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Manga Volume 3 completion date:


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Greetings, my faithful followers. I've been really busy with schoolwork and all, so it's been a while.

I just need to proofread and unzip some files before uploading on Windows Live and animea.net . Tomorrow's the last school day of the week, but I have a Youth Symphony concert, so I probably won't get it out sooner.

I also have a big announcement, but I'll wait til Wednesday.

Until then, 再見 and best Thanksgiving wishes!

(P.S. First Encounters: Paola, Katua, Est, Minerva, Banutu. We start at the part where Marth has just freed Orleans from Durhuan rule and Marich's in the middle of a battle with two mages (most likely females).)

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I've been looking forward to a complete Volume 3, thanks a lot! Despite knowing the plot (I have played the game after all ^^), I couldn't bring myself to start Volume 4.

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