damage dealt. The Skill die determines whether or not a critical hit is scored.

Auto-Hit: This happens when the hit die and the skill die numbers match. The attacker automatically lands the hit.

Critical Hit:

This happens when the damage die and the skill die roll the exact same number. The mt of the incoming attack is doubled after defense is applied.

Lethal Hit: (New addition)

This happens when all three dice roll the exact same number. The mt of the incoming attack is tripled after defense is applied.

Critical hits can miss, Lethal hits cannot(because auto-hits always activate with lethal hits).

When a character attacks another, the opponent can launch a counter attack if they survive using the same dice rolling method.

Enemy Phase:

The Enemy Phase happens after a predetermined number of battle posts are made. Once it starts, no more player character battle posts can be made until the enemy phase ends(regular plot posts don't apply). During the enemy phase, enemy units are free to attack the player characters using the dice rolling method. The Enemy Phase ends when the GM either chooses to end it, or when all possible enemies have attacked.

Player characters cannot launch counters during the Enemy Phase unless otherwise noted.

In combat players can combine into teams which can aid each other more effectively. Combat teams also get special bonuses for their supports. A combat team can contain no more than three units. Teams function by aiding each other directly in combat rather than always acting individually. Healers within combat teams can heal injured allies within the squad with no nerfs. Combat teams can also defend each other from attacks forcing an attack onto themselves rather than the weaker person. A character within a team can only do this once per player phase and must forgo their own attack to do so while also announcing that they are on guard for attacks, but they must either state that they are defending a particular person or defending the entire team and they can only block the first attack aimed at the team. Defenders can counter normally. Combat teams also share victory points meaning a kill scored by one member is given to all within the team.


Healers are not limited to assisting people in their groups, but healing outside their group causes a reduction in healing ability.

Specifically one unit killing a basic enemy will grant +5 points to each individual on the team.

Characters are not forced into teams but don't get any of the abilities that come with it if they don't (being guarded from attacks, being healed at full strength, etc)

In combat, there are generally two sides with a possible third side depending on the situation. Combat ends when conditions for victory or defeat are met. Common combat goals are to defeat all the enemies or rout the enemy commander while defeats generally occur if the entire party is KO’d or an important person is captured and a surrender is forced.

One on One: (Player vs Player or Duel)

In a PvP match battle two characters will face off in combat rounds. One attacks, then the other counters. A new round begins after that with the second character attacking first instead of the initial attacker. These rounds continue until one withdraws, one is defeated, or a draw is called.

In one on one fights, support bonuses and combat teams aren't available. Points aren't normally(though there might be exceptions) earned for duels/PvP/OoO.

Things not covered yet:

Types of Weapons

Creating Weapons (Forge)


Support Staggers

Support Teams and Team Bonuses

Support Affinities and Bonuses

Blessings of the Legends (LotE specific)

Edit: Put one or two updates in there but not much.

Edited by Phoenix
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I don't really see how this is any different than the other system. Is there something the matter with the older system that prompted you to make a new one?

Some key differences:

Exp system has been replaced by a point system

Lethal hits have been added

Evasion system has been tweaked: Specifically evasion is only determined by speed. Luck is still involved but acts separately for a few reasons.

The tiers have been expanded from two levels per tier, to five levels per tier

There are actual items this time around with effects and S-Ranks as well

Characters have more combat abilities by default


As for what was wrong with the old system? Simply not my preference and I wanted to see if I could make something better if not expounded.

I saw LotE, and then was promptly disappointed that it didn't mean what I first thought.

I had a feeling you or e_s would say that. Sorry.

LotE stands for Legends of the Emblem, not the forum -_-

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Legend = Epic Story

Legends = Stupid overpowered creatures of mass destruction which roam the world in his RP.

So in essence, they're complete opposites. Hence the "s" is Really important :/

I saw LotE, and then was promptly disappointed that it didn't mean what I first thought.

Not really no, it's just LoAFs system with a few tweaks here and there for conveniences sake, or to make things more complicated and laborious. Edited by Kanami
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Same. Stat-based RPs are going to have to really set themselves apart or take place on a coffee table while I'm surrounded by friends in the real world, or else they're not going to hold my attention.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same. Stat-based RPs are going to have to really set themselves apart or take place on a coffee table while I'm surrounded by friends in the real world, or else they're not going to hold my attention.

Cho Gath says this stat RP stuff is... I'm sorry, could you say it louder, mister Cho Gath?


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*waiting to see how "Fail" the "Stagger" ripoff is going to be*

*postpones things left and right*

Suspense is good for you.

Staggers are a bit situational though and I'll probably keep them excluded entirely or only used in very rare and very difficult situations.

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Closer to being removed honestly. There are plenty of elements to make up for it regardless.

Too many elements overcomplicate things.

Hmm? Does that mean you've finally noticed what I had been saying all along (see Purgs statement), and seeing the impracticability of adding so much rubbish? Or is there some other new component which isn't listed in the list?

Ah well, nice to see you're considering removing it either way. The Phoenix I was arguing with would have insisted on it being kept in some shape or form. Arguing "It "might" happen sometime in the RP and I want to have it planned out anyway, options are good! Even if they are shitty options I'll never use!" XD

That's two questions. "Yes" to the first and "Most likely before the end of this month at my current pace."(been testing some things myself obviously)

That's not to say it'll be started in a month does it? I mean I'd guess that LoAF will drag on for a few more months, so initial planning gets finished in a month?

Considering how it's the Christmas season.... I'm estimating it won't be finished by the end of this month though XD

Edited by Kanami
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Hmm? Does that mean you've finally noticed what I had been saying all along (see Purgs statement), and seeing the impracticability of adding so much rubbish? Or is there some other new component which isn't listed in the list?

Ah well, nice to see you're considering removing it either way. The Phoenix I was arguing with would have insisted on it being kept in some shape or form. Arguing "It "might" happen sometime in the RP and I want to have it planned out anyway, options are good! Even if they are shitty options I'll never use!" XD

You don't know the old Phoenix as well as you might think you do. As for my removing things(anything really), I do that a lot. If I find something useless, I get rid of it. When, where, and how are my business.

That's not to say it'll be started in a month does it? I mean I'd guess that LoAF will drag on for a few more months, so initial planning gets finished in a month?

Considering how it's the Christmas season.... I'm estimating it won't be finished by the end of this month though XD

Hint: "=/="

Keep thinking, it'll come to you.

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