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should i change my photos


should i change my photos  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. should i change my photos

    • yes
    • no

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Yes, to something entirely different, as well as your name and your grammar usage.

i have change my name 3 times so far so on july 3 at 10:00 i will change it if i get alot of yes votes

please no modding

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Oh yeah, I see the mod aboose now. Well anyway, I can't see your photos, but I voted yes since they seem to be really terrible (because IT'S OVER 9000!).

Say it with some pride


WHAT 9000

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Definition:Lyle abuse - The act of Lyle Dayek slapping around someone until they change whatever it is that needs to be changed.

*Slaps Soulja boy around.*

Oh, you already changed.......

*Slaps Soulja boy around some more.*

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It's just so un-original and unimaginative. It's fine when you take a theme of a ficticious character, but when you take an actual person it's like trying to steal their identity. And if you're gonna do that, at least make it someone cool. Rather than someone annoying as hell and then some.

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Okay, first of all, don't capitalize every word. Only capitalize the first word.

Capitalize I.

Use some punctuations.

Get a spell checker (get one for your brother too).

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Okay, first of all, don't capitalize every word. Only capitalize the first word.

Capitalize I.

Use some punctuations.

Get a spell checker (get one for your brother too).

Hey at least you can get what I'm saying 99% of the time.

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Mod abuse? I don't see any mod abuse. Only a realistic amount of yeses and an unrealistic amount of nos... HOLY CRAP!? WHAT MOD ADDED 3 NOS!? THAT'S OBVIOUS MOD ABUSE, NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD CHOOSE NO.

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